Om Hrim Ritam Lecture 02 on 25 August 2019

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Full Transcript (Not Corrected)

We are doing the Avatar Sthothram, completed. This is second Sthothram composed by Swami Vivekananda, Based upon his vision of Sri Ramakrishna in the form of a mantra. Om Namo Bhagwate Ramakrishnaya. There are lots of similarities Are there between this Sthothram and Avatara Sthothram. When the occasion comes we will refer it to that.

So Sri Ramakrishna is being described here. This is exclusively Ramakrishna because we get the name Ramakrishna here. Om, what is his real nature? Om, the real nature of God is represented by this symbol Om.

That's why the very om that particular omkara are called pranava, has been expounded By one Upanishad completely dedicated only to the explanation of –om. Which  is the Upanishad I'm referring to ? MonDieuCya -  MonDukya ? Upanishad.

Briefly what is this “OM”? This om consists of three letters three syllables. “Ah”, “uh” and “mm”. And there is that um that last em like that.  In  English when we put that letter alphabet M, We pronounce completely.  In Sanskrit divided the letters into two parts. The vowels and the angenas – ka, kha, ga, gha  - up from AA to LA.

And then this what is it called – angenas Ka to La like that consonants. So the consonants are never pronounced as ka, ga. Ku, gu  Etc. Only ku plus aa is kha. Ku plus ee is ki.  Plus.

Okay, so it goes like that.

Ah, uh and mm. Ah Starts from here. I think I have told you this is called the sound box from here up to here. This is called sound box. What comes from our lungs is only Air. Like flute, the man blows the air but it is the different holes which produce different What is called from a cara to Sa to Sa  to ni. 

So when the air is passing through the enters into the sound Box,  the first sound that comes is Ah.  If you want put your fingers here say aa. You  can't say oh. just to make sound aa, aa  it vibrates. Say  oh it vibrates here. Oh put it you see feel the vibration. Oh, It is shaking here. And then it ends with the lips coming together.

You cannot pronounce Makara without the both the lips touching. This is the arrangement. So this that means the om covers every sound in this world from the beginning to the end. Whole world is composed of objects and all the objects have particular names. This is a beautiful philosophy. You cannot think of an object without the name. You cannot think of a name without the associated object. For example, man. You utter the name “man” and without bringing the corresponding form of the man.

Can you do that? It is impossible to do that. So these are associated. What is Nama and Rupa are associated. The  whole world Jagat consists of Nama and Rupa names and forms. So every object has a name the Name whether you utter it physically, vocally or think of mentally - the name must

spring.  So that name is what passes from here to here. So the movement it comes from here to here. It must represent some name; and that is why omkara  alone, Omkara only can become the representation of God; because God means the whole universe.

Whole  universe means all the objects. All  the objects means all the Names. All  the names means all the sounds. all the sounds means that which can pass only from this beginning of the sound box to the end of the sound box. Now this om, ah middle part here is uh the last part is mm. That    is why this was Swami vivekananda's explanation.

That is why in this whole world there is no other word, which can represent  God. That means everything. You take the whole dictionary Webster's Dictionary Earth new international Oxford dictionary all the words in the dictionary are consisting of how many letters?  26…27 who said that mam. that again

Only 26. So  these are 26 letters can pass “a”.  see how horrible it is. This English letters - should not criticize it should be ah,You know the moment you say whatever you right here “m a n” - man. It is not “a” but that is the nearest to right Sanskrit. A, ah  etcetera, but here may – ae. Ah means may -

Like  that it comes. whatever be  the sound it must pass through this. Ah, uh and mm consists of om, but that is not the full om.

it contains “Ohmmm”. That  that is why the last m is called ardha  maatra. only half. The other ardha - half of that sound is indescribable. It does not represent anything. That  is why “mmm” and that represents all the three states of waking up.

“Ah” is this symbol symbol of waking. “Uh” is the symbol of dream. “mm” is the symbol of deep sleep. but that which pervades informs all the three and yet beyond all the three that is called “Omkara”.

So they're here omkara. Sri Ramakrishna gives an example. You beat a drum anything then first, you hear all these things after all –mmm - Like waves. Like a gong, equal to gong. so that is represented by Brahmam. So what wonderful thing this omkara represents both the impersonal Brahmam nirvisesha  Brahmam as well as iswara. iswara always means Saguna Brahma. Iswara  is a married Brahman.

Iswara  is a married Brahman. married to whom? Maya Maya. Brahman married is called iswara. Brahman.

