Sri Suktam Lecture 08 on 29 February 2024

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Full Transcript (Not Corrected)

We are studying the Shri Sukta. What is the purpose? SHRI LAKSHMI PRASADA SITHYARTHE JAIPE HOMEVA VINAYOGAHA For obtaining the grace of Mother Lakshmi. And who is Mother Lakshmi? She is the Divine Mother. Depicted in our mythological languages as Saraswati or Lakshmi or Parvati or Kali or Shiva. So it is the grace of the Divine Mother. And this is the crux of Sri Ramakrishna's teachings. SURRENDER So far we have covered seven mantras. In our last class we were continuing with the seventh mantra. UPAYITU MAM DEVASAKHAH KEPTISCHI MANINASAH PRADURBHUTO VASMI RASTRIYASMIN KEPTIM PRIDDHIM DADATU ME May the Lord who is manifesting in the form of all Gods such as Indra, Chandra, Surya, Kubera, etc. So let the grace of God or the Divine Mother bring me Kubera. May Mother Lakshmi bestow fame as well as the celestial gemstone upon me. I am born in this nation. May the Mother grant me and this nation fame and wealth. This is a prayer. And again, the prayer can be interpreted. If a worldly person, what does he want? Dharma, Artha, Kama. He wants to lead a physically healthy life, intellectually healthy life, spiritually, morally and spiritually healthy life, and aesthetically healthy life. Five types of health are really wanted by each one of us. Though we may not know, but our unconscious prayers would be like that. And can I get all these things? Yes. What is the way? Are there many ways? No. There is only one way. One can approach any temple. One can approach or do Japam or meditation or pilgrimage, study of scriptures, service of the Rishis and Munis, sages and saints. But all these are means. What is there? There is only one goal. That is why Hinduism is crystal clear. It wants only the grace of God. And that is why, especially the devotees of Sri Ramakrishna, every evening, Arhatrikam time, Vesper service time, they inevitably chant the name of the Divine Mother, beginning with Sarva Mangala Mangaliye. It is a marvellous hymn. And in the third verse of that hymn, a Divine Mother, just like any human mother, she has sent her child for play and she is keeping a thousand eyes on how the child is faring there. But as soon as she detects signs of tiredness in the child, immediately she rushes forth or he also turns towards the mother and she gathers him and cleans him and feeds him and puts him to sleep. So symbolically, what it means is, our life in this world is a play. And just like Divine Mother, even to play, one has to be equipped with the right body, right intellect, and right in everything, intention, etc. So Hinduism divided this play into three categories. But the end of the play, that is, what is it that we really want? We want to return back. Remember Swami Vivekananda, future Swami Vivekananda, Narendra Nath, met Sri Ramakrishna at Suresh Mitra's house and he sang two songs. One of the songs is most symbolical. Oh mind, let's go back to our own place. So consciously or unconsciously, we are all waiting for that only. But until that time, step by step, as every baby has to grow. First he becomes a child, becomes an adolescent, then a youth, middle-aged person, old-aged person. This is a normal growth. And for this growth to take place smoothly, without any obstruction, we need the grace of the Divine Mother. But ultimately, it is to return to our source from where we have all sprung. That is the prayer expressed in these beautiful words. If we are in the second stage of life, which is called Grihastha Ashrama, then we require the right materials, equipment, wealth, strength, support, everything so that we can perform our duties properly, which will purify our mind, which in turn gives us the right insight as to what life is and what we should do, etc. And that is being expressed in this seventh mantra. Not only do we have to grow, but the only way of our growth is also to help others, everybody else, the whole world in which we are growing, to grow. That is why Swami Vekananda, who was a Rishi, had this twin ideal, Atmano Mokshaartham Jagath Hithayacha. With this background, let us try to understand this. This is a prayer. O Mother, Divine Mother, because how do we approach God? How does He listen to our prayers? According to Hindu theory, God has got two aspects. One aspect is without any name, without any form, without any qualities, who has no eyes, no ears, and nothing. So even if we go on praying, He will not be able to hear us, much less grant any ears, for the simple reason that He doesn't see anything other than Himself. I am, just like in our deep sleep, we do not experience a second. Let us multiply that one or blow it up to infinite proportions, and that is the state of the highest reality. But the same reality assumes another form, where there is a mind, where there are certain qualities, like all-pervasiveness is everywhere, and He is Sarvajna. He knows everything, past, present, and future. And He is Sarva Shaktimaan. He is endowed with all powers. He can do the impossible possible. Then He is all-loving. He will do even whether we pray or not. This is a marvellous idea. It's not that we have to love God, then only He loves us. From His viewpoint, we are all Himself, His own representations, manifestations. So it is not that one has to tell, Please bestow your grace. This is what Sri Ramakrishna expressed so beautifully. The grace of God is always blowing. Only we have to unfold ourselves. What does it mean? It means the grace of God is available 24 hours a day for eternity. But in order to avail of it, use it, we require a utensil. We have to become the utensils. If I