Chandogya Upanishad Lecture 73 on 01 February 2025
Full Transcript(Not Corrected)
OM JANANIM SHARADAM DEVIM RAMAKRISHNAM JAGADGURUM PADAPADMETAYOH SRIDHVA PRANAMAMI MUHURMUHU OM APYAYANTUM AMANGANIVAKPRANASYAKSHUH SHROTRAMADHU BALAMINDRIYANICHA SARVANI SARVAM BRAHMAHU PANISHADAM MAHAM BRAHMANIRAKURIYAM MAMA BRAHMANIRAKARO ANIRAKARANAM ASTVANIRAKARANAM ME ASTU TADATMANI NIRATE YAUPANISHADSU DHARMAH TE MAI SANTU TE MAI SANTU OM SHANTI SHANTI SHANTI HA RE HE OM May my limbs, speech, vital force, eyes, ears, as also strength, and all the organs become well developed. Everything is the Brahman revealed in the Upanishads. May I not deny Brahman. May not Brahman deny me. Let there be no spurning of me by Brahman. Let there be no rejection of Brahman by me. May all the virtues that are spoken of in the Upanishads repose in me. I am engaged in the pursuit of the Self. May they repose in me. OM PEACE PEACE PEACE BE UNTO ALL We are studying the seventh chapter of the Chandogya Upanishad called Bhumananda. In our last class, we were studying the 18th section called Manana which alone can lead to Brahman. And what does Manana lead? Before we can think about it, we will have to also cultivate another great quality called Shraddha. So only when there is Shraddha, then we will be able to really think about it. So thinking deeply called Manana or Mati depends upon Shraddha. This was the topic we were discussing in our last class. So Yadavai Shraddha Daate Atha Manute. So when a person has tremendous Shraddha, then only he can cogitate, think deeply, reflect upon, find out any ferret out, any type of doubts that are lingering in the depths of the mind and then only he will be able to find out the truths. Sadly, we can all know when we open our eyes, then we see a spouse, a partner, either husband or wife, somehow they get some doubts and they have lost faith. And then once that doubt comes, they do not give a chance to it whether it is really founded on truth or just it is their imagination. Somebody is not talking with me as you used to talk in the past, etc., etc. And with each passing moment, this doubt grows and then it can create a hell. Even if it is proved to be untrue, once a person develops that habit of doubting, then his life becomes very miserable. He will not trust anybody. That's why Shri Ramakrishna said that the characteristic of a great man is trustworthiness. Shri Ramakrishna never doubted any words of Swami, a future Swami Vivekananda. But then something peculiar happened. So one day there was a rain and there is a belief in our Hindu system, there is a special bird called chataka and it drinks only rain water. It doesn't drink any water on the ground, pools, tanks, etc., rivers, etc. But Narendra contradicted, no, no, sir, I see a bird. Shri Ramakrishna said, no, I don't believe it. No, you don't want to believe it, but I will prove it to you. So come outside and he showed a bird. Shri Ramakrishna laughed out, that is not chataka bird. Now what is this? This is called inverse logic. What is it? Whatever drinks rain water, that is chataka bird and whatever is seen to be drinking any other water is not chataka bird at all. So Swamiji had to learn a lot from Shri Ramakrishna. One day Swamiji criticized about blind faith. Something is a blind faith. Shri Ramakrishna, unlettered, though extraordinarily intelligent, after all he is nothing but Mother Kali speaking. So he called Narayan. So according to you there are two faiths. One is called blind faith, another is called seeing faith and Narendra had to bend down his head in shame because by definition faith means about which I do not know, but I come to know about something either through the Guru or scripture or a trustworthy person like Mother says. There is a dangerous man in the other room. Never, never, ever enter. He will gobble you up, buchi, buchi man or she tells to the child, there is this person is your uncle. Maybe that person is a low caste person, maybe there is no relationship, but a good person. The child takes his mother's words for granted as absolute truth. We will give some more examples as we go along. So this word Shraddha has been given a very special meaning and the greatest emphasis even by what is called Bhagavan Krishna, Bhagavan Rama and Bhagavan of course Shri Ramakrishna. Examples also we will give in the Bhagavad Gita 17th chapter. So he says that the person who has got Shraddha that is as good as reaching the goal. In the Katha Upanishad Yamadharma Raja seeing the Shraddha of Nachiketa says you are as good as reached the goal even though even the teaching did not start and there are so many other things Ramakrishna tells about the Shraddha. We will talk about it in course of time. That's why I am taking quite some time because this word Shraddha and belief and faith these are synonymously used. They are not synonymous, but at the very beginning let me give you a big difference what we call belief. Mainly what is called belief whatever we control that means it is changing. Sometimes I believe in this, sometimes I believe in that etc. That which we are masters, we control that is called belief and that which sits like a ghost on our head and controls every moment of our life, every aspect of our life that is called Shraddha. Sits like a ghost and when a person is possessed of ghost completely the ghost controls that person. So that is what Sri Ramakrishna said. Something descended upon my head and did not allow me to do what I want for more than 12 years I have to struggle very hard. What was that? Shraddha. So that is a very marvellous word and also like other Suktas like Medha