Khandana Bhava Bandhana Lecture 12 on 28 July 2019

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So we are discussing Avatara Sthothram.  In our last class we were discussing

sampada tava srî‧pada bhava-goṣpada-vâri yathây |

pre‧mâr‧paṇa samadarsana jagajana-duḥkha jây ||

Sampada tava : The wealth of God. God is considered to have Aishwarya, shakti, the Bala, Viryaa and some other two six characteristics.

But that is Saguna Brahma’s qualities. But what  is Nirguna Brahma’s wealth? Sath, chit and Ananda.

In other words.  All the worldly wealth compared is finite and God’s wealth has come as infinite. Where is the comparison between finite and infinite? Absolutely, there is no comparison. That is why it is said to the purusha sukta only a small amsha, has become this whole universe. And he is beyond all these things. So if any devotee can get the wealth of God, then he becomes totally free; and what happens with this is one difference. Another difference is generally we are not happiness. We have happiness and we also have unhappiness; both happiness as well as unhappiness.

And they have to go side by side. You cannot separate and say and keep. Where there is happiness, there will be unhappiness. So here is a beautiful concept when we say there are opposite things: light and darkness, knowledge and ignorance when we are talking about opposites. Are there really opposed to each other or are they one and the same?

They are exactly one and they same. So what is a Darkness? For example, what is the darkness? Less of light is Darkness? What is a light? Less of Darkness. This is one way of looking at it. Another way of looking at it is, what is light? What is Darkness? Light is when we cannot get knowledge? A blind man, even at midday, he can't get knowledge of sights. Therefore, He is called he can't get knowledge. He is ignorant. But supposing a person at midnight, he also can't see. What is the difference between blind man and this man

So if he develops an extra sight, if he becomes an owl, then he can see in Darkness also. That is why Lakshmi Devi’s vahana  is owl.  Why?  Because, whoever doesn’t sleep at night and who goes on looking at things with the owlish  eyes he is sure to become a rich man. Lakshmi means rich man.

Those who sleep they will remain like that only. So Light means knowledge. Light means knowledge. That is very important for us to understand. Darkness means ignorance. What do you do with Light? What do you do with the light and what can you do with Darkness? There are some animals which can see at night. So those animals they have got wonderful knowledge. That's why tigers etcetera, they attack most animals. They sleep in daytime attack their prey at night time. What is the reason? Because, these animals, can't see well, except hearing Etc. But so they catch their prey now. What are we talking “light and darkness” are not opposed to each other. Less of light is darkness. Less of darkness is light.

Similarly apply the same principle to ignorance and knowledge. Less of knowledge is called ignorance; and less of ignorance is called knowledge. So there is nothing called complete ignorance. some knowledge we have got. many their knowledge of many things we have got. So I could see you, you could see me; so many things we could do together, isn't it? But then I know you exist; certain things I know.

So listen carefully, I know you exist. But I don't know beyond that what you really are. I am cognizing your existence. But in reality who you are, I'm not able to find out that - you are the nature of sath; you are the nature of chit. You are the nature of ananda. I could see sometimes you are partially happy. I could see you have got some amount of knowledge; this I could see. But  I can't see that in reality You are a hundred percent sath,  hundred percent chit,  hundred percent of knowledge.

When you realize God, What happens? Do you see God or do you see yourself? When you realize God, you don't see God you see yourself; that is called realization. This is called the dhareshana. That's why in the temples. You are not supposed to do anything inside the temple. It is pure Dhareshana. No pranam, no meditation, nothing. Whatever  you want to do in that near the Dwajsthamba. When you are leaving the ego behind even in your deep sleep. What do you do? Your ego is not destroyed, but covered up and that is why there is no Duality. It is a state of non-duality. Which one, deep-sleep. That's   why there is no problem. You are very happy. That is why – “dwaitham dwitheyaadvai bhayam bavathi”. Fear comes from the second. Adwaydadvai Abhayam bavathi”.? If  there is one whom are you going to be afraid? You're not going to kill yourself? You're not going to rob yourself. You are not going to harm yourself rather you will do all the best for yourself.

We are doing all the best for ourselves, whether we harm  other people are our sides. Can you understand one man robs the other person. He harms the other person. For what purpose? For his own sake. A man drinks. Whom is he harming? Why does he do it? For  whose sake? For himself.

So whether one does harm for oneself or other people, it is only for the sake of One's Own Self. If this is the manifestation of ignorance and what could be the manifestation of pure knowledge?

