Purusha Suktam Lecture 13 on 17-August-2023

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Full Transcript (Not Corrected)

We have been enjoying the Purusha Suktham. Bhagawan wanted to start this creation. So He did it in two stages. First stage is called Purva Srishti. Second stage is called Uttara Srishti. What is the first stage? He had an idea. So He collected a team of workers. He created a team of workers who will carry on further creation of the world according to His own sankalpa, will. Who are they? They were Rishis, Sadhyas. Rishis represent the knowledge part of it. Devas represent the energy part of it, executive part of it. Sadhyas represent the assistance part of it. So what was the raw material? God Himself. And what was the instrument? God Himself. So the whole process of creation has been imagined as a huge yajna. Bhagawan Himself, as it were, was being cooked as we cook rice, wheat flour, etc. and prepare various things. So Bhagawan Himself. And there is a krama, there is an order. How it will come? So first thing is how to properly perform a yajna, that is, seasons were created. And then they also have created all sorts of birds, animals, villages, forests. By villages, we must also mean even cities, etc. But remember, in India, for a very long time, thousands of years, it was all agriculture-based civilization. As I mentioned many times, first there was nomadic, roaming civilization. Wherever food was available, people had to make way, finish the food available and move on to another place. In course of time, they mastered how to cultivate various types of plants, flowers, fruits, etc. Domesticated animals to be their helpers, like the cows, like the buffaloes, like the horses, elephants, camels. Everywhere human beings, they have used even dogs for the sake of protecting them. But in some places, these dogs themselves act, like huge, what is called, buffaloes or horses. These are called, in ice-bound countries, these are the things. They have devised also types of vehicles which can be pulled by the dogs in teams. And these dogs were acclimatized. They don't feel. They can even dig a hole and make themselves extremely comfortable. God has provided them, by the way, a tremendous power of heat-generating engine within themselves. Once they dig in a hole and curl themselves up, the heat that is produced from their own body will be like an air-conditioned room. And they are also used for transportation, for food, for many things. So this is how, slowly, the civilization had developed. And we are talking about that type of civilization. So the Lord wants to create the very crystal jewel of that creation is human being. That is why even biologists are forced to accept that human being is the peak of biological evolution. There would be no more evolution in the sense of changing the model of the body so that it can be a better body. Whatever comes now is an addition, including what we call AI-generated insulation, insertion, and combining, marrying these AI materials, chips, into human being, etc. But human being, human personality, human body itself will not change because human body alone can know, can seek, can renounce, can progress, can become one with Bhagawan. And many thousands have done it. We are also going to do it in the course of time. No choice is left out. Choice is, do we want to eat, to be at it now or later on. There is no choice in being spiritual. That is not an option. So this is how the Srishti is also going on. It created some animals. There is a beautiful analogy given by Shri Ramakrishna. A poor man once invited a king and the king really admired this poor man because he was very honest. He does what he is supposed to do and people are pleased when everybody does what they are supposed to do. Whether they are cooks, drivers, administrators, CEOs, kings, prime ministers, ministers. So this is how the king wants to please him. He says, definitely I will come to your house. But few days before, he sends his servants to repair the roads, just as when the voting election time comes around, all the contestants will be queuing. When roads will be better, electricity will be working for the convenience of those people. And once election is over, for the next five years, they won't look back at all. But here, this is a different situation. So the lord wants to create. So what does the king do? He will send all the road repairs, then he will send materials, he will send his servants, he will even send the chairs, etc. where he can sit, his ministers can sit, and he will send his own cook, his own cooking materials. Everything is done by the king. But the villager will have the satisfaction, oh, the king was very gracious and he came and accepted my hospitality, etc. So God also wants to do, for the sake of the human beings, everything has to be prepared. I gave the analogy of parents gathering everything so that they can look after the baby, after the birth of the baby, even for some time more, maybe a crib, maybe play things, even nowadays, even before the birth of the baby, they will book some seats in the schools, etc. In India, private schools have become so restricted only for very rich people, and you have to know