Post Aarathi Talk 13 on 7th Oct 2017

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Full Transcript(Not Corrected)

Big reward. He said, if you don't mind, I want something else. He said, what was that? I want 100 whiplashes. 100 whiplashes. And he was astonished. I want to reward you and you want 100 whiplashes. Are you sure? Yes, I am 100% sure. Three times he asked. Three times he said, I want only 100 whiplashes. Then the emperor had no choice but to bring his whiplasher and said, give this person 100 whiplashes. He said, wait, wait, wait, wait. Before I entered into and I promised your gatekeepers that I will share 50-50 with both of them. So there is something called luck. Everything being equal, do you know who discovered this radio wireless transmission? See, that is the problem we have got. It was Jagadish Chandra Bose. But because he was under the British rule, they stole many of his discoveries and gave it to the British scientists and others, and that is how he was severely suppressed. Now this is what I call luck. So if there are two equally talented persons, and one person shines, another person doesn't, what is the difference? Luck. Luck means what? Karmaphala. This is what we have to recognize. The whole of life is nothing but the result of Karmaphala. There is a beautiful song in Bengali. Shokali Tomari Iccha, Iccha Mai Tara Tumi. O Divine Mother, everything is Thy will. And the whole universe is run through Thy will. Some people you award Brahma's position. Some people you push to the very bottom. So like that, everything is Your will. Now this is a song to be sung, to be accepted, to be practiced in our life. So how does the mother do? It appears as though she is a dictator, and she does what she likes to do. There is no rhyme, there is no reason, there is no rationality. It is just her will. If that is the idea of God we have, then that is a very poor idea of God. We should never cherish the idea of God in that sense. Our problem in spiritual life is that we have a peculiar idea about God. Even though we profess to be having faith in Him, we do not really have faith in Him. If we have faith in Him, then we should accept whatever happens in the world. So that is how we live in this world, peacefully, happily. Here is a scenario, not an imaginary scenario, but a real scenario. You know about a week or ten days back, in Las Vegas, you know the incident? One fellow managed to slaughter 70 people, you know that Savita? You know there is a lot of hula-hula and different people doing it. Now they are trying to find out why did he do it. Supposing the family members belonging to one of those killed families, supposing they are devotees, they say, we are Christians, we believe in God, whatever. Or Hindus, it could be Hindus. Quite a number of Hindus are there in Las Vegas, do you know? Because it is a very even climate and the air is so pure that so many people who suffer from asthma and other allergic problems, they have no health problem there. I know quite a number of people from Detroit who are settling down. Of course, Las Vegas is very notorious for something else, gambling and all those things. But interestingly, why did they establish, they could have established gambling anywhere. Why did they do it there? There must be a reason. I visited once. The very next house is full of the shiny, you know, you put some coin and press your luck and all those things. We had a nice walk and all those things. Now the point is, what would be the faith of such a person after this incident happens to one of his family, his or her family members? What would it be? Oh God, we believed in you and what is the belief? That you are gracious to us. And so what does it mean? Nothing untoward should happen to us. Everything, even if there was something like that, you should have protected because we pay some goody-goody premium, you know, insurance premium. You know what is it? A little half-hearted japa they do for five seconds and say that is the insurance premium we are paying. That is why, you know what name I gave to God? Interloka Insurance Company. He is effective not only in this world, but he is effective in the other world also. That is common man's view of God. So how does God create this world? This is one of the questions raised in our scriptures. Does he have a plan? Is it completely new? No. Dahata yatha purvam akalpayat. Exactly as he created in the past. What does that mean? So he has set a mould, universal mould. So whatever, you know mould, whatever you put it, the material comes out exactly the same way. So what does that mean? That means, is it a repetition of the same old thing? In a way, yes. But what it means is, achintya kalpana srishti. Billions and billions of creatures are acting and reacting. And they are doing karma. And the result will be according to their karma. And so the karma phala must come at a particular time. Karma phala, understand Savita? Karma and karma phala. Karma means action. Karma phala means the result of the action. So our normal understanding, in simple English language, cause and effect. If you put your hand in hot water, what will happen? So you can't go on complaining, why is it burning my hand? On the other hand, if you put your hand in a bucket full of ice, then it becomes frozen. There also you cannot complain. So if you put both hands in one boiling water, and