Bhagavad Gita Ch16 part 17 on 10 October 2021

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Full Transcript(Not Corrected)

Om Jananim Sharadam Devim Ramakrishnam Jagadgurum Pada Padme Tayo Shritva Pranamami Mohur Moho Om Vasudevasutam Devam Kamsa Chanuram Ardhanam Devaki Paramanandam Krishnam Vande Jagadgurum Sarvopanishadogaho Dogda Gopalanandana Partho Vatsa Sudhir Bhokta Dugdham Geetam Ritam Mahat Mokam Karoti Vachalam Pangam Langhayate Girim Yat Kripatamaham Vande Paramanandamadham We are studying the Taivasra Sampat Vibhaga Yoga The characteristics of both the spiritual person and a worldly person In our last class we have taken up the 8th verse Asatyam Apratishtham Te Jagat Ahuh Anishwaram Aparaspara Sambhutam Kim Anyat Kamayitukam They say this world is devoid of truth, without a moral basis and without a God It is brought about by the union of male and female And lust alone is its only cause What else is there to be talked about it A beautiful verse and even those people who profess that we are believers in God They are absolutely no different from these type of people who are described so accurately Worldly people, Kama and Kanchana If not Kama, Kanchana If not Kanchana, Kama Everything is there So let us take up this one What do these people say These Asuri Sampat, worldly people, demonic people They believe 100% And so they express what they believe What do they say So Jagat Apratishtham There is no root cause for this world It is nature it is doing Meaning there is nothing called God Nothing called creator Nothing who is looking after, there is no one looking after this world And Asathyam It is absolutely what is called untruth A beautiful word they use I will come to that Anushwaram There is no creator, there is no God There is no Dharma, there is no Moksha etc Then what is your explanation Aparaspara Sambhutam Kamayitukam When people grow up, both male and female They feel the chemistry of the nature They feel tremendous amount of desire to propagate their species And that is called lust Interesting part is That this lust We think that we are having the lust The truth is It is created by nature for its own purpose So amply illustrated By one of the non-believing scientists That it is all nothing but the DNA, the genes That the scientist has written a huge book about it The selfish gene What does it do It says propagate these species, genes Propagation means genes Man says why should I do that Well I will give pleasure So some carrot is dangled in front of the person And that is how we are all slaves In the hands of this bodily chemistry And this chemistry is uniform For all living beings in their own spheres Which from our point of view are limited But from their point not so limited So they say Asatyam, Anishwaram Aparaspara Sambhutam Aparaspara Apara means man Para means woman So these two come together Why do they come together Kamayitukam Because the genes are pushing them Come on do this job for me I will give you intense pleasure So because of that union of man and woman Male and female This universe has come Anyatkim Don't go on asking Wasting your time, my time Where from this world has come Is there a God Is there something to be looked after There is nothing Don't waste your time Eat, drink, enjoy Once this body is burnt to ashes Turned to ashes It is not going to come back This is the only life So take your chances And do your best Well if you are happy You are lucky If you are not Well you have to accept it There is nothing else that can be done Dharma Karmaphala Punya Papa They do not exist at all So they say This world is a divide of truth Asathyam Very interesting Vedantins also say This world is asathyam Absolutely it is a mithya It is a delusion It is unreal It is temporary This world is like that Why do you go on running after So are they the greatest Vedantins Not at all What they mean to say There is nothing called satya or dharma in this world There is no truth There is no justice There is only whatever If you are strong Do whatever you can If you are not Get the beatings nicely And that is your fate my friend There is nothing that you can do The only freedom you have Is to kick your bucket To commit suicide This is called existential philosophy And as I said just now Among millions of people Most people do not believe That God exists What is right in front of us What is experienced by the sense organs That alone is the truth So nobody says anything else I recollect a beautiful incident I heard There is a beautiful Very holy ashrama in Rishikesh Belonging to some great soul Called Bhola Iri And one day the monks In winter time They lit a bonfire And sitting all around it Because it was extremely cold They went on Merged in meditation Then a man eating tiger came Right in front