Bhagavad Gita Ch16 part 16 on 09 October 2021

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Full Transcript(Not Corrected)

Om Jananem Shardam Devim Ramakrishnam Jagadgurum Pada Padme Tayo Shritva Pranamami Mohor Moho Om Vasudeva Sutam Devam Kamsa Chanura Mardanam Devaki Paramanandam Krishnam Vande Jagadgurum Sarvopanishadogaho Dogda Gopalanandana Partho Vatsa Sudhir Bhokta Dugdam Geetam Ritam Mahat Mokam Karuthi Vachalam Pangam Langayate Kirin Yath Kripa Tamaham Vande Paramananda Madhavam We are studying the 16th chapter of the Bhagavad Gita, Daivasara Sampad Vibhaga Yoga. In our last class we were dealing with the 7th verse Pravruttincha Nivruttincha Janana Viduraha Viduhu Asuraha Nashaucham Naapichacharo Nasatyam Teshu Vidyate Asuraha Janaha Men of demonic nature know not what to do and what to refrain from doing. Purity is not in them, neither good conduct nor truth and what Bhagavan Ram Sri Krishna is trying to tell us, all these people are demonic people. People are not demonic but people with demonic qualities are demonic. There is an important distinction always we have to keep in mind. Everybody is a child of God. Each soul is potentially divine but for whatever reason through because of the society, because of the parents, because of certain types of brainwashing or with a certain type of what we call Achara traditions, people turn out to be like that. How long? Not for long and how do we know? Because as soon as people start behaving wrongly, doing things which should never be done, the big rod falls upon them with terrific strength. What am I talking about? We are talking about Karmaphala. The unavoidable result of each one of our Karmaphala catches up with us sooner or later. Even that word sooner or later is a completely wrong word. It catches us up exactly at the right time but how do we know? We will know only through the scriptures because there is a particular time, particular place, particular circumstance under which the Karmaphala fructifies. Shri Ramakrishna's words are nothing but the complete echo of the Vedic words but in modern language, in simple words. He gives several examples but one example is a mother bird does not break open the egg until the right time comes. He gives a beautiful example. The earth was burdened with all these kind of evil people and by the way in our Puranas, mythologies, it's written so beautifully that whenever this Adharma, unrighteousness increases, unrighteousness is an abstract concept. It means unrighteousness manifesting in the form of evil people, people with evil tendencies, unrighteous behavior etc. Then the earth becomes very much burdened. So she runs to Lord Narayana who is supposed to be the maintainer. Generator is Brahma. Maintainer is Vishnu. Recycler is Shiva. So once she went there, Lord I'm unable to take the weight of all my children because many of them are not living a righteous life. Please come immediately. But the Lord smiles and said no no no I cannot come immediately. I think this is with regard to Ravanasura. I will definitely come. He has done lot of good and he is enjoying that result of that good deeds. Until his good result gets exhausted, I cannot come. Like this there are quite a number of courts. Only at the right time everything will be coming out. So these evil people will have to suffer but not according to human calculation and nobody wants suffering. When they suffer, at first they try to bring relief, remedy through known means and when they do not get any relief from the known means then there is no option but they will turn to that unseen power. Call it God. Call it power. Energy, universal energy. By whatever name you call, there is a power and that alone can help me. Rakshisya Seethi Vishwasaha. Form faith. Only God can save me and only then God will also decide. Only when we are ready to receive it. To sum up what I have been speaking is, it is possible that whether it is good result or bad result, it comes only at the right time. What is the right time? When we are capable of receiving it good or evil. Until that time it won't come at all. So these people are demonic people. They are what is simply called materialistic people. What Sri Ramakrishna calls worldly people. What Sri Ramakrishna labels them as slaves of lust and lucre. Simple. As simple as that. So they may be highly learned scientists. So many scientists are there. They don't believe in God. Why? Because it cannot be proved. Dharma is not visible. Moksha is not visible. What is visible? Artha and Kama are visible. Are they really visible? Absolutely no. According to Hinduism, there are four goals and that is what the Veda puts forth before us. And why does Veda put forth? Because if Artha and Kama, sex and money is visible, then the Veda need not to take, the scripture need not take the trouble at all. We are making a profound mistake when we say that yes, Dharma we don't know. Moksha we do not know. But definitely we know what is called lust and lucre. That we know. No, we do not know it. Why? Because some people run after it and they get it. Some people do exactly the same thing but they don't get it. Some people succeed, some do not. What is the reason? Why is it? And if they prove, they come with no result at all. Why? Because these are invisible and that which is not possible to obtain that is called Aparishaya, super sensory knowledge. Aparishaya means it is humanly