Sri Suktam Lecture 10 on 14 March 2024

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Full Transcript (Not Corrected)

We are studying the Shri Suktam It is all to obtain the grace of the Divine Mother And there were at least 3 or 4 or 5 Rishis whose experiences of the Divine Mother have been combined together in the form of Shri Suktam And that is the reason why we get so many repetitions But just as a child loves the sweet words of the Mother any number of times So also all the children and we are all the children of the Divine Mother Any number of times we want to be with Mother We want to hear her sweet words And we know Mother is very happy with all of us In our last class we have been discussing the 11th Brick One of the Rishis is called Kardama Another is called Chiklita In this 11th the name is there clearly And a little bit confusing type of words are used here Mataram Padmamalini Kardamena Prajabhuta So it can mean Kardama is the son of Mother Lakshmi Or Kardama is the father of Mother Lakshmi Either way as the father or as the child Both are extraordinarily blessed Just like we can recollect the story of the Holy Mother's mother Shama Sundari Devi She was from Sihar So one day she went out to answer calls of nature In those days there were no attached bathrooms So they had to go into the field And this lady sat down Suddenly she heard the sound of anklets And a small most lovely girl came And embraced Shama Sundari Devi And then Shama Sundari Of course she could not recognize Who are you? I am Lakshmi But I will not be with you right now I have a long distance to go I will come later on and dwell with you Now is Shama Sundari Devi the daughter of Mother Lakshmi Or Mother Lakshmi is the daughter of Shama Sundari Devi Either way it doesn't matter It is the closest most loving relationship Interestingly even if a father thinks This is my daughter Even in day to day life we can see That for a father the child is even sweeter Nearer, nearer than one's own life For the sake of a small baby The father is ready Both mother and father are ready To give up their life The most important thing is This closest bond This is my daughter or this is my mother That is the common thing And Hinduism accepts it That is why a Divine Mother or Divine God Can be considered or we can relate to God Either as what we call as a father Or as a son As a mother or as a daughter This is called Vatsalya Bhava As we have seen Kausalya Devi Or Yashoda Devi Or Shri Ram Krishna They practiced both moods Vatsalya Bhava Shri Ram Krishna specially wanted to prove This most important relationship That exists between human beings and human beings And that is the most desirable one And here we are getting it So what is the advantage? Advantage is As I mentioned last time If you praise the children of somebody The parents will be pleased Or if the child behaves I am a child And God is my father and mother And if that child is praised God also will be praised So either way The most important thing is The grace of the Divine descends upon a person Who has that loving relationship And this is what Tantrics wanted to inculcate That is why they divided Human relationship with the Divine Into three categories First is Pashubhava What is it? We are just interested only in eating, drinking and sleeping Tamoguna This is called Pashubhava We behave like animals That is why Shiva is called Pashupati And when the same person In course of time Is bound to evolve He becomes a Veera Then a tremendous energy is evoked And he has got insatiable desires He behaves like a hero I am a man of tremendous power I can conquer people I can subdue Both inside and outside And I am a master I can subdue my mind also Such a person is called a Veera Or heroic mood And then the highest stage Through these two Gradually evolving From Pashu to Veera The person's journey has not ended He will go to the next stage Which is called Divya I am divine Everybody is divine So I am going to Behave naturally Like a divine being And when such a stage is reached Then there are no restrictions For this Adhaka He can do whatever he likes And this is clearly seen Once Sri Ram Krishna Asked Totapuri That I am married Then Totapuri told something Very very interesting He said that If a person Has really practiced Yoga Then that person will not be subject To ordinary Attractions of the body and mind And the only way How to know Whether a person has realized God or not Even if the most beautiful wife Is sleeping Embracing that person Then that person's mind Will not come down From that Brahmi Bhava From that idea That I am divine And Sri Ram Krishna wanted to find out To get rid of the Doubts And we should not imitate Sri Ram Krishna blindly It will lead to disaster So even though He took Sanyasa He specifically Asked Holy Mother To live with him To sleep on the same bed He even tested Oh mind If you wish To enjoy Then here