Bhagavad Gita Ch18 part 36 on 17 April 2022

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Full Transcript(Not Corrected)

Om Jananem Sharadam Devem Ramakrishnam Jagadgurum Pada Padme Tayo Sritva Pranamami Mohur Moho Om Vasudevasutam Devam Kamsa Januram Ardhanam Devaki Paramanandam Krishnam Vande Jagadgurum Sarvopanishadho Gavo Dogdha Gopalanandana Partho Vatsa Sudhir Bhokta Dogdham Geetam Ritam Mahat Mukam Karoti Vachalam Pangum Langayate Girim Yat Kripatamaham Vande Paramanandam Adhavam We have been discussing in our last class the most marvelous shloka of every scripture Ishwara Sarvabhutanaam Hridyeshe Arjuna Tishthati Brahmayan Sarvabhutani Yantrarodhani Mayaya Hey Arjuna Ishwara Sarvabhutanaam Hridyeshe Tishthati Ishwara resides in the hearts of every being. What does he do? Sarvabhutani All beings Yantrarodhani Yiva like puppets being moved by the puppeteer Swa Mayaya by the power of his Maya Brahmayan activating them, deactivating them. He goes on moving. We have seen for the last few verses the Lord is slowly leading all of us to complete self-surrender. In fact we are completely helpless. Everybody feels, everybody desires there should be complete peace. Not only in the individual, not only within the country but all over the world. But do we get what we wish for? Say what is happening, open your eyes. We have a saying, whatever is to happen is going to happen and what is not going to happen is never going to happen. This is a fact we have to acknowledge and this is a fact we will have to accept and this is a fact we have to swallow and this is a fact through which we have to mould, direct all our life and those who do not they will pay the consequences, heavy consequences. Anyway whatever is going to happen is going to happen which is not going to happen is not going to happen. Is it fatalism? Is it helplessness? Is it simply laziness? No, this is a fact of life. But the Lord says accepting this faith you do your best that if something is going to happen what is the good of doing whatever we wish because we may think that nothing is going to happen. No, when we act according to the direction of the Divine Lord then we receive His abundant grace. What do you mean by abundant? Not less, not more but if our utensil is 50% vacant we can only retain 50% of the grace and if it is 100% vacant then we can enjoy all the 100% of the grace. Now what is this grace we are talking about? The Lord has made it abundantly clear and He is going to make it clear in the coming verses. But this is a fact. Has man freedom? Absolutely freedom only to accept that I have no freedom. What happens? Then man should not keep quiet. He will have to go through three spiritual steps of progress. As Madhusodhana Saraswati so beautifully pointed out what is the first step? I belong to God because I am trying my level best to surrender myself to God. Even surrendering oneself to God requires the grace of God otherwise we cannot deal with this inveterate egotism. It is strong, it is stubborn, it is almost impossible to control it. But if we put into practice what the Lord is asking us to do then by His grace step by step we move forward. So the first step is I belong to God. And when we practice accordingly if I belong to God, I am a child of God, I am a friend of God then I must behave otherwise bad name will come to God. So I must behave as if the good Lord's name and His prestige everything depends upon me otherwise I will bring bad name to my entire family not only to myself, entire family, entire country. See, funny thing, people have got extraordinarily evil habit. If in a family if one person misbehaves they will not isolate that individual but put the blame entire family. I know that family, it is like that. And if your people are mischievous in this entire country they will put the entire blame. India is having a havoc of racial discrimination, linguistic discrimination, religious discrimination. Everybody is out with a thousand eyes and thousand tongues to see the faults and to do it. Nobody sits and says 99% of the country they are not to blame. Similarly, we also blame the whole Russia had declared war. No, Russia has not declared war. There are millions of people in Russia who do not wish the war and who do not like it to happen but they are completely helpless. That's what the Lord is driving when I have decided to do something who the hell are you to think that you can do something. You have absolutely no power. Ram Krishna's apt illustrations. He gives God laughs on two occasions. On one occasion a young child of a mother is sick and is about to die and the doctor comes and declares do not worry mother I am soon going to restore your child to good health. God laughs and says when I decided to take away the life of this child this foolish fellow comes and says I am going to go against God's wishes. Second, when two brothers divide a land, a teeny weeny bit of land, few inches that's all, that side is yours, this side is mine. God laughs, the whole cosmos belongs to me. These stupid fellows are saying that side is yours, this side is mine. So do we have freedom? Yes. To be able to practice the Divine Lord's will and that is real self-surrender and to be able to feel I belong to God just as a child never doubts I belong to my mother. The thought I may or may not belong to my mother never enters into the child's mind. A real devotee attains that state. Then he progresses further. He says God belongs to me. That means I have a right over God. If I say to God do this, He is oath bound because I am His and He is mine. This is the very big spiritual progress. Then