Bhagavad Gita Ch18 part 13 on 29 January 2022

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Full Transcript(Not Corrected)

OM JANANIM SHARADAM DEVIM RAMAKRISHNAM JAGADGURUM PADAPADME TAYO SRIDHVA PRANAMAMI MUHURMUHUR OM VASUDE VASUDAM DEVAM KAMSACHANURAM ARDHANAM DEVAKI PARAMANANDAM KRISHNAM VANDE JAGADGURUM SARVO PANISHADO GAVO DOGDA GOPALANANDANA PARTHO VATSAH SUDHIRU BHOKTA DOGDAM GEETAM RITAM MAHAT MOOKAM KAROTI VACHALAM PANGUM LANGAYATE GIRIM YATKRIPATAMAM VANDE PARAMANANDAMADHAVAM In our last class we had been discussing the subject of Karma. We had discussed about how a Sattvika person discharges everything that he does including unconscious activities or what they call motor activities. How when a person is absolutely calm, quiet, positive, spiritual, his emotions are under his control, his breathing will be under control, his BP will be under control, his sleep will be under his control, his dreams also will be under his control. I have discussed this quite a number of occasions. A Sattvika person, his mind is tethered, centered only around God, around the scriptures. So just as Naga Mahasaya, even as when he was a child, he used to think only of Gods, his aunt used to narrate bed stories just before his falling asleep and he was interested and he believed in them. He used to think, imagining in magnification and he used to dream Gods and Goddesses. And next morning he used to tell, I have seen, I had the visions of these Gods and Goddesses and that is how even we think, most of us we think, of course irrationally, unthinkingly that dreams are outside our control. Nothing is outside our control. If we can control our wakeful state, we can control our dreams, we can control our deep sleep also. One glaring example is a Ramakrishna. How come he could sleep only for one and a half to two hours and get full rest because he is a Sattvika person. So his mind is never tired, full of joy, full of positive thoughts and therefore he did not require whatever he was doing. He was doing with the greatest joy, manifest joy and if we, occasionally we do experience on occasions like celebrating Holy Days, Diwali, Durga Puja, etc., we don't feel tired. But the main reason, we are very happy. When the mind is happy, the body gets immense energy, immense prana shakti and at the same time it doesn't expend so much. So that is the secret. Whereas a Rajasikha person, his health will be like that, his dreams will be like that, he will be having a disturbed sleep. Whereas a Tamasikha person requires a long time. Why? Because he gets tired. Why does he get tired? Everything is a burden, everything is a hardship. Even to move, what we call in Bengali, peepu peesu, even to turn one's back takes a long effort. That is the greatest tapasya. Therefore to recover from that, they require tremendous amount of time. So how much our lifestyle, Sattvika, Rajasikha, Tamasikha influences all the three states, that is marvelous even to contemplate upon. Similarly, our sleep also influences both our waking and dream states. Just a small aside note, if a person has beautiful sleep, undisturbed sleep, he will wake up, as they say, fresh as a flower and he is raring to enter into the other activities. Similarly, when a person, supposing he dreams, he has visited a holy man or he has visited a holy temple and his mind is filled with joy and his devotion, at least temporarily, will get a tremendous impetus, influence and he will be performing some of the religious or even spiritual activities with greater enthusiasm. So every state influences the other two states. But the most important state, of course, is the waking state, Jagradhavasta. So here is a person, Sattvika person, his thinking will be Sattvika thinking, his knowledge will be Sattvika knowledge. That means what? He understands everything rightly. He is nearest to the truth. Similarly, a Rajasika person's mind is restless, his understanding is partial, he is swinging between right and wrong, his actions also will be in accordance with it. It is an integral whole. This central idea that a guna, it influences our body, our even sense organs, our mind, our buddhi, our memory, our concentration, our joy, everything is influenced by this guna. That is why Bhagavan Krishna is giving us, though brief, but more than sufficient for us to understand important areas in life, knowledge, activity, and even sannyas earlier we discussed. Now we are going to discuss about what type of doer, that means with what type of idea the person will be discharging. What is his opinion about himself? How does it express? This is going to be discussed very soon. Now in this last class, we discussed about the action, how a Sattvika person does certain activities, how does he perform? And when a Rajasika person does exactly the same activity, but with what concentration, with what purpose, with what efficiency, with what result, that also we have seen. Now we are discussing, in my last class, I raised the topic of this Tamasika person's action, 25th. That karma is very aptly termed as the Tamasa Karma. Karma stemming from a mind filled with Tamasa quality, Tamo quality, and five characteristics are there. The mother of all this are Moha. Moha means delusion. Delusion means what? Wrong understanding. And from wrong understanding, wrong desires will come. From wrong desires, wrong activities will come. And how does he discharge also? What does a person, when he is overcome by Tamas, he