Sri Suktam Lecture 15 on 18 April 2024

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Full Transcript (Not Corrected)

Oṁ śrī-lakṣmī-prasāda-siddhī-arthe japa-ho me vāpini-yogāḥ We are discussing the most marvellous Śrī Sūptam. And in our last class, we have entered into Lakṣmī-Gayatrī. You know, Gayatri, this is the most famous mantra. bhūr bhuvah svaha tad-savitur uvarenyam bhargo devasya dhīmahe dhiyo yonah prachodayāt But that is not the only Gayatri. There are hundreds of Gayatris are there. For each Hindu God or Goddess, there is a special Gayatri is there. So Mahalakshmi also naturally has got a Gayatri. Some Goddesses have more than one Gayatri. But the general meaning of the Gayatri is that every God or Goddess is none other than the Supreme Reality called Brahman. And that Brahman alone is manifesting in a threefold way, in a triangular format, Ishwara, Jagat and Jeeva. That is to say, in a technical language, we call it Adhyatmika, Adhibhautika and Adhidaivika or God, the personal God, the living beings and the entire world. So this is the triangle. And so it is the Divine Mother who is manifesting. In Vedantic terminology, creation is unlike our understanding of creation of anything in this world. For example, a potter makes a pot. Actually, it is not his creation because the pot is different and the wheel, the instrument is different and the clay is different. But these are all separations. But when God creates, it is just like our dream that whatever, whenever we dream, we ourselves become. That is why the study of dream is the most marvelous thing in the world. Only when we wake up, we understand. Similarly, when we wake up from the dream called this waking state, then we understand it is only one reality manifesting as everything else. But Hinduism gives so much of freedom. We have the right, the freedom. Whichever way we would love to think of God, that becomes our chosen deity, Ishta, Devata. So God is neutral. You want to think of me as Lakshmi, fine. You want to think of me as Kali, fine. You want to think of me as God, as Allah, as Buddha, as anything, blessed thing, absolutely fine. In fact, you can think of me with any name, with any form, with any quality. So that is the way we have to understand each one of these Suktas, whether it is Medha Sukta, Saraswati Sukta, or Rudra Sukta, Vishnu Sukta, anything. So here is the Gayatri. I have mentioned it and practically I have completed this 26th. Om Mahalakshmichavidmahe Vishnupadneechadhimahi Tannolakshmihi Prachodayat. It is similar pattern of this Bhur Bhuvah Swaha. We would like the Divine Mother to guide us. Lakshmi means Divine Mother. And there is only one Divine Mother. That is why at the beginning of this talk, we have expounded that Astralakshmi, eight manifestations of Lakshmi. For example, Dhanalakshmi, Dhanyalakshmi, Arogyalakshmi, Viryalakshmi, Jayalakshmi, Vidyalakshmi, etc. The point is that they are not different entities. One entity. For a simple example, Ramakrishna gives a very beautiful example. Suppose there is a woman. She is a daughter. She is a mother. She can be a grandmother. She can be a sister. She can be a wife. And so many roles. But one person, one entity. It is the same way. If the Divine Mother is pleased with us, what can she give? The question is not what she can give, but what she cannot give. She can give everything. That is why one of the names of Lakshmi is Moksha Lakshmi. Moksha means liberation. So, everybody wants only freedom, really speaking. A poor man says, I want freedom. But not in the sense we understand. He says, I want freedom from poverty. An illiterate person says, I want freedom from illiteracy. An unhappy person says, I want freedom from unhappiness. But there is one general term. If I can be infinite, then I am free from all limitations. Infinity means limitless in every sense of the term. Including birth and death and everything else. This is true liberation. And that is the goal we have to deliberately seek. That is why, according to Vedanta, there are four different human goals. Desirable goals. Not desired goals, but desirable goals. What is the difference? The desired goal is always limited. The desirable goal is always unlimited. Actually, there is only one desirable goal. And that is called, be what you are. Once you know what you are, you don't require anything else. Because, So, if I know I am the infinite, everything is included there. So, this is a beautiful Lakshmi Gayatri. And if anybody recites it, with any special purpose. Do I want knowledge? Do I want wealth? Do I