Sukta, Shai Sukta, Durga Sukta, Neela Sukta, Bhu Sukta, Purusha Sukta etc. For generating Shraddha within ourselves there is a special Shraddha Sukta and those who want to develop they will have to every day pray to the Divine Mother just as we pray to Mother Gayathri grant me that intelligence to understand things completely and rightly. Similarly, O Mother grant me that Shraddha. In Vivekachudamani Shankaracharya defined it as Guru Shastra Vakyeshu Satya Buddhi Avadharana Shraddha. What is the Shraddha? And then he also adds in the next line Yaya Vastu Upalabhyate. Only through Shraddha the Vastu, Vastu means here Brahman, God will be available not through anything else and whatever Shraddha we have in whatever object we have Shraddha we are likely to obtain it. If we have Shraddha, Shraddha may also can be equated as reality then we obtain the world that means we become more and more worldly but if we are having Shraddha in God in scriptures our joy will increase. So what is the definition of Shraddha? We will talk about it. So Shraddha, faith in the existence of reality. Here reality means what? God, Brahman, Truth and the working of this tendency of movement once being towards reality are synonymous. What does it mean? If whatever I believe there is a psychological tendency only to desire that to obtain that and to be one with it. So if you believe really that this bottle contains poison you will run away from that but even if it is poison and you believe it is Amrita then you are most likely gladly you will drink. So that is what every drunkard you know every bottle terrible Shraddha if I drink this one then all my problems will be solved. There are so many these kind of things these are called Adhyasa, superimposition. If I marry this person a whole life I will be in heaven. If I get more money I will be in heaven. If I get a chance in USA I will be in heaven. If I get a job in Canada then I will be in heaven. So this is called so what is called Kalyana Adhyasa that is Shobhana Adhyasa that is very pleasant superimposition delusion it deludes us but what is the real definition of Shraddha we have to understand what it means that which makes transforms our life because we have no choice as if somebody sitting and putting a gun behind our head and say do this or I will blow you off there is no choice and that is what a person possessed by a ghost does and that is called Shraddha but how do we know we have got Shraddha not that we do not have Shraddha but that Shraddha which only makes us afraid what is called health goes down and psychological health goes down and we are becoming duller and duller and also we our happiness becomes less and less worries go on increasing uncertainty worries deep unhappiness sorrow suffering increases by those characteristics we understand that I am having Shraddha but in things which are unreliable Shraddha Satyam reliability becoming holy Sat becoming wiser check and moving towards more and more faster and faster towards Ananda that alone defines what is called Shraddha how do we know that reality exists that is a faith that is in our mind so we don't know Shri Ram Krishna tells us God exists how do you know I have experienced it how do we know he experienced it nobody questions this one either some people believe or some people say he is simply bragging or he is egotistic so many people claim I am a God realized soul how do we know if you see it is all my teachings are free he is a more or less is a good person but American debit card visa debit card he says then the first thing is don't have any Shraddha in such a person this is a definite test so how do we know that there is faith because observe your behavior if you are wanting more things from the world you have got more faith in the world but if you are wanting more of God then you are having faith in God you enjoy scriptures then you have got faith in the scriptures so this is how we have to understand that which really transforms our entire life internal as well as external that is called Shraddha so Mati and Shraddha always go together what does it mean means I have faith there is a wonderful food material there how because somebody whom I trust tells me I have tasted it many times and it is indescribable and it's very good for you so that is how we slowly develop then we have to think desire will come and then effort will come and then we also experience yes this person is right and by the way of this text discussion slightly out of context how do we know we all claim without the least hesitation that Shri Rama is an avatar Krishna is an avatar and Shri Ram Krishna is an avatar how do we know these are all empty words as Shri Ram Krishna says when two children are quarreling and then they heard the words by God and they also use they think they have become great people by using those simple words so this is how we also use the same word so we also unhesitatingly to newcomers Shri Ram Krishna is the greatest incarnation of how do you know sir no I don't know you don't even admit it but do we really know it no did Girish Chandra Ghosh know it no did Ramchandra Dutta know it no but they had that faith what is that faith that something is there even without understanding it but which it transforms our life that is called Shraddha so how do I know how do we know that Shri Ram Krishna is an incarnation of God because I have faith in my guru or a teacher or an elderly person in whom I have tremendous faith maybe my mother maybe my father maybe my grandfather and they tell me that Shri Ram Krishna is an incarnation of God but why should we believe grandfather or grandmother