So what is God? Our full nature is God. If God is infinite, Can you see infinite? You can only have only one choice. What is it? You don't become. You can't become. You realize I am infinite. You have to use words properly. Become Means, You are not infinite and somebody hook or crook or prayer or fasting you have become infinite. That is not the truth. You are infinite. You don't realize it. But by the grace of God or Guru that..

Ajnana sirannthasya jnannanjana siladhi

oṁ ajñāna-timirāndhasya


cakṣur unmīlitaṁ yena

tasmai śrī-gurave namaḥ

((I was born in the darkest ignorance, and my spiritual master opened my eyes with the torch of knowledge. I offer my respectful obeisances unto him. When will Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī Prabhupāda, who has established within this material world the mission to fulfill the desire of Lord Caitanya, give me shelter under his lotus feet?))

What does Guru do it does not give you realization. He only removes the obstacles. This is the special point of VedAnta. VedAnta says, No one can realize God. No one should realize God. No one need to realize God. Because, when it is already accomplished where is the point of doing something again. Do you want to say I want to become the deepa.

Would you ever say that. You  want to become something other than what you are, isn't it? But now in our ignorance State what we are doing is we are thinking we are not real atman, We are somebody else. So we want to become. The  scripture says that it is not possible and psychiatrists also say the same thing. Somebody  comes and says I am the Prime Minister Modi; previously it was Jawaharlal Nehru. Now it is Modi. I am Narendra Modi.  Is he Narendra Modi ?

Supposing. Narendra Modi goes mad and he says I am Swami Modi. Now  He is exhibiting  all those characteristics immediately went to kedarnath  cave and then meditating.

So if he continues like that he might one day feel that I am Swami Modi. Then promptly some Swami will act as a psychiatrist and remove the delusion says, you know, you don't need to become Swami,  You are Narendra already, So be what you already are.

..So sampada tava srî‧pada : if a person really gets the grace of God. What does it become? He obtains Infinity. What does it mean obtains? These are words loaded words. “Obtaining” means you did not have; you're going to get; No you already have that is why there are several books and vedanta called “Swarajaya Siddhi” attainment of One's Own Kingdom. A  prince forgot, I am a prince. He says I am not a prince. I would like to become a prince. I would like to obtain this Kingdom. Then  somebody removes the scales from his eyes. And what does he say? I am already A prince.  I had forgotten about it. That is the meaning of “Shrinwantu vishwe amritasya putra”.

It is the nature of everything in this world. Okay, then the premarpana so there is one fact about love. Everybody  loves himself or herself. Whatever we do, It is only for the sake of expressing our own love. So first, we think we don't have certain things and then we try to obtain them. After obtaining What will you do? suppose you don't have a car you obtain a car. What will you do after obtaining a car? You have to use it?

So this is our idea. We are not Divine. We will become Divine. Then  what happens when we can be used it. Very many ways. This is a worldly opinion; a wrong opinion. What is the truth? The truth real truth is that we are searching how to become happiness not how to obtain happiness. This is a crucial difference. when a person realizes by the grace of God. What does he realize? I am always divine when a person realizes this, you know, what happens to them.

Then we have whatever he looks at Jeevan Muktha condition. Then he loves everything does a Jeevan Muktha love his enemies? Does it even look they have any enemies? Others May consider that person as an enemy. Like Jesus Christ, It is said before he was he gave up his life. He prayed to God father forgive them for they know not what they do. How could he forgive them? So who cannot forgive you? We always forgive ourselves. Yeah, whenever we eat something more we forgive yourself, you know, that is only one time. Somebody was asked do you drink? He said yes, do you drink occasionally or regularly? He said I only drink occasionally, but the occasion comes regularly. (big laughter)

Do we forgive ourselves? since we do a lot of wrong things.  So we forgive ourselves. This  is only one time. But  that one time occurs regularly. If somebody else does the same thing then we take exception to it. So what is the point here when a person realizes I am Divine, I am infinite, his whole personality becomes the nature of Love.  Now, What is love? Swami Vivekananda defined knowledge, true knowledge, love, morality one and the same thing.

What is morality? I gave the definition.  if you recall what is the definition? To know I am the other is morality. We are all moral to ourselves. We are moral too.  We don't want any unhappiness for us. We do not wish anybody to hurt us. We want on the other hand everybody to serve us, make us happy, isn't it? When a person realizes there is no difference between me and the other, then he has become moral.

when can a person become moral when he starts loving the other person he becomes moral. So what is the morality? a mother has a child now is the mother totally identified with the child? if something hurts the baby who get some more hurt ? why? because she loves him. Why does she love him?