want health? Anything. Divine Mother is capable of everything. And a few of what she can fulfill, is enumerated, which we are going to discuss a little bit later on. Oh Mother, that we want You to sit in my heart and to drive this chariot called body and mind until the life comes to an end. Let the Lakshmi, Divine Mother Lakshmi, whom I choose to call Lakshmi, drive me. And for that purpose, what should I do? I should only pray to her, meditate. I want to become one with her. That is Lakshmi, Mahalakshmi, Vidmahe. The word Vidmahe means, I want to know. But in this particular context, knowledge is to become one. So I want to become one with her. And then, for that purpose, what should I do? How can I become one? Vishnupatnichadhimahe. Let me meditate upon Mahalakshmi in the form of Vishnupatni. What is the difference? Vishnu means all-pervading. And His consort. Consort means the power of bestowing with compassion anything that a child wants. Let us not bring in gender. This is husband, this is wife. That is applicable in our world, transactional world. Once we go beyond the body-mind, there is no male-female. Even when we say God as Mother, it doesn't mean any gender. It means certain qualities where the Mother is all-forgiving, all-giving, and all-loving, all-protecting, etc. So, Tannolakshmehe Prachodayat. If we do this, if we chant, anybody chants, one need not actually chant the Sri Sukta. This alone will do, because this is the essence of it. As I mentioned earlier, we are discussing the additional Shloka Mantras here. The Rig Vedic Mantras are only 16. These are all additional things, created by somebody. And it is also one of the traditions that we should remember with gratefulness from whom this Suktam has come. Suktam means Su-Uktam. That is, that which bestows the greatest benefit, welfare. That is called Suktam. And here, from 3 to 5, authors are implied. So here, we get a few of them. Ananda, Kardama, Sridha, Chikletha. Four are mentioned here. Iti Vishwathaha, well-known Rishis. Rishi means a seer. Mantra Drashta, Rishayaha. These are all Rishis. That means those who realized Truth. And these are all, what is called the Divine Mother's children. Sridevi, Devatha, Mathaha, Uttarashcha, Sridevihi. So they are all beloved children of the Divine Mother. Sridevi, Lakshmi Devi, Divine Mother. And so, with respect, with great reverence, we salute all of them. Then, if their grace falls upon us, what happens? We get everything. And what is that we get? That is outlined here. So when we pray, and the Divine Mother's grace comes, forever, all these afflictions, all those which create unhappiness, they are destroyed forever. That means life becomes absolutely blissful. When does life become blissful? So long as we are caught in the net of birth and death, what is called six-fold changes. Birth, growth, youth, old age, disease, affliction and death. All these will be at one stroke by identifying with the Divine Mother. Because the Divine Mother is the Creatrix, Brahman. Sri Ramakrishna explains so beautifully, we have to repeat it again and again. There are not two. Brahman and Shakti are exactly the same. Then why call by two names? It is not that Brahman is two. One is called Brahman, another is called Shakti. It depends upon how we look upon. When a child is hungry, he looks upon his mother as a provider of food. When a child is frightened, she is the protector. When a child wants to play, she is the playmate. And when a child wants companionship before going to sleep, I want to make sure that you are with me all the time, protecting me. Whatever desires are there, lack is there in the children, the mother becomes looked upon in that particular quality. That is what we have discussed many times. When a person wants money, he is the Dhana Devata. When a person wants courage, he is the Dhairya Devata. When a person wants victory, he is the Jaya Devata. When a person wants knowledge, he is the Vidya Devata. So, all these are nothing but fulfilment of so many different desires. Unfortunately, what happens is by the fulfilment of one particular desire, we will not be free from unhappiness or affliction because at different times. Just now, I am hungry and I eat food. Only that particular desire is removed for the time being. But after food, some wild animal might attack me. Some thief might attack me. These are everyday happenings. Then I want protection. Then I may have lost my job. I want a job. I may be very keenly interested in learning something. Then, I am a student. I am a learner. So, the Divine Mother