that you are going to have a child, and then book a seat, reserve a seat, so many years before. One, I think, cannot go any further than this. So God has created, we have seen, Tasmad Yajna, it is a Vishwa Yajna, because the Purusha is Vishwamurthy. So everything has to come, infinite number of things have to come, infinite number of worlds, infinite amount of time, infinite number of, every living, non-living creature, all for what purpose? For the purpose of human being. That is why in Bible, people have not understood, many people have not understood, God had worked hard, created the whole world, and at last He created human beings, and He called human beings and said, I created Gods, I created animals, created the whole universe, only for your sake, for the enjoyment of man. The symbolism is missed. The symbolism is, human being alone is going to do Sadhana. So he has to go through, Tamoguna, Rajoguna, Satvaguna, then gradually he is discriminating, power will increase, and he will go through the stage of very less intelligence, to more intelligence, and the highest intelligence, popularly, misunderstandingly, called as Shudra, Vaishya, Kshatriya, and Brahmana. Anyway, this is what, the scheme of God, that very people understand, it is a case of evolution, of Tamoguna, from Tamoguna to Rajoguna. In the beginning, we all have to be Tamogunis only, not anybody else. Later on, we will become Rajogunis. Further evolution, in the state of consciousness. And then we go, still further, then we enter into Kshatriya stage. Further evolution, into Brahmana stage. As I mentioned earlier, Brahmana, not by birth, unfortunately, those questions, I will deal very shortly, but it is a question of, the personality of the person, the wisdom of the person, the very constitution of the person. This is also, Swami Vivekananda had explained, every child, had to go through all these stages, what his ancestors, meaning, himself, when he was in his previous births, that is called ancestor, when I say my ancestor, myself, thousands of years back, hundreds of years back, fifty years back, and now, that is how we have to calculate. So we become, more and more, achieving growth, wisdom, wisdom dictates our behavior, and that is how, slowly, we overcome the gunas, and that is how, we have to become gunatita. So, these first creation, they was, Rishis, they was, and Sadhyas, they joined together, and got up a huge Vishwa Yagna, called Sarvahutaha, and then, they imagined, now, before we go further, the whole thing is a mental Yagna, nothing to do physically, because creation has not yet started, only Purva Srishti started, raw material was God, intelligent material was also God, everything was God, and this God only manifested as Devas, as Rishis, as Sadhyas, and then, he himself thought, mentally, I would like to manifest in this form. So, his Sankalpa, because he is Satya Kamaha, Satya Sankalpaha, whatever he thinks, immediately it becomes present. The example of dream illustrates this. You think of a mountain, mountain will appear before you, and only when a Satya Kamaha imagines like that, things will come. Swami Vivekananda explained this to Calcutta Zoo, in charge of Ramji, he said, if you and me, if we imagine something, it is not going to work out, we have to work physically, but if Bhagavan Sankalpaha, it becomes a concrete object, though not very relevant, perhaps we can connect it. Once a devotee lost some money, and he went to Ganges and started praying to Sri Ramakrishna, and Sri Ramakrishna said, why are you weeping, there is your money, nearly 200 rupees or 300 rupees, and the devotee ran, lifted a stone, and his money was intact, because people like Sri Ramakrishna are Satya Sankalpas, the moment they say there is 200 rupees, it will come out, whatever they desire, it will come out, may you become an enlightened person, immediately you will become, may you become a dull person, immediately you will become a dull person, that is why we sing the beautiful Bengali song, some people, oh mother, elevate to the position of Brahma himself, some people, she will throw them down, or the same people, or even after elevating, she will throw them down, there are number of Puranic stories, where people have been elevated to the kingdom of Swarga, not only that, even the rulership of Swarga, but they could not digest it, they became egotistic, and as a result, they have been thrown down, even to become like a python, that was the story of Nausha, that is our Pandavas ancestor, so God can do anything, through Sankalpa, he is the first Srishti, the Rishis, the Sadhyas, the Devas, they belong to that category, so they started imagining, let there be seasons, immediately seasons came, and then later on, human beings will come, and then the whole thing becomes something external, concrete, and our body also will be able to contact this external world, through the 10 sense organs, 5 of knowledge, and 5 of action, and that is how we are creatures of combination of this Thula, Sukshma, and Karna, but for God, it is all exactly as if, everything is going on only in the mentally, and in fact, any act, any act of, any creation, a painting, a beautiful piece of music, it is all mental creation, we