Bhagavad Gita Ch16 part 20 on 23 October 2021

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Full Transcript(Not Corrected)

Om Jananim Sharadam Devim Ramakrishnam Jagadgurum Pada Padme Tayo Sridhva Pranamami Muhur Moho Om Vasudevasutam Devam Kamsa Chanuram Ardhanam Devaki Paramanandam Krishnam Unde Jagadgurum Sarvopanishadogavo Dogda Gopalanandana Partho Vatsa Sudhirubhokta Dugdam Geetam Ritam Mahat Mokam Karodivachalam Pangum Langahete Girim Kriyat Kripathamaham Vande Paramanandamadhamam We have been discussing all the characteristics of the worldly people. For those, this world is real and every object, whatever is happening, their own reaction and the actions that they perform, everything is absolutely real. So they forge a very special relationship. But the scripture tells something quite different. These are not really normal people. These are what is called abnormal people. Very interestingly, Jung gives a beautiful definition. He explains that so many so-called abnormal people are the real normal people and the so-called mass who consider themselves as normal people. Really they are abnormal people. So Eric Fromm also gives a beautiful definition that if most of the people are behaving one way, most of the people are walking a particular pathway and if you choose to tread some other pathway and the majority calls this minority as abnormal, their behavior is not normal and this theme was so beautifully explored by Jonathan the Seagull. I am giving this book in case you have not read Jonathan the Seagull. I think the author was Richard something. I forgot his name. Beautifully explored, there are a few souls who go against the norm and try to do and when once other people see what can be achieved, then they bow down and try to follow these so-called abnormal people and if they succeed, of course, they will also become, join the normal people. This world is continuously evolving but during this evolution some people mislead us, some people take us in the right way. We must have that discriminating power to differentiate between what leads to everybody's welfare including ours and what is it that takes us day by day down and degrades us. So Bhagavan Krishna is discussing these things. In the 17th shloka, we have seen Self-honored, haughty, filled with the pride and intoxication of wealth. These demons ostentatiously perform sacrifices which are sacrifices only in name in utter disregard of precepts. Atma sambhavitaha means self-regarding. So there are standards are there. If a person is good, then the whole world willy-nilly, even if they do not recognize at the beginning but in course of time through repeated experience, they will be forced to admit, yes, he is a very good person or he was a very good person but these people, they don't care. The whole world may call them wicked but they consider themselves as what I hold is the right view, what I do is the right action and the way I behave is the only way and no other way exists. These are called Atma sambhavitaha. This word Atman is a beautiful Sanskrit word but it can mislead us. So we can say it is a soul of a person, a true self of a person. It can be the mind but here it means the lower self, not capital S but lower S, the individuality consisting of body and mind since nobody really respects them but if they are endowed, unfortunately most of them, they are endowed with Dhana, Mana, Madanvitha. They have plenty of wealth and they are highly respected by people. Nowadays people respect only a wealthy person so there are so many Subhashitas are there that is wise sayings. One of these is if a man has got sufficient amount of wealth then he has got all the best qualities in this world. That is what people think, blinded because of the delusion of the wealth. So many of them are endowed with tremendous amount of wealth, Dhana and then Mana. Mana means they may be in a very high position, they may be presidents, they may be prime ministers, they may be ministers, they may be military leaders, they may be the leading scientists. So they have got tremendous power in their hands. So what Samanvitha, but these produce instead of humility, instead of thinking, it is God who has given me all these things, Mada Anvithaha. We have discussed earlier, Mada means tremendous amount of pride, tremendous amount of egotism, Anvithaha, as if that is what they really are. So they are always self-regarding, we are the greatest people. As a result of that, their intellect doesn't work. That's why Bhagavan Krishna uses the word Stabdaha. Stabdha means stunned, but really here stunned means what? Haughty. They will not regard anybody's opinion. They think they are the most intelligent and they think that what they think alone is the right thing in any matter. There is no matter on earth, no subject on earth about which these people lack any opinions. Stabdaha. Why? Kabdhana, Mana, Mada Anvithaha. Endowed, unfortunately, with plenty of wealth, power, position and they can misuse if anybody crosses them. Then that person's life is made very miserable. Many, many years back, I was reading the history of a particular castle which has been designed to be one of the most wonderful castles probably in the mid-UK. Then the landlord, what