Devi Suktam Lecture 07 on 30 November 2023

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Full Transcript (Not Corrected)

This is the most marvelous Shanti Patha and this summarizes the essence of this Devi Suktam and before I enter into the second mantra, we have to keep in background, same ideas, all the ideas that we get in these eight mantras of the Devi Suktam, we get in much more elaborate manner in the Durga Saptashati starting with yā devī sarva-bhūteṣu etc. vidyā, avidyā, brahman, everything because she is only manifesting as māyā in the form of three gunas. She is only manifesting as the living and the non-living but mithyā jagat athiṣṭhātā muktidā muktirūpini as I quoted earlier and the same idea is presented in the Bhagavad Gita 10th chapter called Vibhūti-yoga yad yad vibhūti-mat-sattvam śrīma-dūrjita-meva-vā tattva-deva-avagacchattvam mamate jo aṁśa-sambhava and then he says, concluding the 10th chapter that whatever you see in this universe is nothing but a small bit, an infinitesimal part of my manifestation. That idea that there is something transcendental atyatiṣṭhata-daśāṅgulam sahasra-sīruṣaḥ puruṣaḥ sahasrākṣaḥ sahasrapād sabhūmiṁ viśvato vṛttvā atyatiṣṭhata-daśāṅgulam and I would like to remind us an incident from the life of Sri Ramakrishna. In fact, one incident from the life of Holy Mother. If we can keep them in mind as a background then it would be far easy for us to understand why Sri Ramakrishna worshipped God as the feminine, as the Divine Mother. There was once Sri Ramakrishna entered into the Nahabhat kitchen. That was the kitchen, that was the sleeping room, that was the resting room, that was the cooking room, that was the storage house and those who have gone to Dakshineshwar and had seen that Nahabhat, actually Nahabhat means from where musicians used to play once upon a time what we call Shanai. So there is one towards the south. Nowadays they are using that one. So Holy Mother was accommodated here. He saw his own photo. Holy Mother was worshipping him as what? As Mother Kali. And then he also took some flowers and he also worshipped his own photo and made one of the most enigmatic statements at that time. This photo will be worshipped from every house. This will be worshipped. Now we have to understand that properly. You enter into a Christian's house, enter into a Muslim's house, do you get Sri Ramakrishna's photo? No, very rarely. Yes, there are some devotees but very rarely. What does it mean? If you see Christ's photo and if you see a saint's photo, what they call a Fakir in a Muslim's house or Buddha's photo in a Buddhist's house, they are worshipping nothing but only calling him by different names. Only Sri Ramakrishna's devotees should never confine him and say only this form is of Sri Ramakrishna. That is why every time we offer something to Sri Ramakrishna, by our mouth we utter the word Sarva Deva Devi Svarupaaya Sri Ramakrishnaaya Namaha. Though we utter, we hardly pause to understand the meaning. Then what about Holy Mother? She said two statements, very enigmatic statements. Once when somebody found her very busy dressing vegetables etc. and bestowing so much of love, apparently appearing as intensely attached to Radhu. Then even her own disciples got doubt. Then said, Mother, why are you behaving like this? She smiled very sweetly and she said, what can I do? My child, I am Maha Maya herself. But next moment she added, liberation is in my Muthu, means this fist, liberation upon whomsoever at whatever time, deserving or undeserving, I bestow upon that person. And that is why many times I tirelessly go on telling, Kashi is such a place where whether you believe, you abuse Shiva, then he is ready. Perhaps he feels peace of mind only when he gives you liberation, so that he can stop hearing his abuse. Anyway, what I am trying to tell you, first point Ramakrishna proved by his incarnation, it is far superior path to call upon God as one's own mother because it is the most natural feeling for all of us. Even when unconsciously if somebody strikes you, what is the first word that comes usually? Amma, Ma. Unconsciously also. God with feminine qualities. What are the qualities? Kshama, Sahanasakthi, forgiveness, and you do whatever you like to mother, but she will give everything. That is why I explained earlier you have to remember what is Kamakshi, what is Meenakshi. So there are three Akshis are there, Divine Mother. Kamakshi in Kanchipuram, Meenakshi in Madurai, Vishala Akshi, Vishala means none of her children will be outside her notice. All of them Vishala Akshi. She is watching and she will reward and even punishment is a reward only by the Divine Mother. And if we can keep these few ideas in our mind that it is the Saguna Brahma which does the what we call Srishti Stithi Laya. That is what in the Sarvamangala Stotram Srishti Stithi Vinashanam Shruti Bhute Sanatani Gunashraye Gunamayee Narayani Namostute That is what we have to remember. She with her three Gunas Satvaguna stands for Srishti Prajoguna stands for Stithi Palana what Vaishnavas call Nigraha, Anugraha, Samartha. So she can subdue, she