of their presence It took one man in its mouth Dragged him away And the monks Have been hearing So So long as life was there In his body And so until he died The faint echoes of Soham, Soham were heard What was the reaction of these people Who had witnessed Simply they did not move From that place at all They just carried on Their meditation Why they believed really This world is unreal Tiger is unreal Body is unreal Life is unreal So if a tiger came So the one unreal thought Has overtaken Another unreal thought This is called A true Vedantin I am not asking everyone To go to that extent But to be a little less selfish To be a little less jealous To be a little more concerned With other people And not to talk ill of other people To see the good in other people Not to find fault with other people This is I think not too much And it is good Love each other As we have taken it The greatest commandment Love thy neighbor As thou lovest Thy God Because thy neighbor is God God doesn't come to you directly God comes only Always in the form of This world This world is nothing but Various masks Like an actor Puts on various masks In a drama, in a cinema So the Lord is appearing in front of us For what purpose? Not for his purpose But for making us pure For making us more spiritual For giving us Moral, intellectual strength And the ability to exercise Our discrimination etc So they say Asatya What these worldly people mean by Asatya means There is nothing everlasting Everything is temporary Just even if you have to Buy from 100 banks 100 credit cards Go on taking credit How are you going to pay? We will see later on If I am not able to pay Let me see what they are going to do How they are going to take This is how a financial crunch had taken place Nearly 15 years back Asatya Satya here means Veda Pramanam also What does it mean? There is no Veda There is no scripture And it doesn't speak truth I do not believe in Satya I do not believe in Dharma etc Naturally I do not believe that There is some justice There is someone who is looking after And everybody has to Pay the price of His or her own karma phala Then these people will do Whatever they like That is what is said in the second word Pratishtha means A solid foundation A base is not there Pratishtha is not there Simply Dharma is the Pratishtha Yesterday we discussed So many examples Dharma is that which sustains The universe To sustain There is If somebody observes Dharma Dharmorakshati Rakshita If one observes Dharma Moral order And observes righteousness Truthfulness May be temporarily May be for the time being One doesn't win These people do not understand that That they have to pay a heavy price Here is something very interesting Many religions believe In rebirth These people do not believe in religion And rebirth Another name for religion is Dharma That's why Hindu Dharma Boudha Dharma Christava Dharma etc. we go on calling them So those people don't believe But if it is true That what our scriptures Are telling is absolutely true These people Whether a person is Aware of a fact or not Fact is not going to Change Rebirth is not going to change Just because they do not believe A Karmaphala is Inexorable Put your hand in fire It is going to burn Whether you are a good person Or evil person Do right thing You will enjoy Do the wrong thing sooner or later Yesterday I mentioned God knows the exact time When this Dharma or Adharma Fractified So Dharma Vishwasya Jagatah Pratishtha And it is sustaining These people do not believe At all So what do they do Once the moral Idea disappears From the mind of anybody From the mind of many people From the society Then there will be All sorts of evil springing From there Tremendous unhappiness Distress, confusion And such a society Cannot be sustained for a Long time also Look at the world Everyday I know most of you They look at The news Some people they spend Hours together I am not saying that you should not look at news But you allot A few minutes that is enough For two reasons One reason is Whether you know it or not Things are going to be like that Second reason is That means no individual Has absolutely Any power to change An ayobid Because here is a Shocking truth Do not be shocked It is the god Who is sitting in the heart of Whether it is Chinese communist president North Korea's president Or the prime minister Of British, Britain Or the prime minister of India Or the president of America Do not blame them Our tendency is These people Either are very wicked people Or they are helpless people So we make Lot of distinctions But we forget a very important Lesson we have to learn The whole universe is Created by god If you believe in the creator god You have to believe in the Maintainer god And also the Recycler god If you simply