Bhagavad Gita Ch14 part 07 on 05 June 2021

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Full Transcript(Not Corrected)

Om Vasudevasutam Devam Kamsa Chanuram Ardhanam Devaki Paramanandam Krishnamande Jagadgurum Sarvopanishadokaho Dogdha Gopalanandana Partho Vatsa Sudhir Bhokta Dugdham Geetha Amritam Mahat Mukham Karuthi Vachalam Pangum Langayate Girim Yath Kripa Tamaham Vande Paramananda Madhavam We will be continuing the 14th chapter of the Bhagavad Gita, Gunatraya Vibhaga Yoga. The entire summary of this chapter is a whole universe in which we are all parts, entire cosmos is a mixture of Prakruti and a bit of Consciousness and this Prakruti is nothing but three Gunas. Therefore everything in this universe is nothing but consisting of three Gunas, Sattva, Rajas and Tamas. So everything in this world is manifesting either one or the other, or the Gunas. One of the important points we need to note down here is that no Guna works all by itself. It's a mixture. In fact Prakruti is one. Depending upon, we have to understand whether Raja Guna is prominent, dominant, Sattva Guna is dominant, or Tamo Guna is dominant. Naturally the question that comes is why should we bother about it at all? Because we all want to be healthy, we all want to be enjoying happiness, we all want to be having knowledge, awareness that we are all happy. Sat, Chit and Ananda. Sat, Chit, Ananda. We all want. So how do we get? The more the higher the Guna, the more is the higher Guna, whatever it is, that increases our chance of health, happiness as well as knowledge. So the journey is to go from the lower Guna to the higher Guna. From a lower state of Consciousness to a higher state of Consciousness. That is why Swami Vivekananda extraordinarily well, he defined what is life. It is a journey from truth to truth. It is not a journey from untruth to truth, but from a lower truth to a higher truth. What does he mean? It is a journey from lower state of Consciousness to a higher state of Consciousness. It means from a lower Guna to a higher Guna. So when we reach the highest Guna and suppose there is 100% Sattva Guna, can it be the end of the goal of our life? No, not really. Because even Sattva Guna binds. Binds means it limits. One of the things that we have to understand that whenever we hear bondage means limitation. We are hungry, it's a bondage. We eat food in that respect. In the respect of lack of food that bondage is removed. We are tired and we take rest. Only in that respect that bondage is removed. But the body is there and more subtle than that is the mind and the mind has got two divisions which is called subtle body and causal body. We have to transcend all the three bodies. Why? Why should we do it? Because all the three bodies are limitation. When we get rid of the gross limitation, we rise above the body. When we get rid of the subtle limitation, we rise above the subtle body. And when we get rid of the causal limitation, we rise beyond the third limitation. To go beyond all limitation. Limitation in other words is called bondage. To go beyond all bondage. That is the goal of life and to be free. Not for a short time but for all time. Infinite eternal freedom. And that is called God. That's called Brahman. And that is the greatest joy. That's our nature. And until we know who we are, that each one of us, I am Brahman, life is aiding us. Prakruti is aiding us, helping us, pulling us helplessly up and up and up. So even the most cruel person, tamo guna person, is also necessary. The point I wanted you to remember is that the Prakruti is always manifesting in the form of three gunas. But only one guna may be dominant. And dependent upon which guna is dominant, our happiness, our knowledge, and our alertness, our concentration, our health, everything depends upon that. So this is what we need to understand. First point. All three gunas will be there but in the right proportions. All three gunas are the best things. Next point we have to remember is that inevitably life is pulling us. There is no negativity here. So supposing there are Rakshasas and they are tormenting people, torturing people, killing people mercilessly, exterminating. So many times it happened. It's happening now in a smaller or bigger measure. For example, the recent war. It doesn't matter whether one person dies or a billion persons die. The point is it is a torment. It is a torture. No creature wants it. Now in that person or persons in whom tamo guna is most dominant, such a person, he will be doing all these things. The question now comes why did God create these kind of abominable people, what is called living asuras, demons? The simple answer, Hinduism gives it and we have to trust our Vedas. They are cruel only to exhaust our past bad karma to the extent of our bad karma, the result of the bad karma comes through the medium or instrumentality of these people. Just I wanted to mention it. In our last class, we have been dealing with the 8th shloka and the 8th shloka tells something very interesting. What does it say? In the 6th shloka, we have seen the characteristics of the sattva. In the 7th shloka, we have seen the characteristics of the prajoguna and in this 8th. So, And no further, that tamas is born of ignorance and that it deludes all embodied creatures. It binds. Tamas binds fast, O Bharata, by inadvertence, indolence and sleep. So, what is the origin, cause of tamoguna? It is born of ignorance and what does it do? It reinforces ignorance. It is born of ignorance. It reinforces