look at their life they're simple they're trustworthy and they are seeking what they believe if they say Ram Krishna is an incarnation but have the least interest in seeking him in transforming their lives it is not Shraddha it is a fake fake ism so my guru told me and how does my guru know about it because his guru told him so like that if you go on tracing you will see then what is important what am I talking about simply do not take words listen to the words and then say oh that great person has said how do you is a great person so look at their character greatness can manifest in so many ways great musician great magician so many greatnesses are there greatest pickpocket in the world no but what is it look at their lives they lead very simple life but they're quite happy very very happy and any person who is very happy even though there are no external things in fact it would be the opposite that indicates that they have faith in it so they are wise people also and they are able to stand up to the changed circumstances far better than ourselves swami brahmanandji maharaj was suffering very greatly towards the end in another two or three days his body will fall off everybody knows it he also knows it then doctor who was attending him he told him maharaj you are suffering a great deal isn't it and then he said in our state of mind my child so we have to take all these in our stride what does he mean that this world doesn't spare anybody how much christ must have suffered and everybody thinks all of us think that horrible crucifixion where the entire weight of the body is held up by excruciatingly painful pierced nails but saram krishna replied cold it's just like the epilogues christ knew i and my father are one aham brahmasmi for such a person in that state there will there be pain absolutely no how do we know that we are not superimposing these ideas because in our krishna's life towards the end and everybody thought he was suffering to his suffering was too great even to imagine so one day he saram krishna pretended to be in great suffering and hari maharaj came future swami turiyananda and he said see look how much i am suffering harimara said no sir you are swimming in ananda sagara you are floating on the ananda sagara what was ram krishna's rejoinder this rascal had found me out by the way this word rascal the bengali word is sala is a very endearing word towards children towards beloved people elderly people can use it to towards the younger people but otherwise the english word is a horrendous world so how are they how was ramana maharshi look at the life of anybody cheerfulness so much of joy irrepressible joy is just coming out of them so without shraddha it is not possible even our faith in the worldly things makes us think you heard about something a new gadget has come and you have the reviews are very good and you have faith and then you start thinking is it possible for me to acquire it is it going to make my life a bit easier happier can i do some things like that so this is how one one has to go about so we have to differentiate real the english translation of the word sanskrit word shraddha is called faith and faith in english language also means religion what is your faith oh i am a practicing christian practicing catholic practicing protestant that means their religion and if you translate that word faith in india it is called dharma hindu dharma islam dharma boudha dharma we are not talking about that conduct though it means that one but here we are talking uh the particular name of the religion follower follower religion i am following the hindu sages etc i am believing not following very few people follow really so shraddha is a kind of realization what is it without having direct experience what does direct experience do it will prove to us that this is the truth is the reality you have seen somebody there can be no doubt about it but by believing there is such and such a place and it is there like heaven like hell the idea heavens and hells exist other than this earthly sphere that is purely based upon this scriptural teachings that is where shraddha is that was why the najiketa's father half believed swarga is available and i want to go there but he did not fulfill the conditions whereas najiketa was ready to fulfill the condition what is the condition everything that you have should be given up and he said my whole life has to be given up that means i will have to go to face death then only i will know whether there is something beyond death so that was the idea the story conveys only the external kram that's all but inside if we go how do you know that there is no death because only a dead person knows that is why the word shraddha comes only from the word shraddha and if you don't know the difference between these two you are really doing shraddha of the word shraddha shraddha means what that is offering prayers and offering certain things pindadana etc to dead ancestors anybody who is dead father mother grandparents and great-grandparents omshi omshiya so what what does it mean it means they are not dead they are alive they just have given up this body and most likely they have gone to a higher world and any world is a bondage if we can our add our prayers out of gratefulness then we will also be saved by somebody who will offer prayers on our behalf this is the custom that is coming from thousands of years down even to this age but the real kernel truth of this shraddha is the faith death has no meaning death doesn't exist it is a movement from the vyakta to avyakta visible to the invisible from this one body to another