possible to know about them. So scriptures, whether God exists, whether the law of righteousness exists, whether the effect of Karmaphala exists, whether life after exists, whether there are other worlds, these are the truths only to be got through the scripture and from nowhere else. They are not visible to science. But what do these demonic people do? Even though they are suffering, at first they do not look. Why? Because whatever is not visible, whatever cannot be proved by the five sense organs, what is scientific proof? That is proof verifiable by these five sense organs and Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha are not verifiable at all. That's why they are called Purusharthas. All the Purusharthas are invisible, unobtainable by the five sense organs. So the people can run after them. To some extent I have to say Dharma, righteousness, that is rationally provable. If somebody hurts me, somebody cheats me, somebody tells me a lie, I feel it tangibly, physically, externally. So what is the lesson? Do unto others what you wish others to do unto you and do not do the opposite. So to some extent but when a person tries to lead a righteous life and another person tries to lead an unrighteous life, something peculiar happens. The results of righteous life are not immediately tangible, visible, experienceable. Sometimes yes, most of the time no. Similarly when somebody is evil person and if he sneezes a thousand doctors would run and all comforts are there. So such a person is kept alive for a long time but a righteous person because of his inability to think, he will think, oh righteous persons suffer, evil persons prosper and that is what his stupid rationality, viveka buddhi, power of discrimination leads him to which is not a right thing at all. This is what we have to crystal clearly understand. There are certain things which are visible, experienceable. What are visible? The results of karma are visible but the reasons for why these are visible that is not visible at all. The moolakarana, root cause cannot be obtainable excepting through the scriptures. So these demonic people what do they do? They do not believe in the scriptures. So there is dharma, artha, kama, moksha, they are closed book to them. Then what do they do? They do not know what to do, what not to do. Here the scriptures play a most loving important part in every one of our lives. If you buy a machine then there comes a manual. So this is the right way to look after it, to use it and this is the wrong way to misuse it and so we have to avoid it. These are called do's and don'ts, vidhi and nishayda, do this and do not do this. But even those people, not to speak of demonic people, even those who profess we believe in the scriptures, 99% of the time they do not do it. Why? These people do have faith in the scriptures, in God etc. But the strength of the past samskaras, force of the past habits and the lure, the temptations created by maya is too much, too much is there. So what are we talking about? There are people, they are called unrighteous people and they adopt, their only goals seem to be I want to earn whatever is necessary for me to enjoy and I would like to enjoy. Now many foolish unrighteous people are seen on this earth. What am I talking about? I am referring to those people who are after what is, let me first narrate a story. There was a poor man and he loved chicken curry but he cannot afford it. So he took a vow, I will earn so much money that I will be able to afford to eat one chicken every day and by that there are so many years passed and he was able to accumulate enough money out of which he can really enjoy a chicken every single day but then he lost all his teeth, his power of taste also has come down, his stomach was not able to digest, so this is the kind of people I am referring. Some people, it is so beautifully one of a swami said in one of his talks, practically half of the man's life is spent in accumulating money and the other half is spent in spending it on health. So most people they do not have time to enjoy, one must be free, free of time, free of space, free of worry etc. So there are some people who know how to do it but I can categorically declare that there are only very few such people who have the wisdom to earn money and to enjoy at the same time but they also save money. So we do not know whether anybody, anything can happen to anybody at any time but while I still have the power and the time, let me enjoy it. Even these people are far advanced in life than the other type of people. So now coming back because Dharma is not visible, Moksha is not visible. Dharma means righteous life, Moksha means complete liberation. Why? It is only the scripture which tells us that each soul is potentially divine and the goal of life cannot be any other but to manifest to this divinity and to the extent we manifest to this divinity we are able to enjoy Artha and Kama otherwise not at all and as we go on sandwiching this Artha and Kama, accumulation and enjoyment in between the slices of bread called Dharma and Moksha then man will have Iha and Para, enjoys this world, enjoys the other world also. So these people they do not cognize the scriptures so Dharma is not visible therefore not acceptable. Moksha of course is not visible therefore not acceptable. As I mentioned earlier very important point even Artha Kama, man may have, unrighteous