can release, she can bind and what is the third one? Layakarthri. That is why Swami Vivekananda used to say the image of Mother Kali the perfect representation of the entire Vedic philosophy. This is called Shakti by Sri Ramakrishna. Instead of saying Saguna Brahma people are struggling and she can give anything. Sarvamangalam Angalye. Whatever she does is for good. Now terrible war is going on so many thousands of people are dying. Is it Sarvamangala? Absolutely. This is how many times it happened many times it is going to happen we don't know what worse things are going to happen in future. I manifest myself first of all as this universe I maintain this universe and ultimately when my children whom I would like to see laying around and when they get tired and only run towards me Mama, I want to come to you. I cannot carry on this. A mother herself goes forward, hugs the child, lifts me up consoles him, feeds him, puts him to sleep that process is called Laya. So this continuously Srishti, Stithi, Laya are going on. There is no doubt about it. But don't go on having romantic ideas that when our death comes so doctor will come he will administer first class anesthesia and then Ramakrishna, Ramakrishna Ramakrishna, then Rama, then Ra, Ra, Ra that means come, come, come and then you enter into that state. So ultimately it is a divine mother who will gather. This Ramakrishna had summarized in the form of a beautiful parable. A grandmother always wants to play with her children and this is called blind man's bluff and she will not allow any child to break the play. The whole universe is nothing but the Leela. This is called Leela. But we will never understand it as Leela until we cross the line and enter into that realm called Nitya. In this background we will enter into the second mantra. First mantra I am manifesting in the form of Rudra, Vasu, Indra, Mitra, Varuna, Agni, Ashwini, Kumaras, etc. Same idea is being continued here. What is that? The whole manifestation or creation has been divided beautifully into a triangle. Adhyatmika, Adhibhautika and Adhidaivika. Adhidaivika part has been explained beautifully. I am only presiding deity. Now, this lady called Ambruni, she is also called Vaak. So Devi Sukta or Vaak Sukta Vaak Ambruni, Ambruni Sukta means same. She became one man with Brahman and as Brahman I am the Nirguna Brahma, I am the Saguna Brahma. This is being expressed because whatever expression it cannot be about Nirguna Brahma. Nirguna Brahma cannot be described, cannot be defined but only Saguna Brahma. So that was what she is telling I manifest in the form of what we call Adhidaivika, the deities who makes possible for the subject and the object, for the Jeevatma come into contact through this body, through the five sense organs with what we call the Jagat and exchange. But there are three states, the waking, the dream and the deep sleep and that is what our Devi wants to express. She goes further so what do we do? We all fall under Adhyatmika. What do we do? As soon as we become aware, I am so and so, I am X, I am Y, I am Z and then what do we mean? I am the body, you are another body, the other person, I, you, she, it, they normal day to day English language, Telugu language, any language expresses this one which is called plurality. There are infinite number of so called desires. Really there are no infinite number of desires. Only one desire, I want to be myself and what is my nature? Sat, Chit and Ananda. So when I am expressing I don't want to die, Asatoma Sadgamaya. When I am saying I want to know that I am existing then Tamasoma Jyotir Gamaya and when I understand that life is useless if I am not blissful then Mrityorma Amrutam Gamaya. Amruta means indescribable infinite Ananda. This is the only desire. Not three desires. I want to be Sat, I want to be Chit, I want to be Ananda. Only one desire because Sat, Chit, Ananda is three aspects of Brahman. I want to be Brahman. I want to be the Nirguna Brahman because why do I want? Because that's my nature. Unconsciously I am seeking. I want to possess everything. Means I want to be everything. So first mantra, crystal clearly said this universe is my manifestation and I uphold this universe, Stithi. I am the Srishti Karta, I am the Stithi Karta, I am the Laya Karta. Oshranam, Bhagam and Ashwini Kumaras etc. Now what about each person? First a little bit of what you call still continuing that presiding deities. That is Adi Devika. Aham Somam Ahanasam Vibharmaham Tvastaram Udaposhanam Bhagam I think we were discussing this in our last class. Aham, I am Soma. Who is the Soma? He who destroys our enemies. Ahanasam means a destroyer of all negativity is called Soma. And who is that Soma? Vibharmaham, I uphold. That means I myself am Soma. I am manifesting in the form of Soma. Here Soma means Chandra Devata. There is a Yagna that is called Soma Yagna. And what is the special purpose of this Soma Yagna? Only if I think there are some enemies who are very inimical and not allowing me to progress either worldly wise or spiritual wise then I pray to the Divine Mother doing this Soma Yagna. And