Divorced  is called Brahman. Brahman and isshuara. Saguna

Brahma and Nirguna Brahma.

Now  waking, dream And dreamless represent the Saguna Brahma.  because they totality of all waking States,The totality of all dream states the totality of all the Deep Sleep States combined is called iswara. So three states, you know individual is called vishva waking. Individual Waker is called vishwa. Universal Waker is called Virat. individual dreamer is called thyses. Universal dreamer is called hiranya garbha. Individual  deep sleeper is called Pragna. Universal deep sleeper is a card iswara.

So iswara means Karana. Karana means cause. cause means from where both  the individual and Universal are springing up.  That is why iswara is Brahman plus Maya - called otherwise Saguna Brahman or called otherwise thri gunathMika consisting of three Gunas and incidentally those three Gunas also, roughly correspond to sathva Guna to the waking State,  half-asleep dream that is called rajo-guna and complete thamos is called. Dream state – sushupthi.

So what am I trying to convey to you? Ah, Uh, ma, mm represent waking dream and dreamless -  not not only an individual the whole universe. Universal that is represented or called together Saguna Brahma. Whereas that “mmm” continuation that is called Nirguna Brahma.

Universal.  Everybody is going through the same state. Now   Hopefully we are all in which state - not only you - we are all individually in the waking State.  Similarly , the whole universe. Times May differ. Now, if you go to England they are in deep sleep. Sushupthi state. If you go to America, they're watching TV now, getting ready to go to sleep. Hmm, they go through exactly same things.

That's why it's sometimes make fun a little bit. A young male

mosquito. What is what does it to dream of? What does a young male man dream of? A young woman; and what do the young woman dream of vice versa.  So what does young male mosquito dream of?  It Dreams of two things, a beautiful young female mosquito and a beautiful young man full of blood without any mosquito curtain.  These are the goals – dharma, artha, kama and moksha. that Mosquito also thinks about Moksha because it is not sure when it is fulfilling artha, kama whether he will get Moksha in that process or not. It doesn't. 

So our problem is individually if we are identified, we are bound. universally if we are identified we become free. This is the truth individuality creates separation. Separation means bondage. universality it creates what is called true freedom.

Because  that which gives us the allows our Consciousness

to work with the greatest of Freedom that is called sathva guna.  And that the less our Consciousness is manifested  It is called sathva guna, half  manifested is called rajo-guna and it doesn't manifest at all is called the thaMoguna.

Yes, if yes is I see even today even in the class. Also, I see. They begin with sathva guna. Develop into Rajo Guna and completely end up with tamo guna also I see. so do you follow what I am talking? So Our potentiality is to go beyond all the three states and to remain witness that is represented by “mmm”.

So here Sri Ramakrishna - it is belongs to Sri Ramakrishna -

all these descriptions. So Sri Ramakrishna is both the Nirguna Brahma as well as the Saguna Brahma. I will dwell upon it one minute. So in God's name is suchidhanananda. Sath, Chit and Ananda. Universal sath. Sath Means existence without any particularity is called Sath. Existence with a particular thing is called manifestation. Table - you say table. Now English language also – the “ I see a table” meaning what ? a  table exists.

You don't use the word existence immediately before that. What do you say table exists man exists chair exist. So what why do we use two words like that? Because existence is without any Form without any name I hope you're following it existence is without any name without any form. the moment that existence. It takes a particularized form. We give it a special name and then call it a table, a man, a mosquito, a plant, a fan or whatever.

That is why that is why we are forced to give a name. Why are we forced to give a name because it has a specialized form. The nearest example we can give is clay, Wood, gold so it is a lump gold is gold but the moment it takes a special form - a ring, a bangle, a necklace, whatever you call it. You see, what is the point pure existence is called Sath. With when that Seth manifest in the form of a particular this thing. like another example is  what is an ocean nothing but water pure water. The  moment some air comes makes it a wave or a bubble. Now, What is a wave? Is it different from the water?

Then why do we call it  wave instead of calling it water? Why do we call it Wave?

A particular form, created by air. There is Stillwater; air comes and then it raises it a little and then we call it a small wave or bubble.  if it is a little more air it becomes small wavelet ; if it is more air, it becomes a bigger wave if it is still more air you call it tsunami. But all these things are nothing but pure water.

So this is the pure existence is called sath. similarly pure

Knowledge, Just knowledge, Ah there that which makes us know anything is called knowledge.