comes the last step. The person realizes there are no two, I and God. Whatever exists is only one. And depending upon which state we are in we are called either dualists or qualified non-dualists or total non-dualists. This is how the Lord is driving us. Is man free to act according to his will or does he depend on his actions or any other agency? This question naturally arises after studying this 61st verse that it is God who like a puppet is making all of us as puppets and moving according to His will. No, God is moving. First of all, He doesn't move like we move by His very presence. Like a magnet makes any iron particle dance by its mere presence without even being conscious. So God's very presence in the form of awareness makes us do it. And second, God's will acts according to the mould we have prepared as the result of all of our past karmas in innumerable past lives. So it is a so-called partnership for now. But when a person attains to the highest stage there is no partnership, there are no two, there is only one. So at this stage man has freedom only one thing. I am free to put into practice what God had asked me to do and to refrain from what God has asked me not to do. Does God come and say yes? How? Through the scriptures. That is why scriptures are the words of God. Scriptures are the expressions through the mouths of the realized souls through whom only God speaks because there is no separate realized soul. The same idea is going to be reinforced very soon. So we have seen also earlier in the third chapter 33 verse that everybody including those who know very well they only behave according to their accumulated habits, samskaras because their very nature will make them do. If somebody says no, I will resist, I want to control. He says Enforced even trying to control is simply not going to work out. Everybody follows his prakriti. A mosquito, don't say, never say. Damned mosquitoes are biting me. They are not biting. The very nature God has given them endowed them with they are making them bite. If any mosquito can get away from that they will be the first things to get out. And then the Lord also says in the 10th verse we have seen 10th chapter 8th verse Aham sarvasya prabhavah matah sarvam pravartate I am the originator of everything. Everything comes out from me. Wise people endowed with this knowledge that I have not been born. I was made to be born by the Divine Lord. So my entire existence depends upon the existence of the God. So I behave according to how he dictates. With this they attain peace. But they say God wants me to act in this way and that is what they do. This is how we have to understand we have the freedom only to follow the scripture which is the teachings of the God. So man is neither free to act nor free to abstain from action. Because God through his nature which is accumulated by our actions and reactions makes us behave according to our very nature. Therefore to call a man completely dependent on God is just the same as to declare him subject to his own nature. That is we have no freedom. That is what Shri Ramakrishna's parable of a farmer tying to a cow. That is what really means. With this understanding we are going to move to the verse 62. In the preceding verse it has been proved that man is not free to abandon his duties. He is driven to his natural duties under the prompting of his own nature. For the Almighty God who remains seated in the hearts of all as their inner controller causes every living being to revolve according to its own nature and it is not possible for any creature much less man to resist his prompting. Then the question comes if everything is being done by God what is my role? I have a freedom. I can accept this wisdom and I can follow the instructions of the Lord or I have the freedom to resist also. I don't have freedom to do whatever I like. I don't have freedom to keep away from whatever I don't like. This has been abundantly clear. Then what is my freedom? I have a freedom either to discharge my duties according to Karma Yoga or according to my own desire pampering my ego. There is a freedom. That is what makes people divided into two categories. Those who are worldly means they only pamper their ego even though they do the same things. The very speciality of Karma Yoga is we don't need to do anything special. All that we are doing whether I am as beautifully put if I am lying down if I am breathing if I am moving my eyes if I am moving my hands and legs if I am closing and opening my eyelids these are very natural things 24 hours from birth to birth from birth to death from birth after birth we are doing it. Same thing just add a little bit. I do this for the sake of pleasing the Divine Lord and let Him do what He wants to do with me. This is Karma Yoga and this is called self-surrender not simply sitting. And now the question comes if I am dependent upon God what should I do in order to get rid of the bondage of Karma and attain supreme peace? Let me rephrase this question because these words bondage, karma, samsara they sometimes can create unnecessary misunderstanding. Simple fact is every creature that means including me what do I want? I want to become immortal. I want to have wisdom and I want to have unbroken happiness. This is what every creature wants. Why does it want these three? Because it unconsciously it remembers I am God I have no death I have no ignorance I have no misery or suffering I am Satchitananda. But we have forgotten we are Satchitananda. But our nature what is called teleological urge prompts us to live as long as possible to acquire as much wisdom as possible and