behaves in one particular way. I will give a small example. Supposing there is a person, and he is asked to go and do some good, some activity. It depends upon his thinking. What do I gain out of it? If he is a Tamasika person, I don't care. But the same Tamasika person, if it is told to him, that your family member is in danger, he requires blood donation, your blood matches that person's blood, even he becomes very generous. Not because he has become Sattvika, but temporarily, he is sacrificing because his understanding is, that this person's life is very essential for my happiness. It is all selfishness. But I depend heavily upon this object. So a person's cow, a person's car, a person's house, a person's bank balance, a person's property, a person's family, everything evokes in the same Tamasika person, a quite different reaction than a Sattvika person. So this is how by observing with a little bit of awareness, we will be able to find out, this is not to judge other people, but this is to find out in which category do I fall. And first I have to know, I am here. Then only I can plan. I want to be there. So without knowing where I am, it is not going to be possible at all. So we have discussed about Rajasika person's karma and Sattvika person's karma. Here is a person, his understanding is deluded understanding. Not only it is partially wrong understanding, what we say, completely ulta understanding. Ulta Buzile Ram is a beautiful story. Perhaps many of you remember it. There was a monk, young, not very young, but middle-aged person. He used to wander on his own legs and he got tired. Perhaps he was carrying also somewhat heavy weight. So one day he felt, if I have a horse, then it will be very pleasant journey for me. I can ride it. Stupid person, stupidity can go no further. Now he is free. If there is a horse, then it has to be tied. It has to be fed. It has to be looked after and whole night that fellow will become a dog watching that horse so that others will not steal it. So, so many other problems in our thought. Anyway, he had faith in Rama. He prayed, Ramji, arrange a horse and then he was walking and suddenly he saw a soldier was riding a mare, female horse and it was with, what you call, a young horse. It was pregnant. Just as a soldier came near to this person who was walking, maybe cursing, suddenly the mare gave birth to a foal and the soldier was in a hurry and soldier saw this Thakada fellow because walking is a wonderful exercise. He has been walking and getting enormous appetite, eating like a horse and maintaining very good health. Hey, you carry this foal to the next station. I am in a hurry. I cannot stop. He went away and this sadhu who prayed, Hi, Ram. Ulta boozily Ram. You misunderstood me, Rama. I wanted a horse to carry me. I didn't want a horse so that I can carry it. Do you think Rama is such a stupid person? God is such an idiot. He doesn't understand. He gives exactly what we deserve, not only what we pray for but what is good for us. So perhaps this sadhu is never ever going to pray again with such a worldly desire because Rama knows better what are the problems attached to this if he acquires a horse and that also Sri Ramakrishna narrated a beautiful story Kaupeen ka vasthe for the sake of a Kaupeena. Very briefly I will mention when the occasion comes I will tell you there was a sadhu. He had a loin cloth and one pair of loin cloths one he used to wear one he used to wash and keep it for drying and a mouse somehow used to nebulate it and make it very holy. So this person thought he used to beg but he got tired of begging he thought if I have a cat then the mouse problem will not be there and so he got one kitten and now it became too much of a burden because he had to beg for milk and the people got tired they told him that we will donate you a cow so don't come and pester us for milk. So he gladly accepted it now the cow has to be fed so he started begging for grass and then they got tired and said we will give you a small piece of land you cultivate it and you feed your cow and the milk will be feeding the cat and the cat will be guarding your loin cloth in course of time and it became so big he had married, he had children and then one day his guru came and he was shocked it was like a big mithari, then he asked what is all this and then truthfully a disciple had said all this because of a loin cloth so the moment we desire something not satisfied with what God leaves us immediately the axe will come down so here is a person his understanding is wrong mohath is deluded he will start immediately jumps into the fray as they say and what is that, who is this what is delusion, unthinking so what happens, anubandham that is what are the pros what are the cons what is it going to happen, he will not think kshayam how much physical energy intellectual energy mental energy spiritual energy wealth, time and everything he has to spend if a person undertakes an activity without thinking the pros and cons that is called kshayam and if he continues how much of injury both to himself and to others also, himsa and then he doesn't understand, am I capable is it possible for me to complete this task purely because of delusion like a bull in a china shop as I mentioned in my last class if anybody starts acting this way that person is a tamasic person naturally a tamasic person's activity will be tamasic activity only that action is declared to be tamasic which is