ignorance. Again, the ignorance becomes thicker, deeper, but it creates, what is the effect? It gives us three effects. Such a beautiful psychological analysis by Bhagawan himself is very helpful for all of us. When we see these three things within us, and we can easily find out if we carefully and in a witnessing manner analyze, examine and witness our actions for a few days, we will come to know which guna is dominant in us. Pramada. Pramada means negligence, dangerous while driving or while doing anything. So, so much will be done and accidents can happen. A wrong decision can be taken. Many things will happen at all. So, here is one example I am giving. A man and a woman meet just for a second and they fall in love and then they decide to get married without examining the background, without doing anything or analyzing, thinking, giving time and meeting each other for some time and trying to find out whether they are compatible or not to go on plunging like a blind bull in a china shop that they say that can create lot of problems. Of course, there are cases, extremely rare cases where the marriage turns out to be a very happy marriage and that also happens by God's will, of course. Everything happens by God's will only but we have been given that faculty to examine, to discriminate and then to control our life and whole life is nothing but a gradual control over ourselves so that we can separate ourselves from the three gunas Prakruti, body and mind and the world and recognize who we are and remain as we are. Hey Bharata, Oh Arjuna This word Bharata is interpreted in a spiritual way. Bha like Bhaskara Bha means light. Prataha, one who is devoted one who loves light. It means always remember knowledge. What does light do? It gives us knowledge of things and what does darkness do? Just the opposite. It will not give us. Even if a dangerous snake has unfurled its hood and is about to bite we do not know. I just came across a real incident It was published in Radar's Digest I think. There was a householder who had a small baby and the baby was left in the garden the mother was doing something and then suddenly she looked out of the window and she saw that a cobra had unfurled its hood and is there in front of the child and the child not knowing what it is curious and it was also fearless it was trying to play with the cobra. The mother was horrified, called the emergency of course within a few minutes by God's grace they came and shot the cobra and rescued. We are all like that. The mother is there and we are playing and we are very happy not knowing and this ignorance is caused by Tamoguna. So Agnana Jam born of Agnana. Agnana means lack of discrimination lack of right knowledge in fact it is full of wrong knowledge of understanding and then what it does Oh Bharata Vidhi what does it do? Tamahuto Sarva Dehinam Mohanam. So it creates delusion. What is delusion? Remember Arjuna Vishada Yoga. So is Arjuna was deluded the delusion causes so much of suffering so the grief of Arjuna that every time grief comes only because of ignorance and that is called this ignorance what does it do? It deludes people. So Mohanam. What does Mohanam means? Right is understood as wrong. Wrong is understood as right. Dharma is Adharma. Adharma is Dharma and everything that we do our whole life depends upon what we do. Then this is one. First it is increases ignorance. Second it creates delusion we run after things we should not run after. Then Alasya procrastination tomorrow I can do, next day I can do. Postpone it as long as possible through these three it binds. So two things are made clear in this eighth shloka that what is the origin of the Movana and how does it manifest so that when we examine ourselves we can correct ourselves and only we can correct ourselves we cannot do that to anybody else. Now we will proceed to the ninth shloka Sattva binds one to happiness and rages to action O Bharata whereas Tamas veils knowledge and binds one to inadvertence. This is how this three gunas is summarizing it. We have gone through already in certain detail. Here he is summing up what do all these three do in one verse. So if you do not remember the earlier verses this gives in brief in summary what he wants to tell. Why is he going on telling the same thing again and again because it is said that in scriptures this repetition is because of Lord's compassion. How long should a mother go on telling to the child don't touch that, don't touch that until the child understands that there is something danger here. If I touch I will have to suffer until that time. Mother will go on cautioning any number of times. Very interesting incident is coming to my mind. Sri Ram Krishna he never hid anything. Whenever he comes he tells everything that needs to be told he will be telling. Then one day Hriday, he got angry said mama why do you go on telling everything at the same time of course the conversation went in a slightly very brief manner. I am expanding it adding a little bit of masala spice. What does Hriday mean? Sri Ram Krishna asking so Hriday what shall I do? Mama give it little by little. And why? Why? Because mama if you give everything in one go they are not going to visit you. I remember a funny story. There was a doctor and he worked very hard he built a house and he built one what is called surgery and when he became a little bit old and he had a son who also became a doctor and then he handed over the keys to his son and said my son I worked very hard now I want to enjoy my life and as I am