She doesn't love the neighbor, even if the member is upstairs She doesn't love. you know him, you know, like in the middle this mother is there, you know, somebody is there above, below somebody is there,  neighbor somebody is there - she doesn't love other children. She loves this particular child. Why?

Why because that identity is there, this child and me or not at all different. This is called morality and that is called love. Where  there is love There is morality. Where there is morality, There is equality. This is called samadarasana. Premarpana samadaraúsana.  Darushana is kannada word.

Premarpana – he becomes one. Arpana means – I dedicate myself to you.

Jaa ache ama laho upaha   Sapino jibon thava shevay

A  beautiful Bengali song composed by one of the greatest  Swami's Swami  Premeshanandaji.  Arupa shaire na Misty infinite or Hooper. Sahara is an ocean which is which has no form. Then suddenly the waves started.

Waves always come only because of one reason. what is the reason wind. Wind. So what is the wind karunabhai?  the a wind of compassion brought stirred The Still Waters of the formless ocean – thoughrelo maya hay my Manavo kaye - so, the infinite has assumed as it were a Form with the help of his Maya that is why – Bagavad Gita ..

Ajopi  sannavyayatma  bhutanamisvaropi  san,

prakrtim  svamadhishttaya  sambhavamyatmamayaya.

So as it were, we are all doing it as it were. That is why you understand Advaitha vedanta. Study of dreams is one of the  best aids.

In dream you are lying here. But you may feel that I am five years old girl having a sachet and going walking to the school. Many  times. I dreamt I was going to the school with Rhea Kapoor. I was a small boy. Going to school.

We open things. So at that time if somebody says hey, this is not you. Will you believe you will not as soon as you wake up Dhorele maya swapana gaya -

Dream body. Dream  body you have assumed yourself. In  waking State you put on waking body. Now. I am going to tell you something very important. When you are in the waking state after coming out of the dream state, then you feel that is dream. That means what it is an imagination of the mind, but when you are in the dream state, what’s your idea about the waking state?

Do you have a remembrance of the waking State? Yes. Most of the things are based upon waking state only. For  example in the waking State, You have studied,  your given What is called given the examinations - waiting for the results and the results have come -  you have passed.

You have passed in the waking State. the other way also it happens the fellow failed but in dream he got first class first. But I am telling in the waking State you pass. In  my sleep that night because of all the many days of anxiety. You are reconstructing it when you go to the school or college and you see the result board and your name is not there.

Now, that is your contrasting you remembered here that this is the day examinations result will come out. you remembered that you did not remember what happened here now because you are see you're doubting yourself there. You see yourself. Your name is totally absent. That  could be pleasant dream.

A fellow had to be hanged next day. And  that night he was having a dream so he is released from the hanging list to his name has been removed, but when he wakes up People are waiting outside and they also very pleasant ,extremely sweet. What is your last wish?

Okay. So premarpana samadarsana:- why holy mother, was able to look up on everybody, in the same light. She did not make a smallest difference between a low caste  person and high caste person. In  holy mother’s eyes Who is the high cast person? None, because all are her children. from our Viewpoint of view Sharadananda ji – by the way in society, who is the high caste person? Not  Brahmana. Sanyasi.  Yes, because even a king even if what is called greatest scholar has to bow down to a sanyasi.  

Very interesting, you know, If a child becomes or if a boy becomes a sannyasi his father may be a Brahmana and maybe a highest scholar. who has to bow down to whom?  Until  sanyasa, The boy has to bow down as soon as one sanyassa is taken  who has to bow down? Father.

Paramacharya of Kanchi Kamkoti,  when he when he went for the last time to home then he bowed down. I am going to become a monk. I have been chosen and the parents accepted it. It was a shock. But  it was a very sudden they were not informed earlier. Simply the news came he has to come urgently and meet with previous one and when he went

There, they told him that we have chosen you to become a monk and such and such a date. now go back and bring your parents. So he went and bowed down so they could not do anything. So they came the coronation ceremony at taken place. Immediately who bow down to whom?

So they have not bowing down to their son. They're bowing down to the ideal. This is important for us to understand it. Only Sri Ramakrishna made an exception. He caught hold of his mother's feet in the after she met her death. Then he said oh mother you do not know whom you had carried in your womb.

Because he knows he was an Incarnation. Did she know that he was an Incarnation?  Like  Yashoda, Like Devaki, occasionally she knew but most of the time this is my son. If I don't protect him some harm is going to him. In  fact Chandramani Devi, had developed a certain delusions towards the end. She suspected Hriday, that he was out to poison Sri Ramakrishna. You have not read a book.