then freezing ice, then the effects are same or two? Different. So if you switch, if you pull it down, that is one karma. If you push it up, it is another karma. The results are same or different? Totally different. So every creature is doing karma. And this karma phala, karma means cause, phala means effect. So every cause must have an effect or not. Is there any exception? There is a cause, but there is no effect. Or there is an effect, but there is no cause. Is there any exception like that? Otherwise you are not thinking rationally. Cause means effect. Effect means cause. So what is the difference between cause and effect? You know what is the difference? Time. Seed becomes a plant. What is the difference between seed and plant? What is the difference between... What does that mean? Time means what? Change. How do you measure time? How do you measure time? Change. You know the simplest idea, early morning you see the sun. Say 6 o'clock. Where is he? Here. And at 7 o'clock, where is he? Here. So what are you coming? He was here and now he is here. Therefore this change from here to here is what do you call it? Time. Time means change. You are like that. Then you became like that, became like that, became like that. Is it not? Change. Change means time. We measure change in terms of time and space. It goes together. So here means what? If this is the space, this is also space. The sun was here and the sun is here. So two things happen simultaneously. For the sun to traverse from point A to point B, that's what we call change in space is change in time. And change in time also means change in space. Yeah. Clever people. I can insert these clever ideas. Suppose there is a table. So today morning you came at 6 o'clock and now you come and sit. Has it changed? No. See how our mind works. Okay, are you travelling now or sitting? Are you static or travelling? Tell me. From my sense I am travelling. From my sense I am sitting. That's what irrational, unthinking people think. That's wrong. That's a bad statement in English language. How can unthinking people think? Thinking wrongly. That's what it means. There is nothing in this world which is non-moving. This table moving, do you know at what speed it is moving? Every millisecond. Mind boggling speed, like the speed of lightning. Every second, what is the speed of light? You know, 186,000 miles or something like that. Isn't that a fact? So is the table moving or not? You bring electronic microscope. Atom wise. Not atom wise, energy wise. Okay means what? We don't see it. And why don't we see it? Limitation of our eyes. No. When something is moving very fast, it appears motionless. Have you noticed when the car's wheel is moving like this, you can see every mille inch. But if it's moving like that, when a fan is moving. Yeah, we can see the ceiling. And if it is moving at 186,000 miles per second, what do you think you will see? You will see it is absolutely motionless. Some of these things we get, these beautiful ideas, when accidents happen. You know an aeroplane, you know what is the minimum speed it has to move if it should not fall? At least 3 to 400 miles per hour. You know when it is landing, it has to move at this speed to prevent it from crashing. If below certain, I don't know exactly, it simply crashes down. The gravitational force will simply pull it down. So a bird is travelling at the speed of, let us say, 5 miles per hour. An aeroplane is moving at the speed of 350 to 500 miles. But now they are moving at 600 miles, 700 miles. Future planes, for your information, from here to Tokyo in three and a half hours. Can you imagine? From here to Sydney, I think it is about three and a half hours. From here to New York, already they flew. You know how much time? Three and a half hours. There is one French plane, Concorde, which developed some problems and they discarded it. You know that? Three and a half hours for New York. We know the technology is there, but the infrastructure is not there. It is very costly. A very interesting idea, what is called magnetism, moves at 3,000 miles per hour. 3,000 miles in one hour. It doesn't touch the surface. But for that you have to create a special tunnel where the magnets are there. So the creativity in Los Angeles, San Francisco... You see, it is enormously costly, but it can be done, it is done. Already in China, the fastest moving trains move around, I think, 300 miles per hour or something. So from one city to the airport, something like that, within 45 minutes. Otherwise it would normally take around three hours or something. It can move. Anyway, what is the point? Everything in this world is moving. Energy means moving. So everything is moving, but we don't see some things are moving, some things are not moving. So that doesn't mean things are not moving. Everything is moving. That is why the name for the world in Hinduism is called Jagat. Gati. Gata means gati. Gati means what? Movement. Every millisecond is only human language. That means there is no time and it doesn't change. Change means movement. Always change means movement. Anyway, what is the point we are talking about? Karmapala always manifests in time, and it can manifest in the simplest of terms in three ways. The first is almost instantaneous, never instantaneous, almost instantaneous. The second is visible within a certain time frame. The third may be