is your wife Because the most powerful Instincts One is sex Another is money Both are interrelated Artha and Kama Only the Vedas put it Artha and Kama Sri Ram Krishna said The greatest enemies for spiritual progress Is Artha and Kama Then is Sri Ram Krishna going Against the Vedic teachings No Only To remind us Artha and Kama should be Sandwiched between Dharma And Moksha And then Artha and Kama Becomes Most helpful agents Not distracting But helpful Most helpful Things That is why the prayer here That make me rich Make me powerful We are interpreting in a spiritual way That make me rich So that I can serve the society Make me famous So that I can share My wisdom To all the children Who are thirsting for it Let me be a servant of All the other children My Divine Mother Would be very Pleased with me If I take care of her other children For that purpose I require all these things This is the major idea We have to Inculcate in this Not the other idea Here is a selfish person He wants to enjoy And he wants To be the richest person Wealthiest person Possessing everything So that he may feel secure And he doesn't want to share it with anybody His riches will become Less and less No, that is why Dhana is considered As the divine investment If anybody is doing Dhana, charity It is actually Grandest investment And the result Dharma, Punya Is carried Janma Janma Antara, life after life And Loka From one Loka to another Loka Wherever we are Our credit card Is valid And we can convert it into anything we like I often compare Puniyam to a credit card Why do I do so? Because just as a Credit card With it We can buy anything that we want We can buy a house We can buy a car We can buy groceries We can pay Or we can buy first class dress Anything we want So this can be Converted into anything Including I want to give Some charity And for that also credit card Is very eligible Card But every credit card In this world is applicable Severely restricted But God Is what I call Interloka Insurance Company So we do something That is we are paying the premium And this God Insurance company ensures That we get Anything that we want According to our deposit Wherever we go In this Loka or the other Loka Or any other Loka And we can convert it into Anything And ultimately all conversions Are meant to lead to only One result which is called Sukham So From a spiritual viewpoint All this Sri Sukham Is I want To know that I am Amrutaputra I am the child of the Divine Mother And if I am Amrutaputra Every child Everybody is a child of God only This is the central idea Even the Least intelligent person Will be able to understand By touting the word God is the creator If God is the creator What is the creation? What is the relationship between the creation And the creator? Because the effect will be The same as the Cause So what were we discussing? Kardamena Prajabhuta Kardama Rishi He was one of the Rishis Whose Realizations have been included In this Sri Sukham Prajabhuta That is he has given He has a daughter called Mahalakshmi Or as I said Some commentators He is the Child of the Divine Mother Or he Did Upasana Like people do Hayagreva Upasana Or Sri Vidya Upasana So like that This person must have done What is Upasana? Receiving nearness With the deity Until one doesn't see any difference Between oneself and the Chosen deity So if this person Is doing Upasana of the Sri Vidya Sri Means don't Lakshmi very often Is mistakenly attributed Only to wealth And riches and money like that No We saw in the Durga Saptashati Ya Devi Sarvabhuteshu Lakshmi Rupena Vritya Rupena Vidya Rupena Ma Matra Rupena Daya Rupena Udhya Rupena Shanta Rupena That one Divine Mother is manifesting Within each one of us And in some As Daya Compassion Some people as intelligence Some people As great warriors Administrators As beautifully described by the Bhagawan Krishna himself In the 10th chapter of the Bhagavad Gita We called Vibhuti Yogam Wherever you see excellence It is My And Divine Mother That is the My excellence Sri Sri Lajja, Uddhi Jati, Kula Vidya, Everything What about negative qualities Yes, Pranti Delusion Ahankara Egotism That is also a Divine Mother only Is there necessity for that Yes Do not exclude anything from the Divine Mother Nothing is good Nothing is bad Depending upon how we use And how we are affected So if I do something wrong Divine Mother Comes to us in the form of Bad Karmaphala So what is bad Karmaphala We call it bad Karmaphala A Divine Mother does not say it is bad Karmaphala It is a very good Karmaphala Because Karmaphala exhausts Our Karma It teaches us a lesson I have slipped, I have suffered I am forced to find out What made me suffer And in future that is a caution I should not repeat such a thing Why am I so happy Because I did something Very good And if I want to continue to be happy Then I will have to continue To do these things That is very important So this is what We