to be as happy as possible. And funny thing is so many people assiduously, painstakingly with tremendous effort accumulate only suffering and bondage by doing the wrong things forbidden, prohibited by the scriptures by the teachers etc. So bondage of karma means limitations. Limitation means my life is limited because body is limited mind is limited. What is unlimitedness? Going beyond body and mind. What remains? Atman alone remains. So to be tied up and to be strongly embracing this limitation is called ignorance it is called bondage it is called bondage of karma it is called samsara but everybody wishes supreme peace only. So the question is can I ever attain supreme peace? What is supreme peace? To know I am Sat I am Chit and I am Ananda. I am immortal. Children of immortal bliss all ye who reside in the higher regions listen to me I have realized that Purusha who is beyond all darkness and I know I am Brahman. There is no other way to get out of this limitation excepting by realizing that each one of us is that Purusha. This was the thundering inspirational message mantra Maha Mantra uttered loudly proclaimed at the Parliament of Religions by Swami Vivekananda for the first time when many religions are preaching man is a born sinner. Swami said no to call man a born sinner is a label on human being on humanity. Each soul is potentially divine every one of us is children of immortal bliss that means Tattvamasi you are Brahman. So the question comes how can I attain to that peace? Now as a sequel to the 61st verse we are entering into the 62nd verse Tameva Sharanam Gaccha Sarva Bhavena Bharata Tat Prasadat Param Shantim Sthanam Prapyasi Shashvatam O Arjuna, O Bharata take refuge in Him alone with all your being by His mere grace you shall attain supreme peace and eternal state which is God. Let us analyze because these are marvelous mantras and these are the very essence of Bhagavad Gita very essence of Mahabharata very essence of all the Upanishads very essence of the Vedas but I would say unhesitatingly this is the essence of the Bible of the Koran of the Tripitaka of every scripture whether it is Sikh's Guru Granth Sahib or Jain's teachings of the Mahavira whatever it be there is a state nobody controverts it by attaining which everybody will be freed from this Anatma and be completely immortal and blissful forever and ever there is no doubt every religion posits it by whatever name they call it Nirvana Satori Nirvikalpa Samadhi Kingdom of Heaven Paradise by whatever name we choose to call it doesn't really matter what is the Lord saying so if everything is done by the will of God do I know it no I don't know it but I told you this greatest secret Bhagavan Krishna calls it the secret of all secrets we are going to come to that in future so if everything is being done you have no freedom but how can I be free take refuge in him because when your hands and feet are tied by somebody more powerful more strong than you you have no way but to beg him to request him to fall at his feet and then he says do what I ask you to do then I will save you or I may not save you that is a human being's response but God's response is in the eyes of God everybody is God this is my child he is ignorant and he is crying Papa Mama I am the very crying itself is a call for Sharanagati and for help pleading for help immediately the mother comes running wherever the baby is and takes it and soothes it embraces it and suckles it and makes it as happy as any mother can do but what cannot the Divine Mother do she can do everything so the Lord is telling Hey Bharata and this word Bharata is a marvelous word but very often we forget so one meaning of the word Bharata is he who is born in the lineage of Bharata Bharata the son of Vishwamitra and Menaka that is Shakuntala Shakuntala's son that is Vishwamitra's grandson is called Bharata and this Bharata was very strong and the kingdom which he ruled has been called Bharata Desha and that is etymological meaning but there is another meaning which Gita students prefer to understand it I mentioned about it earlier also but just in case you do not remember Bhaa means light light means knowledge light means wisdom Prataha means one who is completely in quest of knowledge in quest of the Divine Light he who is reveling in this Divine Wisdom he is called Bharata and Arjuna he says Oh Lord, I take refuge in you and I want to know the wisdom I know you are an embodiment of wisdom so please come to my rescue because I surrender myself to you only when Arjuna surrendered the Divine Lord had opened his mouth in the eleventh verse of the second chapter let us remember it what is the Lord concluding this Gita teaching telling Sarvabhaamena in every way take refuge in him surrender yourself completely to him in every way means what? whatever you call I and mine mine means whatever property you have whatever power you have whatever energy you have whatever time you have that comes under the label of mama mine but what about me means body and mind so through all your sense organs through all your body through all your speech through all your mind through all your thoughts Sarvabhaamena whatever means you have that is Aham your body your sense organs your body your mind and whatever time energy opportunity power everything that you have take refuge in him means what? not simply mouthing some words I take refuge in you it means you will have to totally do what pleases the Lord I am going to come to that point and then suppose a person takes refuge in him what does he get? Tat Prasadat Bhagavat Prasadat by the grace of the Divine Lord why is it called