undertaken through delusion that is the root cause, that is the mother what does it do, without heed to the consequence loss of power and wealth injury to others and one's own ability when we see crystal clearly and it is easy for us to judge other people we are experts in that seeing other people's faults what a foolish fellow this fellow not knowing their fellow is also passing the same judgment about ourselves so anubandham in such a karma one doesn't see the natural consequence what is consequential to an action is not taken into consideration at all even some people also do wrong things like stealing for example so this is called tamasic karma and Krishna points out any thoughtless action any action done without proper thinking thinking about the consequences, without planning properly that is called tamasic karma, whereas a sattvika person he thinks this is the activity, why am I doing this, because this is the benefit I am going to get clearly how do I know, because I have seen great people performing this action and they got only benefit, I want to be also a holy person, spiritual person and I must follow their footsteps, this is called imitation of Christ of Vivekananda of Ramakrishna, Buddha etc so he plans what way can I achieve it what is my power, how much can I start with, how slowly to increase my spiritual intellectual, moral and physical muscles so everything he will plan and that planning is called intelligence if I do not have that intelligence what is the consequence, the moment I start, immediately worrying starts why did I start am I doing right, some people don't even, don't have that power even to imagine whether they are doing right or wrong, whether they are moving in the right direction so what happens worry regarding the future, worry about the present and regretting what a person had done in the past, in every way the person starts worrying whereas a right to plan strengthens a person, a worry burdens a person and such a person is a Tamasika person Kshayam means terrible loss, one doesn't consider the losses exhaustion of resources, money energy, effort credibility self respect it is like a blind fellow gambling everything will happen there is a law in life there is no free lunch we have to pay whatever result we want exact payment has to be expended so if I take up a job then I have to be qualified for it first, then after taking up the job, I have to go on struggling to discharge it then interpersonal official relationships have to be maintained and sometimes factory workers have to do night shift now everybody is doing night shift, what do I mean everybody is provided with a lap, extra lap and that is topped with a laptop and then you just go home and you work from home also what is working from home this is the most advanced subtle slavery, the companies are imposing upon the people so many people are rebelling against, then himsa in a tamasika person whatever he does, that involves lot of injury hurt and what is called bringing suffering on other people, harm particularly not only to oneself but to the other people also so he never thinks that is it going to damage me is it also going to damage other people, at least if I am damaged that is somewhat my fault but if I am going to damage other people then it is terrible so paurusham anaveksha and he doesn't think whether I am capable of doing it or not all this are the results of one mother load, what is it delusion, so a person doesn't think properly, doesn't know the truth properly, cannot plan properly cannot execute properly the result is only loss and terrible suffering, he would have been a much better person, is what in English we say you know, biting more than what we can chew, this is the typical characteristic of a person, so with this three types of karmas are beautifully described, whenever a sattvika person does it will be not only for one's own good, for the good of everybody whatever activity a rajasika person does it is, it brings some good, some suffering both to oneself as well as also other people but the same activity when a tamasika person does, it is all round suffering, not only to oneself but to everybody else and sometimes we can clearly see that process and yet nobody is going to take our advice that is the worst characteristic of a tamasika person he will never listen to anybody but if it is a rajasika person, at least sometimes he will pay heed, he will be open hearted, even though his selfishness, it is more dominant, but a sattvika person, he is always open to truth from whichever source it comes now Bhagavan Krishna is going to talk about until now he discussed three subjects three types of sannyasa are giving up the results of actions as well as certain unnecessary activities that is called sattvika sannyasa, rajasika sannyasa, tamasika sannyasa, then he discussed about three types of knowledge sattvika knowledge rajasika knowledge and tamasika knowledge then he discussed three types of actions done by the same type of person sattvika person, rajasika person and tamasika person now he is talking going to talk about in three verses first the sattvika doer the rajasika doer the tamasika doer now actually when we see the activities and activities spring from knowledge when we see any person's activity we can understand this person's buddhi intellectual understanding is not right that is why his knowledge is at fault or it is completely right sattvika person 100% right rajasika person 