am not hungry, I cannot eat what Mother has already prepared. So the air is there so that we can breathe when we are ready. And we understand the glory of this free air, especially if we are suffering from a terrific cold where the nose becomes blocked completely, or the fortunate people who are suffering from asthma, they can also find out how precious it is because they have experienced it before. So we have to make ourselves the instruments of reception. That is our problem. All practice, whether positive or negative, is all only to make ourselves so that we remove whatever is obstructing our receptive capacity is called negative practice, which is also called, by the way, Yama. And developing, enlarging our capacity, this is termed as Niyama according to Patanjali system. That means, in simple words, let us replace all the incapacitating qualities with capacitating qualities. Or in other words, let us overcome the demonic qualities and fill our personality with divine qualities. So this is a prayer. As I was mentioning, the grace of God is called Ishwara. The God whom we can pray, whom we can listen to our prayers, whom we can respond to our prayers, He is called Ishwara. That is called the grace of God, the grace of the Divine Mother. So, Mother, O Lord, Upaitu maam deva sakaha The Lord is manifesting in the form of various Gods like Indra, Varuna, Mitra, Kubera. And in Hindu lore, Kubera is in charge of the Divine power for all wealth, whatever types of wealth. And as I mentioned earlier, that Lakshmi is not the Pauranic Lakshmi we are talking about. The Lakshmi is the Divine Mother whom Sri Ramakrishna named as Shakti. When God is seen with activity, that is called Srishti sthiti laya. He is called by Sri Ramakrishna as Shakti. Shakti means energy. Energy means activity. All activities, whatever we do, fall into these three categories creation, maintenance, and dissolution. But when the same mind doesn't function because we control it through yoga or even in deep sleep, let us say, we do not do this Srishti sthiti and laya. As it were, the potentiality is there but it remains stagnated, hidden. So with this idea that Lakshmi is the Divine Mother, some call her Saraswati, some call her Parvati or Kali, it doesn't really matter. She is capable of fulfilling because she is the creatrix, matrix. So it is a prayer, let Kubera come. Kubera means what? The Lord of wealth. Wealth means what? Do not imagine only money is wealth. Happiness is the greatest wealth. In fact, wealth is subdivided into three parts. A healthy body, healthy mind is the first wealth. And a deep desire to get rid of ignorance and obtain right knowledge is the second wealth. And never to feel unhappy but always to be in bliss that is the third wealth. And they always go together. The relationship between these three, one in three, three in one, we cannot separate them. Where there is no health, their knowledge is lacking. Where knowledge is not there, health is not okay, then to that extent the bliss also is blocked. So this is a prayer that O Mother, let all sorts of wealth come. And wealth according to Hindu philosophy is divided into two. Worldly wealth and spiritual wealth. So this is what is telling you bring the Lord of wealth to me. That means you manifest in me as Kubera. And bring Kirti. Kirti means good name and fame. There are some people they are well known, they are called notorious. So we are not talking about people who do evil activities and they are notorious people and they are also known by people. That is not the meaning here. A person who is recognized by everybody as a good person, as a trustworthy person, as a person whom we can trust with our life. Ramakrishna calls them gentlemen. So that is the kind of name and fame we want. And this is a very common prayer in our Upanishads. Many times you say let the teacher go and pray. Let disciples come from all the directions to me. So Shamayantu Amayantu Brahmacharina Swaha Shamayantu Brahmacharina Swaha Damayantu Brahmacharina Swaha So let my name and fame spread all over the world. As what? Not as a rich man. Not as a powerful man. Not as the greatest man. So why do I say that they bring this word greatest? Because there was a wrestler called Muhammad Ali and he wrote autobiography and it's termed I am the greatest. That's not what we mean here. So I am waiting like a loving mother. Let disciples who want to follow That was the idea of education in the past Vedic times that is called Guru Kula Guru a person goes to the teacher, lives with him and 24 hours he will be with him. He looks at the life. The teaching is perhaps very little but impression that the character of the teacher the wealth that one derives by observing the Guru's life and trying to imitate that kind of life that is the real true education as Swami Vivekananda puts it is character building and that is the kirti that is why a teacher says let disciples approach me from every direction Why? Because I am the manifestation of God It is not that I am an individual and I want to attract people but God is manifesting in me and whoever comes to me so they will attain to the same state as me This has a marvelous parallel with Ramakrishna's life. There was a time after he had finished all his spiritual practices nearly after 12 years of time an irrepressible desire had risen in his heart. He used to run at the time of the sunset to the roof of where he was living at Dakshineshwar Oh mother, I cannot bear to live without my children I am tired of hearing the worldly talks Please bring all the devotees to me and one by one the devotees started coming not only words started coming we are also included in it and those