They're in the Great Master and she used to warn Sri Ramakrishna. Here & there, when Hriday is not there, be careful don’t eat anything given by Hriday. She developed a lot of Saturday's her to say siren used to go and then vaikunta the Shanka has gone and the food offering has that I cannot accept. If in Vaikunta  also god gets hungry, venkateswara here at 12’ o clock he gets hungry, It will look like I can understand because the Prasad has to come towards.

But  after reaching vaikunta also, he requires food somebody at me, Somebody has to cook food. Aiyo Rama?

Okay, premarpana samadarShena we discussed. when a person knows who he is, He knows the whole universe is nothing but me. That  is why is filled with only prema.

Now Two points we need to discuss now. When  a person is in that state of Oneness. Does he see anybody else?

He can't see and what is this verse talking about is talking about when a person, a Jeevan Muktha, a person who realized and again for some reason he comes down to this state of Body - Mind two things will happen there. In our looks upon his body and mind has my body and mind. He thinks there is a body, there is a mind - I have nothing to do with it. We are also Jeevan Muktha! When  I look at you there is a body and there is a mind it has nothing to do With me. If  you get a headache, I don't get any headache. Similarly, If I get headache you don't get a headache. Is  it not a fact?

Not only about this body and mind whatever this person wherever is drishti goes – Brahmanyeva  pusye -. He would only see only Brahman. Divine. When holy mother living example, whoever comes to her, How is she looking upon them? As usually we say children but not as children because even mother and children are totally different. mother may have love but they are separate and the child gets headache,  She doesn't get headache.

But holy mother I am Atman. You are also Atman. She knows that. We don't know that. That's why she treats us only with infinite Love. Sometimes she can also punish us, but that punishment is for like a mother punishing children for whose good. For the child’s own good.

Premarpana  samadarshana. Now The last word is jagajana-duḥkha jây:- if God loves us our and if we can receive it if God loves us and if we can receive it our dhukka will Totally disappear. So what can God do? Dhukka  means suffering. suffering comes from the idea - I am the body, I am the mind. but when a jeevan Muktha looks at anybody, then why is it that, that person doesn't receive that knowledge?

For example, if Sri Ramakrishna is looking at Narendra,  and looking at me. Do we receive his glance in the same light?

We don't. My capacity is it is only material things. Narendra’s capacity, even he had his own troubles. One  day Sri Ramakrishna  talked about the Advaitha aspect of everything like nice children, they heard with a serious face the moment Sri Ramakrishna  stopped, you know that incident. They  went outside.  Narendra and Hejira and ho Ended this Cot is Brahman; This mat is Brahman; This cat is Brahman; This rat is Brahman . Sri Ramakrishna wearing clothes under his arm pits, asked, what are you laughing at? And without waiting for an answer, he went and touched Narendra. (Swami Vivekananda).

For 10 days, they adhered a glimpse into the what is called advaithic aspect of life. He was describing I was walking. And a horse carriage with great speed is coming towards me, you know, it can hit him and he can get injured or killed. Also. I did not feel like moving aside because he was not seeing any difference. This is a carriage. This is a horse. No, that is also a Brahman then he was telling Sri Ramakrishna. had given me a glimpse that it is possible to have that Brahma darshan. Like one Baghavan Narayana,  gave a glimpse of Narayana to Naradha.  Then he disappeared. When Naradha said, Lord, I was in great Bliss. Why did you withdraw yourself. Lord Narayana  said, this is only an appetizer.

If you want the full enjoyment, then you will have to pay. You understand what I am talking about. So when I went to Japan Japanese shops, most shops, are underneath the railway station. Very, practical people. Because  people move Bus stations, Railway stations, that is airports. That is where the shops are there. You  get down. Don't need to go here and there. Just go down and buy whatever you want and go home. Very very convenient.

And the another thing that I found was that on the glass cases what you want to buy food Etc. Exactly. This is what you'll get here.   

So once you know you select it go there, pay the money take it. It  will be exactly the same. Exhibitions. Yeah, all the octopus is octopus. Nicely cut your not like that. I was not tempted, you know, but anyway, then we went inside they are able to. They have not seen that.

Your many wonderful things are there. Anyway, we went inside many sweet Meat Shops, beautiful girls waiting wonderful sweets anybody who wants they will give a piece good piece. So without buying anything five six girls you visit and you will get food from food and then you come back. So this is called appetizer. So once you have that one you decide you like the taste then you go and buy.  

They  are hoping that after taking that one you get hungry and you will buy it.  is not not like Swami Dayatmananda, who  will go to five six places, eat & just walk out.