need to do All the time Decrease the demonic quality Increase the Spiritual quality And all these qualities Are the result of The Divine Mother Manifesting That is why it is said Srishti Sthithi Vinashanam Shakti Bhute Sanatani Gunasraye Gunamayi Narayani Namostu The Divine Mother is manifesting Any form of the creation Through the three Gunas So every Guna Not only it gives Body, Mind But anything That is Reflects either Tamoguna or Rajoguna Or Satvaguna So there is nothing That can be excluded There is nothing called bad Nothing negative, nothing dirty Everything is necessary Just because the topic came I just wanted to point out So we think Our What is called after digestion Is over Whatever we could not digest It should be Thrown out Either through the mouth Or through the Below Is it bad? No, nothing is bad Because all our crops are grown Out of what? Cow dung, goat sheep dung Goat dung Etc, etc What is left out Thrown out by others Will become precious food Creatures But we don't Take time to think deeply That is why we think This is wonderful, this is not Everything is wonderful For something or the other Because the whole universe is pervaded By the Divine Mother And in which form? In the form of the three Gunas So, O Mother Your son Kardama Or Kardama Realized you As his mother, as his Divine Mother So Our Kardama's Attitude towards you Is you are my child And I will give up my life for you So Just like that Mayi Sambhava Kardama O Kardama Please bless me to have your mother Or daughter Mahalakshmi The Divine Mother Let her also be born In my heart Then in my home The Divine always first comes In the form of Buddhi Then descends into the heart Buddhi means understanding What is good and right Heart means converting Into devotion So that I can reap the benefits So it is a prayer Just as you O Kardama Forged this wonderful relationship You are calling Her my mother You became her favorite child Like you May I also become The favorite child of the Divine Mother Because Not that I was not the favorite child I was But I did not know about it Until now By the grace of my Guru I came to know about it So then what happens If the Divine Mother Becomes my mother A Divine Mother's child Will become Divine child only So if a cow gives birth It will be a calf only If a dog gives birth Then it will be a dog Human being gives birth It will be human Divine gives birth It must be Divine Because the cause and the effect cannot be Different So Sriyam Vasaya me Kule That is you inspire me As a Rishi Just as you could say The Divine Mother is my mother Or she is my daughter Vatsalya Bhavan May I also Have the same feeling Then what happens Sriyam Vasaya me Kule Not only let Mahalakshmi Stay in my house With me But let this Mahalakshmi Also be Not only in my own house But in my entire Kula That is lineage So many my children will be there May that They also follow my footsteps Let them also have that Devotion to the Divine Mother Just as You can easily understand it We are the followers of Sri Ram Krishna Sri Ram Krishna Is the favorite child Of the Divine Mother Why do I call him as the favorite child Because He considered Divine Mother As his favorite mother Or favorite manifestation Of Divinity And so let me also Imitate Follow his footsteps For me also Let the Divine Mother be My own mother And call her by that sweet name Mother And Mother loves nothing else That is why there is something Our eyes have to be opened Holy Mother Used to state But rarely She got the opportunity To serve Sri Ram Krishna Why Because any Devotee With good character or not so good Character She only has to say Ma And whatever The child asks The mother will give So she used to carry Holy Mother used to carry Food to Sri Ram Krishna That was one of the most Important opportunities For her to be with Sri Ram Krishna But very soon The devotees started coming And they wanted to be with Sri Ram Krishna And they did not have Any thought what Inconvenience can be Given to Holy Mother She used to say Ma Today can I carry You called me my mother And gladly I have to give Her own regret was I am losing the opportunity To serve Him And how did Sri Ram Krishna How was Sri Ram Krishna Looked upon by Holy Mother When somebody asked her How do you look upon She gave a very paradoxical answer She said I look upon Him both as Narayana And as well as My own son And some devotee got confused How do you issue This kind of paradoxical statement And she said Really I know Sri Ram Krishna Is none other than God Himself But at the same time From my point of view That I am a mother to Him That is why I have to cook according to the Suitability of His stomach And Sri Ram Krishna Said many times she knows What is suitable for my health And then go and feed lovingly She used to do so many things Later on she was deprived of that Because of the Interference of other devotees Albeit they did not Mean that They