next to life. For example, you put your hand in boiling water. The karmapala is instantaneous or delayed? Next slide. Some effects are found out only next life. So one of our Swamis was giving a talk. So the idea came, is there electricity? How do you know? Do you see electricity? Has anyone seen electricity? We don't see electricity. We see the effect of electricity through certain media. That comes in three forms. Light, heat, motion. Fan, heater, and this bulb. But electricity per se, we don't see. But how do you know? One foolish devotee was arguing with Swami. I don't believe in what we see. Swami said you can test it, no problem. There is an Indian plug, you know, live wire. You go and touch. But you will not see electricity. We will know that there is electricity. He will know next birth perhaps. First finish. But instantaneous effect. Second, you plant marigold seed. Within three days you see the seedling. And within two months you see the result, the flowers and it starts fading everything. Suppose you plant the seed of banyan. You may see the real effect only after one year. And after 50 years, you will see somewhat grow. But you know in Chennai, that Adyar, have you seen? Theosophical society? There is a world famous banyan. It is nearly half a mile. Because the roots come from above. Do you know that? Banyan tree, the branches are spread. From the branch the roots start coming down. Where it touches the ground, it becomes another plant. That is how it goes on spreading. That is how they live sometimes thousands of years. And then it... how huge that banyan. In Adyar. What is the point here? To see the present banyan, somebody must have planted this some 500 years before. But we are seeing this effect now. At least, this is what we say, some effect can be seen in this life. But some effects can be seen only after death in future lives. These are the three effects. Instantaneous, in this life, and next life also. Okay, what is the point here? The whole subject came because of this luck. So you see, so many singers like Subbalakshmi, could anyone have imagined a person in the position of Subbalakshmi could have come up to this level now unless an extraordinary streak of luck had manifested through her. Is it not? You know her story? She was born in a Devadasi family. But she was married to a very respectful person. What is his name? Sadashiva. And because of him, she was recognized. Of course, talent is there. But how many singers were not there who could sing quite well like her? But they never came to her stature. So what is the difference? Karma phala. We have to accept. You know, they say about Lata Mangeshkar, there were much better singers like your Anuradha Pandu and like that. Even her own sister, Asha Bhoshale. But they never got to that stature of Lata Mangeshkar because she severely suppressed everyone of them. Anyway, my point was that persons may have equal talent, but it is ultimately the karma phala which makes the difference between them. This example can be applied universally. So if one wants, we accept that. But for somebody like her, for example, how does one approach an art form or something? Any form. Anything. The approach is, we don't know what is going to happen in future. She may become a most well-recognized musician. She may. But since we don't know, we will have to keep that ideal, go on striving towards it. People will recognize. Now here also, luck also, there are different manifestations of luck. Some people are universally recognized, but that doesn't mean they get universally wealthy. Some people are not recognized but very wealthy. Some people are recognized but not wealthy. You see the point? Some people live a long time. Some people live a short time. Some people, everything is favorable. Some people are not favorable. All this, so infinite variation is there. Isn't it better she just has it as a hobby, Swamiji? No. No, no, no. What I mean, when you say hobby, and when somebody says, I want to be professional, the difference is not much. But what I would advise her to do, let something else be as a backup. And then also for many reasons. One reason is that we don't know whether you will get sufficient income or livelihood because this is a matter of luck and also talent. Both are different. Luck and talent are different. Many people are lucky but not talented. Many people are talented but not lucky. The other consideration, you see, singing or playing music or whatever, it depends upon certain facilities. For example, a person must have very good voice, etc. Supposing due to some reason, whether it is voice or whatever it is, suppose it goes, then what happens? Keep firm. You just get up and see, have a look. No, no, it's fine. I must have left it in the house. No, no. Why don't you give a ring? Silent answer. Actually, did you use it when you came here? So I just can't remember. We were just checking if it has fallen off. It may be in the house. Yes. It's a good investigation. Thank you. Did I give you, Srihari? You should demand. Other things are free. This thing is a must. Muffat means, if it is my teaching, etc., whether it is there or not, it doesn't matter. Like some of our devotees, my devotees, they don't attend my Sunday class, etc. So I asked them, why did you not come last Sunday? Swamiji, two things he said, Swamiji, there is a special cricket match, so I