So this one. Baghavan Narayana now gave him darsana. And  then afterwards he did thapas.  What  am I talking about? The love towards everybody is equal but our capacity to receive that love differs from the capacity of the person. a child can receive only the child means here are less grown person.

Only when we are able to receive fully all our suffering goes away. So what is it that they are going to give us? Only  one thing. What is it? You are beyond all suffering. because you are ananda svarupa. if you are happiness. Not having happiness, but of the nature of Happiness ananda svarupa.

if your happiness, when are you deprived of Happiness? Can you deviate from your nature? Very deep idea. Can you deviate from your nature? It's not possible. Because whatever you can deviate from is not your nature. you put on some dress. You can remove that dress. You can put on some other dress. But if this is this skin is an example of me this can can you remove it and then put two at night? I want to take some rest if it is too hot too cold. Can you do that?

Because it comes with For life. Life  cover, life insurance cover,  for the whole life. You can't remove it guaranteed. So like Bhutanese. In Bhutan it is very cold. They put on this dress only once in a year. They change it. They don't take bath once in a year they take bath because it's freezing cold. sew it together like that. My only problem is when they get itching sensation here. What are they going to do very cold, you know, if we are born there we will also do it. And  they also carry living embersear here in the stomach, you know coat they put it here so that the body gets warm heat. Why here because This is the root of the entire body system. That's why if this is heated everything else is hated, but they did discover. This is the root of heat if this is heated before body will be heated. Okay,

pre‧ mâr‧ paṇa samadarasana jagajana-duḥkha jây

whoever can realize I am of the same nature as God. Then prema never brings suffering. Prema, love & suffering are born enemies to each other.  You have to understand. So this is the nature of every Avatara. He considers the whole universe as a loving nature as himself that is called loving nature and they come only for one purpose to give to remove the tapatraya from this whole world.

Then Swami Vivekananda enters into the most beautiful part. I mentioned earlier in the beginning of this hymn.

khaṇḍana bhava band‧ hana jaga van‧ dana vandi tomây nirañ‧ jana nara-rûpa-dhara nir‧ guṇa guṇa‧ may

The other portion you know,

namo namo prabhu vâkya-manâtîta

That's why short arathi nowadays, you know if they have to finish in five minutes, or do they do –

nara-rûpa-dhara nir‧ guṇa guṇa‧ may…. namo namo prabhu

they start. so that is what he started.

namo namo prabhu vâkya-manâtîta :- Oh ! Lord !  Now. I realize who you are. my salutations to you again and again and again and again, this word salutation. In the very first sentence Swami Vivekananda so uses….

khaṇḍana bhava band‧ hana jaga van‧ dana vandi tomây:

So, why do I bow down to God? Because .. khaṇḍana bhava bandana:- he removes my bondage. whoever removes my suffering. Bondage means suffering. What do you mean suffering whoever removes my suffering whether you express it or not you will be thankful. Is  it not?

So a mother is removing the hunger of her baby. How does the baby Express his thankfulness? What is the expression the baby's face blooms into a smile? What does that mean? That means the baby's very happy if they baby is Happy the mother is more than happy. suppose, you know, somebody cooks for you and you say thank you, and your face is Like castor oil face,  when it happened will it make the person host happy. You have to show by eating more.

That  is why in China, There is a system is there; that when a host invites you and feeds you if you don't do you know, what is it called hauwl like that.. I'll check belching. it. If you don't belch,  they will take offense. You have to belch; belching shows, that you have eaten your full stomach and that gives gratification to the host and Hostess that we have done appropriate thing.. So sometimes the cooking is so bad. The guests are struggling very much to belch; not coming out.

Everything has got its downside also. Yeah. So what are we talking about? Whoever can remove lessen our suffering naturally automatically we become thankful. by just becoming happy that is the indication that the other person is thanked for. So  here jagajana-duḥkha jây . What dhukka? Tapatraya  has disappeared. My worldly bondage is completely cut as under. How do I know that my understanding?

khaṇḍana bhava band‧ hana :-the avatara, the main purpose is not removal of temporary bond. For permanently eternally will be free from all these things. How can we not be grateful. Viveka chudamani,  Namo namo gurave, punar namasthe gurave – The sishya is telling, how can I express my gratitude to you. Because  of your grace All my dhukka has gone. Now  I realize I am none other than parabrahma.

Brahmathmana samsthithi:” - I am firmly established in Brahman, Brahman knowledge. . how can I express “Namo Namo Prabhu”- oh Lord @! Salutations to you again, again  again. And then I can't even convey sufficient Thanks to you. Why?

vâkya-manâ atîta :-You are Beyond-Swami Vivekananda  was reflecting the upanishadic statements: yato vacho nivarthanthe apropya manasa saha-  how can you describe it.  Sri Ramakrishna is giving everywhere. Let's say Sri Ramakrishna is compared to kalidasa.