who will come in the future are also included because that call is an eternal call because it is the Divine Mother's call so that is the type of kirti they want. Why did Ramakrishna want? Because he can't spend his time he had to go and babble otherwise his time will not be spent. No just as a mother or a cow who had just given birth to a calf is full, its udder is overflowing with milk and it cannot it cannot withstand if the calf does not suckle and then becomes strong and you must see perhaps few of you have seen when a cow gives birth and when the calf is joyfully drinking the milk from the udder of the cow the mother is going on licking and the joy the mother, the cow experiences at that time is indescribable I have seen that that's why I am telling you so it expresses joyfully my child is drinking my milk and it will make it survive and become strong and live that is the only prayer of the mother but our Divine Mother is not only to make the children alive but every type of every type of talent manifestation of divinity that we can get we can see, it is all the manifestation of the Divine Mother in different individuals, in different proportions that is the type of Maninasa so there is a gem and in Hindu lore this is where Lakshmi stays it is called Kaustubha Mani it is always on the chest that means nearest to the heart of Lord Vishnu and then the person doesn't forget Prathur Bhutosmi Rashtriyasmin I am born, I have taken birth in this particular land this is my motherland so it is my duty to not only to be happy myself, blissful myself but to help everybody attain to the same goal why do you think? Swami Vivekananda was so anxious even though so many Hindus have betrayed him even did the most unimaginable horrible things for him but he never lost his love of India in fact we should not say Swamiji loved only India he said he declared the whole universe is my children only I want to give this message was given not only in India that was much later the first this message was conveyed at the parliament of religions in USA I am born in this world not only for my liberation but for the liberation of everybody and that is embedded in the twin ideal motto of the Ramakrishna order that is so mother second time it is coming may you grant me good name and fame let it spread like fragrance in all the four directions and how to distribute my love without the least bit of negativity and and so if people come not only I should know what I should give but I should be able to give them more than to their satisfaction overflowing abundance that is the meaning of so may the divine mother who is manifesting in every form of God such as Kubera may her grace bring him to me Kubera as I said represents all sorts of wealth both worldly wealth as well as spiritual wealth and since I am born on this earth let me strive to attain my own manifestation of divinity let me also in the process help others also to do that work now we will go into a little bit of details so give me that Mani a beautiful word is used Maninasa let Kubera come not only himself but with a celestial gem is called Kaustubha and more importantly it is called Chintamani what is Chintamani wish fulfilling stone there are many Chintamanis are there Kalpataru for example the devotees of Sri Ramakrishna celebrate 1st January of every year in memory of Sri Ramakrishna's bestowing grace upon all his devotees, worthy devotees on 1st January 1886 but more than that every day when we go into and first some time is spent in dreaming this dreaming is also called Kalpataru the mind just imagines and whatever it imagines will come true that is why the mind is called Kalpataru Hindus believe that there is a real wish fulfilling tree and wish fulfilling stone a person desires a stone is capable of giving so what is this precious gem and fortunately there are marvelous commentators to expand this idea so what is that intellect spiritual qualities good values, commitment to Dharma and service to everybody and developing divine qualities that is the gemstone so the gemstone can be also a mantra let me be good, let me develop divine qualities let me have devotion to God it could be a prayer and of course it is the grace of God and it is also considered as Kaustubha and then as we mentioned since I am born on this earth so everybody is a manifestation of the divinity only Rashtra is a very beautiful word here Rashtra means in a particular nation but a spiritual person does not confine himself to a particular state only narrow minded people, I am born in Texas, I will pray only to Texas for the welfare of the Texas people no, I am born in this world and every human being not only human beings, non-human beings without them we do not stop to think for a second without what is called the plant kingdom and animal kingdom we cannot survive because they are supplying our very life oxygen etc so we pray to the mother to give us wisdom so that we can rise above the wrong identification with one particular physical body and with one language with one religion with one nation we must rise that is what Swami Vivekananda wanted so the devotees pray for a good name in society and he must lead he or she must lead a life of Dharma that means healthy life physically, mentally, intellectually aesthetically and morally and never obtain notoriety of a Dharma and the mother looks whether the prayer is sincere and if it is sincere she will grant us when the mother blesses her children the devotees with riches so that the children may practice charity, sharing, caring that was what Sri Ramakrishna emphasized we are all trustees and thereby we also gain good name for oneself it is said that each one