is called the Terl or the person who owns this thing, he never wanted these artisans, these artists to design similar type of palaces, etc. under anybody. So ruthlessly he sent wicked people and they gauzed out the eyes of these people so that they will never be able to replicate or do better in those things. We do not know how many lives they have blasted. So if we study the beautiful story of pyramids which we admire so much, Taj Mahal, etc., how many hundreds of thousands of lives have been expended mercilessly as if they are not human beings at all, slaves. But we also have to admire the architects, the engineers who could design and do such perfect work even now. Our admiration has no end. How are they able to accomplish it? That's a different issue. I heard that so many people who designed these pyramids, they have been buried alive there so that they can never penetrate and steal the wealth which these faroes and others used to store there. But thieves will have somewhere or the other and most of the graves were completely robbed but still invaluable things have been dug out by what is called architects, etc. by hook or crook they could find out. So these are the people characteristics. What do they do? They want, like some of the politicians, just before election or sometimes, occasionally, they will enter into the churches so that people will come to know, Oh, our president, our prime minister is a very religious person and he believes in God. So if he is a religious person, he must be trusted, he must be a God person, God man and he will do only good. These are all done only for the sake of self-glory and so that even there are people who torture other writers, poets, etc., or sculptors, etc., painters, etc., you paint our pictures and you sculpt our images, you write gloriously about us and we see so many wonderful poets have refused to bend their heads and as a result had to undergo a lot of torture under these cruel people. So these people perform yajnas, that means worships. The sponsor will give you so many thousands of dollars, pounds, you feed everybody, perform wonderful things like that. This is what he said. Yajante, they worship Gods even though they behave like demons. How do they do it? How do they perform? Naamai Ignaihi, only in name. In name means sometimes they also feed people, etc. But there is no purity, there is no austerity, there are no sufficient amount of gifts to be given to priests and other poor people. Dambena, so only intoxicated with wealth, ostentatiously. Avidhi Poorvakam. Vidhi means according to the directions of the scriptures, completely unscriptural. That means do whatever you like. But you make it a big show and then 100 choreographers must come and then very humbly they will be bowing down. That also must come as a video and next second or even at that moment it should be published in the YouTube, etc. I mean various ways of showing themselves. That is what he said. Now we will see what Bhagavan Shankaracharya has to say. Atmasambhavitaha, self-regarding highly. How? Sarva guna vishishtataya. That we are endowed with all the greatest qualities that any great person has. We have more than all those great people completely put together. Atmanaiva, by themselves, self. Sambhavitaha, Atmasambhavitaha. So they consider themselves, we are very pious people, very God-believing people, very people who perform philanthropic activities, service activities, but let anybody contradict them, owe unto them how much they are going to torture. So Atmasambhavitaha, self-conceited, considering themselves by themselves to be possessed of all good qualities. And then Shankara adds something, Na sadhu vihi, but never considered to be so by people who tread the path of righteousness. Sadhu means by good people. Good people know the inside and outside of such people. They never consider such things at all. Stabdaha, apranatatmanaha. Stabdha means, I translated it as stunted intellect. But they are possessed with tremendous egotism. So what happens? Apranatatmanaha. They never bend their heads to anybody having minds that are not humble at all. But they will be in front of the video cameras or publicity. They will be joining their hands together, making ostentatious pranams, etc., but not from the heart of their hearts. Girish Chandra Ghosh used to say about Sri Ramakrishna, in this age, Sri Ramakrishna had conquered these haughty people by being most humble. Sri Ramakrishna himself said, these people like Keshav Chandra Sen, these are called modern brahmajnanis, they never knew even how to bend their knees to holy people and Sri Ramakrishna had bent until they remembered. Funny thing was, Girish Chandra Ghosh was like that. When first Girish Chandra Ghosh saw him, not for the first time, but maybe fifth time or sixth time, but earlier times he had very wrong opinion about Sri Ramakrishna. So he met and then he just inclined his head to show just as we do that, when we meet somebody in the street. Sri Ramakrishna folded his hands and bent down. Girish Chandra Ghosh had no option but to do that. Sri Ramakrishna bent a little more. Girish also bent a little more. Until Girish Chandra Ghosh learnt his lesson and there afterwards he only learnt