You look at it here. You  see a tin of chocolates. You have known it. It has pure existence. You will not know it you will know it only as existence. In fact, you cannot know it even as existence also and only and forced  to give that example. The moment it comes to your mind is a particularized existence is this tin of chocolates? So you give a name. This is a container; inside the container There are the chocolates. But if all the all these forms are smashed together Squashed together, You can't call it. You can only call it Z all the wooden furniture squashed  together. What is it called wood. All  the pots of squashed it together. What is it called? clay.

What I am trying to convey is, pure existence can never be experienced. Experienced means, there is an experiencer and there is an object to experience and there is a process of

I will give an example pure knowledge. You cannot give any name. Just like pure existence. You can't give pure knowledge any name. But the moment just - let me give an illustration. There is a big jar of water. There are small containers of different colors of different shapes of different sizes. Size different shape different color different you go on pouring water into it. Now, you can distinguish. I want water from the blue  small jar, not from the red Jar;  the survey in the illustration of the Diwali time we make - we melt  sugar and then pour it into some mould viz  A small elephant, a horse, and a chariot, a bird like that.

You have seen that one (chiilikalu antane) that one. different The children, They don't - they don't know that it is all exactly nothing but sugar but I want only the elephant; I want to eat the elephant, I want the eat horse.  Fortunately nobody has made Swami Dayatmananda. Otherwise I want to eat Swami Dayatmananda. Remember I told an incident. Once a family came to see, one of our presidents. Swami Sankarananda. A small child was there 2 to 3 years kid.

And then what happened, when this family came a few days earlier, our past president Rajendra Dr. Rajendra Prasad died. Somehow the topic turned to Dr.Rajendra Prasad. The  Swami was talking with the parents and some other devotees and the Swami saw the small child and told his Sevak  bring rajabhog (rajabhog is a big Rasagulla inside different colored.) This one is called Rajabhog. 

What we eat Rasagulla. That  is called Rajabhog.  big one. I prefer rajabhog only if available. So the rajabhog was there it was given to the child. He was eating an and listening again

And again Rajendra Prasad, Rajendra Prasad Rajendra Prasad. So he ate he liked it very much went back. After two  three weeks The parents came again to the math.

The  moment he saw the Swami Sankaranandaji, He started shouting “ma Ami Rajendra Prasad Cabo.( আমি রাজেন্দ্র প্রাসাদ ক্যাব) I want to eat Rajendra Prasad. He Associated that sweet because he was hearing so many times the name.

So we also make the same potato you can make five six curries that you prefer. But if it is plain potato, it is potato nothing but potato nothing but rice, so this curd rice, sambar rice, lemon rice, Tamarind rice, tomato tomato rice you name it it is there. So what am I trying to explain to you knowledge is you cannot give any name because it is per se knowledge. So I gave that illustration, different vessels. So some water looks yellow, some water looks green, Some water looks red, some looks with white, different shapes because the water takes ah.

So  if this knowledge enters into a  musician And what do you call it? Music. If it is the same knowledge enters into a scientist - you imagine all these musician mind is like one type of container, scientists mind is another type of container, a poet's mind is another type of container, I T person's mind is another type of container - is Saraswati the now Knowledge is exactly the same but when that knowledge is received. It depends upon what shape our mind is when it is received. It takes that particular shape musical mind, scientific mind, poetical mind, Whatever cookery mind, whatever it is or pickpocket mind.

So all of that you categorize that as knowledge or existence? No, no, I'm talking about three separate issues. When sath  takes a particular Form you call it that particular man, mosquito, tree Etc. When knowledge enters you say this is a scientist, this is musician Etc. Similarly when a Ananda also is generalized so you can't call it anything. You can't experience it. That is an important point. You can't experience pure existence, pure knowledge, pure Ananda. You can only become one with it. Because to experience. What did I say? There should be a subject, there should be an object and there should be an instrument and there should be a relationship between these three (thriputie.)

We call it three minimum three. So what I am trying to convey to you is real sat-chit-ananda. That is why Swamijis existence absolute, knowledge absolute Bliss absolute. So, this is Ananda when the Ananda enters into a pakoda fried Ananda, it is called fried Ananda because it will fry you later on. So if it is a sweet, it is a sweet ananda because it will

make your later on Sweet. So experience I said. You can become one with it. But you cannot experience it the moment.

You have to experience it. You have to make it concrete an object where we subject the concrete the abstract becomes divided into two. The subject and the object and the connection. I hope these are abstract ideas. I am giving you.

So let us stop there now, we understand this “Om” contains 3 syllables. These three syllables also sat represent. Chit in Ananda waking dream sleep. every created prawni living creature has to go through these three states what three States. Waking, dream and sleep.  And  in every state it has to experience these three. Sat, chit, And Ananda, what is it?