person may have plenty of money but he may not be able to enjoy. Most people cannot enjoy because they suffer from fear, from being caught by the police, from their own bad conscience. I have to tell you here that God has inserted Viveka Buddhi, conscience within each one of us and these people they have this one potentially. They think they can suppress it, they can never suppress it because it will turn out into a terrible unbearable agony of mental disease. So Dharma is not visible, Moksha is not visible, that's why both of them are called Apaurusheya not available to any human instrument that's why it is called Apaurusheya. So and what is the condition of these people? Oh we do not see Dharma, we do not see Moksha so we do not follow them and see Ramakrishna tells here in a most telling manner there was a there were two friends one day one friend visited his friend's house on the way he saw a house was completely burnt down so he came and said what a sad thing I have seen and such and such a block a whole house has collapsed it is completely burnt to ashes immediately the other man ran to that day's newspaper and searched there was no news he said I do not believe you whatever is not written in the newspaper is not believable that means whatever the scientists do not approve other society celebrities do not approve that is not to be accepted at all even the story that just now I quoted as a twist what did this friend say I just now I saw a house getting burnt if the other man was a little bit intelligent wise not otherwise he would have said maybe but I will wait till tomorrow's newspaper comes then I will check it whether what you are saying true or not but a really wise man says that this my friend he is my friend is trustworthy is his word he will not tell what is wrong especially there is no selfishness involved in informing this this is a neutral news for most of us so this Ramakrishna has been pointing out there are people unless the scientist some scientist tells some celebrity tells etc you will not be able to accept it and this is the Kamakanchana lust and gold of what Ramakrishna tells and naturally because we follow this lifestyle of Kama and Kanchana lust and gold our life is governed by Raga Dveshas what I like I want to obtain by hook or crook and what I don't like I will avoid by hook or crook likes and dislikes then what about values truth is not abiding in that is a very beautiful incident in the life of Jesus Christ many jews elder jewish elderly people they caught hold of Jesus Christ because they were completely selfish people unthinking people is demonic people and they wanted to kill Jesus Christ without thinking what whether he has done something wrong or right so he was taken to the pilot and during the conversation the topic what is truth and Jesus Christ says truth is that which makes us free and this is the greatest definition anybody can give I hope this is from the bible I'm not 100% sure but I do remember that is there so these people truth is has no place in the life of these people they do not believe in the values so their argument is whatever is convenient is a value for me I will speak truth also I will follow dharma also but there is a big but what is the but when it is convenient when it confers on myself to my adds to my selfishness self-gain then of course I will speak the truth we will now this is what I wanted to add to the seventh verse that we had discussed now we'll move on to the eighth verse which is a kind of repetition of what has been discussed earlier eighth verse asatyam apratishtham te jagad aahu anishwaram aparasparasambhootam kim anyath kaamahitukam te these asuri prakruti people demonic people unrighteous people worldly people immaterialistic people ahuhu they profess what do they say jagat apratishtham this world is not based upon God not created by God asatyam that means it is not based upon truth anishwaram there is no God who created there is a God no God who is looking after it who is maintaining it who punishes who rewards no absolutely no then aparasparasambhootam that is just you know two male and female mate woman man and woman come together and mate purely by motivated by lust and the children come kaamahitukam the whole universe is is be born is because of the lustful tendencies kim anyath what else is there to think about it this is the highest truth so these people say the world is devoid of truth without a moral basis and without a God it's brought about by the union of male and female and lust alone is its cause what else lust means not only sexual desire but any kind of desire there is a greatest scientific innovation scientific discovery of some truth and how did it come about well the man had decided to find out so he dabbled with some things mixed some things of course intelligent mixing and then he came to know that if this and this are mixed this would be the result and based upon past knowledge he had hypothesized that if i can mix these two there is a good chance something can come out of it beneficial or not so beneficial etc and that is how it is discovered no need to bring in God nature explains everything many scientists follow this view and just as one i just now remember bernard shah used to quote about cricket game what's a cricket game 11 players playing and 11 000 fools watching now we would say that 11 people playing and 11 million or how many