have to understand, God is the greatest artist, he can create anything, and he wanted to create, and his Sankalpa became Pratyaksha, the creation itself is his Sankalpa, so that is what, so what happened, first raw material had come, in the form of ghee mixed with curds, and then out of that, what is called, these 3 Brahma, imagined, let there be birds, let there be animals, let there be animals like deer and tiger, in every creature, there are Sattvika animals, Sattvika birds, Sattvika human beings, Sattvika plants, Sattvika trees, Sattvika everything, even stones, I hope you are able to follow me, Sattvika stones, a marble stone is absolutely a Sattvika stone, it will cool you, it will lull you, it will give you so much of happiness, but there are other stones, like granite etc, they will be shining like mirrors, if they are polished properly, and they can be made into beautiful decorative rooms, walls etc, but there are also ragged stones used for constructing the houses, temples etc, so take any created object, a species, and you will find Sattvika, Rajasika, Tamasika expressions. So, the first emergent was ghee mixed with curd, and then imagined it is like, as if you have a dough, you can make any shape, roti, chapati, puri, pakoda, anything you want to do it. So what happened, first of all all these animals, birds, we have to say etc, everything, then in the tenth rig, what are they telling, tasmat yajna sarva utahai, in that universal yajna, the knowledge has come, manuals have been created, all for the sake of the future creation of human beings. The Rig Veda, the Yajur Veda, Sama Veda, and how to sing them, how to chant them, for that purpose Chandamsi meters have been created. And later on, another powerful Rishi was there, Atharvana Rishi, and he discovered many things and in his name this Atharva Veda has come. So Veda means that which tells us what is the ultimate truth and what is the purpose of human life and how we should behave, that is called Veda, Shastra. And then some further animals were there. What animals? Tasmat ashva Ajayanta. First horses were created. Don't, let us not take it, first horses came, then other things came. That is to say, horses were, they thought of horses, horses became manifest. Then what type? So many animals. One, some of them were having only one row of teeth. Another were having double. Every human being has got two rows of teeth. But some animals have got what is called multiple rows. That means not at the same time, but even at the same time, if you observe the mouths of sharks, etc., there is several rows, you cannot say one row or two rows, they are full of rows. Another meaning is, the example I give is the elephant. Elephant goes on using first set of teeth. When they are completely worn out, then second set automatically comes. Human beings also, not only two rows, when we add children, they are called teeth, children's baby teeth. But after three or four years, they all one by one fall off and then permanent teeth will come, second set. And now I am inclined to add a third set also. This is what we are creating now. Artificial teeth and beautiful job dentists are doing so that these dentists are sent by Indra that don't go on practicing Vedanta. You better practice, live in this world for a long time. Let this play go on. But sometimes the dentists are also great teachers. They become really Vedantins. They help us to become true Vedantins by pulling out all our teeth. So, one rowed animal, teeth one rowed teeth animals, two rows of teeth those having some animals, many sets of teeth having ek ek echa ubhaya dataha dataha means danta danta means teeth gavo jagne re tasma then cattle have come so many other things also have come like deer etc. Pashus have come then tasma jata ajaha. Aja is a beautiful word, very funny word also. In the Bhagavad Gita, Atma is said ajaha means never born but ajaha also means goat so avayaha in Telugu we call it avulu avayaha that is all the cattle etc. everything but let us not think only this much that means etc. etc. etc. we have to understand now some questions are being posed well the whole creation has come, worlds have been created, everything has been created for what purpose? where are the human beings? now only manushya srishti, just as parents gather all the required materials before the birth of the baby so everything is ready now but the baby has to come out for that purpose somebody is questioning yadaduhu so these, as if somebody is questioning, so these people, they took out this purusha what did they do? purusham yadaduhu, yadaduhu means what? they have sacrificed, sacrifice means what? transformed purusha, like we transform a dove into various formats they transformed into living, non-living etc. so the question came, they did katidha akalpayan in how many ways had he been kalpayan, this is a beautiful word akalpayan, these rishis, these devatas devas, these sadhyas, in how many ways did they imagine remember, their very imagination, just like a artist's imagination musician's imagination, like that katidha, in how many ways, how many forms how many shapes akalpayan, did they imagine him, and actually the answer is that so many forms so many names so many