General A&A on 04 August 2019: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "I was in the deep sleep state. I was in the waking state. Now  I am in the waking state. So you can't use I was in the waking state. Also you can’t use I am in the deep sleep state. And you weren't. I have to sleep straight for three purposes. one  purpose is, we are nearest to our own true reality. Second purpose is to give complete rest to body and more importantly to the mind. Third purpose is this state which is segregates all the unimportant things. For example...")
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What is it, you know? In the waking State there is a world; the dream state there is a world; and the absence of that world in this particular state is what you mean. I did not know anything and then what is the result of this? I was very happy. At least that much we can understand when we are in deep Sleep. We are happy. We make the whole world also happy. Yes suppose a thief enters into your house when you are in deep Sleep. Are you making him happy or unhappy? Very happy.
What is it, you know? In the waking State there is a world; the dream state there is a world; and the absence of that world in this particular state is what you mean. I did not know anything and then what is the result of this? I was very happy. At least that much we can understand when we are in deep Sleep. We are happy. We make the whole world also happy. Yes suppose a thief enters into your house when you are in deep Sleep. Are you making him happy or unhappy? Very happy.

Latest revision as of 12:40, 18 November 2023

I was in the deep sleep state. I was in the waking state. Now  I am in the waking state. So you can't use I was in the waking state. Also you can’t use I am in the deep sleep state. And you weren't. I have to sleep straight for three purposes. one  purpose is, we are nearest to our own true reality. Second purpose is to give complete rest to body and more importantly to the mind.

Third purpose is this state which is segregates all the unimportant things. For example, you must experience in hundreds of things, having thousands of things in your waking state. All things, If you have to remember the whole Lot, then you will go mad and you could also make others also mad. Then  what this deep sleep does, only those things which are essential for the future only it gives it, like a peon who removes all the letters,  All the old files file able not to slip sleep five because they're all for compressed zip. So  first to the deputies will understand, What is called, The truth is only when there is no second, no dwaitha.

That is why some people compare it to Samadhi. The only difference between Samadhi and Nidhra, in Nidhra We are not experiencing our own selves. Yeah, we are there, there  is no other. We  are there. That  only that much. Who I am? I don’t know.

In Samadhi I know both who I am, convey that this is natural Advaitha.

This is it that you really probably is a person with this including mosquitoes. A young Male mosquitoes, what do you think it will be dreaming?  Can’t you understand? What does a young man dream of? Young woman.

What does a male young mosquito dream of? A young female  mosquito. Dreams of what? Hero. Its hero. May be they are also having happy dreams.

So we can guess what ever state we undergo, the same state every Prani also must undergo, in their own limited way. so here is the mosquito, wanting to sit, you stretch your hand, it flies. Because it fears that I am going to die.

If  you can guess that there is fear in these small creatures / insects, why  can’t you guess that they are happy. In fact happiness means forgetfulness. So the best technique of killing a mosquito is let it taste your blood. Before that, It is very alert

Once What is the suppose excited and it starts like we did you lose it? So if they rolls morning whatever experiences we all Have, THE SAME EXPERIENCE, these they also HAVE. THERE is absolutely no doubt about that.

Say one minute. What is it? Which one? No, no, no. No that Turiya  is not a state. It is not a fourth state otherwise  it will be life. There are three rooms Turiya  is considered the fourth room. You  go through four rooms you remain separate from the fourth room.  And Turiya  becomes an object of experience Turiya is not an object of experience.

Turiya is the one who experiences all the other states. Like  you - you go from room A to B to C. So you are separate from the rooms. How do we know? we know it,  Because if you are one with the room A, then it will never moves into Room B.

It  is only you who is separate. You  move. You understand now.  Turiya  Is not a state.  Turiya  is you. Another name for you is Turiya . Another  name for that being who is experiencing room number A, B and C. That means the waking, the dream. This is called Turiya . Yes. This is the most wonderful analysis. I don't think in any religion you get this kind of analysis.


2 Dream State

3 Deep Sleep State

Yes. I don't remember then when I come back to the waking state. What is it? You don't remember? No, you are hundred fifty percent experiencing, remembering What you experienced in the sushupthi state. Now  in the waking state,  let me explain, then It will be clear. Now – “This” is called waking state, hopefully. (Laughter).

So I am experiencing you and I remember you. Suppose class is over. I want to stay here for some time. All of you will go away. Still I am here in this room. What is my experience? There is nobody else excepting me. I hope you are following it. Previously  All of you were there. Now ? No one is there. No  one is there means what? I am there. I am there. You  understand that much. So there is nothing to remember excepting I am there.

That is why you say I had wonderful sleep. I do not remember anything, means and putting it trying to put it. I do not remember anything else excepting that I was there.

Another, another analogy. It is midnight. It is Completely  dark. No light is there. Somebody phones to you. whom have you been what have you there is there is nothing excepting me. So what is it, You remember there? you remember that There is nothing. That  is a remembrance whether something is there or not. You are remembering both. There is a person and there is no person. That is also remembrance. I hope you're catching it.  in Sushupthi  state, the world doesn't exist, but you exist; so that saying there is no world. A whole world is nothing but body and mind. You don't know what the world is. Say suppose these are pieces.