numbers we don't know because of the internet tv etc or mobile etc are watching so what is telling a few scientists tell and whatever a scientist tell is the vedavakya is a biblical truth this is infallible truth and they follow this print this understanding this is their knowledge and naturally we all follow whatever knowledge we are convinced of if there is God if we are convinced our life will change if we profess that there is a God and our life is not changed that means we do not either we do not believe in God or the past samskaras as we say past habits are too much or mahamaya is showing its tempting facet so what is the way out there are people who are seeking the truth what is the way out vedas scriptures so what we call bible quran tripeetaka etc these are called veda veda doesn't mean only hindu scripture veda means the scripture of every religion and every religion is founded upon a particular scripture including buddhism so what is veda is a beautiful definition of veda is given and all our devotees must know it this is the definition that comes veda is called veda because what cannot be what knowledge cannot be obtained either to direct experience or inference and which can be obtained only by shruti by the veda by those who experience by the rishis their teachings are called shruti for example the gospel of sri ramakrishna etc the new testament bible etc there through that only we come to know god is there karmaphala is there etc just and in hindu hindu scriptures this veda is considered that a billion mothers put together and the most loving motherliness is manifesting in the veda because veda considers all of us as her small children babies so just as a mother decides what's good and not so good because we are babies we do not know we do not even have the instruments to know so our mother vedamata decides what is ultimately good for us and the ultimate goal this scripture what does it do tells my children there is a place for enjoyment for materialistic happiness but ultimately you have to turn to spirituality but this materialistic happiness also must be gained only by following the dictates of the scriptures what is good and what is beneficial not only for the present for the future not only for me but for everyone and that is the teachings of the scripture and the teachings of the scriptures fall into two categories do this don't do this vidhi and nishedha so the scripture allows us here is a baby and the baby cannot be taught these things excepting through the parents commanding they don't parents do not teach the children but parents have to command the child of course first they themselves have to follow it and then they have the authority to command and then they command get up early in the morning face the sun pray to the sun this is what is called sandhya ritual and go on praying to the Surya Bhagawan he is the sun god every day he is rising and every day he is available for almost 12 hours and every day he wants to bestow his blessings in the form of light light that is remember represents knowledge so early in the morning run and face the rising sun and fold your hands oh lord please guide me every day and the Gayatri mantra we are children we do not know but we surrender ourselves to you by meditating upon you may you awaken our discriminatory intellect wisdom may you awaken may you grant us wisdom so these children have to be commanded when they grow up sufficient maybe seven years maybe eight years maybe 12 years then there is a beautiful ceremony called sacred thread ceremony what is the ceremony the parents decide my child now you have grown up and you have to learn how to use your sharp intellect to discriminate between what is right and evil what is good and bad what gives happiness what promotes happiness what demotes happiness what brings more unhappiness what to do what not to do this samskara is called sacred thread ceremony that is why that person is called twice born or second time born and if he doesn't follow even after this then he will be just like a bird that is brainless bird in every system in christianity for example a baptism unless a baby is baptized of course they baptize even as a baby for brainwashing but through baptism comes only when there is a conversion from the worldly to the spiritual from the adharma to dharma from unrighteousness to righteousness etc. so this transformation this entering into the second birth with a vow from now onwards i will pursue the four goals of human life dharma artha kama and moksha now of the sathya and dharma is most wonderful point sathya means truth pursuit of truth and dharma practice of truth always go together so why do we use two words sathya and dharma what is the difference sathya is the truth we are all seekers of truth we are born to seek truth truth about what truth about ourselves truth about the world truth about god everything and what is dharma then dharma is the pursuit of truth in day-to-day life from birth to death from awakening in the daytime until we fall asleep consciously pursuing what is right what is good what promotes happiness what is for the good of everybody that is called dharma in practice our rishis have given us a blueprint of what should and should not be done the goals of life are divided into four purusharthas that's why Swami Vivekananda put these four purusharthas in four lines four capsules we are all familiar