Post Aarathi Talk 22 on 3rd Dec 2017

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Full Transcript(Not Corrected)

The full spiritual book, teachings of Swami Brahmananda. Okay, so Lingam, what's your query? You emailed me. Social, individual, family and social. Is this what you wanted, clarification? And how do we navigate through this? I can only give the hint, but you will have to find out how to translate it. You know, this is a fact which we do not realize. We are individuals, we are family members and we are also members of society. But what they call irreverently, social animal. Man is a social animal. Now, something happened. We are becoming even more social without meeting people. Facebook, Tweet, Internet. I saw one cartoon. One man was writing email. Dear son, we love you dearly. It is 12 o'clock. Lunch is ready. Will you please come down? You know, you know, and they also rebel against you is privacy. We want privacy. This idea was not there before. This idea of privacy is a purely Western idea. And it is a dangerous idea. So, in tropical countries... You want to sit here, chair? Okay, you are able to hear me? Loud and clear? Yes. Loud and clear, you know. Shruti is telling is loud and clear, but we don't hear. Do you know that? You are here, but you don't hear. This is our condition. Once, you know, a fellow died and he went to hell. He was standing, fires. Hell means fires. Then, one day, Yamadharma Raja happened to pass by. And he saw this person. So, he came and said, my dear man, I sent you three messages, loud and clear. If only you heeded, today you would not have been here. The man became furious. He said, you liar! You are telling me you sent me three messages? Yamadharma Raja said, yes, loud and clear. Three messages I have sent. When did you send? Did you not see people who were sick and you yourself many times became sick? That was the first email I sent you. Take care of your life, otherwise you will end up here. Have you not seen people who are old? You yourself have become old. But that was the second time I sent the message. Be careful, the time is not long. Loud and clear message I sent you, but you did not care. When did you send the third message? Did you not see people dying in accidents because of disease? That was the last message I sent. You did not take care of yourself. Had you heeded my messages, the first email itself would have cleared you. Is this not our condition? How did Buddha renounce the world? Same. He saw an old man, he saw a man suffering from a disease, palsy, and he saw a dead person. That's what we are seeing all the time. That is what Akshaya Prasanna, Yudhishthira replies. Every day millions of creatures die, and yet those who are alive think death is never going to come to them. What could be more wonderful than this fact? Every single day. How many people die? Do you know how many people die every single day? When I heard about the tsunami, I had this query. How many people die every day? Do you know how many people die? More or less. One hundred seventy thousand people. Every single day. But the babies who are born are more. That's why the population is increasing. Anyway, every one of us are individuals, family members, and members of society. Therefore, our life is a jugglery where we have to juggle how to keep our individuality, how to keep our family membership in harmony, and how to also be in harmony with society. Three types of insecurities have been identified. This is an age of insecurity. This is the worst thing in the whole history that this is three types of insecurity. First of all, social insecurity. Meaning what? Where our job will be, how long our job will be, and what type of job we can have. This is extremely uncertain. There was a period, for a long period. You know human civilization has gone through five stages. Human civilization has gone through how many stages? We are in the fifth transitional stage. The first was called nomadic civilization. You know nomadic? They did not develop the skill of growing plants, domesticating animals. Nomadic means where food is available, man goes roaming. That was the first civilization. Then slowly, over thousands of years, man developed the skill of what is called the secret of planting the seeds and growing the plants and domesticating the animals. So, that is called agricultural civilization. Now, moving from place to place, you know what they used to do? They used to move to some place, finish, exhaust all the food sources, then burn that area. So that by that time they could come, that would be ready once more. This is called recycling. So, population was very few. Therefore, it didn't matter. They burned these things. In sufficient time, they moved roots, fruits, animals, etc. Now, when agricultural civilization came, the first thing that happened was man stopped moving. And that is when joint family came into. Because at that time, implements have not been discovered. I mean industrial civilization had not come. And so, the more number of human beings, the better for them. And there is no need for them to go anywhere else. So, you know, if a father has got 3, 4, 5 children, all of them, then they get married, their children will be there. Like that, joint families grew. That is when marriage, the institution called marriage came into being. There was no marriage earlier. Did you know that? If you read our Puranas, I should not use that word, you know. What was Dushyanta and Shrikuntala's marriage? Gandharva marriage means what? I love you, I love you. And then they had their fling, and then he went away. She was carrying, you know, the child, and she had to suffer, and she went there. It is wonderful. Now Kalidasa had got an opportunity to write one of the most wonderful dramas. Abhijnana Shakuntalam. You know what is Abhijnana? He left one ring. So, if you show it to me, in case I forget, remind me. But he did not want to remember, you know. God has to come to his rescue. But anyway, that was before agricultural civilization. The moment agricultural civilization came, there would be differences among people. Talented, strong, then there would be weak, idiotic, all these sorts of people. So, the strongest person used to claim the best piece of land. Now, he also used to claim the most desirable woman. Once I saw a cartoon, beautiful cartoon. All these cavemen, you know. So, just before winter, this man caught hold of the hair of a few women, was dragging into the cave. The caveman was dragging a few women by their hair. Long hair, you know, long hair. So, the neighbors were... This kiln is storing for the winter. Winter season, cold season. So, like a few years, you know. So, the man didn't want... First of all, he wanted protection that what he acquired should not go out of his hands. Naturally, second also, he wanted his hard-earned property to go only for himself.