grace? is it can we not call it wages? I am working therefore it must be wages no sir because a slave has no right to ask anything he must work so supposing a person is a slave and God asks him to do something and he says if you do this then you will get something and supposing the slave does it wholeheartedly completely the best way possible shortest way possible then is the slave entitled to get what the master promised? not at all he may give he may not give that he gives is another matter but he is Sarvatantra Swatantra he may not give also because he is independent that is the meaning of Bhagawan is totally free but he will never abandon his children Kaunteya Pratijani Name Bhaktaha Pranasyati O Kaunteya O Arjuna proclaim loudly throughout the world my devotee who is my devotee he was taken refuge in me so he is never going to perish because I will not allow anybody to go to dogs I will rescue him in this connection I remember a beautiful incident once a disciple of Swami Vekananda has written despairingly to the Guru that I am not coming perhaps up to your mark maybe I am going down Swami Vekananda immediately he replies go to as much low state as possible go to the very bottom of creation but be sure I will come wherever you are I will catch you by the hair of your head and I will bring you up because I have taken your responsibility once I have given my word as like an elephant tusks always come out but never go inside once they come out they will be there all the time so this is what the Lord is telling promising tat prasadat he is bound because God is grace sometimes we use the word God's grace like telling a rich man's house rich man is different his house is different my car I am different my car is different but the heat of the fire heat is not different from fire you cannot take a knife and cut the fire so God is grace God is light God is knowledge it is useless to use the word God's knowledge God's grace God's power no there is no need God is light God is knowledge God is grace that's all so the grace is bound to come and to the extent we take refuge to that extent we are allowing the Divine Lord to come to enter within ourselves then what is the grace what does it do so he says two things param shantim prayakshati it gives the supreme peace not temporary peace what is peace indescribable bliss of brahma sakshatkara that is called param means supreme supreme means it is not a comparative degree infinite peace infinite realization infinite knowledge attainment of the infinite and that is what he is making clear in other words shashvatam sthanam ja prapshasi first he says then you surrender my grace inevitably flows into you what does it give param shantim prapshasi you will attain to the supreme peace and that is called in other words shashvatam sthanam ja and that is the supreme abode tad vishnoho paramampadam sada pasyanti surayah diviva chakshuratatam so Arjuna take refuge in him and with all your being tanu mana dhana mine I means body mind everything and by the grace of God you shall attain supreme peace and the eternal state but we have to pause here and say what is it to take surrender to take refuge in God is it that is why we at the end we say Bhagavan Krishna asks in this very Bhagavad Gita after few shlokas it will come at the very end have you heard my teaching oh Arjuna if you had really heard real hearing means you must have understood understood correctly means you must have done what you are asked to do and if you are asked to do what you are asked to do the end result should be that first of all the delusion that had overcome you earlier that should have been totally destroyed that means it will never again raise its evil head secondly you remember that it is by my grace your memory will come back what memory that I am not Arjuna I have no enemies there are no second persons it is all pure Brahman left side Brahman right side Brahman above Brahman below Brahman everywhere Brahman this is called surrender means what joyfully a person will go on doing after taking refuge and this is put so beautifully under six categories by Bhagwan Ramanuja this is called Sharanagati Gadhya it consists of six stages I will call it six steps what are they Anukulasya Sankalpaha Pratikulasya Varjanam Rakshisya Siddhi Vishwasaha Goptrutva Paranam Tatha Atmarikshepaha Karpanye Iti Shradvida Sharanagati Iti thus Sharanagati consists of Shradvida six steps and in that order there is no deviation from it in that order what is this order so Sankalpaha every person who believes in the self surrender he takes a vow oh lord I am taking a vow and I am vowing to you you are the witness what is it I will do always only what pleases you I will never do anything what displeases you Anukulasya whatever brings in your grace become favorable to me well disposed to me I am taking a vow I will do only those things that means what scripture tells Vidhi and refraining from doing what scripture tells what is called do not do this Pratishedha Nishedha that is what Vidhi and Nishedha Pratikulasya Varjanam that means what whatever actions are forbidden in this scripture which are your words that is why every scripture claims it has come from God God's words that is called this one Pratikulasya Varjanam and then only when a devotee does this thing sufficiently then one unshakable faith that God is going to save me two two points first point is God is going to save me because I have taken complete refuse in Him and second point God alone can save there is no second thing which can save me Rakshishyati Iti Vishwasaha this word Vishwasaha we should substitute with the word