also wanted to have a share Of Sri Ram Krishna And she had to put up with it So here is a prayer Let the same devotion Continue in my lineage Let the Divine Mother Be permanently abide In my Kula In my house Generation after generation That means May they also be devotees May they also be people of good conduct And what type of Who is that person Mataram She is the mother of everybody And Padma Malini This word Padma is a beautiful word Malini means She who is wearing The garland of lotuses In Indian Vedanta There is a beautiful Description The heart is equated with a Lotus And the lotus is the dwelling place And Sri Ram Krishna Described it as the Drawing room of a rich person Where most of the time He is to be found So what is this heart It is a place where The Jivatma and Paramatma Come together To dwell That is the simple meaning So the Divine Mother is Dwelling in the hearts Of everybody Not only one Whether we are aware of it or not Mother is always with us We are lying in her lap And when we forget We become frightened And then we feel insecure We do not cry In the Carried away By our attachments to Worldly goods We forget the real security Is only in the lap of our Divine Mother So this is the Please bless me to have Your mother or daughter Who is Mahalakshmi, the Divine Mother She will let her also Dwell in my home And you have to make Your daughter, that is Lakshmi Who wears a garland of lotus flowers Who is The Goddess of Wealth Not only to stay With me, but to perpetually Stay in my home This is the meaning of the Eleventh Rig In the Shri Suptam We move on to the 12th Aapah Srujanthu Snigdhani Chiklita Vasame Grihe Nichadevi Mataram Shriyam Vasame Kule More or less Same type of Rig with the same meaning Like above But only the Rishi has changed Earlier it was Kardama and here is Another one called Chiklita And by the way Some commentators Says Kardama There is a beautiful story of Kardama Who was a Who was a great Rishi And his wife was Devahuti And then This Kardama Rishi gave birth to Kapila Rishi. Bhagwan Narayana Himself was born Because of the purity Like Vishnu was Born in the Family of Sri Ram Krishna Because of the devotion of Kshudira Like that He promised to be born It is a marvelous story And the teaching of Sankhya Yoga Here Sankhya Yoga should not be Mistaken to the school of philosophy Called Sankhya Nothing to do with Sankhya philosophy Here Sankhya means Pure Advaitic knowledge And there also Devotional method is extolled So Her son When after the birth of This Kapila Rishi His father Says I was forced to marry By divine commandment And I have given birth I have caused the birth of my son Who is Narayana himself My fatherly duty Or husband's duty is over I am going for permanent Tapasya to be one with God Then his wife felt The pangs of separation And she knows Her son is none other than Narayana Says My son please teach me How to forget All the burdens of the Samsara And We all cultivate the presence Of God And a most marvelous teaching Takes place And that is called Devahuti dialogue Samvada It comes in the Bhagavatam Srimad Bhagavatam It is full of such stories And some people equate That Kapila Rishi With father In this Karnataka But it doesn't matter whatever it is He was a great Rishi And every Rishi is none other than The Divine Mother herself So there is another Rishi Called Chiklita And just like that Here is a prayer O Rishi Sage Chiklita Let there be plenty of water That means rain And let rains Produce good crops Please bless me By living in my home Please make your Mother Mahalakshmi Stay in my home permanently She is already Why permanently Because earlier We have seen That through other children We have already invited Mother Please come and stay in my home And bless me But she has already entered Therefore now the prayer is Make her stay at home permanently Mataram Your mother Shriyam Shri Mahalakshmi May Kule Vasaya See that she stays Why do pray Just like you know The disciples of Sri Ramakrishna Many times we get the reference Who went to Sri Ramakrishna Because he did not give out at that time There is no Separation between me And my Divine Mother Devotees knew that And yet they used to pray Please tell your mother To bless me with these things And Sri Ramakrishna used to say Let me pray Even Narendranath Suffering from physical poverty After the passing of his father And he went to Sri Ramakrishna And said Please pray on my behalf to your Divine Mother So that My family Can have A little bit simple living Sri Ramakrishna made a Remarkable statement Naren Do you not know That how much I love you But then I prayed Don't you think that you have to come and Open your mouth And shout at me Pray for my sake Long back I prayed So many times And what is the problem She wants to bestow her grace But you are not ready To receive that grace So Narendra Must have been shocked What do you mean I also was praying No