50-50 shady mixed tamasika person 100% delusion so even by activity we can understand the lord wants to outline certain characteristics which will undoubtedly point out to us who is a sattvika karta who is a rajasika karta who is a tamasika karta karta means the doer himself these three people because of the three gunas are endowed completely with separate type of characteristics and if we study anybody objectively we can understand the purpose is not to judge others but if we see somebody better than us then we can correct ourselves derive inspiration from them but if there are faults within us then we can correct after all if a psychologist who doesn't know anything about me can find out anybody can find out then it is why pay so much money if I learn the art of objectively looking at other people and we are all experts in that finding fault it is a one sided objectivity what do I mean that we do not, we rarely find objectively finding out here is a very bad person but he has got a marvelous quality and so far as that quality is concerned he is my ideal, he is my guide how I wish I had that quality for example many musicians are drunkards now not in the past past they were all great devotees of god they always saints used to be poets, singers, composers singers, renderers etc but now any Tom, Dick and Harry there are people endowed with some power of writing poetry, writing bhajans kirtans etc and some people have the capacity to sing also not only to compose but to sing also but mostly the composers are different the singers are different there is a person, he is a drunkard and he knows how to sing and he has got this bad quality, so we have to judge that quality of drinking is bad I should avoid it but that quality of singing is marvelous I should be able to appreciate in that person and how if that person can obtain, can become that, this is science, if I follow his footsteps only with regard to acquiring that music that special capacity music is only an example it could be painting, it could be cooking it could be motor cycle riding it could be driving, it could be anything in fact it could be even sewing also it doesn't matter so I can always derive after all our dhuta is learned from 24 natural events from anything anybody can learn also one small example from our scriptures here is a sandalwood tree and it gives wonderful fragrance which is so pleasing and uplifting, that's why in temples we use it all the time but there are people who cut it, who saw it who make into small pieces and what does this tree do, the more it is cut, the more it is axed, the more it perfumes the axe it perfumes the knife it perfumes the saw so this is one of the qualities of a great person even if you give that person trouble he cannot give you trouble on the contrary he will give you what he is and that is what we can learn always keeping our mind open so here is in the 26th verse an agent who is free from attachment is non-egotistic is endued with fortitude and enthusiasm and is unaffected both in success and failure and if any person is like this he is called a sattvic karta so there are 5 qualities have been outlined here mukta sangaha sangha means attachment a person doesn't do the activity because he likes it he doesn't give up because he doesn't like it, no he does it because it has to be done either guru's commandment, scriptural commandment or his own reason tells this is a good thing so even when he does it because he knows this helps me to be healthy to be happy, to be free from what is called bondage for example a person who jogs regularly whatever be the weather whether at home or outside he knows this is for good but he will be having common sense not hours and hours together but what his body needs, what his body can tolerate, slowly he will build up, he will not be fast today itself with tremendous enthusiasm, he doesn't fall into the trap and stop like some people after 2-3 days somebody was asked at the beginning of the new year, what is your new year's resolution and this fellow said this new year's resolution is to put into practice my last new year's resolution that means what? enthusiastically they start, whether it is diary writing or book writing or noting down no consistency is there and that is not a good thing but here is a person he does it because it has to be done and he will never give up and then aham vadhi aham vadhi means every time I did this, I did that I wrote that, I told that fellow long before now he is suffering the consequences never never use I holy mother used to say Ram Krishna, only on rare occasions I have heard Ram Krishna using the word I, otherwise he says I know nothing my divine mother knows everything so this sattvika karta these are the characteristics free from attachment that means what? He is free from emotionalism what is after all raga and dvesha? Attachment from what? Attachment from emotions emotions are only fall into two categories that is happiness and unhappiness if I like something I want to do it, repeat it if I don't I don't want anywhere to go near it, this person doesn't say I like so I will do I don't like so, no this is very good even though it may be hardship but in the end it will give me tremendous amount of benefit, the benefit I get outweighs the hardship I am doing it now, but for that to get that benefit in the future I have to do it now this is one of the principles every good person understands whether he is a businessman