say God created but Left it to go to dogs Then there is something seriously wrong With that type of reasoning So here is Some great lesson we have to learn As Duryodhana Had pointed out long back I know what is right But I have absolutely No inclination to follow it I also know what is Adharma but I cannot Give it up. There is some power Somebody sitting in my heart Rishi Keshava And whatever way he is manipulating me I have to act out This great lesson was learned By Swami Vivekananda When he visited We saw the dilapidated Temple destroyed by Muslim vandals So he felt a kind of Emotional stir Forgetting all his Advaitic Vedanta and Bhagavad Gita And he said Had I been there I would have given my Heart's blood to protect The mother's temple Immediately at a revelation Mother thundered, revealed Said is it you Who is going to protect me Or am I going to protect you And Swamiji learned his lesson That whatever good We are doing in this world Because if everything is done By God then where is the Need for me to do anything good Either prevent evil Or promote Dharma But the answer is given Is it's not for the Welfare of the society It is only because You want to progress in life You want to become More spiritual You want to clean Your impure thoughts Impure Samskaras It is for that purpose That you do it The world is not going to change Even a little bit From here, that's what we have to understand So these people say There is no truth That means there is nothing called Satyam Justice, there is no Dharma Moral order And that means what I can do whatever I like And if somebody says But there is a God, Anishwaram Ishwaram means God So Anishwaram, no God They do not believe in God They do not Jagat Anishwaram As what, that this world Is created by God It is a creation of God And in this world There is a law That a mother and father A mother gives birth to a baby And who is going to Sustain it, just imagine A mother just gives birth And abandons the Babies, offspring And goes off Then you know what happens No kids, offspring Will ever survive Maybe very few But it is impossible But what is it God has Implanted That sense of motherliness In every creature And as a result Every mother feels Even at the cost of Her own life To protect the offspring That is a very natural Instinctive thing is there So also God who is the Mother of the entire universe He is also having Matru buddhi So he is going to Look after everybody, this is the Work of the Vishnu Why does he punish? It is not punishment, if you ask a Mother, why are you slapping Your child, it is not Punishment, it is a correction There is a huge difference Between punishment and Correction, therefore when These people claim there is No God, they mean there is Nobody to supervise, that means It is, imagine a State where there is no Police, no social opinion No elders to prevent What someone can do Whatever one likes to do Then you can imagine Terrible conflict will come Terrible destruction Will follow, when people are Not, have not developed Deep thinking, so If everybody behaves, what happens you know Those who are strong They will destroy the weaker People and among the weaker People also, those Who are a little more strong Person, he will try to Destroy, will do Harm to the Less strong person And the less strong person Now can take to Devious means, direct Confrontation is not possible But he will develop What is called biological Weapons and he can Do it, this is what is happening In our world, so This, as soon as a person Doesn't believe in God He doesn't believe in justice He doesn't believe in moral order He believes in whatever I can do I can do, this is The exact materialistic philosophy Then what happens They do not Believe in anything Excepting whatever Their sense organs Get attracted to By hook or crook, just Get it, enjoy it Well if you have to pay, pay for it Later on Then if the question is asked Then how did this come, where From did you come, came from my Parents, where from they came From their parents, so it continues Where is the need for God This is nature, this is what Is happening So this kind of Illogical rationality comes Whereas all the Astikas, believers say God is the root of the creation Where, where did we Understand it, we are talking About the 16th chapter Just now we have finished The 15th chapter The very beginning of the 15th chapter I hope you remember Urdhva Moolam Adhashyakham Ashwatham Prahuraviyayam Chhandamsi Yasyaparnani Yastam Veda Sa Vedavid A whole Samsara Vriksha Transmigratory tree Its root is above, above Means from God From the unmanifest From the eternal Truth, slowly It came down, it became Degenerated, infinite Is appearing As though it is finite Looked at through the prism of Time, space and causation So, what is this