General Q&A on 07 July 2019

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“Dream Session”

So we have got 5 minutes, what were you saying that one  Gayathri? Ha.. ha.. ha.. ya. See in this whole world, how many things are there to be enjoyed. Only five things.  Whatever, the eyes - forms, ears – Sounds, nose – smells,  tongue - taste and rest of the body that which is a touchable - Sparsa. So in the whole world excepting this, Can you tell me a 6th something. Intuition? Intuition is an instrument to know something. Do you follow that.

Intuition is an instrument like you have a big telescope.  Suppose there is “Nothing” to see, telescope is totally useless. Isn’t it.  Our  sense organs are instruments. So through these  what is the object. Every instrument has got its own particular object. This world consists of only pancha bhuthas.  Each Bhutha is related to one one sense organs. That is why akasah is related to what? Shabda. Vayu is related to Sparsa,  Agni is related to Rupa, Agni means light without light You can't see and Jala is related to this tongue, Rasa.

And the nose is related to Gandha. Five elements pancha bhuthas  five sense organs 5 objects of the senses. That is why  We call this word prapancha consisting of five objects of enjoyment – Experience. Not enjoyment, experience. That  is all. So our sense organs are called Adyathmica.  Objects outside the world are called Adhibouthika. And the knowledge that through which we come together is called Adidaivika.  

Such a beautiful analysis you won’t to get in any  new Worlds religion or philosophy. So I am  giving one example.  Eye - Sun - form. All the three are consisting of only those, All the  3 one one bhutha. only one bhutha. All the 5 sense organs are consisting  one particular element. What is that element –the sun is related to the light, a form is there; that it is related to the sun. it is related to  the eye. And the form also you know, not the entire form, only color. You can see.

I can know what it is. I don't need the but whether it is a red blue the hand will not know.  Only the eye can know. Eye is only related to the form. Colors only. This is a triangle. Suppose there is no sun. My eye is ok. Form is ok. Eye will have No knowledge.  Sun is there, Eye is there, There is no form, is also useless. Sun is there, object is there, eye is not there that is also no use. All  the three must be there. but behind all these this 3 will not do.

There should be some other element which should be able to give me knowledge. What is that? Awareness. Chidhakasa. The light of the Atman must be   related to all the three. It is because of the atman,  the  object exists;  because of that atman the sun exists, because of that atman  my capacity of my eye to see also exist.  it is everything.

There is quiz. What is mind? answer is doesn't matter. what is matter? Don’t mind.  See that   question has never been answered. How this unlimited has become Limited, how the infinite has become finite that question itself is illogical, because, is the infinite ever become finite? If it has become finite, what happened to the rest of the infinite? Where  does it go? Does not go. This teaching has  to be heard and thought about for a long time. No Infinity has become finite.

Nothing has changed all that is taking place within what I call my mind. It's a classical  example rope & snake. No answer.

You explain to me,  when you are dreaming you create yourself into a hundred people, suppose you are  dreaming you are attending this class. All of you, all of Us is your own form. Isn’t  it?   including this Swami. In your dream the  Swami has given excellent lecture. And upon waking up, who gave the talk who heard it? Who appreciated it? So  if you ask the question it why did you imagine yourself to be like that in your dream? What answer will you give.

It is a mystery. You Don't know why you have done it. You think you can you say my imagination, that is no answer because my imagination is different from you imagination.  What makes my imagination different from your imagination.

The whole world is a continuous dream. That means it’s all  in my mind? God has not become Anything. he is ok. Otherwise  God would have been the most miserable person in the whole of the world. It is interesting if somebody is beating me, who is being beaten? God only God is being beaten .

Any way these are deep mysteries we don’t need.  Let us come to the practical life that important. We are here now.  Everything is very real. Now, how to make it, a little less real. Alright.

See first of all, you define “What is a dream? Then only  all these questions will fall into reasonable understanding.  Dream is a state of the mind which is not in ordinary state. It is a very special state. In  that state, many things can happen. what we call our day-to-day ordinary dream is only one part of what dream state is. Usually we divide our dreams into four categories. How many? Four. What Are they?

Our ordinary, useless, meaningless type of dreams. I am walking in the street, suddenly a car turns that way, there is no meaning or relationship. Most of our dreams are like that only.

Second type of dream, suddenly we experience an object stored in the memory from past life. past life. I have never experienced this subject how come I could dream. Because  usually our dreams can serve what we experienced in this life. But sometimes we meet people, seem which we never experienced in this life.  So we can only infer probably from the past life. probably because I say  we don't remember many things. childhood. We might have seen something. We might not have remembered it. This is the second type of dream.

Third type of dreams “Devathas”.  Divine beings. What is called non human beings. Can appear, can communicate, can teach us lessons, can give us things / hints. I will give you two examples.