whether he is a scientist that I have to make a start and I will not give it up why? because I know I thought about it before starting and I know it is good and I know there is ever likelihood of giving and most people start with a prayer to God is very much evident in Hindu saints writing books first they salute Gods Saraswati Ganesha or Narayana or Shiva or their gurus for the successful completion, for endowing them with enthusiasm and ability, for removing the possible obstacles and for holding their hand, but they do it with what we call complete no ahankara I did this, I could do this only because of Gods grace, as brother Lawrence used to say I am a lame person I used to be sent to buy certain things from the market and I tell to God Oh Lord, not only I am lame, I am also dull in intellect, if you don't hold me, it is very natural that I fall if I fall, it is your fault because I entrust my entire responsibility to you and I used to pray like that and I used to go about I never forget then when he was telling, when I come back with the best things in the market and with the least price that I had paid and everybody is shocked how could this lame person accomplish even intelligent persons, even with full health, they cannot do that, how will you do that, he said this person only reply is I know nothing, I pray to the Lord and he took care of everything, so wherever I approached, everybody offered me the genuine goods at a lower price and it is all the Lord's doing all thanks go to the Lord, I have nothing, this is called that without any Ahankara, Anahamvadi not only that Dhruti Utsaha Samanvitha is endowed with two tremendously great qualities, what is it Dhruti, Dhruti means tremendous power of resolution, will power I will never give up and Utsaha what is it, even if I do not gain anything but I will my enthusiasm can never be dented I will never become non-enthusiastic Nirutsaha, no I will go on doing it, I know today or tomorrow or next birth, I am going to get this benefit because God is infallible I have faith in Him remember I used to quote Buddha and he tried for 6 years to obtain enlightenment and he could not, so at last he resolved himself that I will not get up from this seat until I attain illumination, so this body is not going to move away from this seat, let the body die, let the bones dry let the flesh dry up without obtaining that illumination, this body is not going to move even one millimeter from this place from this asana and it is said on that very night he obtained illumination so that is called Dhruti and Utsaha means what, see there is a psychology involved here, Utsaha means tremendous enthusiasm and a person who doesn't have faith in God in the scriptures, he is likely to give up or at least go through the, what they call dark night of the soul to despondency depression, many people fall it, that is because their intellect is dull, somehow they don't have faith in themselves much less faith in God first we must have faith in ourselves, then only that faith can be directed towards God towards the neighbor, towards anything positive and if I have faith, faith brings positivity, faith brings joy, faith strengthens the will and even if I don't get it I am not a failure because there is a beautiful example the great discoverer, scientific gadget discoverer, technologist Edison was trying to make one filament and 10,000 experiments completely failed then his assistants felt discouraged, they came and said there is no point in wasting our time and simply Edison turned towards, gentlemen we know now 10,000 ways how it is not going to work, therefore it is a great knowledge we will not fall into the same trap again let us try something new and very soon eventually he had found out which still we are using it, that is called dhriti, tremendous will power but utsaha tremendous hope, positivity I am going to achieve it even if I don't, somebody will take up where I left off and he will start like that, so every great person, greatness means they are endowed with dhriti will power and utsaha tremendous enthusiasm and they are very positive so the point I was trying to impress that if anybody becomes discouraged the point is not discouragement, the point is weakness of faith because if I have faith I will never become discouraged so it will take some time but I know it can be achieved because there are people who achieved it and it can be, it is achievable that is called complete self confidence so not only that siddhi, asiddhi you know it is the law of life sometimes we get what we are striving for, sometimes we don't get it but there is no such thing as complete failure if we go about it, about anything in the right way the result is sure to come but it may take, it may come in this life, it may come in the next life, for example there was a Dutch artist, painter, scientist he designed aeroplanes in the 17th century or 16th century and of course the plans were absolutely right, the sketches were right but there was not that development where he could have those engines to make his sketches come into life and just few years back some scientist out of curiosity they tried out, they made exactly the parts according to his sketches and they worked so he was far ahead nearly 400 years ahead, this sometimes people have to wait but how do you know according to Hindu theory he himself has become a scientist in this life and he gradually meanwhile so many times he had come he