People's view, Khavo Pivo Majha Karo So, this is the Outlook, this is the Philosophy Materialistic philosophy So, what happens We proceed to verse 9 Etam Drishtim Avastavya Nastatmanaha Alpabuddhaya Prabhavanti Ugra Karmanaha Kshayaya Jagataha Ahitaha Holding such a perverted View, these lost Souls of little understanding And fierce deeds Rise as the Greatest enemies of the world And destroy it As much as they can do it So, Etam Drishtim Avastavya Holding on to such View, that is Their opinion about Themselves, about everybody Else, everything is Temporary, life is only One, there is No, there was no past birth There is not going to be Future birth, there is no Justice, whatever you can Do, do it now Supposing the same person Is undergoing suffering He says, if he believes In this material world, I Tried, I sometimes Enjoyed and Now I am going through this Well, that is also part of life Just as I have seen I made other people suffer I also have to suffer, you will be Surprised, some of these People, among These demonic people There are two types of people Are there, so there are What is called Moralistic Materialistic people are there This is what is Going around nowadays In this world, this is called Spiritual Humanism, spiritual Humanism, spiritual has nothing to Do with God, every person Is like myself If I feel pain The other person also feels pain If somebody is happy I also feel happy So live and let Live, these are far Advanced people, in fact Some of these are much better Than the so called believers Who go on deceiving These people, first of all They are not hypocrites, they are not Hypocrites because they believe What they believe They don't keep one thing in the mind And behave in another way Like a child, when it feels Like smiling, laughing Weeping, it does it There is no hypocrisy There, there is no Assumed behaviour, artificial Behaviour, but Most of the believers And also of course there are other Worldly type of people They are convinced that I am the greatest, we will come to that Sooner on, this second Type of worldly people Real Rakshasas Real demons What do they do? Holding on to this What is called absolutely Unjustifiable World view Nasta Atmanaha They sink Day by day, deeper Into the mire of Transmigration, so the Lord himself says I think it may be in the 17th Chapter, I sink These people more and more And more into the mire Of this world Nasta Atmanaha, that means As if lost to their Souls, they became the Only the bodies and minds But remember Vedanta Never accepts this View, it is a Temporary phenomena for those Who want to be rationalistic But it is the Divine Lord's support, He created People like that, so that this Maja, this beautiful drama Will be going on I will not go into that Aspect of it, but these people Nasta Atmanaha They are destroying themselves But if they are Destroying themselves, ok If you do something wrong And you suffer, that's Absolutely fine, no They become Alpabuddhaya Where their Understanding is Very very small Very little, they do not Understand the deeper Futuristic consequences Of what they are doing What do they become Because of this lack Of intellect, lack Of understanding, of Little understanding They arise like Ravanasuras Like Hiranyakasipus Like Bhasmasuras Like Narakasuras You know the Hindu Mythological story Narakasura He wanted power So he wanted to kill Thousands of People And thousands of women especially Young unmarried women So they say Eighteen thousand or something Is waiting, just at the time Krishna along with Satyabhama Goes along And then subdues this Narakasura And interestingly Narakasura was related to Shri Krishna, Narakasura Was the son of this Bhumata And so It is no guarantee If there is somebody born Into a spiritual family He will also become a spiritual Person, so this person For some reason he became A great Asura, demon But his great Good fortune was Krishna Avatar Purusha, the Light of lights, he went And then destroyed the darkness And it is a belief If somebody is killed by the Divine Mother That is what is written in the Chandi, somebody is killed By an Avatar Purusha Then instantaneous Liberation will be there Because when the Sun comes All darkness will be Totally destroyed So God is all light And light destroys Darkness, what is the Light here? Knowledge What is the darkness here? Ignorance So this Nastaatmanaha, so What do they do? Alpabuddhaya, of little Understanding, what do they do? Ugra Karmanaha They use all the Discoveries of science And they urge people They threaten people They enslave people, go on Discovering the best aeroplanes The best rockets The best satellites The best war weapons The best biological weapons Anything that goes To increase their Their Demonic power So Shayaaya, that is what In the Hindu