Patanjali Yoga Sutras Lecture 091

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Full Transcript(Not Corrected)

Yoge na chittasya pade na vacham Malam sharirasya cha vaidya kena Yo paakarottam pravaram muninam Patanjalim praanjalirana tosme We are discussing a very interesting topic The powers of Yoga When a Yogi practices with great sincerity Then he is going to attain to lots and lots of powers Super normal powers Though there are obstacles Why is Patanjali Rishi discussing these things Even though he himself says there are obstacles Sri Ram Krishna said, Sri Krishna said There is one quotation of Sri Krishna If any of my devotees possess even one of these powers Then he is not going to reach me Then why is Patanjali discussing For two reasons To confirm that yes Not only these powers are mentioned They are a fact of life Second, even though they are there It is not necessary that they are all the time bad They can be used to help devotees to progress in spiritual life But in general for people who are not pure enough Who are lacking that knowledge called viveka Power of discrimination Then they can stand as tremendous obstacles In this regard Vyasa Who was supposed to have written The most wonderful commentary on these Patanjali Yoga Sutras He mentions an ancient tale There is an ancient story Prevalent in this connection in the scriptures There was a great sage Who had acquired knowledge of ten cycles of creation And the sequence of births therein Through the realization of these samskaras Or subliminal impressions And have become enlightened Another sage has questioned him You have lived through ten cycles And because of enlightenment Your intellect has not been clouded You have experienced sorrows of hell and animal life And have repeatedly enjoyed pleasures As a deva, a celestial as well as a human being Of these, what have you enjoyed best? To this the first sage replied I have lived through ten cycles of creation I have experienced the sorrows of hell As well as of animal life I was also born again and again As a celestial being But I consider all that I have been through As absolute pain Then the second sage asked him Tell me how you count your mastery over your own mind And why do you consider it as pain? Then the first sage replied Pleasure of contentment has been ranked as superior To other enjoyments But it is nothing but pain Compared to the bliss of the state of liberation This characteristic of contentment of mind Is nothing but a composition of the three gunas And everything connected with the gunas Has been counted as that It has to be assiduously avoided, detached from So that we can progress in spiritual life Are there differentiations among realized souls? Yes I will not discuss the details in this class According to Vedanta We classify those realized souls into four categories Jeevan Mukta, Acharya, Ishwara Koti and Avatar An ordinary man who just realized God He becomes free An Acharya like St. Paul, St. Thomas Aquinas Like Shankaracharya, Ramanujacharya Who established special schools of Not established but propagated Special schools of philosophy They are not ordinary people They have far more power as well They are influencing people even today We are the example The monks of the Ramakrishna order Influenced by whom? By Shankaracharya even today And Sri Ramakrishna himself had confirmed it We all belong to Shankaracharya's followers We are Shankaracharya's followers Second category is Acharyas They have more power But there is a third category Ramakrishna used to call Nitya Siddhas Or Ishwara Kotis Those who accompany incarnations of God In order to help them Swami Vivekananda Swami Brahmananda And with Chaitanya Mahaprabhu Who had come Nityananda Mahaprabhu Along with Buddha Who came Ananda Along with Jesus Christ Who came St. Peter How do we know about this? Interesting, you may question Ok, your Vedanta divides these people How do you know about Jesus Christ? Because Sri Ramakrishna's statement is All incarnations are the same being Though he did not mention the others He who was born as Rama As Krishna In this age He is born in this body as Ramakrishna But he did not mention Buddha He didn't mention Jesus Christ And Chaitanya Mahaprabhu So many other incarnations So how do we know? Because among the disciples of Sri Ramakrishna There were two If you remember Swami Sharadananda And Swami Ramakrishnananda And Sri Ramakrishna had a vision That they were Among the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ We do not know exactly who they are But that's what it is Very interestingly Swami Sharadananda While returning from USA He stopped in Rome And went to visit St. Peter's Cathedral Where it was supposed that His body was buried underneath He had a wonderful experience He didn't mention What was that experience But we come to know That since Ramakrishna made such a statement He must have realized Probably, this is our guess His own identity in that place Like Ramakrishna said If you go to Puri or Gaya Then this body will not stay What is the third category? Those who accompany an Avatar And they have tremendous power What is the power? The difference is only in power They can give liberation to many more people But the highest category Belongs to the Avatar Purusha Avatar means incarnations of God Their influence is for a long long long time Over