enjoying now here in Varanasi you go and look after the surgery so the son went came back in the evening gleefully he announced to his father, dad you know that old lady and you have been treating her for the last 50 years. I cured her. The father put his hand to his head and struck and said my son what have you done? It's all because of her that I could make you educated in this paying heavy college fees. I constructed my house I constructed my surgery all the wealth that I accumulated is only because of her and you finished in one go the source of all income. This is the idea that Hriday has got the more number of times a person comes to say Ram Krishna he can give little by little and after understanding it he will come for some more so squeeze that devotee as long as possible. That was his selfish idea. Ram Krishna he got very angry and said these are my words and I am giving it to them and I will do whatever I like. I can give little, I can give more and in that context only I think he added if I like I will dance naked among a thousand girls what is that to you rascal of course Hriday could not do anything. In fact he became very angry. He became very inimical to say Ram Krishna he insulted in and out many times Ram Krishna and so much torment he had given to say Ram Krishna this Ram Krishna was a incarnation of God remember he said unable to bear the torment of Hriday I felt like committing suicide by jumping into the Ganga but of course he did not do it but this very Hriday had served Ram Krishna for 14 years when Ram Krishna was completely helpless as a child during his tremendous spiritual sadhana he forgot the whole world Ram Krishna never takes it amiss whatever he says but the point is any number of repetitions by this scripture is forever good so Bhagwan Krishna is telling Hey Bharata, Oh Arjuna any number of times I will repeat until you understand, until you are inspired, until you will not give up progressing in life. Sattvam Sukheya Sanjayate earlier of course we discussed the Sattva guna when it is dominant then it creates tremendous happiness. We have to understand whenever we are happy even the most tamasic person when he is very happy that as long as his happiness lasts that is the result of Sattva guna some way Sattva guna came to him and that created that happiness maybe it is a different type of happiness but nevertheless it is a Sattva guna mixed with other gunas. Ok. Sukheya Sanjayate and when Rajya guna increases tremendous amount of running of mind becomes restless and it wants to do lot of activities multitasking it wants to run here and there like a monkey which is drunk which is stung by a scorpion and which is possessed by a demon as Swami Vivekananda describes to us this is what happens when Rajya guna is on the increase. Uthaha Now Tamahato Gnanam Avaruthiya So what does tamas do? Gnanam or it completely covers right knowledge. Pramade Sanjayate. It produces wrong knowledge and it is the wrong knowledge that makes a person behave in the wrong way. Always remember our actions spring from our desires. Our desires spring from our understanding and our understanding is heavily colored, influenced by the gunas. Therefore it is in our only profit that we have to increase sattva guna so that we ourselves can test analyze ourselves we can become Sakshi's witnesses to ourselves. That is why it will increase our happiness it will also reduce our delusion. It will also take us slowly to our real nature which is called brahman. This is how the lord is explaining sattva binds one to happiness and register action. Oh Bharata whereas tamas rails knowledge and binds one to inadvertence. Through the influence of sattva man feels happy in spite of the presence of grief and suffering. This is a very important point. So do you mean to say sattvika person always he will be very happy will there not be circumstances where he will be sick or he will be tormented tortured put to trouble by wicked people either by life or by prarabdha or by accident by whatever means even the incarnations of god look at the life of Christ he was being crucified what did he do did he lose his presence of mind did he curse his people he turned towards god and said father forgive them for they know not what they do. Why? Because right knowledge has come to him Why? Because sattva guna is most prevalent to in his mind. Remember if a person is in samadhi the question of any guna influencing doesn't arise. But so long as the person is not in samadhi when there is so much of sattva guna it produces tranquility, serenity equanimity love for everybody because he knows if someone is doing something wrong and it is hurting either himself or others he will not hate the other person he will understand it because he is helpless he is possessed by a demon called either prajna guna or sattva guna. You also come across, we also come across even here also the leg will be shaking all the time or the hand will be shaking or we will be biting our nails or we will be twirling our moustaches or we are scratching our backs or we are scratching our heads. So many things happen or most of the time all unconsciously even though we are listening to lectures, reading a book etc observe a person on the contrary observe a small baby completely merged in playing 100% of his personality is merged in that though for a short time we have a lot of lessons to learn from babies. Concentration complete absorption complete authenticity a baby doesn't smile and say I am happy to see you even when we feel like