the Divine Mother manifests herself in the form of Soma Chandra Devata. Let us not think our Chandra is a very small planet and it doesn't have its own light. It only reflects the sunlight. So how can it help? No, we are not talking about Surya the planet, the star or Chandra the planet. We are talking about the presiding deity which is within everything in this universe in the form of Antaryami. That Antaryami aspect, I am the Antaryami. I am also Bahiryami. Just as a clay, if at all it has to tell, if someone asks it then what is the relationship between you and the pot? It says, what are you talking about? I am the pot. If you don't understand that, you have gone to pot. Pot, I am the pot. So where are you? The answer will be, where am I not? Like Prahlada, where is not Narayana? He is everywhere. But it took time for Hiranyakashipu to understand that because he was looking at things through the limitation of the mind which is called Ahamkara, time, space and causation. Anything that is looked at through the prism of time, space and causation cannot but be what we call limited. And the same unlimited is viewed through this time, space, causation limitations prism. That is why Swami Vivekananda preferred to call it a prism. What is this universe? The same Brahman looked at through the mind and the mind is nothing but time, space and causation and that is the prism. I am a Soma because Surya has a special function and then Soma has another special function. Nakshatras, that is why we say Tithis. Especially Ayurveda describes when an Ayurvedic physician should collect all the Oshadis, plants only at a particular time. That is indicated here also. Somam Ahanasam Vibharmaham Tvastaram Tvastaram means what? He who creates this entire universe Srishti Kartha Utha as well as Koshanam, the mother who gives birth to a baby. It is the same mother who was sustaining for such a long time nearly 9 months. Whether it is an animal or a bird or a human being it doesn't matter. So how much care the birds take? How much trouble they take? They die in the process just to feed their chicks. So much of attachment is there. There is no difference between a bird and a human being and an animal. It is absolutely I manifest in the form of Soma. And this word Soma is also related with Soma Rasa. And again symbolism is involved here. What is the symbolism here? People in Tantric what is called rites they keep a bit of wine and wine intoxicates them makes them forget all troubles. In right quantities it can even what we call focus the mind helps in Ekagratha one-pointedness. Yes, it has that effect. But if you take one spoonful more then you see many forms of God. Somebody may come even to swallow you up. So this Soma Rasa we don't know at this time what is this Soma Latha but I am manifesting. So what is the inner meaning? This Soma Rasa or wine When a devotee utters the name Jai Kali, he gets so much of joy intoxicating. The Ram Krishna the greatest example the moment he hears Divine Mother's name he immediately enters into ecstatic state and he starts reeling like a drunkard. Many drunkards they look longingly at Sri Ram Krishna what I wear from is he getting the supply. If he can tell us the address we will also want because we are far better but he is not in a state to cognize us. This is Soma Rasa. What is it? Whenever we contemplate the Divine whenever we do Nama Amruta. So Nama Amruta is very important. When a person becomes pure takes the name of God he derives a peculiar Ananda Rasa that is called Nama Amruta. A great saint called Sadashiva Brahmendra Pibare Rama Rasa Rasane Pibare Rama Rasa He goes into ecstatic states describing what this Rasa will do. The whole Samsara with its root is uprooted and destroyed. Once a person gets this Rama Rasa beautiful even for the sake a person must not merely hear it from a melodious throat but contemplate that is the most important thing and hearing the musical with rhythm with proper intonation with proper what is called timing Thala that is purely a Vishayananda. But when a person goes into ecstatic state and understands the real meaning that is called Bhajanananda. It is only next to Brahmananda not what we think oh we forgot ourselves that is only Sangeetananda not Bhajanananda that by which our entire character is transformed that is called Bhajanananda and we hear enjoy it as we enjoy a sweet or a good fragrant flower etc and then we remain as we are that is not called Bhajanananda or Shrotrananda or what is called Granananda etc. We have to understand this distinction. I give those who are devoted those who do especially worship, Yagna, Yaga etc. I encourage them I inspire them I protect them like Rama protected Vishwamitra's Yagna destroyed all the enemies and he was called Vishwamitra it is a very anomalous word the word if you split in the proper way it comes Vishwamitra he is enemy of the world but then it is a Chandasa Chandasa means Vedic usage it means Vishwamitra he who wishes the welfare of the entire universe such a person alone can be the Guru of Bhagawan an Avatar Purusha not an ordinary person so I manifest