Shraddha what is Shraddha Shastra Guru Vakyeshu Satya Buddhi Avadharana there is no doubt God is going to save me and He alone can save me and therefore I have no option there is no second choice second option Gop Trutva Varnam Tatha once I know God alone can save me and I don't see anything else which can save me then I only have no choice but to choose Varnam means choosing Gop Trutva you are my protector I am the protector you are the protector this is the fourth step then Atmanikshepaha place all your burdens that means you place yourself in the lap of the mother so you yours your dirt your cleanliness whatever is there you just jump into the lap of the Divine Mother this is called Atma means my complete personality Tanu Mana Dhana Nikshepaha I place in safe hands because God is the safest hands I completely place my responsibilities my burdens my Bhara Bharana everything on you this is called Atmanikshepaha and there will be no doubt about it this is the fifth step and then what is the sixth step Karpanye the greatest humility Oh Lord I have been able to follow all these five steps only because of your grace without your grace without your removing the obstacle called Egotism and Kama Krodha Lobha Mohamada Matsarya the six internal spiritual enemies I would never have been able to accomplish this Iti Shadvidha Sharanagati if any person follows these three steps one by one I will never I will do what pleases the Lord I will never even think of doing either now or in the future what displeases the Lord and I have tremendous faith there is only God who can rescue, help me and nobody else I choose God therefore to protect me I am the protector I am the protected you are the protector and then I transfer all my burden onto your shoulders and thereafter Lord it's your grace which has made this thing for me to take these five steps possible by myself I should never be able to do it this complete humility total dependence upon God is called Sharanagati so the personal pronoun Tameva in this verse only Him refers to that almighty all supporting all pervading creator sustainer and protector God who is the director and inner control of all and has been spoken of in the preceding verse as Ishvara seated in the heart of all living beings and He the spiritual aspirant who having offered His mind intellect senses prana vital layers as well as all His wealth and relations etc. to Him throws His entire responsibility on Him is said to have taken refuge in Him with all His being that is to say having ascertained the virtues glory truth and essential character of God what does this man do he follows certain steps what is the first step such a man looks upon God alone as His supreme goal and safest retreat chief support and total wealth second and recognising God as His only Lord protector supporter director and greatest well-wisher he depends on God alone in every way and as a result is rid of all fear third regarding everything as belonging to God and feeling His presence everywhere because not only what I have belongs to God but what everybody everybody belongs to God what belongs to everybody also belongs to God understanding this he gives up the feeling of I-ness and mine-ness and the sense of doership as well as attachment and desire in respect of all actions then what does he do he serves God seated in the heart of all beings this is what Ramakrishna taught to Swami Vivekananda according to to God's desire through the performance proper discharge proper performance of all his duties is the fourth thing that he who takes refuge in God does fifth whatever pleasurable or painful experiences the devotee is subjected to he treats them as gifts at the grace of God what Holy Mother says we should remember here misery is the greatest gift of God and remains ever satisfied in our fields the least grieved over any dispensation of providence sixth this devotee turns his back on honor fame and prestige he never entertains the feeling of mine-ness or attachment in respect of anything other than God seventh with utmost reverence and exclusive attachment he ever continues to hear reflect on and recite the divine names virtues glories stories truth and essential character of God in other words he spends all his time studying the scripture Shravana Manana Nidhidhyasana or Shravanam Kirtanam Vishnoho Smaranam Pada Sevanam Archanam Vandanam Dasyam Sakhyam Atmanivedanam as we have been discussing discussed in the Thursday classes on the Bhaja Govindam Stotram one by one he goes on reveling with the greatest joy in doing all these things hearing about God singing about God remembering about God bowing down to everybody and serving everybody in the form of a servant and doing going on pilgrimages and worshipping the Divine Lord to God what does it mean being friend to every creature on earth because Eshwara he resides in the hearts of everybody and in the end as a result of all this he Atmanivedanam he becomes one with the Divine Lord this is the 8th characteristic 9th the devotee who takes refuge in God in the afforested manner begins to receive the never ending grace from the supremely compassionate benevolent and almighty God which washes away all his sorrows and bondage which destroys all his past sinful tendencies not only sins but sinful tendencies so that in future he is filled only with Divine Sampath 10th thus he is rid of all his sorrows and bondage the devotee is filled with supreme joy and realizes the eternal Brahma or God who is Satyam Gnanam Anandam Anantam Brahma that is who is Sachidananda this is what is meant by the devotee attaining the supreme peace the supreme abode