you did not accept her You said everything is Maya This going to the temples And worshipping These images Is a pure idolatry As Swami Vivekananda Narendranath Had learnt from his English education Hindus are Idolaters And so that is why the Muslims Came and started breaking What can the Muslims do If you break one temple We will construct hundred more Temples Because that is our nature It will never go If I go to America I will do the same thing If I go to the moon or mars I will repeat the same thing First I will stay there And the next project will be To construct a temple And this is Hindus Speciality They are religious people So they cannot get rid of Their nature So Shri Ram Krishna was chiding But you did not accept the mother What does it mean It means the whole world Is an effect of the mother It is by her will It is created It is maintained by her will And it is also destroyed by her will These are some of the most marvelous ideas The devotees Of the children of Shri Ram Krishna Must open their eyes To simply calling Mama will not do When Swami Vekananda Visited the Ksher Bhavani And saw How the temple was dilapidated The thought Arose in his mind Had I been there When these Muslim soldiers By the commandment of the Nawab Especially Aurangzeb For breaking up this I could have given I would have given My heart's blood To protect And that is an egotistic idea Then immediately He heard a thunderous voice Is it you Who protects me Or is it I who protect you And Swamiji Came down Chastened by this divine voice So who really destroyed All the temples It is not Aurangzeb It is not Muslims But it is the Divine Mother's will And again we are trying to rebuild Some of the temples by whose will By the Divine Mother's will Anything that happened That is happening that will happen Will be only by the Will of the Divine Mother And that Divine Mother is What is called here Shri And we are all Upasakas Shri Vidya Upasakas This is called contemplatives That I want to feel I am the Child of the Divine Mother In other words I am Amrutasya Putra Everybody is in Amrutasya Putra I have to do spiritual practice in order to Drive that idea Into my mind That God himself is Father and Father That idea should Go slowly down my heart So here The prayer in this 12th Rig Is to another Child who pleased Divine Mother in the form Of Shri but we should Not say So the devotees of Shakti They say she is Durga Or Kali or Parvati Or Shri Or Saraswati There are now not so many Gods or Goddesses God or Goddess Both of them are the My Imagination of the Divine That's why Hindus are called The people who can Choose Deity Ishta Devata means I will think of God In the form that I like That is what we do Every aspect of life This kind of food I like This kind of house I like This kind of dress I like This kind of friends I like This kind of job I like Everywhere my Ishta should be there So we should have Tolerance that Everybody is thinking of God Only in different aspects Which pleases them That is very helpful So here She is called Shri It has nothing to do with Narayana And Lakshmi separate Brahma and Saraswati separate Shiva and Parvati separate Such idiotic ideas Must be destroyed from our mind There is no Brahma Vishnu Maheshwara It is the same Divine Just like as a man When he goes Because he is a doctor When he goes to hospital He is called a doctor And when he plays With his friends He is called a club member When he goes for swimming He is called a swimmer When he is playing With his children He is the father When he is spending time With his wife He is the husband When he is doing the needs of his parents He is their son Different roles Person is the same According to roles So creative aspect is called Brahma Maintenance aspect is called Vishnu And recycling aspect I prefer to call it recycling Because there is no real destruction or death Is called Shiva So actually Only one Divine And so He is infinite Therefore we are also None other than the same reality That is the idea And we have to realize that idea Not that we have lost Our status But we have forgotten our status Bringing back our Forgotten status Is called Realization That's all So what type of mother we want So the Divine Mother Is described She is one Apaha means water Here water symbolizes rains But what does it mean A mother is raining Her compassion In the form of feeding the baby In the form of Entertaining him In the form of embracing and kissing In the form of Playing In the form of even punishing All for the good of the baby According to the needs of the baby She may even do Operation in the form of a Surgeon Or she may give bitterest medicine For the Regaining the health of the baby But All because she knows My child is none other than me In this particular form So she is Apaha means Her heart melts At the very remembrance of her child And then what happens When rains come Physically when the rains come