body that's all even pitru purushas have a special body even indra chandra they have a special body but those bodies like amoeba bodies they are very subtle very difficult to see unless we move in the same vibration it is not possible even ghosts we cannot see first you try to see a ghost then you will see 75 percent you will advance in spiritual life because once you see a ghost you know that death doesn't hold any errors at all that is the idea and after seeing the ghost the only refuge for you will be only god nobody else so this is this is what i just started the mantra goes like this this is section 19 of the 7th chapter of the chandogya upanishad that is which is named as bhumananda yadavai shraddha dhati atha manute na ashraddha dhan manute ashraddha dhan na manute shraddha eva manute shraddhatu eva vijignasita vyeti shraddham bhagavo vijignasa iti when one has faith only then does one start reflecting one who doesn't have faith does not reflect cannot reflect only one who has faith alone can reflect one must desire to understand faith understand means to develop shraddha narada rejoined her venerable sir i desire to have that shraddha even this english translation understand faith is a very weak word actually so he who has faith that person alone does reflect without faith one does not reflect that is the meaning of it and in my last class also i brought certain points so just before we talk about faith let us meditate for a few seconds upon nachiketa because shraddha avivesha he was possessed by shraddha he became an embodiment of shraddha say ramakrishna this picture is an embodiment of shraddha so what is the proof that a person is possessed of shraddha that alone which transforms one's life thoroughly completely is called shraddha but what is the relationship between us and shraddha we cannot live a single second a billy second without shraddha you step out of your house and you must have shraddha that somebody is not taking up a gun and shooting you down that a cab taken by a drunken driver is not going to run over you you want to travel by plane by car by cycle by scooter whatever means even walking there is no guarantee next second we will be alive it is not possible so we submit when we enter into hospital the doctor is not there to request us is a commandment we submit ourselves to the surgeon's knife hoping he knows and we have faith that it is not the surgeon actually it is our purva janma karma which decides whether we are cured or not cured but unfortunately when it comes to having faith in god so many doubts arise we question the validity of having faith in anything that is unseen and unknown so life after death existence of heavens and hells existence of different gods and goddesses existence of even ghosts not to speak of ishwara or nirguna brahma much less but in the same faith that moves our everyday life is directed towards god and what do we call it blind faith this was what i was referring earlier when narendra had decreed it is all blind faith it is equated with superstition but you know taken in the right way superstitions are greatest spiritual aids i have a superstition that the first thing that i have to look upon waking up and before going to sleep look at the lotus feet of holy mother first holy mother only not sriram krishna he is a dodgy fellow then wherever holy mother is there sriram krishna cannot dodge so then swami vekananda afterwards make pranams and then do whatever has to be done so we question the validity itself of having faith in the unseen and unknown but then that is called blind faith so is not all faith blind what does it mean faith means without knowing what is the truth but believing that there is a truth and behaving accordingly and that is called faith so sriram krishna asks to narendra has faith any i speak either of faith or of direct knowledge so what is faith what is shraddha always remember i don't like this word faith i want to use the word shraddha but for our english speaking devotees we are using interchanging it lot of words i am using in english translation but they do not convey exact meaning but those who know it they can understand it so if you have direct knowledge i have seen it i have seen there is a beautiful flower that is called direct knowledge but somebody whom you can trust he will never tell he will never cheat even in fun if he says that there is i have seen such a one and because you have faith in that what he describes because of what you have seen in him he will not tell a lie etc. so what is the example of this blind faith without question every word in our scriptures as literal truth there are many religions including hinduism and then what is scripture what is veda what is koran what is bible direct word of god but you have to understand every word that he said that and we do not exercise our imagination our intelligence in what context he said that and in what context we are applying it we are applying to every context which is supposed to be used only in a particular context so there are some religions that which was prevalent sixteen seventeen hundred years before and that has to be implemented now that is why hindus believe god incarnates one of the most important missions of every incarnation is to reinterpret the scriptures keeping the eternal values intact but keeping in mind the changing circumstances and making them practicable which swami vekananda called practical vedanta so swami vekananda he said very beautiful words these are these are mantras be an atheist if you want you say I don't believe in god but do not believe in anything unquestioningly so if you