of us will be happy in heaven as long as the good deeds of charity initiated by him help the society there was a very charming story in one of the Puranas there was a very charitable person as a result of that he led a Dharmic life that means a life of virtue and as a result of it after the death of this body he went to heaven and a time had come so the Devatas their calculator has gone wrong so they calculated that your time is up you have to go but he was not ready he was shocked no, can't I stay for some time longer they said no but he was such a good man the Devatas said that alright we will grant you we will give you a suggestion actually so you go and find out go to the earth and search for a person who remembers your good name if somebody still remembers and you can come back and live so long as that remembrance is there so this man came it took of course a little bit of time and practically people have forgotten that is the nature of the people also ungrateful people we all forget God we forget our parents we forget all those people who have done so much of good and still doing so much of good that is what happens so this person asked do you remember such and such a person my father is still alive you go and ask him he might remember so this person approached his father who was old and he also doesn't but he said my father is living go and ask him so he asked that grandfather and he said I also don't remember but my father is alive so go and ask him like that the oldest living person and that person said yes I did not see him but I heard about the greatness of this person how much good he had done to the entire world he gave up his life in doing good to the world only and then this man came back and said this is what I heard and the Devata said alright so long as that man is alive you can stay in heaven a belief it is only an encouragement to say that you also try to lead a good life because according to Hindu theory whatever good actions you do they begin at a particular time they end at a particular time so the result also begins at a particular time it also ends at a particular time so that is why it is said that liberation is called Akrita it is eternal it is not the result of obtaining something it is not the result of doing some karma so Kritaena Akrita Na Siddhyati by any type of activity one cannot attain to that which is eternal eternal can be attained only by eternity so this is a beautiful prayer many prayers that are coming later on are of similar type but with one caution we have to interpret otherwise we can also misinterpret and say here is a devotee and he is so selfish he wants everything for himself he doesn't want anything that can do good to others, no this is the way how a baby grows first we are selfish then we slowly learn how to care take care of each other how to care and share with each other that is how normally naturally we grow that is called healthy growth it may appear to be selfish at the beginning but not later on so the prayer continues Krutipasam Amalam Jyestham Alakshmim Nashayamyaham Abhutim Asamradhincha Sarvam Nirnatham Egrahat this is a kind of negative type of prayer by thy grace oh mother I should get rid of Jyestra Lakshmi embodiment of all misfortunes pains, sufferings and difficulties like thirst and hunger by your grace oh mother with your grace drive out of my house all pain and all poverty in Hindu lore, gods and goddesses are the manifestations of the supreme reality called Ishwara the Srishti Kartha but Lakshmi means all positive qualities and Alakshmi means the negative qualities now if you remember my talking about the churning of the milk ocean in hope of getting the nectar as Bhagavatam says I have quoted it now here what is important is every achievement is preceded by pain, by difficulty with hard struggle so all those things so without all these it is impossible to get what we want that is why it is called Manthana churning you want to be a great mountain climber that is a very good example you want to become a good cook that is another example you want to become one of the most skillful pig pocket that also requires a Guru lot of practice many times you will be caught and thrashed slowly slowly your buddhi your intelligence will grow and then you become an expert pig pocket so when these Devatas, Gods and Demons started churning together a temporary appeasement had taken place and then they were churning the milk ocean what did come out first tremendous amount of virulent poison that is to say when we want when we are trying to climb up something becoming better people it is a hard struggle to go down is very easy so at this stage we have to have tremendous grace of God in the form of very strong will and hope faith what is the faith this is only the initial difficulty once I overcome it just like exercise so the more I exercise so the stronger I become but in the beginning a skillful instructor doesn't ask you to lift 100 kg he will only ask you to lift half a kg and slowly slowly as our muscles become stronger he increases the weight this is how every training so you enter into elementary school 2 plus 2 you want to learn and then only 2 plus 3 so beginning will always be oh has to be with suspect with difficulties that is very important this is a prayer oh mother I want to come to you I want to manifest your divinity you please manifest within me but for that purpose I must become a fit recipient and I can become a fit recipient only by destroying all the negative qualities so according to this legend we were talking about first poison has come this is called in Hindu lore Jesta Lakshmi Lakshmi and Jesta Lakshmi Jesta means elder sister and later