purposes because there must be a prayojana but not only that srishti is not a one-off affair, it is still continuing, even today the srishti is going on we are able to create so many so many more things at all and that is we have to take into consideration mukham kim asya kau bahu ka uru ka pada uchyate so the purusha was imagined to be like a human being he has a face he has got shoulders or hands he has got thighs he has got feet roughly the human body is divided for the sake of imagination into four parts so mukham means face or mouth also so kim asya kau bahu this is an introduction to what is going to come when the devas the sadhyas and the rishis who represent the purva srishti that is the first creation of the lord prajapati after which he gave this in charge, now you continue this srishti then cut him, so what did these people do they required material as if like we require dough, so they took that purusha prajapati himself cut him up into several parts to be offered into sacrifice, so into how many parts did they divide him what was his mouth what were called his arms and what his thighs and feet that is how it has been said so when the purusha or brahman was sacrificed by the gods what were the forms in which he was made what did his face become what is said to be hands what are said to be thighs and feet when the devas the sadhyas and the rishis who represent all these people these questions will come so what does it mean it means this purusha supta is now proceeding to explain the creation of human being but how many human naturally comes as he created only one type of human being or several different types of human beings the categorical answer to it is we are going to get about it and there will be a lot of questions also questionable questions questionable answers etc. etc. will be there so now him is trying to proceed in that way so what are we talking about initially this dove called purusha now is being made into a human being as I mentioned human srishti creation of human being is the very cream of creation why do we call it because we are human beings because we have written the hymns because we are talking about srishti no because in all the vedas human life is extolled to the skies and because this is the only way this is the only manifestation of creation which can become aware of himself and then which can think about everything in this world which can make life absolutely marvelous which can enjoy which can suffer which can think which can create which wants to become life itself and that is what we need to understand from now on first I will deal with the question so what happened these devas rishis and sadhyas they have created all the necessary things for the continuation of the creation and then they started doing this creation what is it this is the 13th rik brahmano asya mukham asit bahu rajanya krta ha uru tad asya yad vaisya ha padbhyam shudro ajayata brahmanaha asya mukham asit so as if the brahman what we now call brahman jati then kshatriya jati then vaisya jati then shudra jati so brahmanaha mukham asit from the mouth of this purusha had become the brahmana and rajanya bahu the purushas hands powerful hands they have manifested themselves as the kshatriyas rajanya means kshatriyas and the purushas uru that is the thighs they had become as it were vaisyas and where from the shudra is born padbhyam shudro ajayata shudra as if is born from the padbhyam from the feet of the lord this is the krama that means four castes that is where the problem comes that is where the solution also comes first i will deal with it, his face became a brahman his means purushas face became a brahman, the hands became kshatriya, the thighs became a vaisya, the shudra emerged from his feet and a question comes oh we are all shudras, shudras means low caste people because what happened very unfortunately instead of recognizing that the whole thing is nothing not by birth it is a quality for that i will first quote bhagavad gita and then i will proceed to answer these questions regarding this so many people raised their is it not the brahmans who are brahmans by birth but not brahmans by guna, brahmans by guna they are called knowers of brahman jeevan muktas, supremely spiritual people we are not talking about them the jati brahmana they found advantage they wanted to suppress lord over other people and that is what they wanted to do and this is all because in the beginning the four castes were created by god in a totally different way with a different material but later on these brahmana, kshatriya, vaisya, shudra became what is called by birth and anybody who is born as a brahmana, as a kshatriya is ok vaisya, alright, acceptable but shudra is always to be servant Aryans called them dasas, if you hear some people's surname will be dasa arunadasa etc dasa means servant so the Aryans, historians tell us, they came down from the hills, they were superior in horses, dhanurvidya archery and they easily subdued the plain people people living in the plains, not only that, people who are plain in their living etc not sophisticated but very good, very honest etc, easily conquered them, enslaved them and then used them to do their what is called menial jobs