mythologies You get, people go And increase their power Through austerity And these people's Austerity that we see at present They are all like that But one sad truth I repeated umpteen number of Times, I am going to repeat it According to The belief in Karmaphala Nobody will suffer Unless that person also Has done something wrong And he deserves to be suffered also That is very Great view But one has to Suppress the so called Ever bubbling up Rationalistic thought These two Do not go together That's why in our Vedic scriptures The revelation is always Primary and reasoning Is always the Secondary So Means terrible actions And what do they do? For the destruction of the world So here also there are two types You discharge an Atom bomb and kill all the people Yes, most people Will be killed and a few people Will suffer for some time and they will Be also dying But these people, they bring So much of hellish Suffering even while the Persons are completely Alive, just as the Fascists The Nazis have done In 1940s I hope we have not forgotten it It is only about 75-80 years Back, the world has Completely is ignoring what Has happened there There is no guarantee Such a thing is not going to happen Today, it is happening in fact Countries, smaller Countries, weak countries Are being threatened everywhere And here Bhagavan Krishna is describing Such a type of people So Having Entertaining this type of Materialistic Second type of materialistic Philosophy, so what is their Philosophy? That there is no Dharma, there is no Righteousness, there is no liberation There is no God There is no justice So what is there? Whatever my Sense organs can see That alone is the only truth And nothing but the truth So whatever that alone Exists, naturally So They are lost to souls As I said, not forever But the divine, the divinity Within them will awaken Sooner or later And they lose their souls That is what Isavasya Upanishad That is telling Such people, after the fall of this body They enter into A state of terrible Suffering and all because They have not thought about The consequences The law of cause and Effect is inexorable So So these people, they develop This very limited Viewpoint They do not understand the concept That there are scriptures And they tell us the Truth and the consequences Of whatever we do You do right thing and you will Enjoy, your happiness will increase After all that is what you want But no They think temporary pleasure Is the only goal of life By hook or crook By killing or by Oppressing or by driving away By occupying other countries We will do Because we have the strength So what their eyes reveal That what happens later on They can never prove What am I talking about There is a pramana, pramana means authority Means of obtaining Right knowledge What the eyes reveal The ears cannot prove What the ears prove The eyes cannot Confirm Every sense organ is an Independent proof For in that limited particular Field So these people, they do not Think scriptures are of any Value that they Hold on to this materialist Philosophy and then what Becomes no god, no dharma Only Squeeze as much happiness As possible by Borrowing By incurring debts Etc. What Ramakrishna calls Kama and Kanchana, worldly Enjoyments, sensory enjoyments And they lack refinement But What about the astikas They believe That they develop Sukshma buddhi, a very subtle Type of intellect As against this Alpabuddhi, so what happens To them Kriyaya buddhiya Sukshmaya sukshma darshi Behave, they obtain A special spiritual insight They know that The present alone is not Enough, the future Is great Now I tell you something very important here Supposing here is a A very cruel fellow And he is trying to Kill, torture, etc. Among these Cruel people also There are two types of people One type of person, what do they do They do not torture Yes, I want to gain something from you I will just kill you, that's all I don't torture But there are people who Are rightable demons And they torture And they enjoy The suffering of the other people Supposing such people Are given an insight and say My child This would be the consequence Of your present action You know what happens At that time, he will never do Anybody who gets If I do this, this is going to come 2 plus 2 is 4 2 minus 2 is 0 When a person Has this kind of vision Immediately he will cease, he will do Only what is absolutely right But unfortunately The Divine Mother has Covered us with ignorance And we think, whatever we do At present, nobody can catch us And we are so clever That we can cheat ourselves That is what happens So, what about the astikas They develop A marvelous understanding Based upon the faith This understanding Manifests in the form Of deep faith If I just retell A story which I have told Many times