don't want to miss it. And then he said, Swamiji, you speak the same thing every week. He said that? Yes. And it is absolutely his right. Because what is there, Brahma Satyam, Jagat Meethi, or nothing else to speak. Okay. Now a very interesting word. Some people have analysed language. You know what they discovered? If a person knows 500 words, he can be fluent in any language. Every person needs 500 words in any language. Once he gets those 500 words, he is fluent in any language. Because all the other things are only a little bit addition, subtraction, etc., of these 500 words. You think that you need a whole Webster dictionary, or Oxford dictionary, that is not true. So the point is, how many ideas do we have? If you analyse your talk, suppose you make an experiment, you record your talk for 15 years, whatever you talked, and you analyse how many different things you talked. Hardly 5 or 6. How are you? Your health is okay. What did you eat? This and that. Beyond that, it is a repetition of the same thing going on and on and on. Nothing else. And that is true. But if you ask the great Shankaracharya, you wrote cartloads of books. One man, it seems, you know, I went and asked him, you wrote cartloads of books. And I don't have time to go through all these things. Can you tell in one sentence the essence of what you want to tell us? Shankaracharya said, I also don't have time. I don't want to waste one sentence. I will tell you in half a sentence. Shloka arthena pravakshyami yaduktam grandha koti vehi Shloka arthena, half a shloka, you understand shloka? Vasudeva sudam devam kamsa chanur mardanam is half shloka. Devaki paramanandam krishnam vande jagadgurum is the next half. I will tell you in half a shloka, means half a sentence, because every shloka is a complete sentence. Yaduktam grandha koti vehi What has been enumerated in millions of books. This is the first half. He is going to tell. I am going to tell. And what did he say? Brahma satyam jagan mithya jeevo brahmaiva na paraha So you get all these things. You just google and you will get all these things. Correctly. What I say and what you hear and what you write. God even knows. Like the game where you whisper something into something. Yes, yes, yes. It's like that. Swamiji, just repeat that shloka again. I will google it properly. You just put brahma satyam jagat mithya. Just google that. The whole thing will come. So this is the essence of what is the essence of millions of books and which I also told what is there in the scriptures. Brahma satyam, God alone is real. Jagat mithya, this world is not real. Jeevo brahmaiva na aparaha Jeeva means you, me, everybody is none other than that Brahman only. That means you alone are real. Everything else is unreal. This is the essence of what I want to convey. So that is the essence of scriptures. But how to attain it? There are two ways. One is the path of devotion. Another is the path of knowledge. And the path of knowledge is difficult. But the path of devotion is the easiest path. Path of devotion means path of self-surrender. Ramanujacharya's Sharanagati. Ramanujacharya's Sharanagati Google it. Google doesn't know only one thing. Google, you get everything excepting one thing. So some husband Googled, how to understand my wife? Only one hit, one answer came. You know what is it? We are also searching. You know this, remember that one man was walking on the seashore. And suddenly he found that there was something sticking from the sand. He became curious and he scraped a little and he saw there was an old lantern. So he pulled it out and it was looking very antique, you know, very nice. He took it home and he was cleaning. Suddenly a zine appeared. Zine. And said, oh, I am so grateful. You have released me after millions of years. I want to do something good before I go. What can I do? One bone I will give you. Whatever wish, I will give you. So this man said, it happened in here, UK. I said, I have a great desire to go to America. But I am frightened of travelling either by the planes or by the ship. I become seasick, I become airsick. Zine asked, what do you want me to do? Can you build a bridge? And it should have three lanes because I am a lousy driver. Three lanes. Zine said, you know what is the distance from here to New York? And do you know how much this bridge costs? Do you know? Even one lane costs so much. And it will take a long time. Better you ask something else. So this fellow thought a little and said, I have a little bit of problem understanding my wife. Tell me the secret of understanding my wife. The zine instantaneously said, now about the bridge. How many lanes are we talking about? So the whole universe is nothing but a web of karmaphala. Can you understand that point? Because your body, my body, all of our bodies, our families, our circumstances, our countries, our religion, our language, our culture, our environment, everything is nothing but the result of this karmaphala. And so what is the role of Ishwara? This is important. What is the role of God? What we call God? What is His role? And the role of God is to bring everybody, everybody according to their karmaphala, connect each other. Like a huge jigsaw puzzle. Can you understand, Savita? Take your own family, yourself, your brother, and your parents. They are all born separately. And all are born in different families, etc., different