What was kalidasa famous for? Upama not “upma”(a south indian dish analogous to solidified kichidi)

उपमा कालिदासस्य भारवेरर्थगौरवम् ।

दण्डिनः पदलालित्यं माघे सन्ति त्रयो गुणाः ॥

upamā kālidāsasya bhāraverarthagauravam |

daṇḍinaḥ padalālityaṃ māghe santi trayo guṇāḥ ||

Everything kālidāsa gives an analogy.

Bhojanam Dehi Rajendra

Ghruta soopa samanvitam

Mahishamca Sharacchandra

chandrika dhavalam dadhi

Two South Indian Brahmins, poor Brahmins were starving. so they wanted to approach Bhoja Raja. There was a big story. I won't tell you. Bhoja Raja got a little bit annoyed.

There was a tiff and kālidāsa immediately left, even though there was a Tape, Bhoja Raja could not stay without kālidāsa. He loved him so much. He was searching but not so he declared whoever can compose a shloka, I will give you 1 lakh of rupees. So two Brahmins they wanted some money. So first, you know what they did they composed half of this shloka. What is it? Bhojanam Dehi Rajendra

oh rajendra, Give me little food. Ghruta soopa samanvitam

And they should be Ghee &South Indian Rasam. All  their poetical talents were exhausted.

so morosely they were sitting, because that is not sloka it is only half sloka. Then  fortunately kālidāsa happened to pass by. He  asked what is the matter with you? They said this is the matter. Okay. I will help you. Then. He composed Sharacchandra chandrika

Mahishamca dhavalam dadhi.

South  Indian food without Curds food will not be complete. but  being  kālidāsa he needed curds, white curds,  As how white and it should be like the whiteness of the full Moonlight in the autumn season. Sharacchandra chandrika and pure

Thick curds. These fellows mugged it up, went to Bhoja Raja & vomited it. Immediately  Bhoaj Raja found. He was a great Soul. He caught them.  First half you composed, who  composed the Second half.  And they admitted one man came. How does he look like? like this he gave him one lakh. Asked him  to take us where Kalidasa was. And  he sent soldiers within no time. He got Kalidasa. And embraced him, brought him back to the place.

So this Sri Ramakrishna is unparalleled King like Kalidasa. For  everything, He will give an example.

premarpana samadarsana

namo namo prabhu vakya mana adita

So somebody who was far away from the ocean once he happened to go to the place. He saw the ocean.

And he came back. He was asked. What did you see? I saw an ocean. How is the ocean life? What is the description? He had never seen that much of water in his whole life. You see some dirty for small pools. Kuttalu kuntalu.. the huge ocean & waves he has never seen.

Oh good with each other who do but this huge iswara. Charana huge. Yogasahay towards him.

How can he describe? What is the description?

What what else can you say? It is Indescribable.

namo namo prabhu vakya mana adita

Beyond- because the infinite can never be described by any finite instrument. Why ? any   finite instrument can give you only finite measurement. As simple as that.

And yet how do we know that such a thing exists? You say you can't express it. But how do I know such a thing exists


without that it is impossible to for us to think impossible for us to much less speak describe. Mana vachana - first the Divine energy flows animates the mind, and then the mind animates the speech and the speech animates the sense organs. This is the krama that comes.

manova‧canaikâd‧hâr….What does ek adhar – adhar means support. Only.. support ek  adhar that means the only support. because other than pure Consciousness nothing works. What is the problem with deep sleep? Mind is there. Mouth is there everything is there. what is the problem? Awareness is not there?

So when awareness is not there, but there is a mind and there is a mouth that also one. So as soon as we wake up, then what happens the awareness cognizes here is a body, here is sense organs, here is a mind and it can be used. That's why in vedanta we given a beautiful expression. Now earlier we were discussing about light. What is light?

That with the help of which we obtain knowledge is called light.

Absence of knowledge is absence of Light, Darkness, so we give a very common example.

But you have to look at me. What do you see here? What do you see? Hey now, what do you see them where they handed me? What do you see? Use usual reply is we don't see anything.

We don't see anything. But suppose it is midnight. I put my hand up like this. Will you see? Why are you not? Now  You are able to see at midnight you are not able to see. what is the real reason? Absence  of light. So is there light there or not now? Yes.

But we don't see the light. But yet, can you describe the light without the help of anything? First.