a large geographical area And on many many types of people Jesus Christ for example His influence was not on Hindus 2000 years back Why? Because for the simple reason His idealism had not gone beyond his area Only his disciples went Later on, now you see So many people voluntarily love One of them was the Guru of Sri Ramakrishna In a way of speaking Guru of Sri Ramakrishna He, Mr. Mishra He voluntarily loved Jesus Christ Not because of forced conversion Lot of people became Christians Because of forced conversion This is how Even though all are realized souls All become totally free All have exactly the same type of knowledge The difference is not in knowledge But in their power to help others That is how we make this division What is the point we are discussing here? That sometimes all these great people They use now and then These supernormal powers To remove the impediments Obstacles in the life of others Another important thing we have to keep in mind is Lest we may think All these powers are such supernormal powers Many people seem to have lost their faith But whenever these great people like incarnations come Most of these powers become What is called demonstrated Either by themselves or by their disciples To prove that they are not myths But they are reality With this background In our last class What did we discuss? Samskara, Sakshat, Karanat, Porvajati, Gnanam That was what we discussed The aphorism which says A yogi can focus Sanyama The word Sanyama is most important for us What is Sanyama? Dhyana, Dharana and Samadhi The last three steps in the yogic scheme of spiritual progress When they are combined together in different degrees That is called Sanyama To make it easier for us to understand What is Sanyama? To become one with a particular idea Become one with a particular idea in the mind There would be practically no distinction Between the yogi's mind and the thought or idea Upon which he is focusing This is called Sanyama For lack of proper English translation I am forced to use this word Sanyama It's a very peculiar word But to make it easier for us to understand I use absorption Absolute complete absorption If we keep it in mind It will probably serve the purpose Not really In our last class This was the aphorism We closed Samskara Sakshaat Karanat Each one of us You ask the question Who am I? Ask the question About anybody Who are you? Normal reply is I am so and so I am a man I am a woman Mr, Mrs, Ms, Ms Whatever But if you take from the higher point of view Every man is nothing but a bundle of his Samskara You understand what is Samskara? All the impressions That make up our personality Because of vast and varied experiences we had Not only in this life But in many many many past lives A condensation of all these Samskaras But a part of that condensed Samskara Manifesting in this particular age Is the particular personality in this age Each word You will have to listen carefully And understand it Keep it in mind Why did I say that? Because Last birth Might have had Totally different Samskaras Next birth You may have Totally different Samskaras A funny example Ram Krishna gives There was a prince Son of a king And he used to play with his friends And his favourite game was He used to make one of his friends You bend down I will take some cloths And beat them on your back This is what Washermen do in India They go to a river bed And then they take this wet cloth And there will be a rock They apply a little bit of soap And go on beating This prince liked that Somebody saw it And remarked Why is this prince behaving like this? Always he says Whenever he gets opportunity Come on let us play this washerman game He was a washerman In the previous birth This point is an illustration A man may be washerman In the previous birth At that time What would be his personality? Washerman's personality Some people In this life Some people you find always barking Could you imagine By focusing upon that quality What they would have been in the past life Some people behave like donkeys So What would they be? Does it require a yogic knowledge To infer What they were in the previous birth? But yogi is They have that special ability To focus Especially upon their own samskaras By that Purva jati jnanam Knowledge about their previous births would come Interestingly You might have heard about Edgar Cayce Have you heard about Edgar Cayce? He was a man Who could put himself into hypnosis And He could see The past lives of Many many long back Even 5000 years back 10,000 years back You were like this You did like this That's why you are suffering like this And this is the remedy I'll give you an example Because it's most wonderful He must have been a jnani So suppose somebody is suffering From a mental tension Terrible mental tension No psychologist Especially in those days About 100 years back Was able to help him So some of them May be lucky enough To hear his name They would go to that person And then immediately say You know 5000 years back You gave Lot of trouble To such and such a person That person had gone through The agony which you are experiencing now And as a result of doing that In this life You are experiencing this Could you see What is the problem here? 5000 years back That event happened The results of those actions Which were done 5000 years back Are fructifying When? In this life