circumstances. Physically, sometimes maybe your children are born to the same parents. But you are born with your own, what we call, purvajanma samskara. So if you have a sister or somebody, that person may not have any inclination or talent for music, but that person may have something else which you don't have. We give the example of Ravanasura, Kumbhakarna, and Vibhishana. You know that? Ravanasura, Vibhishana, and Kumbhakarna. Same family, three brothers, but three different personalities. One became enemy of God, one became greatest devotee of God, and one just eating and sleeping, Kumbhakarna. And that also represents our life. Do you know that? When we are babies, what are we? Kumbhakarnas. Because that is the appropriate, eat and sleep and grow. And when we become young, what do we become? Savitha? Ravanasuras. The young man is running after the young woman. What is the young woman doing? Running after the young man. No, wrong. She is running away from the young man, looking back even now and then, whether he is following her. You understand? Sometimes accidentally dropping a handkerchief, which he will run immediately and lift it and, Madam, is this yours? Like that, you know? And then it starts. It starts with a talk, Sathya Sai Baba used to say. Sometimes very funny statements. It starts with a talk, develops with a walk, and ends in a lock. First wedlock, then deadlock. Many, many marriages, you know? 50% of, they say in UK, it is the end in divorce. Nowadays it is becoming worse. This is happening, I think, this disease is spreading in India also. It is spreading. Anyway, what is the point? What is the role of Ishwara? Ishwara's role is to bring all the things together, not only human beings. Human beings, plants, animals, insects, everything. Yes, here we don't have mosquitoes. But if you go to tropical countries, you know, every tropical country is full of these mosquitoes bringing nuisance, death, infection, so many things. Is it not? That is very important for us. So there are so many people, your relatives, maybe your parents are there, and they have nothing, they cannot do anything. But India itself, you can see so many, so many variations. Heaven and hell difference is there. If you go to Bangalore, which is only 6 hours away from Chennai, it is like heaven. Very little mosquitoes. And the fruits, you know, what a wonderful thing. I was very fond of gardening when I was in Bangalore. Now what happened, I wanted to grow some exotic plants. So I had some devotees living in USA. So I used to write. So you send these seeds. And there was a Morgan seed company like that, very famous seed companies. And they were sending. And it was very costly. Each packet cost $3, $4, like that. Which from Indian money's point of view, in those days, I am talking about 40 years back. What happened, one day, once they sent me, my devotees sent me these packets. You know what is written? Indo-American hybrid seeds, grown in Bangalore. Then after that, once, you know, somebody told me, I was not aware of the existence of this one. Somebody told me that there are an enterprising family, they started this. Because Bangalore climate, excellent climate. So these people, they took me. One syndicate bank manager, who was our devotee, he took me. And we went there. And then, you know, all closed. Closed. Completely enclosed. And all this artificial watering system. My God, so sophisticated. Then the owner, he took me there inside, and he told me briefly, they have standing order to, they create the seeds. They grow the plants, make seeds, and then export it to America, and I'm importing it. So it is like you go to some shoe shop, and buy some shoes. Made in UK. You know? Made in UK. You know what does it mean? Made in Uttarkashi. You heard about, you know Uttarkashi? It's a very holy place in North India, in Himalayas. That is the take-off point, if you want to go to Kedarnath, Badrinath, Gangotri, Yamunotri, that is the take-off point. Yeah. Beautiful place. Even now, if you go, we have an ashram there. Just on the banks of the Ganges. Bhagirathi. Alka, Alka River. And it is small, not very big. But it is so cold. In summer season, you see blocks of ice floating. And do you know what is the speciality? In winter, water is cold. But in summer, it is freezing. Because the ice is melting. The ice is melting and blocks are going. Before coming here, I happened to go there and I went to Gangotri. Gangotri means Ganga Uttari where Ganges is seen to come out of a place and that cave looks like the head of a cow. That's why it is called Gomukhi. Gau means cow. Sanskrit word gau has become the English word cow. Many Sanskrit words you know, father, mother, sister, brother, they are all Sanskrit words. Mata, matru become mother. Pitru became swasru, became sister. Brathru became brother. Hundreds of Sanskrit words are there. Gomukhi. It appears somewhat like the face of a cow. It opened its mouth and water is flowing. So cold that you become freeze. If you go in the water, sir? I just touched there. Otherwise you would not have been seeing me today. I would have been frozen there itself. Very, very, but wonderful place. There the yogis say constantly you hear anahata dhwani. But I don't know anahata dhwani, but when we went to Gangotri, Gangotri is the place from where you have to walk. There is no way to go to Gomukhi. It is about 2-3 