on came real Lakshmi so this Jesta Lakshmi in Hindu lore has a negative meaning misfortunes that is whatever I do it is turning to be into negative activity and poverty and ill health and not having anything that even proper life, proper dress proper education proper housing and proper environment all these are classified under one which is called misfortune ill fortune anything opposite to Lakshmi or the goddess of wealth poverty etc. but according to Hindu theory why did this thing come not because God is endowing you with deliberately purposely because He is a cruel being, no according to Hindu belief it is all because of the karma phala of the past I have done something wrong now I cannot undo what I have done from now on also I will never do anything I promise you I take a strong vow like new year resolution I will never again talk negativity I will not do anything that can hurt that can harm that can create loss for anybody that is the whole essence of the ten commandments thou shall not tell a lie thou shall not covet anything that belongs to your neighbor etc. all these things by the way all these ten commandments roughly correspond to the yama and niyama of Patanjali so all the negativity and there are two types of negativities one type of negativity that which contributes us so hard work and determination and what is called that will power which will resist everything that is a very positive negativity but becoming hopeless suffering from despair depression and we have to take medications so that we can at least we can live really medications are not going to help us overcome anything of these negativities they only dull our mind so that we will not do something harmful to ourselves or to others but by the Divine Mother's grace Alakshmim Nashayamiham with your grace I can easily overcome here Alakshmi has to be interpreted in the sense of she is obstructing me approaching you the Divine Mother and becoming one with you that obstruction should be completely destroyed again in the Hindi lore there are called six enemies kama, krodha, looha, mooha, mada and matsarya lust, anger, greed and pride and jealousy and intolerance of each other all these things abhutim asamrudhim cha sarvam so abhuti that means whatever is poverty of health, poverty of wealth, poverty because of the bad qualities and therefore asamrudhim means that which is marvellous, plentiful and asamrudhim means just the opposite of it everything that leads to disease suffering pain, death what is called narrow mindedness and cruelty let all this sarvam everything, all this negativity nirnudam e griha may it depart from my house may it depart from my life may it never come back how does it depart it is not a person it is not an object that you just take a stick and push that object out of the way no, I am through my activities I have invited it as a karma phala and karma phala can be negated only through opposite karma phala this is called pratipaksha bhavanam it is not only merely a thought every activity every negative activity should be overcome by a positive activity so I shall get rid of jesta lakshmi that is to say anything opposite to wealth, health, happiness etc and this jesta lakshmi who is the embodiment of all misfortunes and difficulties like thirst and hunger very interesting word kshut pipasa we get manifesting in the form of hunger what a marvelous joyous thing when you are ravenously hungry you don't need any spice, hunger is the greatest sauce similarly when you work hard then you become very thirsty, very hungry very tired so that is the greatest payment that we have to make in order to enjoy what follows so here abhuti asamraddhi etc that means endow me with that kind of intelligence which will make me think right, obtain right knowledge, grant me that will power so that I can pursue the fourfold goals of life they are called dharma, artha, kama and moksha so the goals of life human goals desirable goals of life it is a marvelous concept I tell you a whole Hinduism can be essentially understood in the form of attainment of these four goals for that purpose life is divided into four stages of evolution and for that scripture is divided into an appropriate guide for each stage of our evolution so everything even what we call caste system is nothing but overcoming the obstacles and evolving further towards these highest goals I am not going to go into the details now but this is the essence of it what is it? first give me a right understanding and even hard work etc or the payments we need to do it but if somebody had neglected the right way of life inevitably the result of our own past catches up with us, there is no way of escapism and when we are suffering it leads us to the right understanding and with this right understanding if we can take the right resolution and then turn towards the right resolution which is called turning towards God it is a beautiful language turning towards God means turning away from wrong actions understanding to right understanding and right activities turning back from a wrong turn and trying to reach the right turn that is how we have to understand this is possible first of all when we understand and every misery in this world is only for the sake of making us awake that you are responsible for what you are now and you are the architect of your own future so but that is very important for us so if your grace is there my understanding becomes absolutely right and I will be endowed with crystal clear understanding and then I will be endowed with a strong power of resolution and then I will strive my best and as I am striving along your grace comes to me and then it will and I can destroy all