I'm giving you a little bit deeper analogy.

When  we are in deep Sleep We only Experience One. Ananda means pure sath. When  we are in the dream state, we experienced sath a little bit chit and Ananda. Only  in the waking State we experienced sath and chit and Ananda.

That  too only limited. That's why I mentioned virat - Universal very important. Anyway  to simplify the matter. This is a hymn about Sri Ramakrishna. Sri Ramakrishna is represented by om both as the impersonal Brahman -Brahman Nirguna Brahma that is right. Is there in the earlier nir Guna guna Maya?

Niranjana nara rupa dhara nir guna Guna Maya. so guna maya means Saguna  Brahma.

Okay, so om. when this om descends as it were manifest, grossify  as it were it is called a dream. I explained earlier this Hrim  is called bija Mantra. Now our Hindu religion consists

of three main sources with us. Vedas, Tantras and the Puranas. Vedas represent om.  Tantras’ special discovery is bija Mantra.  Every deity is nothing but in his most condensed form is called bija. Just like a whole tree is compressed in the form of a seed and then uncompressing unzipping is called manifestation.

The unmanifested is called the Bija. The manifested is called the actual whatever we experience. We are talking about that Brahman who is beyond all the both the mind and not to speak of the expression. Vakya means how we express it. So when you think about it, that is called Mana when you want to express it. That is called Vakya. See,  you have some idea.  So this wauk also has got two aspects mental aspect and the physical aspect.  that is why What do you do in dream state you talk to yourself. The whole dream is nothing but a talk with yourself. Suppose you are dreaming Swami Dayatmanada  is taking a class and you are sitting all attention.  Who is talking? Swami Dayatmanada. Upon waking up who is Talking? You are talking to yourself only and there in dream Also, you don't have the courage to sit on the  platform and to give a lecture to yourself. 31:14 - 7

There also you have to create only Swami Dayatmananda. Only  he has to give the talk. Not me. Such is your lack of Self – confidence. Understand what I'm talking about. If  you have confidence, then you will Make me sit on the chair and you will give the lecture. In dream Also, you can't do that.

Okay coming back “om” is representing that which is beyond

both mind and speech and everything. That is why it is said of Avong manasa bocharam. So yato vacho nivartante, aprapya manasa saha. Hrim is a especially Tantric contribution. This Hrim  represents the manifestation of God in a particularized form. So every Form consists of three things. Name – Nama, Form - Rupa and the third most important ingredient is Guna - quality, we are going to come to that very soon. Guna.  Nama, Rupa and Guna. For example when you are thinking of Brahma what is the Guna?

No, no, no not Brahman.  Brahma. Brahma. Srishti Karta.  Yes. So he is sathva.  He represents What? Sathva.  Because only sathva-guna creates. When you are thinking of Vishnu, which guna we are talking about? rajo-guna. Rajo-guna because he has to he has to have two things Rajoguna because he is the maintainer. Maintainer  requires two things. First he requires a lot of money. Second He requires to create fear. That is why Vishnu has got both Lakshmi as well as weapons. Sudharsan Chakra, Gadha and Shanka, chakra and all those things.

Impart that is why sometimes Lakshmi She doesn't want to stay with Him, but he can't do his job without Lakshmi. If Lakshmi comes to the Earth, he will also come down. That  is how Lord venkateshwara has established because he had to come understand now money how important money is even to God.  That  is why he wanted all the money in the world. Whatever money you give him, It is not sufficient.

So Vishnu’s quality? When we want to be saved whom do we pray? Vishnu. Usually  when we want some Powers people will also pray to Shiva; Shiva also is recycling process. It is not death. It is recycling. It will withdraw the worn out parts, recycle them and make new parts. He goes on exchanging it. That is the job of Shiva. Then weapons are needed. What am I talking about? When Nirguna Brahma becomes Saguna brahma,-sa Guna. That's why he is called with Guna now Guna means Quality. Quality cannot abide Unless there is an object.

Suppose red is a quality, green is a quality. Have you ever seen red or green or yellow or blue without an object? There must be a wall. There must be a flower or there must be a cloth. There must be a person something must be there for this Guna with here. Yes. So Guna we are talking about two types of guna see here. One is sathva, rajas, thamo guna. The other is what we call like compassion, knowledge and then power and all these are also called, you know, good person and generous person, is very loving person caring person, sharing person. All these things are also called Gunas. Now, what is the relationship between sathva rajas tamas? And all these things.