this is what is going on, even today even though we may not use the word third class or fourth class whether it is a cook whether it is a cleaner the sweeper etc etc, unless because of the modern education, a person had studied and excelled in knowledge, they cannot easily become doctors etc that is why even the government recognized this defect and to give them a chance, they made them preservations because in normal competition it would be impossible for these people to come anywhere to be admitted in schools and colleges, universities in specialist institutions like IITs etc impossible, all this because of the system solidified himself in a most abominable way in the form of jati birth, but what does Bhagavan Krishna say? He gave the correct answer because this is related Bhagavan himself is only squeezing this particular purusha supta what did he say? chaturvanyam maya srishtam guna karma vibhagasah tasya kartaram apimam viddhi akartaram avyayam what is he telling? I think it is in the 13th chapter, I have created these four castes depend what is this? cause, cause is not birth birth is not mentioned chaturvanyam maya srishtam I divided people based upon what? guna karma vibhagasah gunas and karmas guna means what? only three gunas tamo guna, rajo guna and sattva guna and what is karma? even nowadays we can crystal clearly see, I can see and you can also see that those who are born in high brahmin families extremely intelligent what are they doing with their intelligence? they are becoming more and more self satisfying selfish people accumulating everything for themselves and I think they are very astikas, they believe in future births so they say in future births also, we don't want to suffer so we will gather as much money as possible and put it overseas in banks, so that when we are reborn, we are going to use that money and live safely, securely money gives security to some extent that is a truth also the more money a person has got you can choose better hospital, better doctor better hotel, better mode of transportation better everything better restaurant, everything it is true it is existing from the very beginning of the creation but that is not what God meant the person who is endowed with the most sattva guna of course three gunas cannot be completely separated and isolated they will be there but they will be more assisting than resisting so this sattva guna 90% vraja guna 8% tamo guna perhaps 2% don't take these figures figuratively, exactitude no, I am just giving an idea so more of sattva less of, assisted by rajas, assisted by a little bit of tamo guna all gunas are good so such a person is called brahmana he will be spiritual leading a simple life he will be self controlled he will be only a spiritual person he will be evolving further until finally one day he reaches that is the explanation by Bhagwan Krishna and there are people who are a little bit more endowed with more rajo guna but guided by sattva guna, they want to help people, to protect people, to see that everything goes on properly these are called law upholders law enforcers law givers also but law, mostly brahmins are the law givers but there must be somebody to uphold them and that is where the role of the kshatriyas will come but that they abused their privileges, that is a different issue, then there must be some people who have to move from place to place and then supply buy what things are not available here from somewhere and bring them here, what is available here but not available elsewhere, carry them forward and give it there, distribute them there and so that everybody will, these are called merchants Vaishya is called merchants somehow they have got very bad name but without them society will never run all the forecasts are exactly necessary for any activity to be complete so simple example I am giving you but don't take it to the extreme only as an example there are people, brilliant intellectuals they created the theory of how a truck can be or a bus can be, bus can be created and technicians they created they used that knowledge to create a bus but now the bus how to, how it can be run, what speed it has to run, how careful they should be all this is the work of the Kshatriyas, that is the law enforcers and then there will be people, spare parts are necessary, maintenance is necessary all those who help the maintenance of the bus as an example they can be called as merchants and there must be people the cleaners and changers of the tires etc and if necessary to put their shoulders and then move the bus forward until it catch the engine is caught properly etc these are called workers every society inevitably consists of all the forecasts then only harmoniously it works now the next question that comes is that can change be done, can workers become the producers of knowledge, can producers of knowledge become the workers etc you can imagine further no that's not possible God has given talent and each must hone, sharpen their talents and then move forward to do their job, that is why Bhagwan Krishna gives a marvelous shloka to everybody shudra, kshatriya, vaisya and then brahmana they don't need to evolve at all swakarmana tam abhyakshya siddhim vindati manavaha a