the negativity only by your grace and when I succeed in it I obtain you when I obtain you I become one with you and when I become one with you that is called liberation and we will this is the essence of the 8th rick now we enter into the 9th rick Gandhatvaram Duradharsham Nityapushtam Harishnim Eshwarim Sarvabhutanam Tam Iha Upahpahishniam this is the continuation of the 8th mantra there in the 8th mantra the prayer is with your grace I want to remove I want to evolve I don't want to slide down and then go back from where I have come to stocks and stones so I shall I am inviting you O mother Lakshmi you are forbearing and forgiving as the very earth itself you always bring prosperity because you are the embodiment of all prosperity and you are the supreme mistress of all creatures so Gandhatvaram very beautiful words are given and supposing you enter into a shrine, any Hindu shrine you will see a beautiful smell of the incense stick and also camphor smell will be coming out and that becomes associated when the divine mother comes she comes, there is a beautiful fragrance will come here the fragrance is not only physical but more spiritual which is called the spiritual fragrance that is goodness, purity trustworthiness and all these wonderful divine qualities will come but it is said in the Hindu lore that a yogi who is practicing for striving for spiritual perfection his body emits even his body emits only fragrant smell and it is also said of course I don't know how far it is true that even the feces of a yogi even the hogs which devour what we leave there in the fields especially in India not in the west that they go on whatever we leave they go on foraging that is the food for them but a yogi's feces they will not even touch because they give such fragrance so if your food is smelling with full of like jasmine or rose probably you don't want to touch it only it should smell onion and all those Indian spices then only you feel what they call meat masala and then only it is very tasty no, when the Divine Mother comes through an individual that person's whole body emits such a fragrance that people's minds are uplifted towards the Divine that is the meaning of kandhatvaram duradharsham it is not easy to obtain the grace of the Divine Mother that means it is not easy to get the grace of God it is available it is only with great difficulty we can get that means we have to strive to be the proper receptacles then only it is possible and once the grace of God comes and that name of the grace of God let us not forget is here called Lakshmi Sri Ramakrishna calls it Kali, doesn't matter and the Vaishnavas call it Radha and so and what happens Nityapushtam, she will make every aspect of human life completely fulfilled every way human being will be evolving physically, intellectually aesthetically morally and spiritually this is her grace Nityapushtam Karishni that is why every Hindu wants to say may you enter into me may you drive my life so that my life I will be victorious where there is Krishna that is grace where there is Arjuna that is the effort then there Jaya, Kirti Niti everything will be there Yatra Krishna Yatra Yogeshwara Krishna Yatra Partho Dhanurthara Tatra Sri Vijaya Bhuti Ruwa Neetir Matir Mama beautiful word Sri that Sri is being referred here Nityapushtam once she comes she will never desert like any other ordinary worldly object and she will make her child in every way like herself and you cannot escape because she is Ishwarim she is the Empress she is the ruler of this a whole world Sarva Bhutanam the entire creation all beings living and as well as non-living Tam Iha Upahvaye Sriyam I invite that Sri to come to me the grace of the Divine Mother but what is the condition the condition is I have to be a proper receptacle how do I become a proper receptacle by the grace of the by hard work spiritual practice I have to purify myself that one word purity it gives us that beautiful idea there is no other way and when she comes what happens Nityapushtam means she will never make me lack in anything and those devotees who are children who are devoted to her who are eternally supplied with everything Sri Ramakrishna used to say if you take God's name you will not lack anything God will take care of you Kareeshani means abundance will come and she is the how does it come because she is the Empress she is the ruler of this entire universe and she is not only there within you everybody and if she is within everybody so the other person is not different from you when she manifests in you you understand when she manifests in me I understand that everything is the Divine Mother's will only and how can she come only through self-surrender I invite her to enter into my heart I am inviting her to this place which place? My heart Esperant is making a simple statement that I desire you Swam Rane I don't want Lakshmi I want only Lakshmi I don't want negativity I only want all positivity and when she comes I gain the entire universe that means I know I am not separate from you and that means what? Aham Brahmasmi that is the understanding but it comes through hard work and that comes only by the grace of God that is why Shri Krishna ends his Bhagavad Gita teaching Sarva Dharmaan Parityaja do everything that you have to do but know that without the grace of God you will not achieve anything God is the giver of everything you surrender yourself totally to me and there afterwards you abide in eternal infinite bliss there is nothing for you to worry about these beautiful ideas we will continue in our next class Pranamami Moho Rumoho May Ramakrishna Holy Mother and Swami Vivekananda bless us all with Bhakti Jai Ramakrishna