Because  it is only the sathva rajas tamas, which is manifesting more sathva means more good qualities and even in colors those who are connoisseurs experts they have, you know, some crude people they prefer very crude colors, very bright, you know bright red bright orange like that. But those are delicate minds they want bezel colors. Have you noticed. mild the colors. In  colors also there is an intensity if it is red red stands for what? Danger, that's why stopping color is always never green. It is always red only but if you want to find somebody there is another bright green color. That's why they wear that green because they have found out the green color. You can see from the longest to distance.

It is not simply somebody sat down and said, I like this color. They studied all these things. So that is why you know red the next color that is visible is from a long distance is red color, but more than red color it is that bright green color. You can see from a long distance. So that is the that is why all these rescue workers and everybody Wears that one.

Now we are talking about two types of Gunas. Every  guna sathva rajas and tamas as well as their Derivatives -  goodness at too much of activity and too much of lethargy represented by sathva rajas and tamas the all the qualities are derived from these three main qualities. That is why srishti, sthithi, vinasa. srishti is represented by which  guna Sathva, Guna; sthithi is represented by rajo-guna. And Laya is represented by thaMoguna. That's why Shiva is called thamo guna. Black color is associated with what? thamo guna.  red color is associated with what?  Rajo guna. White  color is associated with sathva guna.  see how wonderful it is. A  combination - The whole world is a combination of that thing.

So what is he meant, Sri Ramakrishna  is both the Nirguna Brahma as well as the Saguna Brahma. this Saguna Brahma

is represented by this particular bija Mantra called Hrim. But don't think that every deity is represented by Hrim.  For example, gurus power, The power of teaching wonderfully Well, is condensed into im (eyem). Shri Krishna’s bija mantra is klim. Kali’s Bija mantra  is kreem.(cream) it rhymes like that.

C R E E M  or KR E E M –kreem.  Ganesha’s Mantra is gum.

Durga's beeja  Mantra doom. So  that's why in Lalitha sahasranamam, om, im, hreem, sreem. Om, represents Nirguna Brahma. Im represents the Awakening power hreem represents the power to control the mind, control everything sreem represents the power of Ananda. That is why Lakshmi is a representation of what? Ananda. Bliss. These are the what is called tantric contribution.

Now  for creating anything, for manifesting Anything, power is needed. The whole universe according to science is represented by what? Matter? Now matter cannot be created, cannot be destroyed. It is given. It  is existing like sath. But  the moment it has to transform into any object, the matter requires what? Energy. That is where Swami Vivekananda starts his Raja yoga.  this Prana and Akasah. Akasah is the material. Prana is they energy when both of these combined this entire universe consisting of waking, Dream & Dreamless comes into existence.

These are beautiful Concepts. You have to go back and do Manana to make it your own. So Sri Ramakrishna is both The Nirguna Brahma represented by om. He is also the Saguna  Brahma represented by Hrim. Now this Hrim is an unmanifested I said. The beeja , the seed all seeds look alike.

A sour mango seed also looks same, a sweet Mango seed also looks same,  a neelam or Badhami, Alfonso are bangana palli,  hundreds of verities of mangoes are there. But  when you look at the seeds of all these can you distinguish and say

who which is what? You can’t tell. They all look exactly alike. They have to be manifested and the best manifestation of all these things can come only when there is one special talent or power. That power is represented by rhythm.

Rhythm means, it means last class as I explained a cosmic order. There is a cosmic order. I will give you one small example. So it is Sun always rises in the East and then it travels towards the West sets in the west. And again this day after day you will not see one single days exception to it. So this regularity exactly behaving in the same way is called Rhythm.

Man is born, he grows up, becomes old he dies. A Seed grows up into a tree and gives birth to seed and again goes back to the seed State not dies - goes back to the seed state.  it starts with the seed and it goes back to the seed State a season comes here. For example spring, then summer, rainy season, Autumn,  Cold Season, Winter season spring season. There is no exception to it. this complete regularity that there is a lock it cannot behave Otherwise.

When  you throw some object it has to fall back. Because of what? Gravitational power. this power of things going in a regular way is called rhythm. Why is it necessary? Well one day this Raises here one day the sun rises here one day he rises at midnight another day, raise a said midday, then man cannot survive because we, mosquitoes, plants Birds everything regulate their life in accordance with this Cosmic order. So the first meaning of rhythm is what Cosmic order. The fire It always Burns, Water always wets, air always dries space always efforts movement akasah means of Avakasha and the Earth always produces.