appears in that particular form. So, whoever thinks of me in a particular way, I manifest myself to that person exactly in that, just like a reflection. So, that is how we have to understand. And so, what happens? Certain benefits will come. In fact, everything is there. This one particular shloka is called 28th shloka. Rina, if I have debts. Rogaadi, afflictions like diseases. Aridriyam, poverty or wretchedness. Papa, I might have committed knowingly or unknowingly, so many, what is called, sinful activities. Apamruttyavaha, I might encounter accidental deaths, unexpected death, etc., accidents, etc. Bhaya, somebody may be frightening me. Fear. Shauka, I may be having everything, but it doesn't mean I will not feel unhappiness. Shauka, so unhappiness, suffering. Manastapaha, any amount of mental afflictions. You know, nowadays, most people are mentally sick. Physically, science had helped us to gain a lot of things through understanding the laws of nature, better cultivation, etc., etc. And it is everyday improving fantastically. But at the same time, I just wanted to mention something. I was reading how this AI can help us in our health matters. Now they are discovering that certain types of bots, they call it, B O T S, bots, they can be injected into the human body and they can be programmed so that they can go and attack only those afflicted cells with incurable diseases like cancer, etc. And long before anything can become serious, they study also and they can warn us. So things are getting better. And then after reading this news, we get a totally false idea very false idea that our world is going to become Swargaloka, Bhuloka Swarga. That is, this earth is going to become like a heavenly world because old age can be reduced, health can be improved, many so-called incurable diseases can be cured. But does it guarantee real peace of mind? What is called creativity, creative peace of mind? No, there is no guarantee because this is something that has to be obtained through personal listings. In fact, that the more scientific development, without understanding what is our real problem, what is our real problem? It is the impure mind. Manayeva Manushyanam Karanam Vandhamokshayoh Mind alone is the supreme cause of all these things. So without tackling, without trying to understand mind, especially the consciousness that is getting reflected in the mind. Even today, very few people have the idea what is called consciousness. So even if science develops, on one side it develops, on the other side it is a double-edged sword. That which can heal us can also hurt us. As we see everyday news, how the same scientific developments have been turned into deadliest weapons and there is no guarantee who is going to be killed at what time, in what manner and in the most remotest possible way. Every country practically is using it and these wars are going to intensify because the human population has grown so much that food problem will be there, drinking water problem will be there, spatial problem will be there, environmental pollution problem will be there. These are all physical problems but there will be many of these mental problems. How many of us suffer from mental problems, psychosomatic effects? God alone knows. Without dealing with that, just improving something and not only that, how idiotic people are. How much money they are wasting in developing these deadly weapons instead of helping people of their own respective countries so that their health at least a minimum requirement, decent housing, decent water supply, decent energy supply which is not really that important according to me but at least eating and drinking and shelter from inclement weather etc. With a fraction of the money people are spending on war weapons, people can definitely help everybody but what are they doing? These few politicians sitting there for their bloated egos. They want to maintain their bloated egos. So, this is the problem that is coming. So, these are called Manasthapas and that is why in Vedanta we say Shantihi, Shantihi, Shantihi thrice because these tapas are called of the three varieties. Three tapas, the sources of every reflection in this world, physical, bodily and mental or according to Vedanta we are ungrateful to the Gods and Goddesses who are ruling this world and who are stowing their grace in the form of food, rain, weather and water etc. and we are polluting everything. So, Manasthapaha those who are sincere devotees of the Divine Mother in this case Lakshmi, Sri, actually it is Sri then Mama Sarvada Nasyantu, these