These are very common things Simple illustration Sri Ram Krishna He says he was Rama When was Rama born? How many thousands of years back? When was Krishna born? How many thousands of years back? I'm just giving as an example So what does that mean? That means they had Purva Jati Jnana Bhagavad Gita also He says you know Arjuna asks a question Sri Krishna says Exactly this question was posed to me By Manu 10,000 years back Arjuna's mouth fluttered a little bit He said what are you talking about? You are my Same age of mine And you are talking about As though you have taught this to Manu 10,000 years back And then Sri Krishna says You know Arjuna You have been born many times I also have been born many times I know how many times I have been born You do not know Anyway What is the importance of this aphorism is That by concentrating on the core of our personalities I am not talking about spiritual personality I am talking about our personality Which we call the body-mind complex It is nothing Let anybody say anything I am so and so I am a doctor I am a PhD Whatever But each person Man or woman But nothing But a bundle Concentrated bundle And a small portion of it manifesting In this particular birth Is the personality for this life If any yogi can focus on that He will know The whole of his past life will be Like forensic science Will be revealed to that particular yogi Now why is it so important? Two reasons Lord Ganesha himself gives two reasons One reason is A yogi is striving very hard to progress And perhaps he is not able to progress Then he thinks What is the obstruction? I can't see any obstruction Why am I not able to progress? If he focuses upon this Then he Oh I had been habituated to these actions in my past life And now they have become what we call Samskara Habits And I was not able to progress Because of this particular samskara Then he can take an action And what action he can take? He can slowly reduce the intensity Of those obstructive samskaras So that he can progress in spiritual life This is one reason that is given Same reason Extended But in a most wonderful way Is There are yogis Who progressed 99.99% The door is just there All that they need to do is Put their foot there But something is holding them back At that time By God's grace All the births they had gone through From the very beginning of this What we call samsara This cycle of transmigration Comes before their eyes Like a cinema reel And then Oh I have been a son I have been a servant I have been a father I have been a mother I have been a friend I have been an enemy Every imaginable role I had played in this world I was a saint I was also a sinner When a person was able to see All these past births What is the result? The result is He will have absolute detachment I am attached to my father To my mother Oh No, no, no Attachment Is caused by How many fathers I had How many mothers I had How many times I was the wife How many times I was a husband When that firm knowledge comes Certain knowledge comes That last bit of attachment Automatically dissolves As soon as that happens The man goes forward Becomes merged in his true nature Which is Supreme Brahman And he becomes free So these are the One, to understand What is the obstruction And go forward The other To get rid of The last bit of attachment That is how Purojati Jnanam will help How does it help? In a third way There are great people like Sri Ramakrishna Whenever devotees come to them Immediately he will see And then he will say Oh In your past births You were like this And this is the obstruction Because of which You are not able to Move forward And then he will Suggest the remedy And the disciple will Move forward That is what we discussed In our last class Now coming back This 19th euphorism Pratyayasya Parachitta Jnanam By making Sanyama On the signs In another's Knowledge of that mind Comes This is a very Interesting point here We would like to know If only I know Other person's mind What the other person Is thinking about Is it possible? Yes How is it possible? Make Sanyama Focus on Two facts External signs And On the Thoughts of the other person Both ways The knowledge of Or what the mind is thinking What the other person is thinking Let me explain Very briefly We are all Human beings All of us Look Totally different From each other Even twins Look totally From Different from each other There are certain signs Even though We are all human beings None of us are alive Physically I am talking Some are tall Some are short Some people's eyes are like that Some people's Formation of the body is like that Each one of us are different Now why is this difference? How did this difference come? Who created that difference? Who created? We created How did we create? By our Thought process That thought Which is most Dominant in our minds Most of the time That forms Our body I will give a simple example Suppose a person is always worried First of all How would his face look like? Suppose somebody is very angry All the time Annoyed and angry How does that person's face look? So Our eyes Our nose Our Mouth Our stomach Everything is different from everybody Such a wonderful thing Even to think about it Okay another example I will give you Supposing there is somebody Who is a glutton Who is a Glutton He likes to eat Any amount of food In the past life In this life