Second. What is the difference between light here, light outside and light in a corner? Is there any difference? Is there any any time any place where light is completely absent? I am telling you something very scientific not vedantic.

See there Are Places supposing the you know moon has got two sides. The Other Side of the Moon total darkness. What reveals the darkness? They followed I'm saying to read to know that there is recognized. What do you need?

So without light you cannot even understand. What is Darkness?

Therefore the light is there. Like  that, Chaithanya Consciousness - is everywhere, all-pervading and yet to describe it - You need an instrument like electricity. Where is not electricity? Everywhere electricity. One Telugu fellow went to watch a movie in summer season at midday. Outside  It is very hot. So they put on fans. The cinema was going on. suddenly electricity has gone. Naturally, there is no film there. The follow is telling, All right, they're not showing the film. Why  can't at least be put on the fan.

What will you do with such a fellow? This is we got lot of intelligent; but they are called Brahma Bandu's. Brihaspathi.  Lot  of Brihaspathi are there in this world. Idiots. In Sanskrit language idiots are called Brahma Bandu. (Laughter).

Anyway, kshatra bandu. Means  a fellow who is very cowardly is also called a kshatra bandu. That means he looks like Kshatriya but he is not really kshatria.  He  should not be consciously called kshatria; but very nice name, you know friend of the kshatria.

namo namo prabhu vâkya-manâtîta manova‧canaikâd‧hâr :- without that light. Nothing can be seen.

Therefore, without Consciousness, Nothing can be thought; the mind will not function as well as the body will not function; the sense organs will not function. Therefore mind also is necessary. Sensory organs are also necessary, but they by themselves cannot give anything.

What is needed? Consciousness, awareness is needed. that is What is manova‧canaikâd‧hâr?

We have to cognize it. So, where are you searching for the light?  Search in side? What is it? Because of which I am able to see, I am able to smell, I'm able to hear, I am able to taste, I'm able to touch, because of which I am able to think and in the absence of which I'm not able to even to think.

If you analyze that you will see two things. First of all Discover these are all like dead thing without consciousness.  Second Consciousness is totally different, separate from all these things second. Third point when you reach conscious state then body is Consciousness, mind is consciousness  Everything is consciousness. The Earth is consciousness. The river is consciousness, everything is nothing but pure Consciousness. why because as it is infinity. In  infinity you can’t Say this is infinity. And this is finiteness. You can't say that.

So that is why there are foolish devotees who say I want to see the infinite. There could be no foolish  statement than this. If you see Infinity, what would be the fate of the infinite?

It becomes finite as simple as that. But  human language we teach that. Then Swami Vivekananda proceeds. This  is again from the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad.

Today, I will give you a very brief some introduction. There was this comes in the Swayam Jyothi brahmana and third I think third Adyaya of  Brihadaranyaka Upanishad. Janaka and Yagnavalkyar samvadam. A  dialogue between Janaka and Yagnavalkyar. Now at one point of time. There was a conversation between Janaka and Yagnavalkyar.

Yagnavalkyar had taught  Janaka the king Wonderful things and asked him to repeat. What did I tell you? What did I say? You know, it's really the  joke. What did I say?

Once a wife got angry with her husband and then uttered a statement “all men are dumb. All men are dumb”. He asked why? Because everything has to be repeated to them. He said what did you say? (big laughter)

So Janaka repeated the whole thing most marvelously. This comes in Katobanishad. Yamadarmaraja taught him Yagna.  What did I teach you and he repeats everything verbatim. Yamadarmaraja was so pleased that you are the worthy  disciple of mine. I am giving you an extra Boon-Boon Originally he gave how many bones Three now. He added one more. it is called  Karma mala. That means the results of all Karma's without doing anything. I'm giving it to you extra boon He gave. Like  that. this Yagnavalkyar gave one boon to Janaka. And  then he said whenever you have got any question any time you ask me I will give you.

So there was a time, So many months passed, we don't know how much time passed then one day Yagnavalkyar, He was in a pensive mood. He decided, today I will not talk anything. With  that determination, he visited Janaka. Then  Janaka caught hold of him. He wants you gave up once upon a time. You gave me a boon-boon, whatever  is on I am going to ask you today. So what was the guru's contention? I will not speak but he gave a boon. So he can't do it like Dasaratha. He  gave a boon to kaikeyee.