There was a great disciple of Sri Ramakrishna He was a householder devotee His name was Nagamahasaya And Nagamahasaya's father Was a deep believer In the scriptures So once, he came across a pot full of gold While answering Calls of nature And then, he might have felt Tempted, but immediately His faith in the scriptures came to his rescue And said, I do not remember Having put it here Some poor man had worked hard And he must have put it here And his spirit alone Deserves to get it And then he dug deep into the earth And pushed the pot Deep inside Covered it, tamped it With his feet, so that His fellow passengers and navigators Those who are running the boat Cannot come there And by accident find out and steal it And then immediately Came to the boat, jumped into it And ordered them Not to stop there, but we will go to Some other place Well, this is the result of Astika Having faith, and there is somebody Who is witnessing All our activities What I have done What I am doing now What I am going to do In future also, so that is why They can never do Even if they wish to do They cannot do it, such people alone Deserve to be called Astikas, otherwise Nobody is looking at me I can do whatever I like Sometimes the argument goes like this Well, somebody has lost This huge purse full of money I don't need to go there I will donate it to the Ramakrishna Mission And That is how it starts And then he says, you know I am unable to get rid of my debt So here is God has Mother Lakshmi had Thrown this in my way Probably the person who lost Doesn't need it, he may have much more money So this is how Slowly that Sense of justification Becomes weaker and weaker And then it becomes Justification So such people, what do they do? Ahithah, Ahithah means Those who strive for the welfare Of the entire world But these people are just The opposite people, whatever They do, that will be Bringing on suffering, destruction Hurting And then they bring down the moral order Of the universe, how? Because when In the society, there are Many people who follow What majority of the People are following, if some Celebrity wears this odd Show and I also must Wear, if this is the kind of Dirty fashion dress I also must wear Because I will become Very beautiful, very attractive I have spoken at length On this subject, bringing So much of immorality, attracting Immorality From the other people By the way We behave In society, we have to be Such people, modest people That the people will not even Look at us, that is the best thing So these Materialistic people, they are Veritable demons belonging to the Second category, you remember They become Ahithah Always thinking about How to deprive everybody There, the Father of Sri Ramakrishna had Encountered such a landlord Who deprived him of his Ancestors, so many generations Together worked hard And somehow They have acquired Nearly 34 acres Of beautiful wetland So what do these people become? Ugra Karmanaha, how does their Non-welfare Attitude manifest? Ugra Karmanaha And not only that, you know what these people do If sticks are Available, they use the sticks For conquering, torturing Killing other people, if swords Are available, they do it If horses are available, they Use it, if cars are available They use it, if Aeroplanes are available, they use It, all these war weapons Are available, they use it What do they do? Because their sense of Dharma Completely vanishes Here Dharma means not righteous Behavior, at least Equating oneself with the Other people, so That concept of Dharma Completely disappears Then, now we are Living a very highly advanced Scientific knowledge And this scientific knowledge Is great, but The uses for which People are using For example, mobile phone It can be used for the best purposes But it can be also used For the most nefarious Purposes, and that is what Most people do, killing time Killing their mind And losing their souls So when scientific knowledge Increases and value For Dharma decreases The scientific knowledge Is used as instruments For their unrighteous purposes And you know, science gives Enormous power And as the power Increases, it is used Increasingly for Consistent Adharmic Activities That is why some great soul has said I think Bernard Shaw Knowledge without wisdom Becomes dangerous So, it is also Very nicely said by Somebody I read These people, they are not Illiterate people They are called Sakshara Rakshasa Rakshasa means terrible demons Wicked demons But what type of Sakshara, highly educated You see all these Terrorists, suicide bombers Then they are PhDs Permanent head damage has taken place in them And they are highly educated They know how to prepare bombs How to kill other people Not only that, they are prepared In the name of their religion Even to kill themselves