What would be his body like? He will have tremendous amount of What you call Digestive power His stomach will be so huge That whatever he eats Is digested almost instantaneously So that He can go on Stuffing himself To the brim And you say Hey How did you get this body? How did he get? Even we can see There is an example given What is her name? In France Who is gallant The Mary Mary Antoinette Yes It is said When the Liberation people They have decided to Kill her Overnight Her jet black hair Overnight Turned into Pure white hair I don't know how far it is true But it serves as an example What it means is That How much of worry That lady must have gone through Took completely Next morning People went And they were surprised To see an old woman Sitting in the So you get The drift of What I am talking about Even today For a few days You Think positive thoughts Only Very positive thoughts Happy thoughts Helpful thoughts Cheerful thoughts Your whole face will Change You Think the opposite Then Your body also Will change Your Your blood pressure Your doctor will be able to tell you That the blood pressure has gone up Your Stress levels Had Gone up So many chemical Changes are taking place Just now An interesting thought Came to my mind And it is Related to this We are talking from the Yogi's point of What about from the Chemists point of Do you know What our bodies are Nothing but A conglomeration of Chemicals That is why Some Some people Another example That came is They look very Lazy Very Dull Procrastinators But if you Take The chemicals May be the What is it called Thyroid gland Hypo Thyroid And hyper Thyroid And that person is Affected by this The result of that gland But why did he Develop that particular gland Working in that particular way Has it just Accidentally come No If you believe in all these things In the past birth The fellow was lazy fellow And so next birth He automatically developed What did he develop Hypo Thyroid And the fellow was very Restless in the past What do you think He will develop in this birth Hyper Thyroid Stands to reason Our body Is mostly Controlled by glands The Secretions of the glands If we can Study Our own glands We get A glimpse of our Mental personality This is Another way of confirming What the Yogi Is already confirming Through Other means What is this Aphorism Says Pratyayasya Parachitta Jnanam How to know The contents of Other people minds And also Our own minds Mind you That's not what this Aphorism is saying Parachitta Jnanam To know What the other person is Thinking What the mind of the Other person is That is the Essence of this Aphorism But I am Extending it Do we know All that that goes on In our mind If We know All that Goes on In our own Minds The first profession That will Disappear You know what it is Psychiatry Psychology Because what is Psychology Knowledge of the Psyche Mind If we all have We know why Certain things are Happening Why And how we can Take remedy And we can do Very easily And If we are Spiritual aspirants If we are Meditating The first Progress In spiritual Life We know How do we know The contents Of our mind Become crystal Clear to us Nothing Just stays Hidden If any Spiritual aspirant Tells me That I am progressing In spiritual life But I am Very unconscious Of what my Unconscious mind Is doing Then I have to Laugh at that fellow And say You are not Making spiritual Progress You are regressing In spiritual life Because you are Under the delusion That you are Making a spiritual Progress That's why If any Yogi Takes Goes to a Psychiatrist What should be Labeled as A Yogi Not a spiritual Person at all These are the Secrets You have to learn From this What is it A Yogi Concentrates Upon the other Expert In this bodily Science You know Ramakrishna Tells If a man Is behaving Like this Breathing Like this Passing Urine Like this Then his mind Is worldly Mind He suggests And if a woman Is described Like this Then she is Also a worldly Woman How did he Come to know About it By just Focusing upon The other Expert In this Bodily Science The second Point Before we Go further Is this In one way Of speaking Our body Indicates The condition Of our Mind Because The body And mind What is the Difference What is the Relationship Subtle Subtlety Of the Physical body Is called People's Science Instantaneously He knows What samskaras What thought Processes Are going On In the Mind What is the Usefulness Of this You may ask What do we Gain from it If there are Any obstacles In a yogi's Life He can Understand it And if there Are obstacles In the Other person's Mind He can Understand The physiognomy Of a person And he Instantaneously He has a Distinct Clear Impression Of what that Person's Personality is What his Pravrutti We call The samskaras Of that person And how He could be Helped Or whether He need Could not Be even Helped Some people Come to meet Sri Ramakrishna And he Presents Buildings Because he Understands These are Worldly people I am not Able to Help them In this Life So it is Useless Waste of Time For both Themselves And myself Also Ok This is One Focus On the External Signs Manifest In the Body Mind The first Instance Focus Upon the External Signs Bodily Signs What is the Second Instance You Focus Upon The other Person's Mind How does One focus Upon the Other Person's Mind Body 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