things, what things? Debts, ill health, poverty, illiteracy and evil tendencies, accidents, fear, unhappiness and all sorts of mental afflictions, Mama Sarvada Nasyantu may they disappear but by the grace of the Mother only if we worship the Mother and how to worship? So, earlier it is said, you know in the Lakshmi Gayatri we have come We meditate upon Vishnu Patni and that how to meditate is given in this one of the shlokas shlokas We have to imagine and the peculiarity of this imagination is that if an ant wants to meditate at all upon God it can only think of God as an ant and if a cow wants to meditate upon God then it has to imagine God only as a huge cow because our identity with our body is so deep that we are the body even regional differences also will play very great importance Anyway one should meditate upon how the Divine Mother sitting on a beautiful soft pink newly bloomed lotus seat but it should be made up of Padma Earlier also we discussed it She is born of lotus only then she has got huge what is called lap because it is not one child. Every creature in this world is a child of the Divine Mother only. Once somebody asked Holy Mother How do you look upon Shri Ram Krishna? She said I look upon Him both as Narayana and also as my child and the person who heard it became a little bit surprised and said how can you consider a person both as God and also as your child and then Divine Mother, Holy Mother said what is the problem there I am married to Him so He is my God He is my Narayana. In fact we have to consider everybody as Narayana only that is called true Karma Yoga and at the same time Holy Mother is like a Mother and as if Narayana requires the traditional depiction of Narayana Narayana is a Sikh person always sleeping only and then this Mother Lakshmi has to go on messaging His feet and do so many other things and sometimes She pretends that He is not cured then the same Lakshmi assumes the form of Mother Kali and stands on His chest and then gives such a big message that immediately He gets up awakened. No, no I am quite alright you don't need to give me any more message so Vipula Kattitati means the whole universe can comfortably fit in Her lap because we are all Her children Padmapatra and Her eyes are like long drawn lotus one of the speciality of these Hindu Gods and Goddesses and Shri Ram Krishna had explained also that is long eyes. The eyes practically meet the ears. That is how it has to be drawn. That is the difference between human beings and Gods and Goddesses but these are like lotus, very beautiful lotus flowers Gambhira Aavarta Nabheem She has got Nabheem means a navel and this navel is so deep Why is it? Because as Vishnu the Brahma, the creator has to come out of Her, His Nabhi Kamala and that is the same thing applied here also the entire infinite universe has to come out of this Nabhi and then She has to, that is for creation. Brahma is for creation but for maintenance also Vishnu has to be invoked Stana Bara Namitam That is Her huge Stana means actually breasts So the breasts of a woman stand for the so big rich source of food for the baby. As soon as the baby is born that is what every mother feels She has to feed until the baby can eat really solid food So as if this Divine Mother has to feed the entire universe That is why She has got what is called infinite resourcefulness of food and that is said that huge breasts because of which She seems to be bending actually because of the weight but the true meaning is that the mother is full of sustenance Not only She has to feed so long everybody so long as the creation itself lost and Shubra Pastra Uttarayam and She is wearing a beautiful Shubra means pure white dress What is the white dress? Symbolic of purity Satva Guna This is how it is a help for us to meditate Whichever type of God or Goddess Hindus worship there is a Dhyana Mantra Meditational Mantra Shukla Ambra Dharam Vishnum or if it is a Ramakrishna's devotees Hridaya Kamala Matthe Rajitam Nirvikalpam Sada Sada Khila Bhedathe Mahaswaroopam Prakruti Vikruti Suryam Nityamananda Murtim Vimala Paramahamsa Ramakrishnam Bhaja Maha So this is how one has to meditate but we should not stop there because anything with form is limited So to think of the Divine to develop concentration one pointedness to focus and to identify that I am sitting in the lap of the Divinity itself These Dhyana Mantras are created Every God or Goddess inevitably has got these Mantras Then here comes somebody has added it as I mentioned earlier because the gratefulness is looking after us all the time