taking a shotgun and blasting the other person to smithereens he wants to laugh because he is happy he will laugh he is unhappy he cries. That complete lack of hypocrisy division in the personality and showing one thing outside feeling that is what is called child's nature not childishness but the pure nature of the child. We have to imitate. A sattvika person not that life will be different. The cold will be cold, heat will be heat everything will be everything but he will not be suffering. So look at the life of Krishna he knew the time has come very serenely he went to Gandhari and incited her to curse him so that all the devatas born with him become arrogant and nobody can conquer them only her curse can destroy them and he was very happy because he accomplished what he wanted to accomplish. Look at the life of Rama extremely serene absolutely serene quiet look at Ramakrishna when he was suffering from the throat cancer intolerable pain was wracking his very body was hardly able to move from side to side and then one day he was telling you know this is all mother's she has given me good things I have enjoyed it. Now she is giving this to this body that is her will whatever happens I have offered this mind to her long back. This is called sattva guna in its prime manifestation where circumstances will be the same to all but at the same time this man's mind will be completely unruffled look at Ramana Maharshi in his old age he developed carbuncle on his left hand left shoulder hand upper hand upper side of the hand and doctors decided it's cancerous it has to be operated and removed and he said okay if that is your decision carry up I have nothing to do with it. Then the doctors want to administer anesthesia he said no you go ahead and do what you need to do I will do what I can do and they were shocked because it was so painful I have narrated this incident many times we have to narrate meditate upon these incidents for what purpose when we are also in such a condition of suffering these things will give us what is called solace it will give us courage to be that is the most wonderful word phraseology courage to be it doesn't mean that I forget myself like a fool and rushing and trying to do something like a heroic act no I know the consequences and with calm and quiet mind I decide to do it and then I move forward and I do those things that is a very important thing that under any circumstance a Sattvika mind will be like that so the doctors went on operating and within half an hour they cut off that portion bandaged it what was Ramana Maharshi was he feeling he said he was looking on as if somebody else's body was being operated upon such was his tremendous control what is the control I am Atman I am Brahman I am not the body this has become such a natural thing is to call it Sahaja Samadhi Samadhi is not forgetting the world it is so natural just as we are also having curiously all of us have got this Sahaja Samadhi with regard to most of the people and events what am I talking about see we see so many people suppose somebody comes to you and you see that person is suffering terribly do you feel that I am suffering no so far as that person is concerned or the whole world is concerned you are completely free and I will go a little further there is loving couple husband and wife perhaps husband is being wracked by pain but the wife sympathy is there but identity is not there so we are all Jeevan Muktas how we feel with regard to others if we can bring that feeling even towards our own selves that is called spiritual serenity that is called Sattva Guna in its highest manifestation and that is what being said here and then the man that is possessed by Rajoguna this is a very important word until certain point of our struggle in Sadhana so we will be possessed by Tamoguna we have to consciously with full awareness separate our Tamoguna and then go to the higher Tamoguna and then we attain to the lower Rajoguna and then go to higher Rajoguna and then go to lower Sattva Guna and then go to higher Sattva Guna please do not forget these three things every Guna has got a higher nature while sleeping Tamoguna is excellent sleeping relaxing etc. I will give an example Napoleon and Mahatma Gandhi were well known figures what is their greatness when they want to sleep within a second millisecond they fall asleep not only that when they decide to get up after 10 minutes I want to get up exactly after 10 minutes the person gets up extremely refreshed this is called higher Tamoguna tremendous mind control that you do not dictate to me but you are under my control when I want to sleep come and make me completely relaxed Napoleon used to sleep on the horse and go to sleep a little bit even amidst a battle British people blasting away and guns and all those things this man will go to a little bit safe place and then stand on the horse and then go to sleep exactly after 10 minutes completely refreshed he will wake up Mahatma Gandhi heard or I read he was going to meet the Viceroy and he asked how much time will it take for us to reach 15 minutes immediately he went to sleep exactly as the car was entering into the compound of the Viceroy he got up what a blessed quality that when we want to be awake it will not go to sleep when we want to sleep immediately it goes this tremendous control over these Gunas that is called Yoga Yogaha Chitta Vritti Nirodaha what does it mean absolute control over the thoughts and what are the thoughts what is the origin of the thoughts Gunas