That is the Compassion of the Divine Mother And the rains come in contact With the earth And the earth produces Tremendous amount Of crops That is the Divine Mother Of the rains enters And then re-emerges In the form of crops Etc. so that We can enjoy the food Physical, mental Aesthetical Moral as well as spiritual Food And then Snigdhani All of them are what Snigdha means extraordinarily Attractive Because Just imagine a farmer Rains have come And what type of rains Just the right amount Of rain not less Not more not only that At the right time Because when Gods are Displeased it is said That unseasonal rains will come The winter season Becomes summer season Summer season becomes winter season And rainy season Becomes chaotic season So Even such a wonderful city Like Bangalore Is suffering from terrible amount Of Water scarcity What a stupid type of Country our India is How many Rivers Are the Divine Mother Is trying to reach us in the form Of the rivers That formed the idea That we must somehow We can supply more than We supply more than enough water But nobody Need to be suffering from Scarcity of water Or scarcity of everything If it is a western Country even thousands of Miles they are connecting Whether it is oil Whether it is potable Water India is sitting and trying To pull down each other This is called the greatest Idiocity And the greatest foolishness No wonder Swami Ranganathanji Maharaj used to call these people Craps But here is the clue the Divine Mother Is looking after But we have to think that we are the Children of the Divine Mother And when we can think Do Upasana in this way The Mother's heart will melt And her compassion Her grace Her blessings come in the form of Pure rains And then they will nourish the crops Plenty of crops will be there So that we can distribute it Plenty are given So that we can share it with those Who do not have or those who cannot Cultivate This is Ochiklita This is how you bring Your Mother Into my house Not only that I am also praying to you That you live What does it mean you live When we say You live in my home In whose home he will live So only When a person lives Imitates the life of Sri Ramakrishna When we imitate the life Of this Ochiklita Who made the Divine Mother Her own living Divine Mother If we can also imitate His feet Follow His Padana Sarana Then She will be also pleased with us Like she is pleased And then She will stay in my home So that is In whose home Divine Mother is living In Kardama's house In Ochiklita's house So if I can invite Ochiklita If Ochiklita can make My house His house If I can make over my house To His name Then He will bring His own Mother And the Mother will be inseparably staying So let me also lead That pure spiritual life So that Everything will be prosperous Provided That prosperity is not for my Individual Enjoyment but for sharing with Anybody else So This is the real meaning Apaha means beautiful rains So water Water means rain Rain means crops Crops means food Food means health Shrijantu Act of creating So the rain water Creates beautiful crops Crops create So much of happiness Happiness creates the idea of sharing Caring and sharing And Snigdhani Means smooth, splendid Tender And luster etc So if there is such beautiful People produce And in the olden days specially People were dependent upon agriculture So therefore They used to deliberately Leave a lot of their Crops in the field Not harvesting and taking everything home So that birds Animals Some ascetics who go and Collect all the grains And live only on that Because they have taken that vrata If we can live Then you live in my home As if you are living As if I have become Kardama I have become Chiklita And wherever I am My mother also will live with me And not only that If my children also follow me Because wherever Divine Mother's Grace is there She will also give me Good children And those children also They are called good Because they imitate my footsteps And I followed The footsteps of the Rishis And everywhere Sarvamangala will come Mataram Shriyam Whom Mother Lakshmi She is the consort of Vishnu And Shri always refers to Mahalakshmi Associated Attributes Yashah Samaha Kirti, etc. Which we discussed earlier So, O Chiklita Inspire me Possess me Make me live like yourself Then I become you You become me And this house Which I used to call mine Becomes yours And wherever you live The Divine Mother lives Twelfth Rig And then the next three verses Are again addressed to Agni Remember the first two verses Are only Here also again The last verses also Are a prayer to Agni Because Agni is called Purohita Purohita is one Through whom my message can be sent To the Divine To the Devas So that is how it comes But more or less The meaning is the same So we need not take long time This is the 13th Rig O Agni, please make Shri Mahalakshmi Stay with me eternally What type of Mahalakshmi Shri Mahalakshmi She