how to fall flat on the ground. That is a gesture of surrendering oneself to God. So these people, they are not at all humble. That means the people, they think we are equivalent to Gods. Dhana, Mana, Madhanamithaha. Dhananimithaha, Manaha. Tremendous egotism because they possess money. Madhashya, tremendous amount of pride. Dhabhyam, by these two, Dhanamana Madhabhyam, Anvitha, endowed with money and endowed with a terrible amount of pride. They never bend. So Yajantai, perform sacrifices. How? Nama, Ignahi. Only the name, name only. How do we know? We are performing Yajnas, Yagas, etc. in the right way. Any action done for the sake of going towards God, approaching nearer to God, that will give the same result. We approach nearer to God, our physical, mental health increases, our right knowledge increases, Sat increases, Chit increases, and we grow in wisdom. We understand our plus points, minus points. Similarly, we also understand other people's plus, minus points. But a really good person, he will not take advantage. I know what you are. I will take advantage of you. This kind of psychological exercise of power is not seen in these people. Okay, if you have got evil qualities, God is there to teach you. The result of your own karmas will bring you to that condition. So these people perform sacrifices. Earlier we have seen, such kind of these people who are called Asuras or demons, endowed with this terrible amount of egotism, etc. They are filled with ostentation. What do they do? We are the greatest religious people. Jesus Christ, He abuses. He humbles them. You put a long face, as if the whole world must know what a great person. This person has been suffering. Even though he is suffering, he is fasting, he is performing austerity. He deserves our greatest respect. This is called ostentation, showiness. So religious hypocrite, you hypocrites. And that's why the rabbis never liked Jesus Christ because He publicly pointed out. Similarly, Ramakrishna, when he was a boy, he could understand the nature of people very well. And you know what he used to do? He used to attend some religious explanations, readings given by these so-called learned people because most of the villagers were illiterate people. So these people take up a book and they take a good quantity of tobacco powder into their noses and then they make peculiar noises all to draw attention of the people to themselves and the way with a nasal voice go on taking these classes and neither people understand but they think these village bumpkins, they don't understand anything. Many times it is seen, these village people, they go right to the spirit of the scripture rather than the old meanings of the scripture mostly which used to be in either pure Sanskrit or high flow native language which is full of Sanskrit only. So Shri Ramakrishna, he used to observe there amused with a smirk on his lips and then as soon as this person, he goes away completely self-satisfied how much respect these people have given me and then imitating these people he will be blowing his nose, he will sit there exactly whatever that person, Shri Ramakrishna was one of the greatest observers and imitators and the villagers used to wait for this comic show and then they used to understand. Is that all? Shri Ramakrishna also was requested by the villagers most of the time, you read for us these religious scriptures and he used to read in his melodious voice and with appropriate emotional expression and then if necessary, I believe, he also used to explain in such simple words even an illiterate person can grasp it immediately. Of course, Shri Ramakrishna was a incomparably superb singer so he used to spice these readings now and then with beautiful singing and that used to make these villagers extremely emotional. Their minds used to climb to a very high state as and when Swamiji used to speak within minutes, the minds of his listeners become completely concentrated and that is how Swami Vivekananda used to inject the highest Vedantic ideas. This is called initiation but initiation of the ideas. So these people, they perform this kind of yajnas, worships, etc. Divide. That the scripture wants us to start like this, to progress like this, to end like this and so many things have to be done and so many gifts have to be given and all these things they completely disregard only for the ostentation show off they do this kind of things and we also many times, I have seen even the so called devotees also, they do it even when they become aged even when they are unable to, their bodies unable to cope sitting on the floor, etc. they refuse to give up their means and they suffer and whoever sits there becomes uncomfortable because the suffering of this body is quite visible. So these are some of the characteristics. Why is the Lord saying us that you take care that you do not also develop these kind of things, examine yourself am I doing it for my good or am I conscious of other people's attention whether it is singing, whether it is explaining whatever it is. So these people, what are they? Same thing, most of the ideas they are repeated in the 18th verse also possessed of egotism, power and pride and lust and wrath. These people, envious by