believe in anything unquestioningly you are worse than an atheist there are so many atheists and you remember because so many times I refer to these things once an atheist came to Shri Ram Krishna what is the way out for me Shri Ram Krishna said why don't you pray like this he invented prayer oh god if you exist oh god if you are kind these are not Shri Ram Krishna's words I am adding a bit of masala so if you are gracious enough then this is what I want please grant my prayer do you have any problem in praying to god like that and he said no because if you exist there is no problem you exist there is a problem so immediately he improved started improving and then what happens always the evolution is from atheism from non-thinking to unquestioning thinking then questioning thinking then confirmation this is how evolution always works you have to keep in mind Swamiji how many times how many wonderful things he had seen just by a touch Ram Krishna made him lose consciousness and regain consciousness at the mere touch and many other miracles of which we have no slightest even indication and all those things they kept only for themselves simple example I am telling this has been recorded Swamiji said that sometimes Ram Krishna came to me in a subtle form took out my soul and then he taught me so many things and during one of those experiences Ram Krishna said today I will show you the form of Radha Premi Radhi and then Swamiji was following probably he will point out to some object and say that is Radha no after sometime Ram Krishna turned back towards Swamiji and said look at Radha and he himself became Radha like this how many experiences Swamiji and other disciples had practically everyday they were seeing that how but this man the doubts have not come even at the just 2-3 days before Ram Krishna passed away his body was unable to move and yet you know if you remember the incident Holy Mother was taking food upstairs and then Ram Krishna like an arrow went and next second before Holy Mother could reach the room he reached and lying like that as if where did he go Holy Mother asked where can I go of course he was stuck in the highest Vedanta where can he go he who is everywhere he cannot go anywhere but Holy Mother said I saw you rushing out then he admitted there is a very angry snake what new information we get out of it there are snakes which are angry there are snakes which take revenge upon you so perhaps you have thrown a stone it hit the serpent and it traces you like CID back to your house is waiting under your I used to fear like that and then look down before putting my foot because I used to throw lot of stones like that so these are called superstitions does this man he who cannot move without the help from somebody that means body can he be incarnation and then Sri Ram Krishna gathered all his strength I don't know I don't understand why he should gather all his strength he could have exhibited a little but crystal clear wise he said even now doubt he who was Rama he who was Krishna is reborn in this age in this body mind complex of Sri Ram Krishna so Ram Krishna means not only Rama and Krishna do not confine he was Buddha, he was Jesus every incarnation that came from the beginning of Srishti he was that same soul who lives assuredly in the Saptarsha Mandala we don't know all these are mystical things but then Swamiji's doubt has gone so doubts will can overpower us even in the last moment have I taken a wrong step so did I commit terrible mistake whole life is gone so if whole life goes in doubts when are you going to move forward you must have some strong faith to move forward that is very very important so Narendra tested with a coin we know that so Sri Ram but what was the reaction of Sri Ram Krishna you are still doubting me I will curse you no Sri Ram Krishna encouraged him to do so my children test like a goldsmith tests like a gold seller tests a gold coin you test me by day test me by night only when you are convinced then my teachings will be effective that's what he meant then we will talk the topic of faith and reason although real faith is founded upon reason it should not stop there so what is tarka nyaya it is called what is the relationship between reason and revelation reason cannot reveal cannot tell anything but is it rational to believe in the other world etc Swamiji used to give the example just now a baby is born and it is either blind or deaf or maimed disabled something just now born what bad karma did this child really do the only option is it must have had previous births must have done something and this is coming and if you do not those people who do not believe in punar janma rebirth etc you know what they do they will simply say it is fate just it is accident that is what no there is no accident even if two cars collide is not an accident so there is something has gone wrong brakes have broken down or somebody is drunk and they are thinking something else and some reason is there and that which happens we call it an accident what is an accident the reason why such an event happened when we cannot understand it is called an accident but accident does not mean that there are no causes behind it so reason should help us to understand the scriptures that is the relationship between reason and revelation and how do we do that so this is the reason how do we know this person is a god related soul because god realization are two words they cannot be understood by those who did not realize god but Shri Ram Krishna is let alone he being an avatar he is certainly claimed as a god realized soul how do we know how do we know because