i'll just quote the first line each soul is potentially divine but the fourth line is most important line always we must keep it in our mind what is it this is the whole of religion dogmas doctrines rituals these are all scriptures secondary details so everything you go on pilgrimage you perform these rituals but unless transformation takes place consciously and we have to set the goal of what we wish to become then it is completely useless and this has given to us this beautiful idea ten commandments from the Taittiriya Upanishad so what is the vision of these rishis this is a total vision of educating every living human being containing enduring values for living a purposeful meaningful goal oriented life that finally leads to these four goals of human life Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha so what are these ten commandments these are called commandments this is what is called convocation address this as i mentioned many times is available in the 11th section of the first chapter of the Taittiriya called Siksha only Siksha means training Siksha means learning teaching what is right what is wrong here is a student he has completed his education with the true guru and then he is going out this is called Samavartana returning back home thereafter two lifestyles are available for him one is called that is he can get married the other is if he has sufficient spiritual samskaras then he will what will he do he will immediately take a vow there is no need for me to marry i had gone through all these things i don't require i don't depend upon them that is called Brahmacharya Naishtika Brahmacharya thereafter some of them may become monks and some of them may not so here before the students go out every year practically every time students go out the teacher gives a convocation address and i have never come across this kind of convocation address even it is universally applicable no university professor will ever be able to give has not been able to give of course some good things they always say together some philosophical things but it is derived through reasoning not through experience only a Rishi a spiritual person he can tell it like Swami Vivekananda at the parliament of religions jagrata prapya vara nibodhata so he says children of immortal bliss amrutasya putra this is the word he has used and that is the initiation by the great Rishi for thousands of people there and even now he is initiating because an inspired word is a living mantra which will enter into the heart of a heart which is ready when it is ready it immediately enters and then makes a huge bonfire of all the worldly values and helps the man move forward so let us briefly analyze together this is a total vision of life a vision a perfect education containing enduring values for living a purposeful meaningful goal oriented life that finally leads to dharma artha karma and through these three instrumental values finally to moksha which is self-knowledge that i am divine i am brahman the first commandment do not deviate from truth hold on to truth and in order to have true stability in one social economic and family life one should be truthful as i mentioned earlier and i am going i am not ashamed in repeating it any number of times it is only following dharma that one can enjoy this life by hook and crook nobody can enjoy the life even if everything is available there it is just like somebody holds a gun to your brain and says now you enjoy that sweet and you don't know whether even if you enjoy then he may blow your brain will you be able to enjoy it yes it is nice it is there you want to eat it you like it but that fear is there so under 80s people always suffer from this type of things so he says first goal is hold on to the truth each soul is potentially divine then manifest this divinity in your life the goal is to manifest this divinity by controlling nature external and internal that is the practice of dharma second commandment speak truth practice dharma hold on to righteousness this means being just and compassionate in everything one plans or does this involves paying deep attention to what is righteous and being ever ready to do whatever is right even if it temporarily inconveniences so this is a wonderful subject what is dharma so here are some quotations i thought you will enjoy it dharma is that which sustains this entire universe and every being in it people always you will see when they are in trouble when they want guidance they do not approach a madcap they will approach when they see here is a righteous person and he lives what he preaches he practices and he is a what is in other words called a divinely authorized person he he has a special authority and they always approach for the solution of their problems and he will always tell what the scripture tells now or what the scientists tell and many times what the scriptures tell with regard to certain things are not separate from what the scientists tell but the vision of the scientist is extremely limited that's what we have to understand dharme sarvam dharmena papam upanudanti so through dharma all the sins are completely erased dharme sarvam pratishtitam everything the entire moral order is based upon this dharma so here are a few more definitions of dharma which we have to understand that which inspires a person to lead a righteous life that is called dharma yato abhyudaya nishraya sa