Purusha Suktam Lecture 01 on 25-May-2023

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The Narayana Suktam and Purusha Suktam are both parts of the Vedas, specifically the Rig Veda. The Suktams are collections of truths and powerful mantras discovered by the ancient Rishis. These mantras are chanted with sincerity, faith, regularity, and devotion to attain specific goals or blessings.

The essence of the Narayana Suktam is that Narayana is the ultimate reality, encompassing both the formless and manifested aspects of Brahman. It emphasizes that everything is Narayana and that the divisions between Jivatma (individual self) and Paramatma (universal self) are false. The Suktam is considered a commentary on the Purusha Suktam.

The Purusha Suktam describes the concept of sacrifice and the manifestation of the universe. It explains that the Purusha, the ultimate reality, sacrifices itself to become the creation. The Suktam also mentions the categorization of human beings into four divisions, symbolically representing the gradual evolution of consciousness. The Purusha Suktam is chanted before auspicious activities and is part of the Pancha Suktas, which also include Vishnu Suktam, Sri Suktam, and Narayana Suktam.

Both Suktams are considered Mahavakyas, meaning they contain the essential teachings of the Vedas. Mahavakyas are profound statements that lead to the realization of one's true nature. They affirm the unity of the individual self and the universal self. Other Mahavakyas include "Tat Tvam Asi" (Thou Art That) , "Aham Brahmasmi" (I am Brahman) , "Prajnanam Brahma" (Consciousness is Brahman) , and "Ayam Atma Brahma" (This Self is Brahman) .

Full Transcript (under reveiw Nirupama)

As I mentioned in my introduction to the Narayana Suktam , Su Uptam, the great truth. Su means well said. Uktam means that which has been said. Rishis had found out marvelous truths. Those truths are called Suktams. And they are also very powerful mantras. As an example I mentioned, somebody wants to acquire Medha, they should recite with great sincerity, faith, regularity and bhakti. Then they will get by mother's grace Medha. Even Gayatri Mantra is a Suktam because it is a mantra. Every Suktam is also a mantra. That is why everything in the Vedas, especially the first part, Samhitas, they are called mantras. A collection is called Samhita. A collection of great discoveries by the Rishis are called Samhita. That is the first part. How many Suktams are there? I mentioned literally hundreds of them. Some of them became very popular. I mentioned a few, just a few. Sri Suktam, Medha Suktam, Narayana Suktam, Purusha Suktam, Rathri Suktam, Nakshatra Suktam, Durga Suktam, Pavamana Suktam. Like that plenty of Suktams are there. And devotees believe that if chanted with devotion, faith and concentration, they will yield a result. And we just completed Narayana Suktam. What is the essence of Narayana Suktam? He is the Parabrahma. He is the Nirguna Brahma. He is also the Saguna Brahma. He is also the Brahma Srishti Kartha. He is the Creator. He is the Maintainer. He also is the Withdrawer or Recycler or Destroyer. That is the first level of understanding. Second level of understanding, He is not creating anything. He is becoming everything. As we become everything in our dream state, Bhagawan becomes everything. That is very clearly indicated in Narayana Suktam. And strangely many people consider Narayana Suktam as a beautiful commentary on Purusha Suktam. So the essence of Narayana Suktam is that He is everything. Sarvam Kalvidam Brahma. When we look at that Brahma, Brahman with the mind, purified mind, we see Him as the Creator, Maintainer. But when we merge in Him, we feel our identity with Him. That is the essential Mahavakya, Jivatma and Paramatma. Those two divisions are completely false divisions. Whatever is there, only one Atma. That is the essence of Mahavakya.