Say that order  degenerating we call it. We should not call it entering it what they call chaos is regularly occurs. That is also an order man, man is born and he dies. Similarly, There is an order there is an order in disorder also. It is like, you know a man, huh? Correct.

Yes, so.

So your question is where is rhythm? Yes, that's occurring already man is born every second he's changing is going back to his unmanifested State. The sun becoming cold is not the death of the sun. Very important concept it is they from the Manifest, unmanifested became manifested is called the birth of a star. And  this star after expending its energy it goes back to a state of what non manifestation again to manifest some other place some other way, but don't worry.

There will be billions and billions and billions of suns will be there. Anyway, your question reminded me of a joke. A man was asked do you drink? He said yes. Second question does he do you drink occasionally or regularly? He said I only drink occasionally, but the occasion comes regularly.

So what am I talking about?  This  process of srishti, sthithi & Laya applies to every object in this world, man. When a banyan  tree will live  a thousand years a man's usual time period is only for 100 years, but if they have mosquitoes ayur daya - span of living I think it is four or 5 days.

So this is whose concept is this human beings concept. Is it a right concept totally wrong concept you ask a mosquito - did you live for three days or did you live a hundred years? Yeah mosquito  by the time you know, we are measuring everything in human terms. That's not right because mosquitoes also talk about human beings only in what terms only mosquito terms.  if mosquito looks at a human being in mosquito Viewpoint or handsome occupant only mosquito it judges  man. This person is a very good person because he has no mosquito Curtain. This person is a very holy person because his mosquito curtain is full of holes.

So we are also - a man Also Judges everything from the Viewpoint of a man.

That's why “Men are from Mars, Women Are from Venus” is a

bookish Computing full book different viewpoints. Anyway, what are we talking about Sri Ramakrishna is the Nirguna Brahma. Ramakrishna is also the Saguna Brahma represented by Hrim. That  Hrim is unmanifested form called iswara. called also iswara and from that iswara slowly that the grossificasion starts. So it becomes pancha sukshma butas is a whole cosmological process beautiful laid out by sankhya.

Vedanta body lifts it up and these five subtle elements. They become gross and become what five gross boothas and

our bodies are consisting of five gross elements, our minds are consisting of five subtle elements. So again we go back also everyday from the cause to the semi manifestation, Gestation, then full manifestation in semi manifestation then unmanifestation going round and round every day. And when we realize that this is the truth we become freed. Then there would be no manifestations.

So now the third Point Rhythm. Rhythm means what cosmic order. Now  to make this Cosmic order, to maintain the cosmic order, we need individually an order – individually  as Well as society wise. That order we call moral order. This is called in plain Sanskrit language Dharma.

So om gives birth to Hrim; Hrim gives birth to Rhythm; Rhythm gives birth to Dharma.  moral order Dharma gives birth to Karma. This  is how our Karma siddantha  has come.  in brief.

What it means is why Hindus believe our actions can make us either happy or unhappy. our actions can either help us to move forward or move backwards. That is why Swami Vivekananda defined Dharma is that any action either physical or mental that which moves us nearer to Lord (God) is called Dharma.

Whatever Moves us away from God is called Adharma. Now God is sath and chit and Ananda. Therefore the nearer we move, Sath means we become healthy we become less selfish we become pure we become good. Growth in These four areas is called sath.  Growth in the right knowledge is called chit and growth in  Happiness is called Ananda. This is called Dharma. any act which will take us nearer to that. That is the first point.

Next point is they all go together. a person who is selfish. Who is  foolish he cannot be happy person. A happy person cannot be an evil person. You may think this person is very happy. Yes. Got lot of money earned by hook or crook. No.

Examine that fellows. It is impossible. Our greatest Maya is to misunderstand those people who have got lot of things to be happier people and those people who don't have they are  unhappy people. No  there is no such law is there. I'll give you an interesting statistics.

Sweden is the highest gross income is in which country? Sweden. And the highest suicide rate also is in Sweden. America generally supposed to be endowed with lot of things the highest mental problems also from America. Now tell me a person with 50% mental problems is 50% more happy than other person's. mental problem means what unhappiness. So would you like to exchange somebody says an American Comes and tells you that I can give you my wealth. I can also give you my mental problems. Would you like to have it? it is not desirable? We want wealth, but we don't want mental problem because you can't enjoy wealth if you have got worries and mental problems.