siddhi dharma is that one which promotes both worldly as well as spiritual happiness Manusmruti says that that which is so devotedly adopted by the righteous people good people truthful people son behave completely calm and quiet not at all influenced by raga and dvesha and they always follow their conscience they never deviate learn it from those great people and move forward anrushes anrushamsyam parodharma the highest dharma is not to give trouble to anybody else dharma eva hatohanti dharmorakshati rakshithah a most beautiful definition if anybody kills righteousness he will be killed is like a suicide and he who protects dharma such a person will be saved and is it only in the hindu scriptures no in other religions also the same is echoed most christian denominations consider these two commandments to be the core of correct christian lifestyle what are these two commandments this is called the highest commandment here oh israel the lord is our god the lord alone you shall love the lord your god with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might and you shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against any of your people but you shall love your neighbor as yourself i am the lord then that is the first commandment at the best commandment that is the highest best commandment the only commandment but that is called satyam truth what is the dharma do unto others what you wish others to do to you do not do unto others what you do not wish others to do to you do to them what you wish others to do to you love thy neighbor as thyself oh i have to love my neighbor yes why because he is you he is none other than you i and my father are one i and my neighbor are one this is what is very briefly there are books and books and books on dharma but we are only talking about this one so third commandment i call them commandments because a suggestion you may or may not follow but a commandment you have to follow hold on to welfare activities that which promotes your welfare as well as others welfare hold on to it and never deviate from it one should come forward to help oneself the poor the distressed the old people the children and anybody who is oppressed and nations also other weaker sections of the society we see when we open our eyes whenever there is a refugee problem you see how many good people especially in the west step forward and add so much of millions and millions and millions so that that they feel that if i am in that condition i will be suffering so this poor person like he is my neighbor i have to help him and there there is no barrier of religion language nation and culture etc etc so this is third commandment fourth commandment beautiful commandment many hindus have forgotten and others also do not tell that acquire wealth legitimately in a dharmic way how much as much as you can but as ram krishna says that be aware how much time not 24 hours there is a time for the acquisition of wealth there is a time for the for the performance of religious duties there is a time to be with family so hinduism divides this dharma into three categories individual family and society we have duty towards the society particular time fix how much time then we have a duty do not neglect the family husband wife children we have to spend time with them and whoever neglects that and to that extent there will be great harm done not only to oneself but to the whole family how many family members have grown up deprived of this the time of their either mother or father and neighbors have to look after them and as a result terrible psychological damage has been suffered by these people practically throughout the life so hold on to welfare acquire wealth so the upanishads or vedas never said remain poor it is for sannyasins that is fine but this is for householders the upanishads did not preach poverty they spoke of a healthy and prosperous life the ideal of renunciation is not the ideal of poverty and agony but learning to help others with whatever we acquire upanishadic society was a prosperous society very prosperous society fifth commandment hold on to the worship of gods and mains deva pitru karya bhyam na pramaditavyam no no no i am a material person i don't believe in other world in god i don't want to waste my time i want to acquire money time is money i will do everything in my best no this is you are killing yourself slowly you are becoming a self-suicider that is what it is said in the Isavasya Upanishad exactly we are talking about these people who neglect their self-knowledge spirituality after the fall of this body they enter into the dark demonic worlds and they are like suicides that means they suffer very much there then sixth commandment this fifth commandment do not neglect your spiritual practices such as study of the scriptures do your repeating god's name praying and meditation etc sixth hold on to study do not neglect study of the scriptures and whenever opportunity presents speak of those things with others also so hold on to study this word study as we discussed earlier not only study of the scriptures but study of the even one's own self i am studying the scriptures i know many things intellectually am i transforming my life what am i doing where am i doing wrong etc etc these are all very important things so study the scriptures study your mind objectively and try to reconcile both of them never neglect this one