So if I am a poor person is she still looking after me Yes Our life is we owe to her Our intelligence we owe to her Our wealth Our health Our life Our activities Our ambitions Our intelligence Everything depends only upon her Therefore this is one of the ways to remember and here a speciality is in South India there is a huge temple So the deity is called Sri Ranga, Ranganatha Ranga means a place where Brahma takes place and he who is the director, that is this whole universe is only a Leela, a Divine sport So this is like a Divine drama and in that drama who is the author? Divine Lord Who is the director? Himself Who are the actors and actresses? Himself Who are the audience? Himself What is that platform upon which this takes place? Himself What is the light which illuminates the whole drama? Himself That is the idea That is why that marvellous name Sri Ranganatha and the spouse the consort of the Sri Ranganatha is called Sri Ranga Dhama Ishwari Something very special we have to understand wherever there is a special place For example Varanasi Who is the presiding deity of Varanasi? Don't say Shiva It is Mother Annapurna So it is the Divine Mother It is the manifestation of the Absolute Brahman Supreme Reality because Supreme Reality or Brahma cannot create cannot sustain cannot dissolve It is only when Maya Shakti comes to Him Then the Srishti Stithi Laya etc. is possible So here we are praising the same Sri whom we call Lakshmi is also Sri Ranga Dhama Ishwari She who is the presiding Goddess, Deity of that special place called Sri Ranga Dhama That is the Lakshmi and this Lakshmi clearly mentioned Sheera Samudra Praja Tanayam She is the daughter of this Milk Ocean because when the Milk Ocean being churned just as butter comes out of churning the milk So the very essence of milk is this butter. Similarly the essence of the entire universe is called Shakti She is called Sri Ranga Dhama Ishwari and then to praise her and all the Gods and other Gods and Goddesses, especially Goddesses of every world, higher worlds what they become? They become Dasi Bhuta as if they are there to serve this Divine Mother So when Durga Puja comes you can see that 9 days the Divine Mother is worshipped but every single day the Divine Mother is worshipped with a particular form, particular name particular quality That is why it is called Navaratri Puja 9 nighted Puja and every night Divine Mother in a new form So like that She is the Queen She is the Ruler, Empress of this entire universe and everybody is her child only that is the understanding and who gives this light? Lokai ka Deepankuram So this in this world, in this creation and according to Hindu mythology this what we are experiencing as our physical galaxy is only one among billions and billions of those galaxies Infinite number of worlds are there Infinite number of rulers of those worlds are there So this is well known in the Puranas because our imagination cannot stretch that far Only where we are we are so much circumscribed, limited So Lokai ka Deepav Jyoti Rajyoti Ujjvala Hridikandara She is the light of the light Every light is lighted up only because of the light of this Divine Mother What does it mean? To be very brief from the Advaita Vedanta point of view If there is a beautiful moon shining So I must be totally conscious that this is night and there is a full moon has risen and that full moon is working That is how we have to understand She is the light of the entire world So I take refuge in Lakshmi A daughter of the Nilkoshan The presiding deity of Sri Rangadhama Whom all the Goddesses and Gods and Goddesses serve and She is the only light of the world That is how I would like to meditate upon Her And then Sundaryala Hari The very beginning of this Sundaryala Hari If the Divine Mother Shakti is not activating enlivening Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva They cannot perform their respective functions That is being said here Sarasijam Vande Mukunda Priyam Really if anybody, any one of you know a little bit of Sanskrit This mellifluous Sanskrit verse will definitely help us to think of the Divine Mother So what is it telling? That Mother You just bestowed your mildest glance Just you looked at At whom? At Brahma Vishnu and Maheshwara And that is enough They have been filled with eternal power to create, to sustain sustain and sustain and to recycle. Remember destruction is only recycling according to us So Mandakatakshalabdha Just a slight glimpse glance Mother, just looked at and then Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwara That is what is said Brahma attained to the highest position of the creator Indra. Here Indra means sometimes Vishnu is called also Indra Indra doesn't mean only Pauranic Indra Indra really also means the king the leader the greatest among the group That is why we say this is the greatest among the bulls. So Rishabh Indra Manushya Indra etc. So just to the Divine Mother glanced at you with love and that glance had become so much energized Brahma was able to function for eternity. Vishnu was able to sustain, maintain and see that the law is upheld as well as Shiva is endowed with that power to absorb every life into him so that he can recreate. Creation always is followed by recreation Recreation is followed by creation This is the Anadi Chakra. It is the eternal wheel of Samsara It is also called Brahma Chakra Twam Trilokya Kutumbinim That is you are the mother. Very beautiful word. The whole universe if it is a family and you are the ruling what is called Divine Mother You are the ruler, protectors It is also called matriarch So among the elephants you will see one female matriarch will be there and everybody has to follow because she remembers where water is available, food is available at different seasons of the time and everybody, the whole head has to follow or lead. So you are the mother of the entire three worlds Sarasijam So you are born of a beautiful, pure water and one day Mukunda Priya, I salute you Then this Lakshmi, how she is Sri or Lakshmi, how is she manifesting Siddha Lakshmi Moksha Lakshmi Jaya Lakshmi Saraswati, Sri Lakshmi Varalakshmi Prasanna Mama Sarvada Let the Divine Mother bestow upon me her gracious glance Then I understand her, Siddha Lakshmi Whatever I am seeking I will attain by her glance. Do I want liberation? Yes, Moksha Lakshmi She is alone Moksha Lakshmi Then Jaya Lakshmi, I want victory, I want the master of anything Yes, if Mother is pleased, she can give Then Saraswati She is the goddess of wisdom, Sri Lakshmi She is the goddess of happiness, Varalakshmi She has infinite wealth is there with her and whatever a child requires, she is able to give it That is why she is called Varalakshmi. Vara means boon bestowing aspect of the Divine Mother So, let this Divine Mother Mama Sarvada Prasanna, going to supply the world, Bhavato Let her bestow upon me what was called perfection then liberation then victory then Vidya wisdom then wealth happiness and whatever else I need let her bestow upon me when, once no, Sarvada, all the time because I claim her as my Divine Mother Balasanastham Balarkakoti Pratibham Rinetram Bhajaham Adhyam Jagadishwarim Tvam I worship you, you are the Jagadishwari you are the ruling queen of this entire universe and how is it you are shining with that Divine light what type of light Balarkakoti a billion and billion rising suns early morning because a rising sun will not hurt our eyes and she is having three Netra three eyed Triyambake Gauri Narayani Namastute what are the three one is the sun one is the moon and another is of knowledge I meditate upon her Parankushau you got what is called capable of granting my desires, at the same time if I am misbehaving capable of controlling me and bringing me to the real light and Abhithi Mudra your hand always bestows upon me fearlessness and you are sitting on a lotus so it is what is called Mudras, four hands Vara, Abhaya, Laya Srishti, Sthithi, Laya so every Goddess, God is supposed to be imagined with four hands that is the beginning the middle, the end the unmanifest, the manifest everything then what do I expect from the Divine Mother Srihi, I expect happiness purchase, divine splendor, that is the result of leading a pure life, a spiritual life, Ayushyam I don't want any accidental death let me live, Urnayudaya that is hundred years we say, but we have to we should not literally take the word hundred years, we have to say that if a person lives five years, that is his full life, if another person lives for fifty years, that is full life for that person time is not the essence a mosquito may live only for three days, but that is called hundred years of life from the viewpoint of the mosquito a human being the other, if the person lives for fifty years usually hundred years we say Sathayushmanbhava an elderly person blesses an younger person and inevitably he has to pray, Sathayushmanbhava may you live hundred years that means what not literally counting hundred years, but to be extremely happy that is what is important Ayushyam Arogyam, good health Shobhamanam and I don't want to live a meaningless life I want