Thyagaraja Swamigal suppose to be yearning for a new Raga. wanted to learn new Raga and his music teacher, ideal music teacher was Naradha. Naradha was supposed to have written a book. In which those Ragas were available only in that book.  That book was not available.  So he prayed. Oh Naradha, I would like to learn that. So that I can sing. Praise the God, will you please make the book available to me. Naradha appeared in the dream, presented the Book to him. I hope he signed also his name is that author’s signatured copy and gave it; and Thyagaraja thought it was a dream. But when he woke up the book was there by his side. How do you account for it. Many modern people  will say  he has put it in his sleep some book was there, he was dreaming. No. These things  do happen.

Girish Chandra Ghosh was suffering from this thing, holy mother came, he did not know it was His holy mother. Long after that when he saw Holy Mother, he recognized. She left one flower there  and he saw the flower when he woke up.

So “The way of a Pilgrim” have you read.

In that the Guru, Spassky, this man had a doubt. He had a book called “ Felekelia”. So he found this is Guru came in his dream, opened the book, underlined with charcoal and he said Read this passage,   it will clear your doubts. He thought it was a dream. He woke up. But he saw the book, not where he kept, but on his bed.  When  he  opened  the book exactly where it was not underlined before. Modern psychologists will say, you yourself got up in the dream and you underlined & all those things. But they are stupid fellows.   

Many examples are there. These are the third type of dream, where   divine beings come, they interact with you, they show themselves to you.

Fourth type of dream is the prediction of the future events. I had many such dreams. I am sure all of you had, but you may not remember but I do remember. Do Want to hear about it? Yes, Swami. Ok.

I was at Hyderabad.  Swami Ranganathananda ji  was the Head of the Centre. He went to Calcutta and he was coming back on a particular day. Previous night, around  3 O’ clock are so I was still sleeping, I had a dream. It was  6 o’ Clock or so. 6:30 or so in the dream. Otherwise you will think I am . Sleeping till 6:30 in the morning. (Laughter). This was a dream; morning dream. They say, usually morning dream comes true.  So about 6 o'clock in my dream, there was a knock. There is an iron grill-gate  which we close at night, so nobody can enter into the building. But From outside people can come, up to that grill. There was a knock & I rushed, somebody might have come.

I was shocked. It was  Swami Ranganathananda with another gentle man.  I said, Maharaj, you are supposed to come at 7:30 and one of us is supposed to go and receive you & bring you,  How come  you yourself came? He said,  the train reached 1 hour earlier and because of that I did not expect anyone of you to be there and so I decided to take an auto rickshaw and come here.  I met this gentleman.  He brought one man unknown man. He is a Sardarji. He  is going to Bombay.  We  had some nice talk in the train. So I invited him to come with me here and after noon he will go depart for Bombay. He will stay here Take bath, take breakfast, lunch after that he will depart.  So  I gave the room to him. Then  my dream broke.

Then at about 6 o’ clock there was a real knock. Then I went & saw, Swami Ranganathananda !!! I was surprised. how come you have come so early. Exactly   the same thing that I saw this in the dream. I met this man in the train, he told like that. So I was shocked. That dream if it is  two three days old. I might have forgotten.  That  just happened few hours before and it came true. We know that he was coming; we did not know him becoming by himself. we did not know he was going to bring another man. so this kind of Dreams many times I had. I am convinced most of us have, but only we ignore. But until it happens, You will not know whether it is true dream or your just imagination.

So dreams are categorized into four types; and actually, Jung psychologist, disciple of Freund, has written a special book “Interpretation of Dreams” big book. I don’t know whether you heard about it, not necessary. He  had his own weird interpretations(I have not read the book) because it will be a useless dream, afterwards I will be interpreting all my dreams. You are suffering from this mental disease and all those things. Anyway many dreams like this. Four types of dreams.

Ordinary(1), recollections from past life(2) and having visions experiences  which are very real(3) and then prediction of the future event(4). Things any of these things can happen. mostly we are preoccupied with ordinary, stupid dream & forget also. Suppose God appears and tells you I am giving you liberation. You should never forget it. Takur, M a a, Swami ji can’t you have dreams.  So how to have dreams.

If you go on watching Comedy movies just before sleep, only comedy fellows will come in your dream. Read something and pray, do japa  and go to bed. Most likely will have one day or  other many many dreams. and even if is your imagination what is wrong. Our being born with imagination. Anything is imagination only. If it is true, God cannot give liberation. I will not going to the details extraordinarily a cute  Advaitha Vedantic interpretation. What is it.

You are really bound. God comes gives you Moksha. What  is the idea of Moksha. You are ever free. What is this idea of Moksha?  Entry level from 1901 to 1970 to 2020 you are bound. Moksha starts in 2020. That which starts at some point of time, has to end at some particular point of Time.  because it is the law. Whatever was not there earlier, It will not be there in future also.

you cannot show me an exception.  Understand now? So  that means our thinking we are bound is imagination.  If it is real that is our nature is our nature, even God cannot change our nature. God can only change what is changeable. Unchangeable he can’t change. If he tries he may change it. That is a different issue. Ok.

Main Session…