So Dharma, Rhythm is Cosmic order and in the in its personal behavioral aspect. It is called moral order that is called Dharma and adharma. This  concept of Dharma Dharma has degenerated into karma siddhanta karma and Hindu when Hindus say we are believers in karma Hindus Buddhists. Jains and Sikhs they are not talking. Talking about normal activity. Karma doesn't mean normal activity that is common to animals, to mosquitoes, to plants, to everything. A right action is called karma a wrong action is called - dushKarma.

We  are all karma siddhanta is considered with you do anything with the right right way then it will lead you to sath, chit and Ananda.  Do  anything wrong way It will lead you to the other.

So om, Hrim, Rhythm- then tvam achalaha- achalaha means immovable. Immovable, immutable. Immutable means changeless. God is Sri Ramakrishna. Sri Ramakrishna is changeless.  the equivalent word in the Vishnu sahasranama called achutah. chutah means to move away from one's position is called achutah.  Not to move is called achutah. Parashara Bhatta   has given the most to wonderful definition of  achutah. What is it?

First, let me illustrate. Suppose, Somebody goes to - Vibhishana went to Sri Rama and said I take refuge in you. Then Rama says I have accepted your surrender and I have accepted you as my devotee and I have accepted I have responsibility to save you to protect you. Now, you may become non devotee. I don't care but once I have given my word I will never move away from my word.  This is called achutah. So Parashara Bhatta is telling sometimes a devotee

after later on may become a non devotee May slide down, but

he will not - God will never leave his hand. He will always protect. Sometimes we may have to do a little bit of punishment.

This is Vipra Narayana. I don't know how many of you have heard about the story of Vipra Narayana. All right. Now, I'm not going to tell you that now, but Vipra Narayana was a great devotee of bhagwan Krishna and after some time he fell into the clutches of a prostitute and then a case was brought that he stole something. In fact God himself has stolen from himself and put it in Vipra Narayana’s hands through this prostitute. The temple priests noticed it  and found she had e this which belongs to God. How did it come here? Vipra Narayana  gave it to me.

They immediately took Vipra Narayana to jail and then the punishment was his head will be cut off. Vipra Narayana said

Lord if it is your will you can do whatever you like. As  Sri Ramakrishna said I am your goat. Did you say I am your goat, not gold. Goat. And you can cut also little by little and now our concept is okay. You want to cut me just in one second before I know anything. No, I will just take a blade a little bit 1 1 centimeter I will cut. tomorrow I will cut the second centimeter. Third  day. I will cut the third centimeter. You can do whatever you like.

So God wanted to show my devotees name baktha Prana Shyaty. And when he was about to be cut, then suddenly the priest came running. Oh ! King.. it is We can't understand it. It is there only.  That ornament is there only. If God wants to steal who can prevent it? He stole first from himself and gave. second time Also, he stole it from him and took it away. Everything is God's Lila. Then the king said oh Mahatma I have  committed lot of sin. Please forgive me. I have nothing to forgive. It is God who did it? It is God who has taken away. This one is this is the condition of the great people.

Anyway, what am I talking about is Achalaha means once a person a devotee takes refuge in God, then God will never leave that person. In fact, he can’t leave Because, who am I ? None, other than God. So  it is not that I’m separate from God.

If you make me separate from you, you will also become separate because, if  from Infinity you cut off a piece and say this is finite then, what happens to Infinity? It also becomes finite only. There cannot be separation.

I'm Krishna name name,  all the deity Narayana, Brahma Vishnu, Shiva, Narayana, Krishna, Rama Devi Kali, Gowry, Parvati,  kumara, Anjaneya and ShanMukha all these are puranas only. you don't get these names in The Vedas.

The Vedas there were natural Powers were there. Vishnu was there, all the different gods and goddesses of The Vedas had become completely, as man's understanding Grew  all those become colds. Does it work and completely they have one God. And that God has three aspects creation maintenance and recycle this is what so Brahma Vishnu myself not different unable to understand it.

Some  Shiva bhaktas. We know go and criticizing Vishnu bhaktas. Vishnu bhaktas give them back with compound interest to the Shiva  bhaktas unable to understand there is only one God that is the truth. So beautifully brought In the fourth chapter of the Bhagavad-Gita

ye yatha mam prapadyante tams tathaiva bhajamy aham

mama vartmanuvartante manusyah partha sarvasah(bg 4-11)

Everybody is coming to me only because there is no other destination wherever you go, wherever you turn it is the same Lord, but people call me by - Ekam sad vipra bahudha vadanti… this grandest  truth only Vedanta gives us.  it is there in every Religion must be there but it is not as succinctly manifest like in the Hindu Dharma. This is the truth about it.