nature, hate me in their own bodies and as well in the bodies of other people. So not only because these people do not cognize, do not understand that whenever they perform this kind of thing their conscience, which is nothing but reflection of the Divine Lord, it suffers so much. Inside, within everybody there is that power of intuition but that is suppressed. Intuition in the form of conscience, it pricks Hey, what are you doing? You are taking the name of God in vain. You are doing all these things but you are doing these things only for a show but at least can you not worship the Lord sincerely for a few minutes but no, disregard all these things. So again Shankaracharya comes over. Ahankaram what happens? With every good deed with every pious action these people perform, their egotism it becomes strong, stronger, strongest What is this egotism? That which considers the self to which have been imputed actual and imaginary qualities as I am this Shankaracharya gives a beautiful insight into this, what is Ahankaram There are, you know within everybody, even within these demonic people, there are definitely some good qualities are there. So there are a few qualities which are really good but many of the qualities they are not there, simply absent but they consider and endowed in full with all the auspicious divine qualities They superimpose all these things on them. You know what is superimposition that is a false thing. You superimpose a serpent upon a rope. Rope alone is the truth but the serpent is superimposed. That means today or tomorrow or at some point of time, it is sure to disappear leaving the rope exactly as it is So if I don't have that qualities even if I am thinking day and night, one day this illusion will break, I will become awakened for the Lord He says if you do not come to me in a sweet way I will bring you to myself in a most bitter way in a suffering manner So these people I am a very special person I am not like the other persons I am a very very special person everybody must regard me and they think to themselves and everybody for them it is crystal clear what is the nature of this person but sometimes because of the power because of the learning, because of the money because of these people can do lot of harm or to take some advantage other people they show respect to them but who cares in this world this is one of the greatest lessons we have to learn very few people care for any one of us so long as other people's purpose is served and so long they regard us this is true appearance etc which our great Shankaracharya in his beautiful Mohamudgara Bhaja Govindam he has put it beautifully so long as a person is capable of giving us something in the form of money etc so long they enquire father, mother, uncle how are you, how are you so you seem to be tired you sit down, I will bring you hot hot coffee nescafe coffee, cappuccino coffee so like that, the moment he stops giving something he is completely disregarded nobody enquires how you are why is this old crocodile still not croaking that is how they think Shankara continues that kind of egotism it is another name for that is ignorance, pure ignorance that is why it only goes to reinforce the body considering I am strong, I am beautiful, I am well regarded I am very skillful I am extremely capable etc it brings in its wake tremendous amount of unending suffering and this kind of ignorant egotism is the root cause of every other fault it is like the mother of all diseases from that disease called as Patanjali mentions as I mentioned so many times first comes ignorance, it produces ahankara or egotism which leads to raga and dvesha, likes and dislikes tremendous attachment and regard for this body, so that is how a person slides down and down like a slippery path but according to Vedanta, he doesn't go down forever, there comes when he can no longer go down, he can only come up and that going down process is called involution and that coming up process is called involution so this terrible egotism is not only the mother load of all the faults of all the wrong things a man can think and talk and do but it is the source of all evil deeds and their consequent suffering because karma phala is inevitable unfortunately some of the people have real real what you call strength is there, celebrity is there, there is something in quite a number of people, what does it do they go on insulting showing you are nothing and look there is no comparison between you and me, there is no comparison but I will show humility to you oh you are very beautiful so earlier we have discussed it probably in another context, so what do they do finding fault with others they do it in a very sly manner how do they do it, suppose there is a lame person and they say oh my uncle you are the greatest runner in the world suppose somebody's voice is very bad voice oh your voice it even defeats God's voice Gandharva nindita kantaha so like that they go on if a person is sick they say how wonderful you are looking how healthy you are looking, smirking all the time that I am ok but you are not ok who knows by the will of God one millisecond is enough to put a complete end to the life of anybody any person disabled, legs can go hands can