therefore what is Yoga complete absolute control over the Gunas that is what every Chiman Mukta says I want to sleep he will sleep I want to be awake he will be awake I want to do something he will be doing he will not fall asleep I want to now meditate he will be meditating and this was what Swami Vivekananda used to say a Karma Yogi who is a Karma Yogi one instance in the midst of a roaring market place he wants to sit there and plunge into Samadhi this noise all around will not disturb him at the moment he decides I have got work within one millisecond from a deep meditative state he will plunge into the highest activity and he after the activity is over or even in the midst of the activity he has the control again if he gets five minutes he will just sit there and he will sleep that is why Arjuna is called Gudakesha that is why Lakshmana was called one who has conquered the sleep it is said for twelve years he did not have a wink of sleep, daytime working for the sake of Rama and Sita, night time guarding them from wild animals and wicked people Rakshasas etc. by the way Rakshasas means not the Chandamama Rakshasas people who with intention wants to torture kill, rob in the most horrific manner without feeling any empathy at all, dead inside there is no feeling at all such kind of people what is called Rakshasas and there are many human beings and they look very beautiful and they smile and when they smile also Prasannopi Bhayankaraha even their very smile produces such a thundering trepidation in the onlookers what is going to happen now, whether it is Hitler or there are so many living examples also, I do not want to specifically name them Rajasika person helplessly is bound, what happens to a spiritual person consciously he controls Tamas, consciously he controls Rajas, consciously he controls Sattva and when he wants he goes beyond Sattva Guna that is called entering into Samadhi whether in Samadhi or outside Samadhi he has got that complete control over his both body and mind that means over the whole world, an example is given, Ramakrishna gives example of a great Rama Bhakta, he was a soldier and he was fighting with some Muslims and one day one of the Muslims who was in his own side he came and stabbed that happens many times and then he was on the point of death and his fellow soldiers soon came and found out and they were enraged they asked him, name the person we will tear him to pieces he said, I am Rama who is protecting me, has now killed me with that he breathed his last this is called complete control over all the three Gunas, what is Samadhi to go beyond all these three Gunas through the influence of Tamas man is deprived of the power of discrimination and neglects his imperative duties and the next tenth verse, the most marvellous verse, what happens at any given time, there are three Gunas Sattva, Rajas and Tamas at the same time, all of them do not dominate one dominates and then it suppresses or it becomes master of the other two so that is being told here when Sattva is prevalent it controls Rajas and Tamas when Rajas is prevalent it controls Sattva and Tamas when Tamas is prevalent dominant, it controls both Sattva and Rajas why is he telling because this is what is our ideal, Bhagwan Krishna is showing us our ideal, what is the ideal, let all the three Gunas be there, again and again I am emphasizing, Gunas are not bad, in their respective places, they are very good but we should not allow the lower side of any Guna, that is called bondage the higher side of every Guna is most conducive to health happiness, knowledge everything that is good in this world so how do the Gunas function in any given individual this is being discussed in the 10th Shloka Sattva asserts itself by prevailing over Rajas and Tamas O Bharata, Rajas asserts itself by prevailing over Sattva and Tamas and Tamas asserts itself by prevailing over Sattva and Rajas so one becomes dominant and at that time the other two becomes subservient what does it do when when Sattva Guna becomes dominant Bhavati, what does it do it suppresses dominates has mastery over Rajoguna and Tamoguna Sattva Guna becomes dominant O Arjuna similarly Rajoguna so Rajoguna, what does it do Sattva Guna and Tamoguna are suppressed made subservient and it dominates but when Tamoguna dominates it becomes dominant by suppressing Sattva and Raja this is what being told when one of the Gunas prevails over the other two, it produces its own effect we have seen earlier, I hope you remember when Sattva is dominant then what happens, two things happen knowledge increases the whole body becomes alert the sense organ becomes absolutely alert one pointed and doesn't tolerate any distraction and because the mind is quiet it grasps, understands things rightly, quickly and remembers it forever that is what happens when Sattva Guna prevails when Rajoguna prevails, what happens insatiable greed, everything that comes across him I want this what is called Lobha insatiable greed manifests in two ways, first of all whatever the person has he doesn't want to let it go, he doesn't want to give it to others, share it with others and enjoy with others he wants it, but at least is he going to enjoy himself no sir, neither he enjoys nor he allows others to enjoy, this is one part of the Rajoguna Lobhi, Lobhatva greed, what is the other side whenever he sees anything outside I want that and how much you want it insatiable, I want to possess, in the present day India so many people numberless people are depositing money, crores