So we will discuss – Gunajith Gunetyaha - Gunajith It means he who is the Conqueror Lord. So what are the Gunas  here?

We are talking about sathva rajas and tamas.

Srishti sthithi vinasanam sakthi bhoothe, sanathani,

Gunasraye, gunamaye, narayani namosthuthe.

gunamaye - She is the support and he there she means here Sri Ramakrishna . Om Hrim. How wonderfully there is Talent, you know, everything harmonizes so beautifully. So this iswara is called Shakhty because in our concept whatever gives birth is only female. Shakhty to do anything. Srishti. What do you need? Shakhty.  to maintenance? What do you need? Shakhty . And  to do recycling also, What do you need? Shakhty only.  it is Shakhty only.

That is why this wonderful concept of Kali. What is what does Kali represent – Srishti, sthithi & Laya. understand that four hands this represents. Srishti Abaya, this represents stability. No, no, no this represents. This is called Abaya. This is called wara wara means what you have to first be alive to ask for something. He isn't it is don't worry. You're not going to die. You will be alive. Okay, I'm Alive Now. I want to enjoy my life. Okay, whatever you want. I will give you usually our sight  stops there only. We are frightened to look at the other side. What is the other side first thing is a sword and then bottom. What is the A what is called decapitated head. What does that represent? Laya this is Brahma. This is Vishnu and this is Shiva. This is sathva rajas and tamas. That is why she is and this can be done Only in kala.

Srishti sthithi & Laya – time. That is why Kali is nothing but deified. Kala  means time, time means what change. Time  deified is called Kali but beneath what lies who is Shiva is not

called Shiva there Maha kala. Maha kala means what?  Eternity. From eternity manifest what is manifested as Dhesa, kala,  nimitta is called kala.


Dhesa, kala,  nimitta. They go together concept go together. Deep ideas.  Swami Vivekananda tried to explain in his Gnana yoga. I am trying to explain it.  so gunjit means he is the Conqueror he is the master; He is the iswara at means Gunas means Maya the Lord is Lord of the Maya.

Deivi hyesha gunamayi mama Maya duratyaya.

Then he is also manifest in the form gunedyaha with auspicious an Ocean of auspicious qualities. What  Ramanujacharya calls  He is an infinite ocean of auspicious qualities that that is what we have discuss in our next class. only this concept takes time. Om Hrim   Rhythm the rest is quiet play and we will discuss it in our next class.

Post class –brief - doubt clearing session:

It is a most wonderful book. This book is considered in two ways. It is considered as a devotional book greatest devotional book. And in this one particular yoga is highlighted. This is called smarana yoga. The Devathas bless whenever we remember you mother. Please come to our Aid.

Smrithi  is that is what holy mother emphasized.

So the second this is also called Mantra shastra. So for a very Mantra is I will give a simple example all this Locus our mantras for every possible problem. There is a mantra so I will give an example suppose. Somebody is suffering from lack of sleep.

What is what is it called? Insomnia? Insomnia then if he prays to mother with the devotion, Yaa Devi Sarva-Bhutessu Nidra-Ruupenna Samsthitaa | It will work. But somebody says is suffering from too much of sleep. Again, it will work.

Yaa Devi Sarva-Bhutessu Shakti-Ruupenna Samsthitaa |

Kshama Rupena

Daya Rupena

Mathru Rupena.

Yaa Devi Sarva-Bhutessu Chetanety-Abhidhiiyate

it is there in the same Mantra.

Yaa Devi Sarva-Bhutessu Bhraanti-Ruupenna Samsthitaa

She is the both vidya maya & avidya Maya.

So if she is pleased she will give you Vidya maya if she's

displeased. She will manifest in the form of with AvidyAmaya.

So it is a mantra if you are not having lot of appetite.

Yaa Devi Sarva-Bhutessu Kssudhaa-Ruupenna Samsthitaa |

so suppose somebody is a drunkard. This Mantra will work.

Yaa Devi Sarva-Bhutessu Trshnnaa-Ruupenna Samsthitaa |

Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namo Namah ||

It works. Trishna means thirst thirst that is why they say, you know, this fellow's Rascals those who want  commission there is called trishna. So can you not give a few drops to wet my throat? Wet my throat what does it doesn't mean that you take some water? He will give you a slap what he means wet my throat give money. protection racket. We were together all these Mafia protection racket. We will see that you do your business. Nobody will compete with you, but we want  25% 35% commission for that. So wet my throat at what is that? The trilogy had come “Godfather”. That fellow's it. I am only asking if you little to wet to my throat. Interesting Expressions.