go, eyes can go anything can go wrong and they will be living and they will be living hell they have to go through, I have seen a few people like that but I was also surprised I came across a family where the husband was completely paralyzed in a young age but the wife, she must have been born from a divine mother herself 24 hours she was only serving the husband, similarly I have seen a husband serving the wife with so much of love these are exceptions are there but most people as soon as the other person doesn't serve the purpose they discard them like old rugs or old carpets or old foot rug etc. old furniture that is their nature so what is dharpa? that is ostentation in the name of ostentation he will do everything excepting what is right dharmam adhikramati that means he will do what is adharma this kind of mentality having this kind of the egoism, dharpa ostentation, tremendous amount of pride all these qualities it is full of faults, what is a fault? according to Vedanta fault is that which takes us away, far away from God, from our true nature of the Atman what is kama? what is passion? with regard to sex, men are attracted to women, women are attracted to men we are not only talking about men we are talking about both, sometimes it is said that women are the cruelest people to other women, so there are women gangs are there and they torture they kill and once their wrath is roused they become veritable witches, demonesses so both, anybody who has got this kind of quality and that is one of the worst things because it takes a long time, that is going to be described soon, krodham and these people when something attracts them they become terribly attached and they must get, they must have right now whatever takes their fancy if somebody, some object doesn't come I will possess it by hook or crook and then if somebody puts an obstacle krodham, anishtavishyam, this desire intense attachment turns into in what is called uncontrollable anger, frustration turns into anger, anishtavishyam things, people who are not serving our purpose, towards them we cherish a terrible amount of dislike, hatred anger, etc. not only that the most horrible thing that happens because of this kind of egotistic behavior and all the consequent derivations, derivatives of this karma, krodha, loba, moha mata, matsarya, and money and wealth, and power, and position what happens, moreover these kind of demons, ishwaram the paramatma, the divine lord so who is residing in the hearts of everybody, because the paramatma is equally residing so they go on torturing the divine lord very beautiful point, if somebody is doing such a type of austerity or something like that, which is not only anti-scriptural, but which creates terrible amount of intolerable pain to the body, they do not understand, the being who is inside he is being tortured, and he feels the torture, the person who is feeling that pain, that anguish is none other than the divine lord being reflected in the minds of these people me, who is within them who is within other peoples including non-human beings, etc in one's own body in other bodies me, who is always witnessing, whatever every creature is doing, specially human beings I am witnessing, what thoughts are passing what speech this person is doing what activities this person is doing I am a 24-hour witness to all these things, then they hate us not overtly, but covertly because they do not think, oh we worship God, sometimes these people they also sit, worship sing, go on pilgrimages and do charities, many many things they will do but they all do for the sake of increasing their egotism, ostentation pride, egotism, etc so further, hating me hating means, unconsciously doing something which I do not approve transgressing my commandments they develop hatred towards me indulging in that in their own and others' bodies me, who dwells in their own and as well as others' bodies actions, and then they transgress my commandments here, shastra means the teaching, scripture what is scripture? God's commandments what does God's commandments involve? do this and do not this and these people do what is forbidden and they don't do what injunctions God puts you must do these things, both they will go in the opposite way, that is called hating God, there is a very beautiful point we have to understand, many including so called spiritual people obviously they go on doing it, Paradoshana for example finding fault with others and spreading what is called bad things about other people consciously and also unconsciously what is that? I am a great person, what are the other persons? don't regard them at all, these persons do such and such actions, etc this transgression of divine commandments which are coming through the scriptures to us, as well as from the teachings of our teachers Ramakrishna, Holy Mother, Swamiji and others that is called hating the Divine Lord, denying the Lord obviously, overtly, they don't deny but covertly, by going against His teachings and they do the exact opposite and if somebody else is doing exactly what the scriptures are prescribing for them these people cannot keep quiet, their hearts become stung with terrible jealousy because there is a point here ordinary people, they