look at his life and if this we know that this is a law if there is no cause there will be no effect and what is the effects we see he is absolutely good he has no attachment to the world he is very happy person whatever comes heat or cold honor or dishonor he is ever ever happy like a small child and he wants to do only the best for anybody else so that complete unselfishness complete capacity to love to put up with anybody infinitely indefinitely and such goodness we will not find anywhere certain such selfishness we do not get anywhere if we see these characteristics they are called effects and those effects are the real effects of something deeper which is called his faith in god his experience of god that is how we know all those things how do we know he is an incarnation now an ordinary realized soul cannot exhibit so much of power but he is like a huge ship as Ram Krishna says a small twig floating in the stream even if a small bird sits it will sink but if it is a boat it will not sink it will take a few people it is a fairly big ship it will take lot more people but have you seen traveling between UK and France they introduced one ferry service and once you enter there thousands of trucks cars motorcycles and passengers all of them within one and half hours you are on the other side or on this side so an avatar is one who not only cross read himself but he has the power to take many and if you want further proofs even today by hearing Sri Rama Ramcharitmanas, Ramayana or Bhagavatam Krishna Leela etc millions of people literally they develop faith their life becomes sanctified and transformed and they become more joyous more unselfish just the power of this incarnation is still very functional how many millions are taking Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare even today and it will continue for a long time to come the phenomena of Ramakrishna started only just now so reason is very necessary it is finite but it is like a right pointer it points in the right direction by making us interpreted in a particular way reason can lead us to a certain point but after which faith must take over and carry us to the final realization of God so Naciketa had faith and then until that time what was the reason these are the conditions to be fulfilled if we want to go to heaven and when he attained that complete faith through reason what am I doing I am trying to give up whatever is not very good very useful but trying to retain so I want to keep my legs in this world what am I going to do with any good cow or money or everything if I want to go to the other world that reason of that seeker called Vajasaneya he developed previously it was half faith half doubt now complete faith and then the moment he that faith possessed him he was ready to give up not only everything external including his own body that is the symbolism of going to death means what I have to transit from the limitation to the unlimited so Swami Vivekananda says all reason is going beyond reason sorry all religion is going beyond reason but reason is the only guide to get us there stick to reason until you reach something higher and you will know it to be higher because it will not collide with reason it will not conflict with reason it takes you beyond reason but it has no conflict or opposition to true reason intellectual conviction is essential but this in itself is not faith then there are two elements within each one of us one is called mind and heart so our conviction of the existence of God is in our minds and has not yet reached the heart Ram Krishna illustrates beautifully so he tells a story the story of a thief who knew that there is gold in the next room and then whole night if he knows there is gold and the obstruction between the two rooms the curtain is very thin do you think a thief will really be able to sleep until he catches hold of that gold so what does it mean if he has doubts he will not even try but because he has faith he knows through faith there is gold and he cannot sleep why I can sleep you can sleep but he can't sleep why because he is a thief who is a thief he wants to steal so we are also thieves don't worry God is the greatest thief in the whole world so it is the true reason we slowly develop faith which transforms reason alone, rationality alone transforms our character why should I worry the entire crux of this beautiful book by Dale Carnegie how to stop worrying and start living is through reason so everybody goes through it some people come out unpunished but many people get sunk there so mind always entertains some belief but some many doubts also but when it goes to heart then it is a different matter now look at it at this beautiful song that so there is a beautiful song like that in the end it goes on like that there is a fellow he was a dwarf and he wants to catch the moon then he says something like that I do not remember exactly my mind says it is impossible but my heart rebels against this thought and says it is quite possible so that conflict must be resolved first between our doubts which is the function of the mind and the heart here heart means not the physical heart but that heart where we can see God in Vedantic text the cave is always an apt analogy given to represent this heart and according to Ramakrishna where God deity and devotee meet together that is called heart we will talk about this beautiful subject thoroughly even in our next class also Om Jananim Shardam Devem Ramakrishnam Jagat Gurum Padu Padme Dayo Shritva Nama Mim Hurmaho May the Ramakrishna Holy Mother and Swami Vekananda bless us all with Bhakti. Jai Ramakrishna