and crores and crores in foreign banks where they will not be caught and their secret will be there, what is happening now, sometimes they forget the password and many times they cannot enjoy at all neither their family people enjoy nor he enjoys this person has so much money, such a huge home, such a building he goes on buying here and there and everywhere, why doesn't that buddhi that wisdom dawn onto him, I have sufficient God has given me not only for this life, for another 7000 reincarnations he has given me, why can't I distribute it and make others enjoy not only that, I have got faith in God, I have got faith in the scriptures, so everything that I give away is a worship of God and God is not going to take it away but he will deposit like a child when he gets something he will give it to mother what does the mother do, is she going to eat the chocolates and other things no, she keeps it safely and when the child needs it gives it accordingly, so this is an investment for future happiness what is it that man carries how much land does a man need, I hope you remember I narrated that beautiful story of Tolstoy there was a man, very greedy and he went to a land where he was given to understand that as much land as you can measure from sunrise to sunset all that you can own and that land is most fertile land and it is given completely free because there were only very few old people, most marvelous story, I wish all of you go to it and read it and extract the meaning of it, when all of us die what is it we carry nothing, this man in his greed, he took more than he could what they say bite and just towards sunset he was in a hurry to reach because if he cannot reach the tree where he started from then he forfeits whatever he measured so he hurried, he ran and so tired, he fell down dead as soon as he came near the people who granted him that privilege and then how much land, six by two by two, that is all a man realizing when we go, what do we carry, do we carry anything, yes we carry dharma and adharma, except in the store, nothing happens, sharing with others what we don't need, that is called dharma and this triple greediness, keeping everything that is called adharma and in this life, neither he enjoys because always there will be anxiety worry from king from the government, from thieves from family members from everything, what are we talking about, we have to slowly make the rajoguna dominant and that is how we suppress the tamoguna and after that we should not stop our journey go forward and suppress, suppress means what, they are not our enemies this is the point, so many times I told you and so many times I am going to repeat no guna is an enemy, why, it belongs to our divine mother and anything that belongs to divine mother to god, to brahman cannot be bad thing at all god wants us, divine mother wants us to use every guna in the most appropriate manner as we do many things you don't bring a huge iron rod to sew a silken cloth similarly you don't take a small needle to do operation in a big person, everything requires its appropriate instrument so all the gunas are appropriate instruments, prakruti is an instrument so that it is like pole vaulting as one of our swamis so beautifully put it all the three gunas are like the wonderful pole what is it, it is quite flexible, it is quite strong, it is quite helpful for us to carry light, very flexible very strong, it helps us to run and then run towards that pole and then you rise into the space 6 feet or 10 feet or whatever and then what do you do with the help of the pole we rise but we will have to give it up, cross over it what is that pole, that pole is called prakruti, the pole is called three gunas which is nothing but prakruti, crossing over it but with the help of the three gunas only, so they are very helpful, every guna is very helpful, that's an important point to attune, but they have to be kept in their proper proportions, sattva guna will be the king, rajo guna will be the assistant minister and tamo guna will be the commander in chief, everything has to work properly what should we do, we should try to rise, develop progress by controlling and using it in its proper way, tamo guna rajo guna and even sattva guna also we have to do it, now how do we develop the good side of the gunas and what can help us, bhagavatam such a marvellous scripture in the eleventh skandha thirteenth section, fourth shloka, eleventh thirteen, four, here is a verse which is most marvellous that I found so there are ten elements if we can recognise them take the help of them in their right way then they help us to progress in life by developing these qualities, sattva, rajas and tamas and these ten and everyday in our life we are going to encounter from birth to death, from waking time to the sleeping time, again from the waking time, these are the ten things, very briefly I will be doing it what is the first thing, shastra scripture, what is the second thing water, what is the third thing people, what is the fourth thing places, what is the fifth thing, time, what is the sixth thing, actions what is the seventh thing, lives what is the eighth thing, dhyanam, meditation, what is the ninth thing mantra, what is the tenth thing samskara, these are what samskaro dashayate unahetavaha, and what does the scripture wants to tell us with this, I am going to tell you that one, shastram, so scripture, scripture also tells three things, so there are three types of scriptures are there what is it, that scripture which