who is full of compassion Whose abode is lotus Who nourishes the entire universe Who has the complexion of saffron Who wears a garland of lotus Shines like the moon And who glitters like gold Again Certain symbolical words Are used here We will deal with them Very briefly Ardhra Whose heart is like water Wet always Wet with compassion Wet with love See, when a mother meets her child After a long time Her eyes start streaming And it is said When Krishna used to return At the end of His grazing the cows And Mother Yashoda is going in and out Hundred times Why is not my child returning And then The poet describes That her over Flowing Breasts Are just raining Milk Because the very thought My Krishna must be very hungry I cannot wait Until I remove His hunger This is called Ardhra Holy Mother is looking This is my child How can I help my child We see in real stories Even animals Just I narrated in the past But I want to narrate something Very very interesting This was given by One animal doctor Veterinarian doctor In UK Who has written beautiful books All things great and small All things Wise and wonderful Etc James Heriot He was narrating One of his experiences There was an English lady Who was extraordinarily fond of cats Any cat can She treats as her own child So she used to feed All her property All her prosperity Money used to be Buy cat food And cater to them If they are sick She will take them to the veterinary hospital And bring them back Look after them That was her greatest love Now In those days She had a big compound And it was overgrown like a jungle And then one wild cat Female cat used to come And this lady noticed it And then it will not come to her Because it is wild for whatever reason She used to carry food And put it at a distance In the compound Then she used to Stand behind the window And noticed that the cat As soon as she knows It will come at a particular time Looks here and there Nobody is near So it jumps down, eats the food And mews and then disappears Many months passed that way And she never entered into the house And one day This lady was sitting She was shocked What did this wild cat do It gave birth to I don't know how many kittens But there was only one kitten And it was terribly Emaciated It brought the kitten Laid it at the feet Of this old lady And this old lady Looked at her as if saying I am leaving my precious treasure In your care And disappeared Later on This Harriet came to know About that incident At the first time and last time So he was guessing That that wild cat She was a mother She was having some Terminal cancer or something Can have the cancer And it knows But my baby will die If nobody is there If I am not there to look after it So she knows Instinctively Here is a lady who can be trusted And she brought her baby To the right place, to the right person Laid, looked Conveying the idea From now onwards you have to Be a mother like me To my baby I have complete full confidence in you And then it disappeared Never again was it seen So we guess that was shortly After that it died somewhere In the wild area This is called So this Ardram word is Wherever we are The Divine Mother is looking after us And Pushkarinam What is Pushkarini That she is Always lives In a lotus What does lotus mean here We Hindus use this word lotus Again and again A national flower is also lotus Lotus in Vedantic terminology Is the heart Where the Divine dwells Where we can Unite Through contemplation That is why the heart is called A lotus And in the Narayana Suktam we have seen It will be Hanging down as it were And then as Sri Ram Krishna Described When the Yogi Arouses his Kundalini And Sri Ram Krishna had a vision A Yogi looking like me Went up Through the pathway of Sushumna All the lotuses were hanging Upside down, lifeless As soon as he went And licked each chakra Lotus at each chakra It stood erect And started Shining brilliantly Like that I saw From one chakra to another chakra And some are Two petaled, some are Four petaled, some are Six, eight, ten, twelve And then thousand petaled This description is there In the Tantra Our controversy is not Ten or twelve petals What it means is Every heart can be Energized, spiritualized And it is a State of consciousness Every chakra is a state of consciousness When our heart reaches That state of consciousness That much we are nearer to the Our own real nature Shiva, who dwells in the Sahasrara And when we reach the Sahasrara We become one with Shiva Then we are able to proclaim Shivoham, Shivoham Manobhudyahankara Chittaninaham, etc So that is being said That Pushkarini That is you are living In a forest of lotuses On a beautiful lake There are wonderful ideas We will talk about them in our next class Om Jananem Sharadam Devem Ramakrishnam Jagadkurum Pada Padmetayoh Sritva Pranamami Mohan Mohoh May Ramakrishna Holy Mother And Swami Vivekananda Bless us all with Bhakti Jai Ramakrishna