myself as Somarasa I manifest myself as Soma and if somebody is troubled by enemies let them do Somayaga and as a as a result I only give him, protect him from all enemies if possible I will make him overcome if not possible I will destroy all those enemies like the Divine Mother did by fighting with Madhu and Kaitava Mahishasra, Shumbha Nishumbha Raktabija, Chandamunda etc etc Vibharmiham if I am the creator Tvastaram I am the creator then whose responsibility it is to sustain, to nourish that is why Poshanam means one who sustains this is the second phase Stithi first is Srishti, second is Stithi ok person is completely free he doesn't have any fear so what should be done? Bhagam I have many many every child has got many many desires and then Bhaga means what? auspiciousness, Bhaga means the capacity to fulfill the desires of all my children but to deserve my grace they must worship me they must not do certain things which is called Nishedha they must follow strictly what is called Vidhi, that is Satyam Vada Dharmamchara Swadhyayan Ma Pramadaha Matru Pitru Karya Abhyam Na Pramadhi Taviyam Matru Devo Bhava Pitru Devo Bhava, Acharya Devo Bhava Atithi Devo Bhava Shraddhaya Deyam Ashraddhaya A Deyam Sriya Deyam Bhiya Deyam, Samvidha Deyam so you earn money and never neglect earning wealth because earning wealth is not a problem, problem is holding it and not giving it to anybody, that is the problem here is the person who is telling, the Divine Mother is telling, Bhagam I am there to fulfill everybody's desire, so if somebody some child is misbehaving I will punish, that punishment is correction because Mother can never have a negative feeling towards her own children, that is why Suras and Asuras both are the children, Diti's Diti's children are called Daityas, Aditi's children are called Adityas they are all what we call Daiva, Asura and Divine Mother has to look upon both of them not only that, if I go deep into it, you will be astonished many times these Daivas, they are defeated how come they are defeated? because they forget Vidhi Nishayda and they behave like Asuras and Asuras behave like Daivas and then they come and they occupy and they start enjoyment, they start drinking, dancing and then they will be exactly like that meanwhile, the Daivas will go and do Tapasya and then they praise the Divine Mother and whenever we remember you come and help us, not simply sit there in an air conditioned room Durga, Durga is not going to help, she is not going to come first of all, you should be in real distress, secondly you should have absolute faith only Divine Mother can save me, not anybody else thirdly, you must surrender yourself, your whole life should be transformed definitely she will come running so that is what they said that when a person is completely merged in thinking only about God Yogakshamam Vahamyaham I look after them like a mother who is looking after an unconscious baby this is the most marvelous meanings are there Poshana means Poshanakarta sustenance in any form not only food it can be Arogyam that's why I said Ashwini Kumaras earlier and the person wants to do a lot of Yajnas and Yagas for the welfare of the whole world, I will provide him all the materials necessary, even including money etc. I remember the Mahabharata story at the end of the Kurukshetra war to get rid of all the impurities that were acquired by the Panchapandavas Yudhishthira decided to do Rajasuya Yagna which will which involves tremendous amount of wealth then Yasa comes and tells that many many centuries back there was such and such a king who was your own ancestor and he accumulated lot of money and he spent a lot of money and the rest before he could spend he died and nobody knows I know that one, I am telling you you go there and get all the money and so his ancestors money the Pandavas went and collected and then they continued Maha Yagna Rajasuya Yagna everybody was very satisfied excepting one small mongoose which came there and rolled here and there upon the Uchishta left by the guests after wedding. Why was it left? Why did not servants come and clean it? Because these fellows were not getting up from their seats, they have eaten so much, even they require a crane to lift them up Yudhishthira said come, go and enjoy it again and again the volunteers will come you want more payasam, more rasagullas more sweets, more this, more that and these people out of greed have eaten more so this mongoose came, rolled half of its body was shining like a gold, burnished gold the other half however much it rolled, nothing happened then it started speaking in human language, the most marvelous tale in the Mahabharata that this sacrifice is of no value at all then she narrates which I think I am not going to narrate it right now, I want to complete this one, but I want to say what did the mongoose narrate about the superiority of a poor Brahmana's sacrifice their very life was sacrificed so what is the Divine Mother saying, I manifest as Soma, I manifest as Somarasma and then I destroy all the enemies of your life and especially when they want to do lot of obstruction to