then seventh commandment look upon your mother as God your father as God your teacher as God and every being as God so this what people are doing in today's world mothers and fathers are living alone are leading a terrible lonely life and they do not have anybody even to say how are you accepting on some occasions the children so it seems they're forced there is some justification also i don't say that most people live in the western countries there is no need for them to live there even after they have retired i don't know why they do it and they claim to be very spiritual people so they can come back to their respective countries and serve them in their own way many institutions require there not only monetary help but material help seva you teach if you're a doctor serve in hospitals or if you're a computer specialist teach in the school for children so many venues are available for this kind of service but selfishness has taken terrible hold of the people and that's what they're doing so look upon what is the idea you are divine so everybody is divine first you recognize your own divinity by claiming my father is God my mother is God then apply the same thing to other people also slowly but slowly overcome your selfishness identify with other people until we get the idea our parents are parvati and parameshwara God himself so we are all children of God the whole world is nothing but one single family but what is happening in today's fast world we seem to become too much money oriented selfish oriented etc 8th commandment never neglect to distribute gifts with respect with sincerity to the extent one can do it to wherever help is needed and it is not losing something it is future investment say swami vekaranda do not stand on a high pedestal and take five cents in your hands and say here my poor man but be grateful that the poor man is there so that by making a gift to him you are able to help yourself it is not the receiver that is blessed but it is the giver be thankful that you are allowed to exercise your power of benevolence and mercy in the world and thus become pure and perfect as i mentioned earlier is not only it goes to develop our spiritual personality but from purely materialistic viewpoint this is a wonderful investment in the company in a company called inter interloka insurance company that is one of the titles i bestowed upon God so if you spend something that is written as a credit in your account whichever loka you go in this world or in the other world that account is like credit card it's available for you to draw from every country so not only you earn money but you will have to also share it with you and nine bring wealth to your teacher to continue his educational work that will come later on bring wealth to your teachers what does teacher mean anybody who is helping anybody else help them in whatever way you can either by monetary way or encouragement prayer if nothing works but in the old is olden times gurukulas are maintained by the generosity philanthropy of the parents of the children because you know even the children are educated only in the gurukula and they all eat what is cooked by the wife of the guru guru patni there is no difference the teacher also eats students also eat the wife of the guru also eats and it is very sattvika food etc so to run such a wonderful educational institution one needs funds and support in many other ways and finally and this is not really final i only have chosen 10 commandments there are many other 10th commandment what is it do not break the rishi sampradaya system whatever i have outlined so far is the rishi's idea of educational system this is the tradition that has been coming which is badly broken since two or three centuries gradually it was breaking so it says what does it mean it means get married to a good girl a good boy be ideal mother and father and produce good children through prayers through proper observance of righteous life and even good children are the gift of god only when we pray to him and through them propagate these traditions which is the rishi's vision of what every human being should be in this world and this is the vision of the rishis spread in front of us for our understanding acceptance and practice but what do these materialistic people do we will discuss it in the next verse but i will just mention etam dvistim avastavya nastaatmanaha alpabuddhaya prabhavanti ugra karmanaha kshayaya jagataha ahitaha what do these people do adopting this purely selfish view materialistic view holding such a view these lost souls of little understanding and fears deeds rise as the enemies of the world for its destruction most marvelous verse you just open your eyes see what is happening practically in every country no country is exempt these materialistic people not only bring disaster upon themselves but they drag down the whole world to the very depths of misery and suffering and every day all the news are only these news on the one side the scientists are doing marvelous discoveries on the other side these are the people who are using the knowledge of the scientists to convert them into weapons of mass destruction and using them we will discuss these points in our next class om vasudevasutam devam kamsachanuramarthanam devake paramanandam krishnam vande jagat kurum may the ramakrishna holy mother and swami vekananda bless us all with bhakti. Jai Ramakrishna