through the grace of God therefore what is the Lord telling in the 62nd verse and then the Lord is concluding now practically Gita is over with this what is the message take refuge in God because without his grace only by his grace your sadhana everything will progress this is the greatest lesson after studying the life of Totapuri we will have to derive after studying the episode related in the great master written by Swami Sharadananda now we move on to the 63rd verse again another marvelous word but nothing new thus has this wisdom more secret than any other secret has been imparted to you by me by my sheer grace because you deserve it now I am going to tell you something very curious remember fully pondering over it do as you like earlier I raised this question what is our freedom we have no freedom either to do or to refrain either as Karma Yoga as worship of God or for pampering our own ego our own self we have a choice but choose now whatever you want to do the Lord is not telling either you do your actions or refrain from actions that is why I am directing every creature according to the Karmaphala of every being and I will prompt in the form of my Prakruti my power my creative power but without directly saying my nature do this no by my very own power I am directing every creature according to the Karmaphala of every being and I will prompt in the form of my Prakruti my creative power no by my very own power I am directing every creature according to the Karmaphala of every being and I will prompt in the form of my Prakruti my creative power no by my very own power I am directing every creature according to the Karmaphala of every being and I will prompt in the form of my Prakruti my creative power no by my very own power I am directing every creature according to the Karmaphala of every being and I will prompt in the form of my Prakruti my creative power no by my very own power I am directing every creature according to the Karmaphala of every being and I will prompt in the form of my creative power no by my very own power I am directing every creature according to the Karmaphala of every being and I will prompt in the form of my creative power no by my very own power I am directing every creature according to the Karmaphala of every being and I will prompt in the form of my creative power no by my very own power I am directing every creature according to the Karmaphala of every being and I will prompt in the form of my very own power I am directing every creature according to the Karmaphala of every being and I will prompt in the form of my very own power I am directing every creature according to the Karmaphala of every being and I will prompt in the form of my very own power I am directing every creature according to the Karmaphala of every being and I will prompt in the form of my very own power I am directing every creature according to the Karmaphala of every being and I will prompt in the form of my very own power I am directing every creature according to the Karmaphala of every being and I will prompt in the form of my very own power I am directing every creature according to the Karmaphala of every being and I will prompt in the form of my very own power I am directing every creature according to the Karmaphala of every being and I will prompt in the form of my very own power I am directing every creature according to the Karmaphala of every being and I will prompt in the form of my very own power I am directing every creature according to the Karmaphala of every being and I will prompt in the form of my very own power I am directing every creature according to the Karmaphala of every being and I will prompt in the form of my very own power I am directing every creature according to the Karmaphala of every being and I will prompt in the form of my very own power I am directing every creature according to the Karmaphala of every being and I will prompt in the form of my very own power I am directing every creature according to the Karmaphala of every being and I will prompt in the form of my very own power I am directing every creature according to the Karmaphala of every being and I will prompt in the form of my very own power I am directing every creature according to the Karmaphala of every being and I will prompt in the form of my very own power I am directing every creature according to the Karmaphala of every being and I will prompt in the form of my very own power I am directing every creature according to the Karmaphala of every being and I will prompt in the form of my very own power I will prompt in the form of my very own power I will direct every creature according to the Karmaphala of every being and I will prompt in the form of my very own power I am directing every creature according to the Karmaphala of every being Somebody is blaming you. He is pointing out without paying any money what you should have paid money either to your psychiatrist or to your wife. Then only they will point out all these things. But here this secret is given to you. It's open. Every scripture is giving that opportunity. Think over it and I am sure that once you think over you will come to your senses and you will take refuge in me and you are going to follow. But I am giving you the freedom as I mentioned not to do or not to do the activities but to do it in a spiritual way or to do it in a worldly way. There are a few things. We will talk about it in our next class. Om Vasudeva Sutam Devam Kamsa Janura Mardanam Devaki Paramanandam Krishnam Vande Jagat Gurum May Ramakrishna, Holy Mother and Swami Vivekananda bless us all with Bhakti. Jai Ram Krishna