gradually improved his designs as well as the engines required for that and one day he really succeeded in it, that is how humanity builds up knowledge not from the beginning not from the starting point but what our ancestors had gathered, that would be the foundation from which we add whatever extent we can add this is how knowledge grows there is no doubt about it so in some way of speaking there is no question of losing the result, it will come but this person even whether he gets success in his lifetime or doesn't get success or continuous obstacles or continuous failures he is Nirvikaraha his enthusiasm remains unfaded his will power can never be dead, in fact the more obstacles the stronger his will power resolution will become, this is called Nirvikaraha Vikara means change, change for the worse, oh success has come, I am elated failure has come, I am depressed, no, I will do my best, I will enjoy of course, nobody says I am like a stone, I will enjoy but I will never give up so these are the, he doesn't have attachment, he doesn't have the feeling that I am the doer, he says everything belongs, the body belongs to God, the mind belongs to God, the intelligence belongs to God, the will power belongs to God, the joy and enthusiasm belongs to God, this is called Sattva Guna and God has given me more Sattva Guna and then he is doing, not I am doing, so if God is doing, the question of failure doesn't arise every dip is only to make this person go forward so these are the, some of the characteristics, Mukta Sangaha, then Anaham Vadi there is absolute what is called giving thanks to God, it is because of His and then Dhriti means will power, now about this Dhriti, Krishna is going to talk about separately in three verses and Utsaha is going to talk about it indirectly in the form of Sukha which will come again in another three verses but here he combined it, he has given it so this person he gives thanks for whatever happens, he thinks about God and then if it is a success it's all because of God's will if it is failure what does he say? God is responsible for the failure, no, he says God wants us to learn some lessons, that's why He is taking us through the step and then it says everything is given by God and God can never fail and if there is a failure it is that God wants me to learn some lessons, so that is His attitude and this attitude towards every activity, there are certain instances, once Madhur Babu had taken Sriram Krishna to one of his estates in Bihar and at that time there was a terrible famine, the tenants were unable to pay anything, not only that they didn't have much to even eat or put on and this man, Madhur Babu went to demand his annual taxes rents, Sriram Krishna scolded him and said, all these are given, they belong to the Divine Mother and she made you a trustee not the owner, everyone of us are not owners of our body, our minds we are only trustees a trustee is supposed to perform his duty so that like a trustee is taking care of a baby until he grows up until a spiritual baby grows up into a full fledged realized soul, our duty is to guide this baby protect the baby help the baby until he becomes united, is claimed by God as his child, so everybody is a trustee, so this is not your estate, this is not your money and then on the contrary you provide them with food, you provide them with oil you donate some cloths when good days come when there is rain and they are going to give you what they can I don't know how much lesson Madhur Babu had learned but this is a teaching to each one of us now whenever Sriram Krishna had two personalities a child and the Divine when he used to do ordinary things he used to be in the mood of a child I know nothing, I eat, I drink I am happy, my mother knows everything, like a child he will feel everything he can become anxious like a child, he can weep like a child he can plead like a child but when some spiritual instruction has to be given he is as it were a transformed personality at that time he is not the child mood it is a Divine mood, a Divine Mother herself take over those instruments and what comes out of that mouth is nothing but God speaking therefore Sriram Krishna used to say I know nothing, it is only my mother knows everything there was a very curious incident Bhairavi Brahmani declared that not only Sriram Krishna was not mad as most people used to think about him but actually he was an incarnation of God and that was news for days and days together and Sriram Krishna he pestered Madhur Babu, now you get a lot of great scholars Bhairavi Brahmani says she will prove it, she is a learned person and Madhur Babu thought so Swamisharananda is describing this good man to think that he is an incarnation of God what a delusion it is but I will summon all the pundits, let this Bhairavi try to prove at least one good thing will come so every pundit will declare, oh this is a very ordinary person, he is far from truth, he is not an incarnation of God, so this boy, his mind will be at least clear because this lady has injected the idea that you are an incarnation of God, not knowing what is going to be the turn out in that meeting and then Madhur Babu invited most famous pundits that were present there Vaishnavacharan, Pandit Gowri etc. etc. and they all came and the result is astonishing, Sriram Krishna even before the meeting began he touched one or two of these pundits, Vaishnavacharan went into ecstasy started, he composed a