That’s why,  if you want to give a boon give. but you first first thing you should tell tell me what do you want to do? Otherwise, you know, I want to fly like a bird. Can't give. Secondly  don't give time. If you give time they'll be thinking all impossible things. Now whatever you want. So if the fellow is hungry, what does he say? Give me food. Bhojanam Dehi Rajendra…  

So Yagnavalkyar had no option. Yes, I gave you a boon. I am going to fulfill because you asked for it. That is where this swayam jyothi Brahmana comes very brief. What is it? How does a man conduct Affairs in the daytime by which light? Yagnavalkyar replied  it is the light of the sun. Then Janaka's next question what happens when the sun sets.  And he says it is the light of the moon.

what happens when the moon also sets it is with the help of the fire. Fire can be acting as a light. What happens when there is no fire.

He says waukeva Markham thadharsathi – wauk:- sound you know, you are going in darkness, you are in search of a House. Suddenly. You hear somebody shouting. You know that there is somebody. There  is no sunlight. There is a Moon light. There is no file light. But  there is you hear the sound and you infer where there is sound. There must be a a house. A dog is barking. So you infer Is something here A House Is must be nearby? So it is the wauk – sabdha.

Then, that is what happens. You know, what is your light of not utter Darkness? You don't know. What is East what is west? what is above? what is below? And you have got a GPS in your car. What is the light? Walk walk Ava Move hundred yards and then take a left turn right turn. Ultimately. It will take you safely home. It might take a little time, but it will take you safely home. That is why Guru parampara system is very much necessary now.

Yeah, guru  hoe does he  teach. wauk. Then Jenaka's final question is in the absence of wauk. What is the light by which man is guided? He says  Anthar jyothi: - there is an inner light. What did the inner light? Pure  Consciousness? This is the only light then there is the whole -swayam Jyothi Brahmana is a beautiful elaboration of without Anthar jyothi,  Nothing can act, nothing can move, nothing can exist. How do you know you exist? Because of the Anthar jyothi. You feel and your very feeling I am alive is because of what? Anthar jyothi. you think I am frightened that is also because of what? Anthar jyothi. Now. I am not feeling for it and I am happy because of what Anthar jyothi. Every  millisecond so long as we are alive, whatever happens  to us,; I know; I don't know etc  Is Possible only by with the help of the light of inner light. The inner light on that Journey but Jyothi means here what earlier we discussed what is light ?

That which gives us knowledge. That is the knowledge by which we live.  Everything  converts Ultimately knowledge. I am hungry. Piece of  knowledge. I have got food piece of knowledge. I hate the food knowledge. I am satisfied knowledge. I am tired knowledge. I am sleepy. That is also knowledge. So one final point. When we are in sushupthi state, Are you aware that you're asleep or not?

What is the answer?

Okay when you are in the waking state. Or we have arrived in the waking State. I hope so.

When you are in the dream state, are you aware that you are in a dream state? But what do you mean by? No, you're doing your whole experience is what? Dreams state .. in dream State you don't call it a dream state, but you call it waking State upon waking up you call it dream state.

So I am asking this question in the waking State about your dream state, but in the dream state, are we where are we experiencing or not? If you are not experiencing, you can only call it what it is. But no State. You can't call it even sleeping State. That's why I'm leading you to that in deep Sleep space. Sushupthi  state. Are you aware that you are in that state? No.

Completely wrong answer.  because how do we know how do you know that you are you are having a dream. After  waking up What do you say? you don't say Swami Dayatmananda came and dreamt?  ? What do you say I was dreaming.. So were you there are not were you there are not were you experiencing or not ? I saw a ghost in the dream state. who is saying me saying or you say? I will never say there is ghost. I will  only say Sri Ramakrishna is there.

You are saying that you are experiencing. This is a very commonsensical question. But we have completely under false impression. So upon waking up, from the deep sleep State. What what is your statement? I was sleeping. suppose you are absent then we can you say I was sleeping.

I hope you are able to follow my thought process. If you don't have any experience, you can't say I have that experience. The question is are you experiencing yourself in your deep sleep state. Are you aware that you are in deep Sleep state? At that time.

The answer is hundred percent. not even one millisecond you are absent to there. because if you are absent then I have to say your you experience to four states waking State dream state sometimes deep sleep State one second some other state.. whatever state you experience You are saying “I experienced”. when you are experiencing a state are you there? Are you absent? Yes.

That is the answer if we'll talk about it next week on that the whole anthar – swayam jyothi  Brahmana is a most marvelous explanation of what is happening in our day-to-day life.

Yeah. No, no. No, you don't say it is a dream state you think it is a waking state, but you are experiencing hundred percent full. Otherwise, you can't even remember. If  I have a dream and how can you remember it. only you can. you understand. now, this is the most important Point. Okay, so we will discuss about it in our next class. Okay.

Very very nice.