your worship of God etc and I am the creator, I will create individually whatever you deserve in the form of Prarabdha Karma Utaposhanam Bhagam and I sustain everybody even a small insect Purandara Dasa goes into ecstasy and then there is in Kannada language, a big stone is called Kallu it is a stone and deep inside big stone and it is so heavy, so hard and inside that there is one small hole and inside that a whole community of insects were there and what is the purpose it says, even you Lord, you are supplying food for those insects which have no other way but to sustain in their own environment and that is what most scientists are finding out, in deep freezing places, life is very much alive of course in the form of bacteria and very small creatures etc and there are also turf wars, there is also romantic pain, a young bacteria is dreaming of a dream bacteria, female bacteria and what we are doing in this world, it is being done there by them absolutely no difference at all, who is sustaining them it is only the and whatever other desires a person has, provided the person deserves it by following the scriptural rules and regulations Bhagam, I only grant them that is being said here Bhagam is the description what is a person decides, I want to do or in modern times a puja and it involves a lot of money so if you are doing private worship, it doesn't matter, but if you want to do a public worship lakhs and lakhs of rupees are necessary the Divine Mother will provide everything, provided that this person is virtuous and he deserves that, definitely the Divine Mother will give I only grant such a person a person who wants to do, become he means ghee means in the olden times they used to lit a fire and then pour ghee, etc and a person who does that, he is called a and one who wants to perform such a aham, dravinam what is dravinam everything that is needed for the successful performance of that what does everything mean money doesn't fulfill everything it is impossible, so what is it that really speaking the Divine Mother is telling perhaps good dry fire sticks are necessary, perhaps a good priest pujaris are necessary they are called rithviks especially from the four Vedas they are necessary from the what is called the third part of the Veda so they have to sing and singers also, that is why you notice whenever we do some puja, etc this singers are there to entertain ordinary persons, to give talks and to see that their time is passed, that tradition is coming from the earlier times itself whatever is necessary for the successful completion of worship of myself I only grant them I grant them the desire I provide all the materials and I see that everything runs without any obstacle and then what does the Divine Mother mean that I also grant him the results of what he wants, why he was performing, for example Dasaratha performed Putra Kameshti and there is modern advertisement goes buy one get two and Dasaratha wanted only perhaps I don't know anyway he got four instead of one or two he got four, anyway fortunately they were all together unlike this David's religions Muslims and Christians fighting each other who is Deva and who is Asura, you have to ask them, don't ask me I myself will inspire them give them the opportunity see that they perform, see that they get the results this is the meaning of Aham Havishmate Dravinam Dadhami I uphold that Yagna that is why it is said Yagna by Vishnu Yagna is nothing but another form of Vishnu only Supravya Yajamanaya Sunvate, Yajamana often in the olden days you know what happens, Yajamana is different he provides the money, materials he is a powerful person he may be a king, he may be a very rich person but he employs all the ritwiks from the four Vedas Rigveda, Yajurveda Samaveda and of course the fourth Veda is there, Atharvana Veda which was actually added much later on so those who are from the Samaveda is supposed to be singing priest certain mantras from the Rigveda are taken out and tuned this is nowadays that is what we call Gregorian music and if you hear any Muslim priest, Mullah every five times a day that resembles a little bit of this Gregorian music Supravya Yajamanaya What is Supravya? A person who is the Yajamana he must be Supravya that means what? He must be a pure person and he must have complete faith Shraddha, Bhakti and he must not shrink from providing everything that is needed has to be provided for and then for such a Supravya is well deserved that is he is very mindful that means his final goal is to go to the Divine Mother and he does everything what we call without the least bit of deviation as directed by the scriptural injunctions and he face very specifically mentioned first class what you call Dakshina to everybody and Sunvate to the offer both Sunvate, Supravya Yajamana that is the Yajamana who organizes it taking, spending so much of money but the priests are called Sunvate to the offerer of Soma sacrifice that is to say a person, a Hrithvik who actually offers and then he says at the end very interesting word is used whenever these people do Yajnas and nowadays it is called Homa