most marvelous, Sanskrit stotram which of course nobody recorded, it is lost forever, we don't know how wonderful it would have been, anyway praising him, you are not an incarnation of God, you are the source from which every incarnation comes out, same thing happened with Pandit Gowri and when they actually sat down to discuss about the feasibility of Sriram Krishna being an incarnation, they said there is no need to debate about it, we know definitively that Sriram Krishna is an incarnation of God, by the way Brahmani had no need even to prove that Sriram Krishna was an incarnation of God and of course Madhur Babu was astonished but he knew these pundits are not merely playthings Sriram Krishna did not hypnotize them but from the core, bottom of their heart, they declared unilaterally that Sriram Krishna was an incarnation of God and he himself used to say, I know nothing my mother knows everything if she has spoken something through this you thank her, not me I don't know, I eat I drink, I make merry like a child, that's all I know and that was his main characteristic throughout his life and a person who thinks that he is doing, he is completely mistaken, even from the viewpoint of reason it is the prakriti which is body belongs to prakriti, mind belongs to prakriti, enthusiasm belongs to prakriti and this happiness belongs to prakriti and will power also belongs to the will and all these are manifestations of prakriti sattva, rajas and tamas where do I come in so it is completely wrong so this attitude, everything is God this is called anahankara so we discussed dhriti means they will be tremendously doing so here are one or two beautiful quotations two things go together a person's resolve that I will not give up until I reach the goal or in the process this body will fall, it doesn't matter, I am not going to give up because I have decided only great people every great person to great extent they are endowed with this will power otherwise they would not have become great, not only that, so one can stubbornly carry on this will power even though he is failing again and again, no but then many times depression and the idea that I am a terrible failure, everything can come and dampen the enthusiasm no, tremendous enthusiasm what is it? this is truth and truth will never fail and it is divine will, I will do my best and that will be my contribution if I cannot see then somebody in the future will take it up where I have left and they will complete the job my purpose is not to be elated by this my purpose is to add to the existing fund of knowledge which already is there and there was a great soul, he was called Bharathragari and he composed three books all are called Shatakas about 100 to 108 verses Shringarasataka amorous on what is called man woman relationship, romantic relationship, Neethi Shataka pure jewel of moral lessons Vairagya Shataka 100 verses on pure what is called dispassion from the Neethi Shataka here are some things Ratnaihi Margaihi Tutushur Nadevaha Nabhejire Bheema Vishayena Bheethim Sudhamina Na Prayayur Viramam Na Nishchit Arthaha Viramanti Dheera who is a Dheera? Dheera means who is a person endowed with tremendous amount of Dhruti who is a person there is a story in Bhagavatam it is called churning of the milk ocean when the gods and demons joined to venture on the skies of Vishnu started churning the ocean then first came Hala Hala Visham and they did not stop oh so much of poison has come it is not good let us give up no the demons wanted to give up but the gods will not give up they enthused the demons and they started doing and afterwards various goodies beautiful invaluable jewels a most marvelous horse, a most strong elephant and beautiful women folk so many what we call worldly desirable things desirable objects started emerging because but these people they did not stop they until they got the real thing which they wanted which is nectar amrutha, we are not going to stop, giving this example Nishchitarthaha, those whose mind is firmly determined Dheeraha, such people are called Dheeraha, Naviramanti they never stop what they have started and then still Ninnantu Neethinipunaha Edhivasthu Anthu the great moral people let them blame what I am doing is completely wrong and unscriptural or they may praise me to the skies Lakshmi Samavishathu let wealth, prosperity name and fame let it come or Gachathu let it go as it like that means let me be the most poverty stricken person Adhyayaiva Maranamastu may this body fall today itself, Yugantareva or after a thousand years Nyayatpadaha Pravilichanti Padamna Dheeraha these people endowed with tremendous will power Na Pravichalanti they are not to be moved away from their fixed goal but what is it? Nyayatpadaha from the righteous path they can never move one millimeter from their chosen righteous path but they also recognize the greatest enemy is called Alasya Maharipu Alasya means what? lethargy, laziness procrastination and it is within some people, Tamasika people there is no friend which is equivalent to what is called infinite enthusiasm and infinite will power and such a person will never come to grief so a Sattvika person is endowed with all these qualities and when we see a person whatever be the condition, he is continuing such a person is to be known as a Sattvika doer we will discuss it further tomorrow May Ramakrishna, Holy Mother and Swami Vivekananda bless us all with bhakti and understanding Ramakrishna