Not only others And they sincerely believe Through this nefarious Activity, God is There, God is waiting there And they will God will provide them With the purest sensory Bliss in the form of Sex, money, eating Just they have to desire Everything becomes fulfilled like that I think you Remember a story of Ram Krishna's wish fulfilling tree It is worthy remembering What happened in the end A traveller had travelled For many hours in Very burning hot sun Finally he found out the shade of a tree And he laid himself down Terribly hungry Terribly tired, terribly thirsty He said, if only I have got A beautiful plate of Most delicious dishes His Imagination was flaring Very high, immediately To his great shock, he found A golden plate Full of the most delicious things Which he desired And he ate to his stomach full And he said, now if I can Have first class cool drinks And immediately he had Cool drinks also and he said Now all that I need is To take a little bit of rest If a beautiful Softest A beautiful Royal bed Presents itself and immediately He found himself on the bed And then he said, everything is fulfilled If only a most beautiful Woman comes and starts To stroke my body Then I will be refreshed Immediately a most beautiful Woman manifested Started giving him the greatest Relief and then Suddenly the thought came, supposing A terrible tiger Jumps up and eats me up And before he could understand A terrible tiger Jumped up and Of course it may be a religious Tiger, it must have done Brahmarpanam, then he understood Stupid fellow If everything is coming true Whatever I am thinking is coming true Wish fulfilling, why did I think These negative thoughts So there is Dharma These people be assured They will meet their own Result, karma phala Will come but when Don't ask, leave it to the Divine Lord, so jagatakshayaya prabhavanti They become the cause Of the destruction of the humanity Look at the first world war Look at the second world war Look at the Kurukshetra war Look at the Ramaravana Yuddha, when is the World free from this world There was one Russian Sociologist Sorokin P Sorokin And according to him The world was completely Free from what is Called advertised wars Only for 250 years, that means Almost 3000 Years of known history Every year national, international Civil or Clashes, wars were there Smaller or big Now a third world war May also be In sight, we do not know What is going to happen in the next Moment, we do not know What type of biological Weapon may be discharged By weaker countries because This is available for Everybody, so these People they do not think the Present, they do not learn their Lessons from the past and they do Not imagine what is Consequence going to be Both to the world and to themselves In the future, kshayaya Jagataha Prabhavanti, they become The cause of the destruction of humanity And the tragedy Is when scientific knowledge Increases and value for Dharma also automatically Decreases because As a wise person has Said, power corrupts Absolute power Corrupts absolutely Therefore They will cause the destruction of the universe Militants will increase Terrorists will increase And train, bus, Aeroplane accidents, they will be Blown up, Naxals will increase And even they can use Atom bombs, nuclear Equipped Submarines or Aeroplanes, warplanes All these things, silent planes All these are happening in front Of our eyes, then what happens The very science Which is supposed to Benefit the whole world Becomes the greatest curse Of humanity, that's why it is said So increase of scientific Knowledge without increase Of wisdom Definitely leads to The unimaginable Disaster, we move on to the 10th verse Giving themselves up To insatiable desires Full of hypocrisy Pride and arrogance They hold false views Through delusion and act with Impure resolve Further description Of these demonic natures How they manifest themselves Here again A beautiful thought has come to me I have to share it with you Don't think that these people These so called demons They have just Fallen from the sky Most of us were like that In our childhood, we were These demons, when we grew up Hopefully Our parents have taught us That we should identify ourselves With other people also And slowly Acquire faith in the scriptures And modify our behaviour So that at least We may be selfish But we will not cause any Harm to other people So what happens To them? First of all, who are these people? Damba, Mana, Mada, Anvithaha 100% with what? Damba, that means Terrible arrogance There is no other person Greater than me Mana, I should be respected Nobody is equivalent To my being I am the most Honourable, respected Person in the world And he is terribly convinced If somebody fails, either by Intention, most likely Just with unconscious