for example there will be two pots one big pot full of ghee another pot is empty, not a big pot but it is a, what is called a small cup, it takes a long stick because blazing fire he takes full of this ghee, offers it in the middle of the fire and then there will be a few drops left out and that he has to empty in the empty cup saying Na Mama this Fala, this result of this Yajna or Puja should not belong to me lest you might mistake it should go to the Yajamana and Yajamana, what about you? Yajamana will give me all the Dakshina to complete satisfaction, he is not a stingy person, he will give everything so this is what Devi is telling a Yajamana who is endowed with Shraddha Bhakti, Ekagrata and a Hrithvik who is offering on his behalf for both of them, they will she will grant appropriate whatever they want they will do it, but we should never mistake that a Hrithvik also doesn't want to do, he has got his own private thing that is why we see every Brahmana early in the morning, Sandhya Vandana etc, suppose he is supposed to do three times a day for that person he also does it and that he will get his own result but here he is acting on behalf of a Yajamana everybody will get what about the audience those who are with Bhakti with folded hands, they are observing it with great, even though they may not understand the symbolism significance, but they will get first class Bhajan first class Bhojan and that is why I like to call Hindu Pujas B and B, capital B what is B and B first Bhajan then Bhojan and any Puja which lacks these three that is the worst Puja the devotees themselves, second time they will not come this is what she is telling that I uphold this Yagna Yaga I inspire people to perform the Yagnas and I also grant them the right result provided they do everything in the proper way and I am the one who does from the very beginning to the end equivalent of this philosophy is the desire to attain Brahman strong intense yearning only by the grace of the Divine Ishwara, here Divine Mother that is what we have to understand I uphold and cherish this Oma the exuberant plant which yields very blissful juice and the symbolism is whenever we do good Puja tremendous amount of bliss automatically flows into the heart this is called Sahasrara Amruta the Amruta that just is flowing from the Sahasrara Chakra I am the supporter of Somalatha supporter of the Somarasa I am the supporter or manifester of the Soma I am the destroyer of anybody who acknowledges and prays for my support I am the supporter I am the Divine Sculptor or what is called Pashta and then I am also Bhaga, I grant all the desires of my children and I am the giver of the fruits of the sacrifices I inspire people to do sacrifices and I encourage them by granting wealth etc. but they have to fulfill the condition that they must be filled with Shraddha, Bhakti, etc. so this is the beautiful meaning we have to understand now we move towards the next mantra then what about this world, so the Divine Mother said I manifest as the entire universe then she specified how she is manifesting as the residing deities then she also said how she only encourages people to perform Yajnas, Yagas by granting them and once a person understands the Divine Mother is the grantor of everything the desire, the devotion grows by leaps and bounds and then he performs more and more because he is getting the result and how does he know he is getting the result, because it is written in the scriptures you do this in this way and you must get this result, pure scientific formula, so H2 plus O definitely it must become water only and by getting the results and I told you these results are there but I have to illustrate it so that's why Devi is called Vidhata, bestower of the results of one's own Prarabdha Karma, there was a devotee of Sri Ramakrishna his name was Upendra Nath Mukhopadhyay and he started visiting Sri Ramakrishna frequently but he was not visiting merely as a devotee he was a poor man, he wanted to become rich, he had immense faith in Sri Ramakrishna if Sri Ramakrishna just glances at him with compassion he will get whatever he wants so Sri Ramakrishna knows everything and smilingly he welcomed him and then one day he asked him what brings you here everyday you are coming and this man he knows Sri Ramakrishna is the Antaryami, he knows I cannot tell him, I cannot hide anything from him, he said I want to become rich and then Sri Ramakrishna granted and then he said bring Jalebi I will eat up your poverty what is called Dharidhrata just as by the dried flattened rice of Sudama or Kuchela in Telugu language Krishna had one handful and Janmantra Dharidhrata of Kuchela and his entire family has been removed with one stroke by the grace the same thing repeated here even Yudhishthira never wanted to become the emperor of Sri Lanka after the destruction of Ravanasura but Rama told him I know you are full of devotion, Vairagya, dispassion but people will ask ordinary people you had so much of devotion to Sri Rama after all what did you get and then I will make you a king, everybody knows that you will become and this is