tells us, which helps us, aids us to get the highest knowledge to get to the truth and what describes, what is God and how to go to God and how we can be blessed and how we can be happy, healthy, etc these are called sattvika shastras the second part of the Vedas what is called jnanakanda or what I call prefer to call brahmakanda and those scriptures which only talk about how to be happy in this world how to increase our knowledge, etc and what is called astrology what is called scientific knowledge what is called how to discover diamonds and gold and where is it there and what is going to happen in future and how to do puja how many types of pujas how wonderfully pujas have to be done how many things we have to offer in the puja, all these called rajasika scriptures and there are scriptures what we call pornographic books, pornographic films, etc, people who talk about, we will talk about it later on and those stories novels, etc which destroy our mind, etc and which make us come, remove influence our faith in God and then remove whatever little faith we are having what is called nastika atheistic books there are so many books are there atheistic books and that which increases our emotions, etc and that includes newspaper also, what we read in the newspaper, etc these are called tamasika granthas and about water, there are very sacred waters, fit to be offered, Ganga, Yamuna, Godavari, Saraswati, Narmada Sindhu, Kaveri, so every river for an Indian Devata, Brahma Kumara Brahma that is himself flowing there in the form of a nadi so these are what is called sattvika waters and that which increases fragrances that which increases our attractiveness to the opposite sex and that which some people, even devotees I have seen so thickly they put it when they enter even half a mile, the whole place is permeated with unbreathable, these kind of things, you see even incense stick also when we light it up, it helps us to actually increase our love for God, etc, but certain kinds of fragrances certain kinds of smells, I will give you little detail, the same potato, but if you put it what is called meat masala and that very smell, fragrance that comes out of it, it is just makes our mouths water and then sweets also are there like that, these are called rajasika, this thing beautifully this is described towards the end of the Bhagavad Gita what type of sattvika food, rajasika food, tamasika food, etc here we are talking about sattvika waters and rajasika waters and there are some kind of waters, so especially drinks that intoxicating drinks, etc these are called tamasika waters, then among people we know Shri Ramakrishna has described sattvika people rajasika people and devotees of God saints, sages, reading about them and that is also satsanga that is sattvika people then there are people business people always talking about money and they don't know anything excepting all these things, these are great people and in the world they also do very great things actually, but these are, they increase our prajabhuna, what is called tremendous attachment to many many activities when we read their books, when we come into contact with them, when we talk with them, etc, then there are people so they talk one thing, they always go on doing whatever is suitable for their personal name fame, politicians and people who are acting in the cinemas, etc and those who do rowdies, boondas and those who kill people, those who cheat people and in what is called they are supposed to be most powerful people every country has got these kind of people and they are on the increase, always they want to take away what belongs to other people, whether it is money, land, places countries, their women their families, these are called, as we all already know about it, is tamasika people, then there are places, there are holy places, there are temples there are ashramas and there are places which produce serenity of the mind by just visiting these things these are sattvika places then there are places, the cinema halls and then business places, market people and what is called money exchange stock market places etc, these are what is called rajasika people simply they increase our attachment, then there are places where they serve drinks, drugs, etc and gambling and there are so many specialist places in America and everywhere also are there in red light districts clubs etc these are called tamasika places, then there is time early in the morning and when there is eclipses and dawn, dusk, midnight early morning etc, this is a beautiful time then there is time when the rise of the sun or prajna guna will also increase then there is a time, according to Indian calculation night is called nishachara where the rakshasas, asuras bhogis, the people who want to enjoy, parricide night, these are the places which are very increase our tamo guna, then there are karmas then there are janmas then there is meditation then as we have seen there are mantras and there are samskaras these are most marvelous interesting subject, if we can understand these particular shloka in the Bhagavatam and then every time you use your discrimination, is this right time, is it the right person is it the right place, is it the right water, is it the right mantra, is it the right scripture everything if we do and this will be extremely helpful for us in the highest degree, we will elaborate these things tomorrow May Ramakrishna Holy Mother and Swami Vivekananda bless us all we will meet again tomorrow night at this time. Jai Ramakrishna