have some kind of intuitive power, when they see sincerity they can recognize it, when they see hypocrisy that also, sooner or later they are going to cognize it, so when they come across people so people were travelling in the righteous path so they develop certain qualities like control of the body, control of the mind and sharing what they have with other people, so when these people see that they cannot tolerate such people they go on spreading, sometimes they kill also in order just to do some kind of injustice thinking that if I eliminate this enemy that I will be recognized by people I will give you two instances there was a wonderful female singer in Andhra Pradesh in Vijayawada and her voice was so natural, so sweet she never sings as if she is doing some tremendous knowledgeable music simply she sings in the simplest possible manner and it moves the hearts there was some female artist, I don't know who they hired a killer, a mercenary and one day that fellow came and entered into her house and finished her by stabbing her multiple times, now I will tell you a story there was a great disciple of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, he was a Muslim he fell in love with Sri Krishna he used to chant completely Maha Mantra, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare, Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, so he used to do that slowly people realized what a great soul he was, so naturally they started showing respect reverence to him, coming to him because around such people a continuous breeze of peace and happiness blows those who come within the periphery of that influence, they will also be uplifted that is why cultivate the company of the holy, that is what he said, so these people started coming, there was a landlord Jameendar and he became stung with jealousy, why are not people showing me so he employed a prostitute to make this fellow fall down and this lady very talented, very beautiful and she was a psychologist born psychologist, so she came simplest white dress, pure white dress like devotees of Vishnu put on and then Tulasi Mala, Japa Mala made out of Tulasi seeds and like a great devotee of God sat at the entrance of the door waiting to speak with him and to make him her bond slave, so it so happened that she was waiting from morning at about one o'clock this gentleman came out she made pranams, she said I would like to speak with you and this man said look here mother I took a vow, I want to complete 100,000 of repetition of Maha Mantra but today I could not complete when I complete I will come and meet you, so he went for bathing and for eating something immediately he entered and he was doing the Divine Lord inspired him to do more Japa, same thing happened second day same thing happened third day by the end of the third day this lady probably she was also inherited some spiritual Samskaras by the end of the third day she was completely converted fourth day she said father forgive me, I have been employed by this person to bring about your downfall now I realize my own folly, what a great sin I am about to commit, please take pity upon me, initiate me in the mantra of my Divine Lord, from now onwards my whole life will be dedicated only in repeating this Divine Name and acquiring Divine Love towards our beloved Bhagawan Krishna Krishna has got three aspects are there, He is a lover of the lovers for the Gopis, for the devotees He is the greatest learned person on earth, a teacher of teachers, teaching Bhagavad Gita as well as Uddhava Gita in the Bhagavatam, but the third aspect is He was the greatest diplomat who brought about the victory of the Pandavas that we have seen in the Bhagavad Gita itself so most people they disregard these two, Krishna as the teacher, Krishna as the diplomat, they only want that beloved Krishna every soul is a Gopi, a woman only symbolically and so they want to develop, so this lady by the mere satsanga, He did not even talk to her to convert her, immediately she became converted, she became one of the greatest saints and from that day onwards, a great conversion had taken place and she became one of the greatest devotees of Krishna and she became what you call blessed and she brought tremendous blessings into the lives of so many people, that's what exactly had happened in the life of Ramakrishna so many of these public women who used to act as female roles including male roles like Chaitanya etc. written by Girish Chandra Ghosh this Girish Chandra Ghosh had brought he used to uplift so many of these people and he was like a father to them, he used to consider them as the most beloved daughters to him and whenever opportunity comes, he used to bring them to Dakshineswar, he used to bring Sri Ramakrishna there, ask him to bless them and by the grace of Sri Ramakrishna, quite a number of famous of them have voluntarily became converted and they became nuns and dedicated their lives only in the name of God, so we see these, but whereas these people they do just the opposite, what would be the fate of them and then the Divine Lord says in the 19th verse these cruel haters, these evil doers these vilest of men I hurl them into the wombs of the demons in the cycle of births and