worker you do your best this is in telugu we call uduta bhakti what you are, you are a sweeper, sweep beautifully with the idea I am sweeping only for the sake of God a beautiful illustration comes to my mind Swami Vishuddhanandaji once visited Dakshineshwar and he met an old gardener but he could see a gardener had become old, he had retired but early morning he would come, he would carefully clean the road, the way from Sri Ramakrishna's room to the Panchavati he was a little bit what is called suspicious about it, he imagined something he went and asked did you see Sri Ramakrishna and the man was not willing to open his mouth, reluctantly he said yes, I was working and Sri Ramakrishna was there and then did you, what was your experience and then after lot of coaxing the gardener, he said I used to work here and one night I could not get sleep so I could not simply lie on the bed I came out and I came to the Dakshineshwar because their own quarters were there nearby and then I saw a brilliant light was emanating from the Panchavati area I was shocked how come this light is coming from there so I slowly made my way and from a distance I could see Sri Ramakrishna was sitting there and his whole body was emitting a divine light which was illuminating the whole of the Panchavati and this from a distance and then he bowed down he made namaskaram, he was astonished he returned back next day Sri Ramakrishna met him and then looked at the face of this gardener his behavior, demeanor was totally different that day so he asked have you seen anything strange then this man had to confess yes, yesterday night this is what had happened that was all the grace of Sri Ramakrishna Sri Ramakrishna said look, from now onwards keep that pathway from my room to Panchavati, so many devotees will be walking that way and whenever they walk they will be thinking of me and whatever punyam they get, you will also get a part of it, your service will be keep the pathway clean from pebbles anything that hurts thorns, etc, etc and even after retirement the man so long as he was capable of doing he was not able to really he was completely bent he will sit down, slowly move forward cleaning everything and that is how Vishuddharan was narrating this now what are we talking about this is exactly the thing let Swakarmana let a maid servant if that is the only thing she can do in life because of whatever be the reasons but you think like this and you offer it to God and you will attain perfection means you will attain God, let a Vaishya attain God let him do business, let him earn money but let him also do what is called Vaishya Dharma Kshatriya Dharma Brahmana Dharma, Shudra Dharma Mahabharata Shanti Parva gives us beautiful explanations of these things, every type of Dharma one has to do wherever it is one explanation is progress slowly from birth to birth from tamas to rajas rajas to sattva and then Sri Ramakrishna used to tell all the three gunas are robbers even sattva guna is a robber but its merit is it will take us out of the forest, what is the forest samsara, this samsara we are all travellers in the samsara and in this forest of samsara or samsara forest the robbers, three robbers are there, always roaming to rob everything of the pilgrims what are they tamo guna, raja guna and sattva guna, that is if they are not used properly they will be robbers if they are used properly they will be our helpers, whether the gunas are helpers or robbers depends upon us so the well known story of Sri Ramakrishna, we all know I am not going to repeat it so this is one model the other model is if we are born but because of some sattva guna we are aware I want to go to God many thousands of devotees women, men women, wives especially Maharashtra there is a book called Mahabhakta Vijayam and that is a marvellous book, everybody should read that book, how even an illiterate woman becomes what is called sarvabhava sarvatmabhava I see God everywhere she completely surrenders her name is Sakubai and her husband was beating and then she was crying, pandarinaad, pandarinaad and all the blows were being experienced by Krishna the priest noticed it you have to read these books to get further details, I am only giving a hint, what does it mean when she attained the sarvatmabhava how? that whatever she is doing, it is not me it is Bhagawan doing this is called in Andhra Pradesh there is a wonderful place of pilgrimage called Shree Shailam sorry, not Shree Shailam Shree Kaala Hasti Shree, Kaala and Hasti, Hasti means elephant Kaala means a snake, Shree means a spider, these three were great devotees of God how these three worshipped God with their own talents and then attained Shiva that is the story, Shree Kaala Hasti, read, you can google now, google encyclopedia can give you most marvelous truths also it can also give you negative things but it can also it definitely helps us, depends upon what we are seeking so what are we talking about, when from the all sacrificing Purusha the human beings have come out when the Purusha Sukta in this 13th Rig is explaining to us, from the mouth of Purusha came the Brahmanas from the hands or shoulders have come the Kshatriyas Rajanyas from the Urus came Vaishyas we should