You can experience your body-mind on you can experience your body mind in the waking State. You can experience only your mind in the dream state. You don't experience either body or mind in the Deep Sleep state. So that acute Consciousness, excepting me, I don't remember anything means there is nobody. Excepting  me, There is nothing else, Nobody else. That is called “deep sleep state”.

How do you know when you wake up? What do you remember I slept well, you don't Swami Dayatmananda  came and slept Well.  you say that means to say that I slept.

You have to be there it is your experience who slept well. That throughout that experience is there. So what is it that experience? There is nothing else excepting me. That is why I did not know anything because there is nothing and I was very happy. I've been an experience of Happiness also is an experience; happiness of unhappiness is also an experience. So it is not  The absence of experience; It is the absence of something to be experienced. You understand the difference between these two. I have my eyes, my ears everything, but there is no object here. Huh?

No. There is there is no relationship between the waking State and the dream state and the sushupthi state. Each one is a separate reality. What is real in the waking is not real in the dream. What is real in the dream has no reality - the waking State appears to be a dream state in your dream state.

Yes, yes. So, how do you ?  Yourself. So how do I difference? Because, you divide yourself into two. So the first factor is when we go to drink and you go to dream state, then you are the only waker who went into the dream State. in that dream state. What you do you divide yourself into three. How  many? 3. So  like that you are dreaming that you have what you are attending a class you are dreaming you are attending a class you are there in that   Classroom. Me and others are also there; and there is somebody who is a witnessing that I am attending the class. There is somebody even now you are witnessing. I am sitting here. Hey pay attention to what I am saying. You are telling to yourself. Who is  telling yourself who is telling to you?

You're your own self that higher self which is telling you pay attention, Do not think anything else is called the  Witness.

A participant who is thinking this and that sometimes listening sometimes not listening is the lower self. So even now there are three selves three - selves are there even now?

No. The lower self is the part of the Mind called Ahankara. the higher self - There is a technical name. It is called Chidhakasa.  

Okay, it requires a little bit reflection. You can understand it. I am don't think I also understood it in the beginning so many years of thinking, thinking, thinking now I can clearly understand. I'll give an analogy here is a - you are in a room. There is a big mirror in front of you. You are there. Mirror  is there what should be there in The mirror? Reflection should be there.

But there must be another element present for you to see yourself, the mirror as well as the reflection. In  the absence of which you won't be able to see it. What is that? That is the light that is the business and this witness another name for this witness is called Turiya. It is called atman.  It is called Turiya. So the light is a poor analogy. But that is the best analogy, I can tell. that's why last time I showed you. So what do you see here my hand and when I bring down what do you see where my hand was usual reply is nothing, but you can't see “nothing” Also unless there is a light there.

There is a light. Because  in darkness you can neither see my hand nor see the light. But  we see the light all the time it is present. If  I put my hand like this light is present; if I put my hand then also they light is present; but you can't see the light. Nobody can see the light. This is a not only a philosophical idea, but It is also a physical / scientific fact.

Yes because of the light.  That separation is under the separation of light. It is separation of the physical object. As  well, A lot of confusion comes also. So these points require Deep reflection again and again and again/ now if you party the physical fact and the astronauts go beyond the stratosphere, They can't see anything. There is absolutely pitch dark and yet the sunlight is there. Sunlight is there light is there but it is pitch dark why?

That is the answer because light requires some object. What is my point light is not something which you can see. Light  is that mysterious something with the help of which we can see any object. But  light itself cannot be seen. This is a very beautiful thought you can neither see Darkness.

Sometimes we say I see Darkness. And you beat your head. Then slight light will come. But you can now neither see the light you cannot see the darkness. Then  what do you see here? It is bright. This room is full of fine dust particles, as light is being reflected in that. It is actually that fine particles of dust which we are seeing, not the light itself. Supposing  No particle of dust is there you won't see any light; you see complete Darkness. Can you accept that fact? This is pure science I'm talking about.

Anyway, for our purpose what we have to know so sushupthi is a state like dream or waking. It is as binding as wake or Dream; and it is where we are experiencing; and whatever we experience is not me. Whatever we are experiencing is not me. This is a fact we have to repeat to ourselves 50,000 times one crore of times. I see this chair. I am not the chair. I see the body therefore, I am not the body. I witness the Mind therefore I am not the mind; if you are the mind, you cannot witness yourself. It is an impossibility.

They say sometimes you say I know myself. Okay. Okay. I will use this slang also. I am a stupid fellow. Who is telling? So the person the being who is telling I am a stupid fellow is he stupid? Does  a stupid fellow know that he is stupid? Does a fool knows that he is a fool.

This is the fact. So we have to analyze these things very finely. Anyway, I can only give statement you have to make it your own. In sushupthi state like any other state you are witnessing a state. That means you are not that state. What is the specialty in waking? We see the world. In dream we see the world. In deep sleep there is no world. But What are you experiencing. You are experiencing the absence of the world? That is why you say I don't remember anything. When you say I don't remember anything, it means not that there is nothing it is the absence of the world which you already know.

What is it, you know? In the waking State there is a world; the dream state there is a world; and the absence of that world in this particular state is what you mean. I did not know anything and then what is the result of this? I was very happy. At least that much we can understand when we are in deep Sleep. We are happy. We make the whole world also happy. Yes suppose a thief enters into your house when you are in deep Sleep. Are you making him happy or unhappy? Very happy.