deaths here we have to note some point God is not like a dictator is sitting there, say you, you have never adored me, you have never become my devotee you are always doing, no according to Hindu Karma, this is a description God loves everybody and then you know what is the special nature of God do you think God can see faults of anybody do you think that a mother can see the faults of any of her babies baby is not cleaning herself, baby is doing all sorts of mischief in the bed, baby cannot eat and 24 hours I have to look after the baby what a terrible botheration there are of course few demonic mothers are there for the sake of their own selfish pleasures, they neglect their children but most of the women are endowed with the motherly nature that is Divine Mother herself is manifesting in the form of motherly love in every creature not only human beings, every living creature that's why the mother of any creature is prepared to give up her life for the sake of protecting their offspring also not to speak of human beings so what are we talking about according to Vedanta, we say here is God and then he throws them into ever descending hells and birth after birth they go on descending into becoming even more demonic even more demonic than before and every birth makes their demonic nature more and more pronounced that's the interpretation, it is these people develop some sanskaras and they are unable to understand, these are only leading me to further suffering unhappiness and I will have to pay and I will have to suffer so they go on behaving and their evil impressions become stronger and stronger and every birth they seem to be becoming even more demonic and going down, this is what Hinduism definitely tells people, it is not the God, we are our own Brahmas on several occasions I have told that we create our own world, we create our own body, we are the architects of our body, of our mind, of our birth of our death, of our happiness or unhappiness this is all, God has nothing to do with it because he is the all loving pure consciousness that is the point I would like all of us to keep specially in mind but for the sake of expression he says tan aham and because of their unrighteousness, aham, me, the divine lord because I have to maintain them sanmarga pratipaksha bhuta that is those who are completely inimical to all, to treading the path of righteousness, what do I do? samsaresh eva, I will throw them into the viralpula, transmigration that means what? aneka naraka samsarana margesh they will be entering from a smaller hell into a bigger hell even bigger hell etc. but if nothing else brings them to God, suffering ultimately slowly lifts them up, these people the lord calls them naradhaman the worst of the mankind why does he call them? is it arbitrary? no, adharma dosha vatvat because they are opposed to the righteous path, what do I do? kshipami, I throw them, I just throw them like a football is thrown by an expert footballer prakshipami, ajasram, again and again, santatam, means almost endlessly, asubhan asubhakarminah, for these people enter into unfavorable irreligious atmosphere more and more, finally the suffering will be intolerable they look up and said, oh lord is there no way for me? and at that time the divine lord who is waiting infinite amount of time, when is my child going to turn towards me? immediately he stretches his hand and said, my child come into my lap, that means he will bring them into contact with good people and then their understanding becomes better, they slowly struggle to give up their old ways and develop what is called divine qualities so that is what happens but for the time being these people also rise into demonical lives, even animals, pyagra, simhadi, evanishu they may be born as tigers, lions dogs, wolves, bears even earthworms or even sometimes they may become stones kshipami ithyanayana sambandaha this is the connection, so what is the these kind of demonic people they are not able to give up on the contrary they strengthen their evil sanskaras and thus they go on and on and on as if falling down and down and down, that means suffering more and the limitations become more and that would be intolerable because the soul is ever free but for some time now how much time that question comes, millions or billions of lifetimes, yes sometimes many many lives but what is time, when even the worst person, when he sleeps for 8 hours, he goes beyond time beyond space, beyond causation so it is only in the waking state it is only for few minutes that this kind of suffering will come but that suffering becomes an awakener and then he hears the voice of the rishi arise, awake and stop not till the goal is reached so this is how the demonic people go down and the divine people go up and up but as I said that everybody has to go round and round, one of the saints have put it that way, it is not really going down but it is going round and round whereas some people go straight up and up, some people go a little devious paths and that is how everybody is destined in the end to come to the divine lord, we will explore these things in our next class may Ramakrishna holy mother and Swami Vivekananda bless us all with Shakti Ramakrishna, meet tomorrow