thinking They will become The eternal enemies They will think this person should be Destroyed, he did not Recognise me And then what type of Mada, Anvithaha Mada means terrible amount Of destructive force And then with these things Ahankara, then Complete self-worship And then, who is this fellow? Who doesn't give me Care for me, respect me And everybody, so what Happens? Dushpuram Kamam, Kamam means desires How many desires? Dushpuram Insatiable, Unfulfillable, you Must remember here, the story Of the seven bags of Aksha As narrated by Ramakrishna, the seventh bag Can never be filled, that is why It is said, Swami Vivekananda had Made a beautiful statement If the Desires increase by Arithmetical proportion The Suffering also increases by Geometrical proportion So, having taken Recourse to Kamam That means, completely Possessed of desire This demon called desires They possess this people's mind And Mohath Because of the ignorance About God, about Dharma About his Anugraha, Kripa, about Good behavior, etc Asadgrahan So, they will, what is it? Grihitva Asadgrahan That is, taking recourse To all the wrong Views that are ever possible Ashuchivrataha They become totally impure The greatest enemies of Every being in this world Only human being, Pravartante Thereafter, their behavior Is only Indescribably evil Behavior So, Dambha Mana Mata Anvitha, full of pretensions Full of vanity Full of haughtiness Dushporam Kamam Ashritya Taking to insatiable Desire, Dushporam means What? There is, it is a Bottomless hole As we said, there is no limit To this materialistic Desire, so there is a beautiful Story In the Mahabharata It is the story of King Ayyathi Very briefly, you must have heard about it But please look up He had four sons and he Became old, he was enamored Of a Devakanya, an Apsarasa An, what is called Divine lady And then his Desire for enjoying her Had never come to an end But his old age doesn't allow it So he had the Tenacity He had the, what is called Impurity To ask his children one by one You exchange your youth with me You take my old age And after I have completed My desire, fulfilled my Desires, one day I will be satiated And then I will Give back your youth And such a child of mine He will inherit my kingdom But the first Three sons refused, but there was One very obedient child He said yes father, and they Exchanged and this man He enjoyed for many many years Then by God's Grace, the Understanding dawned upon him And he, this is a very Famous quotation from Mahabharata Naja tu kamaha Kamanam Upabhogena shamyati Havisha Krishna vartmeva Bhuyayeva abhi vartate Supposing there is fire You pour petrol into it And here, as you Lit the fire in the Homa And you pour ghee Clarified butter, what happens? The fire goes on increasing More than proportionately To the amount of Ghee, petrol that you pour Into it, so also Any desire that is fulfilled Is not going to satisfy That is why the story of Rakthabija, one drop Of the blood of this Asura falls Another person equivalent To it will arise And torment the good people That means fulfill one desire That desire Becomes hundred times stronger And it is never going To come to an end Therefore, what is the way Tyagenaike amrutatvamanasu Give it up Then Yayati called his youngest son And they exchanged Their view and then Yayati became full of Discrimination and dispassion Went into the forest and then He became an enlightened soul These stories Are marvelous stories we have to Develop So just as by Pouring ghee into a lit fire Is never ever going to Extinguish the fire It only increases Dushporam kamam arshrutya So we have a false hope That the fulfillment of materialistic Desire will give us satisfaction And one day we have our full Then we become calm and quiet And then we become Great saints So it is not going to happen And all because of what Mohat grihitva asad grahan Holding wrong views Due to delusion So knowledge is Opposite to ignorance Knowledge means what is the nature of the world What is the nature of the body What is the nature of the mind Is there a God, is there afterlife Is there after world And what is going to happen To all the actions that I am doing That right knowledge Obtained through the scriptures Is called knowledge And the opposite Nothing exists excepting this Ever changing world That is called the ring view Holding to that because of this delusion And not willing To give up this wrong view Ashuchevrata They become completely Impure Vartante They act with impure resolve And what happens to them This is further Explained in the 11th verse Which we will see in our next class Om Vasudevasutam Devam Kamsachanuramardhanam Devaki Paramanandam Krishnam Vande Jagadgurum May Ramakrishna The mother and Swami Vekananda Bless us all With Bhakti Namah Shivaya