know and then from the feet, the lowest it has come Shudras, I would if anybody question like that I would give a most marvelous answer, we all devotees, what is it that we are seeking, O Lord we don't want your face we don't want your hands we don't want your feet your other things, we want only your lotus feet Sri Charan, that is why after worshipping we drink with the greatest reverence is called Charanamruta what a marvelous thing for us to think about it so this is the explanation is caste useful absolutely useful it is a ladder for performing our duties it is also a ladder for climbing to higher higher states of consciousness second can caste be gotten rid of no, I have I lived in UK for 27 years, that is called west and England represents the west in a way of speaking and then is there class difference there there is a terrible class difference, it is called upper class, middle class lower class and then a fourth class the upper class people will never invite a bit lower to them to their homes at all and they are behaving like Brahmins only and not only that as our Prime Minister had mentioned that what is called privilege caste has become a matter of privilege and even low caste has become a matter of what we call getting advantage of the privilege both must go because that is creating a terrible disharmony in our national body, that should definitely go away and our Prime Minister had pointed out but whether he did it out of what is called taking, stinging the opposite party, that is a different issue but there is a great truth in it Swami Vivekananda said so long as four human beings exist, the caste system will never go away somebody will be the leader, somebody will be his assistant, somebody will be the person moving from the leader to other persons and somebody has to do what we call the physical labour, this is never ever going to disappear from the world but it doesn't mean we should become depressed about it so what is the explanation, so the Rick is telling the truth because Vedas do not tell anything but truth, Vedas do not create these divisions looking down upon so called lower caste etc never, so it has to be understood figuratively, how what is the mouth representing from the mouth brahmana came what does it represent the mouth is typical of learning and teaching so adhyayana and adhyapana, a brahmana is a repository he is supposed to learn and he is supposed to explain it to his students this is how guru parampara system must come down and then this is how the light of the knowledge can be spread that is why a brahmana is not only has to do adhyayana and adhyapana, he has to live and be a role model for the entire life as I explained earlier gurukula system is devised not merely for the spread of knowledge but for the to be an exemplar simple life, high simple living and high thinking that is what, what about the kshatriyas, the arms of prajapati represent physical strength you see our face doesn't represent physical strength, our hands represent especially human beings physical strength, even animals also so what does it mean kshatriya who is made up of this strength, of this shoulders, legs hands etc. typifies the strength of arm that should work for the peace and order in the realm, in the kingdom and protect the country from invasions see that everybody follows the rules and regulations and not only protect he is called the law enforcer and for that kshatriyas are necessary we cannot do without them and what are the thighs thighs are symbolical of travel what do we do with legs, we travel and what does travel mean is commerce and vaisya thus represents whether it is business or arts and trading and he moves from place to place and he makes it equal where there is excess of food etc here, what is necessary he will supply and equify it, that is the business of the vaisya what about shudra, legs what do these legs do, feet do they are supposed to do the physical work, that is why even, do you know what we say, blue collar workers nowadays, if everybody is only computer programs, who is going to do the rest of the work, so that is why these four means the feet are necessary, legs are necessary hands are necessary head is necessary an integrated personality a harmonious unification of these four, actually they also represent the four yogas etc then only there would be forward movement, what we call pragati or evolution physically, intellectually artistically aesthetically, morally and spiritually therefore, it is to say that, this is creating division among the society, is absolute bunk we have to understand what for we are doing this thing, that is important now with this, I will stop here, because the human beings are created, and human beings depending upon their quality, sattva, sampanna, prajoguna sampanna or tamoguna sampanna people are divided into four categories all the four are necessary for the harmonious development, happiness of the entire society probably there are a few more points, which I need to add, which we will do in our next class Om Jananim Sharadam Devim Ramakrishnam Jagat Gurum Padapadme Tayo Saritva Pranamam Muhur Moho Ho Ramakrishna Holy Mother and Swami Vivekananda bless us all with bhakti Jagat Gurum Padapadme