kilometers from Gangotri. So we went to that place, but even then you can take some donkeys. I call them mules or whatever you call them. Because they can travel like human beings, small narrow paths. But very horrible scene I have seen. One fellow went to... Some people, Bengalis went for hiking and one fellow slipped and died. And when we were going, that four people were carrying his body, bringing it down. He slipped from a height and then fell into a valley. Somehow they retrieved the body and they were bringing him back. Young man. Anyway, if you go there, the mind becomes so peaceful, you don't need to do anything. Just be there. And the Ganga, constantly it is a hilly place, so it is descending. And when it is descending, it makes a peculiar sound. And like 24 hours, Ooooooooooo like that. This is called, some people call it, Anahata Dhwani. Some people enjoy it, some people can't stand it. Because they can't sleep. It depends upon their nerves. But Himalayas, once you have to go. At least Kedarnath, Badrinath. Now facilities are there. Kedarnath, very difficult, steep climbing. So you can go by helicopter. But when we went, there was no helicopter, but we took mules. But I saw people, old people, walking with a stick. Very steep. 13 kilometers like this practically. But the most wonderful thing, the moment you go there, you are entering into this Kedarnath, there is a huge mountain like that. Like a huge white curtain, full of ice. In the month of September, October. Full of ice. Like you know, you suddenly go into a hall, there is a huge white curtain. Like that you see. And even today, there are hundreds of monks, they are staying there, they do their japa, meditation, etc. Kedarnath. And Badrinath, buses are there, taxis are there, from Uttarkashi you take a bus, from Haridwar itself you can take a bus, and it will take you straight to Kedarnath. Sorry, Badrinath. Badrinarayan, Vishnu temple. What happened, the Shankaracharya went there, and there was no image in the temple. What happened, because of the fear of some Muslims, the priests have taken a small Badrinath image and threw it in the Ganga, to escape from the Muslims. After that they forgot where they have thrown. Now you can't stay in that water for long. So Muslims of course did not touch, and Hindus forgot. When Shankaracharya visited, he found out there was no, temple is there, but there was no image. Then he prayed to the Lord. He sat in meditation, immediately he was shown that it is in the water, at some spot. So he told them, Lord Narayana, Badrinarayan. Badri is the name of the place. Therefore Narayana's name is Badrinarayan. He is here, his image is there. Of course they could not believe it. They had some faith. So he went, dived, and immediately caught hold of the image and came up. And then he installed. And then what he did, he brought his own caste people, Nambudris. Today, even today, they are the priests, Nambudris. Badrinath. I liked it very much. You know why? First class masala dosha is available in the hotels. I want to go to Mount Kailash, Swamiji. You can go. But don't delay. Because sometimes that height can create problems. Even then, every year many people suffer. Because unless one is accustomed, but you have to spend 3-4 lakhs of rupees. It is costly. Because it is in between Indian government and Chinese government. So they charge you. But safe. At some point they will take over. Then they arrange some jeeps, etc. And always, invariably, there will be a doctor. And oxygen, etc. They advise you to carry oxygen also. So you can see Kailash Manasarovar on YouTube. How they go. Practically about one hour video is there. Two different places, different one. Some of our devotees went 3 years back. Very nicely, they had a very nice trip. And they went there and had nice darshan. Of course you can't climb. You go to certain spot and then you can see. Shiva Lake. And it is all full of ice. You pray or say prayers. And Manasarovar. You can take bath also there. Parikrama is very difficult. But if you want to, if you have that energy to do it, you are most welcome. Otherwise it depends upon your health condition. So you go and have. But don't delay too much. The more aged you become, the more difficult it becomes. How do you think? You were saying the whole world is a web of karma phala. Ishwara is just a jigsaw puzzle. He is the karma phala distributor, arranger. So like your manager, what does he do? He will recruit you according to your karma phala. And then he will say, this is manager, this is assistant manager, this is a clerk, etc. Appropriately he will give you your duties. And he will allow you. Then afterwards it depends upon how you do. Your promotion, demotion, everything depends upon it, isn't it? So exactly same thing, but Ishwara does it on a universal scale. And we don't understand. He knows the past, he knows the future. But we know only today's affair. We don't know next second what is going to happen. So that is how things happen. Anyway. Alright, thank you. Okay, Savita, carry on. Because even if you take some other job, professional, what are you preparing for? Engineering. Very good. Because there is such a joyful thing in this music. Can I make some fun also? So supposing you have something to complain about your future husband, you can complain unilaterally. It will be very pleasant for him to bear it.