to live a fulfilled life where I can manifest my divinity not only the spiritual side aspect of my nature but I may be a great scientist, great writer, great poet great musician great administrator anything, whatever is potentially there and each one of us can specialize and cannot replace the other people, we have each one of us have got unique abilities Mahiyate he who gets, obtains the grace of the Divine Mother he can obtain all these things further, we discussed these points also, it is only reiteration, repetition Dhanam, wealth Dhanyam, grains food materials, Pashyam all sorts of animals goats or horses or cows, etc. if somebody loves pigs that also will be there So, Bahuputralabham let my family prosper with children, grandchildren great-grandchildren and all of them also very healthy those who are spiritual those who are humble, those who love the world, serve the world may I get Shethasamvatsaram Devgamayoh So, hundred full years as I said, that is called full Ayurdaya Mamabhavato Sarvata Mamabhavato Sarvata O Mother, by let Thy grace shower upon me with Sri, splendor long life, health and every good thing that is desirable let me have in plenitude wealth, grains cattle progeny and long life, with this 29th, we have come to the end of this Trishuptam and I just want to mention that these are not man-made mantras they are the realizations of the Rishis and that is spontaneously these divine truths flashed, manifested in the hearts of these great Rishis when their mind had attained oneness with the universal mind and that is why the very definition of mantra and so whoever recites them with bhakti, with faith and of course the way it is prescribed every puja is graphically described, you have to take bath, you have to change the clean cloths and you have to enter with the greatest happiest mind then so many things we have to do the scripture is telling if it is done properly as Ramakrishna had taught in the very beginning of the gospel that is Sandhya, Pejwal they mature into Gayatri and Gayatri is called Upasana finally ends up in Omkara one obtains liberation by knowing that I am that supreme reality so when the Divine Mother is pleased she will manifest in all her glory as depicted in Durga Saptashati earlier today I mentioned how does the Divine Mother manifest and we all know it, I just want to give a little hint so there is beautiful and then starting and I am just mentioning them but of all these things the most important thing is she who manifests in the form of pure consciousness, awareness and everything else intelligence, ability to sleep and the ability to work the ability to become hungry or to be thirsty and to have that tremendous energy manifesting all the time high idealism and then infinite patience and the highest manifestation and modesty peace of mind faith to the highest degree and splendor that comes because of holy life Lakshmi, when you see some people you feel that everything is fulfilled here so she manifests in the form of Lakshmi Urutti a beautiful self satisfying job, Smruti beautiful memory that is forgetfulness of all negativity and retaining only all positivity then compassion, Daya Srishti, complete satiety I don't want anything mother has filled me with and finally Matru Rupena Samsthita, she who is manifest in every creature in the form of the Divine Mother and anybody who studies nature can understand it how true it is so with this we come to the end of Sri Sukta as I mentioned this Sri Sukta is the combination of the utterances of some of the Rishis who are mentioned like Sri Putra Chikleta etc and whoever they are Rishis so whoever chants it and they will obtain the Divine Mother's grace especially Swami Sharda Nandaji, he had commented upon Sri Ram Krishna's life in the Great Master he says God is manifest or He came down as an Avatar, Incarnation to prove to the world that these teachings of the scriptures are absolutely true they are only truths and every mantra we have lost faith in the mantras but every mantra when Sri Ram Krishna used to utter it immediately he used to see it live for example when he used to say Ram and Agni Mantra everything comes out, a wall of fire used to come and protect him it is only to inspire faith in all of us so whoever recites this with faith obtains the grace of the Divine Mother and his life becomes completely fulfilled and there is nothing which he cannot obtain everything including liberation will be obtained by him so with this we will stop so may Ram Krishna Holy Mother and Swami Vivekananda bless us all with Bhakti Ram Krishna