what in the Lalita Sahasranama Bhagyaabdhi Chandrikaya Namaha and then another word is there Samrajya Dayi Nyaya so if you want don't really take my words they are absolutely true but don't ask for Samrajya because if you don't have the capacity to rule then 24 hours you will be suffering only from worries suspicion, finally you will suspect your wife, your children your advisors, your everybody finally you start suspecting yourself also and you will go mad you must have the capacity so this Upendana Mukhopadhyaya was asked and he had complete Shraddha and I think next day or next day he brought, he must have brought first class because I know what happened he brought Sri Ram Krishna offered to Divine Mother Ma, fulfill this boy's this child's desires just now what I was telling Vasuna, I will give all sorts of wealth to whoever takes refuge in me I am Kamakshi I am Inakshi, I am Vishalakshi from that day onwards the fate of Upendana Mukhopadhyaya completely changed then few days it did not happen overnight as Bhagavatam describes in the case of Kuchela or Sudama it took time he had a small shop and then he was giving profit then he bought one, what is called manual printing press and published many many wonderful books especially the teachings of Sri Ram Krishna etc etc and at very cheap price what is the point point is he understood Sri Ram Krishna has given me so much of wealth and that wealth must be used only in the service of Sri Ram Krishna just like Sudama had done this day by day Lakshmi had come and he became ultimately millionaire and he became he bought many printing presses and one of the things he did in case you do not know Vishwachandra Vidyasagar had written a book how to learn English through Bengali language and he came to know about it, he ran and said sir give me this opportunity I would like to publish it and somehow Vidyasagar had given it to him and that became what we call nowadays best seller and he accumulated lot of money then he also founded some newspapers I think, I don't know exactly monthly Basumathi or something like that then weekly Basumathi then Dainik Basumathi perhaps they are still running then I think it may be Amrut Bazaar Patrika in 1966 I was on my way to Bellarmat and then I came here I did not know two things that Swami, revered Swami Primesanandaji was still alive in Banaras waiting for Shiva's grace and then the wife of this Upendranath Mukhopadhyaya she was also there I did not know but fortunately Thakur had made arrangements the Brahmachari with whom I was to travel to Bellarmat he took me first to this Indradayal Bhattacharya he threw him at least 60 to 70 men and women around the world and joined the Ramakrishna Order and he used to encourage people with his advice etc so I had a good fortune of course he was in his last stages Maa, Maa that was the only word that was coming and of course there was no talk about it, he looked at me I also looked at him I made pranams and came here 50 years later he is a Sevak now present Vice President Swami Suhithanandaji he came to UK and he told me you know what Maharaj remarked after seeing you he will be a very good sadhu he said for 50 years earlier why did you not tell me after 50 years only you are informing me I have been deprived of this tremendous self satisfaction for the last 50 years thank God at least towards the end you have confessed that one this Brahmachari took me to this what is called Upendranand Mukhopadhyay's wife and she was talking she could only speak Bengali and of course I could not speak Bengali but what does it matter her blessings she told some reminiscences in Bengali and this person's Bengali was what is called English was worse than my Bengali what he translated God alone knows anyway she gave some prasada which was very nice of her and that was crystal clearly I remember a Saumya Murthy of this lady and she had a very horrible name but Sairam Krishna initiated her changed her name into Bhavatarini my revered Gurudev Saumya Tejranandaji who knew this incident specially invited her to Bangalore took her there made her speak in Bengali which was translated into English language which was transliterated and published in the Vedanta and the West Bhavatarini's reminiscences of Sairam Krishna and Holy Mother that's available so I was blessed even to have the blessings of these great two great souls now it is coming that not only the Adhyatmika not only Adhidevika but Adhibhautika is also a manifestation of the Divine Mother only that is going to be expounded in the third mantra What does it mean? I am the ruling queen I am the authority I am the Jagadhatri I am the ambassador of treasure I am full of wisdom I am first of those who are worthy of worship through Igna It is me the Devas have installed in many places in many forms, in many directions with many homes for me to enter and receive my children's adoration. We will talk about it in our next class Om Jananem Sharadam Devem Ramakrishnam Jagat Kurum Pada Padme Dayo Saritvaha Pranamami Mohur Moho May Ramakrishna, Holy Mother and Swami Vekananda bless us all with Bhakti. Be Ramakrishna