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Krishnam Vande Jagat Puram
Krishnam Vande Jagat Puram
May Shri Ramakrishna, Holy Mother and Swami Vivekananda bless us all with Bhakti
May Shri Ramakrishna, Holy Mother and Swami Vivekananda bless us all with Bhakti
[[Category:Bhagavad Gita]]

Latest revision as of 04:14, 26 August 2024

Full Transcript(Not Corrected)

OM JANANIM SHARADAM DEVIM RAMAKRISHNAM JAGAD GURUM ADHAPATME TAYO SHRIDHWA PRANAMAMI MUHUR MUHUR OM VASUDE VASUDAM DEVAM KAMSACHANURAM ARTANAM DEVAKI PARAMANANDAM KRISHNAM VANDE JAGAD GURUM SARVO PANISHADOKABHO DOGDHA GOPALANANDANAH ARTHO VACHCHAT SUDHER BHOKTA DOGDHAM GITAM RITAM MAHAT MUKAM KAROTI VACHALAM PANGUM LANGAYATI GIRIM YATKRIPATAMAM VANDE PARAMANANDAM AHADHAVAM We have been discussing the 14th chapter of the Bhagavad Gita. Yesterday we had been discussing the 13th verse of the 14th chapter, which depicts the characteristics of a tamoguni, a person completely imbued, filled with tamoguna. Let us remember there are two types of tamogunas, the lower type and the higher type. What is the higher type? That which leads to the next higher guna. What is the lower type? Which delays our progress in life. What are the characteristics? The Lord outlines four characteristics, darkness, indolence, inadvertence, delusion. APRAKASHO APRAVRUDHISCHA PRAMADO MOHAEVACHA TAMASYETANI JAYANTHE PIVRUDHE KUNUNANDANA O Arjuna, when tamoguna is on the increase, dominating prajoguna and satvaguna, four characteristics become absolutely evident to anybody. APRAKASHAHA All his sense organs. Yesterday we discussed in the context of when sattva increases, every sense organ, including of course the mind, concentration, alertness, endowed with shriddha, quick understanding, right understanding, this is just the opposite. APRAKASHA APRAKASHA means brightness, light, knowledge. APRAKASHA means just to the opposite, misunderstanding, etc. APRAVRUDHISCHA This person is the laziest person and he will be always postponing. He will be procrastinating. What can be done next year need not be done this year. What can be done next life need not be done this life. What can be done next minute need not be done this minute, etc. Pramada, he commits terrible mistakes and how many people have been the cause of grief, suffering, both for themselves and others. I remember several years back there was an aeroplane accident was there. Everybody had courted later on the inquiry commission found out that before a plane takes off somebody is supposed to go and then take off all the marks and there was one mark that something a switch to be tested it has to be pulled up or pulled down I don't know in America and then it has to again put up so that everything will be all right and this person tested it everything is okay forgot to pull it up. As a result the pilot could not get his bearings when he was in the mid-air and then it became completely one of the greatest disasters. This is called Pramada. Every day you hear if you take statistics how many accidents are happening every single day not only in the air trains buses and cars not only that a person slipping from this staircase etc. etc. It is amazing all because of what one seconds inadvertence and the great Shankaracharya in his Vivekachudamani he says when a spiritual aspirant is trying to swim this ocean of Samsara Mahamaya like a huge crocodile or a shark is running after him waiting for that moment when he forgets his goal and one second's carelessness we will pull this fellow forcibly down and drown him in Samsara. We get so many stories I have narrated already plenty of that and many times we do not even mean intended to do that but carelessness has taken place. This is called Pramada and why all these things happen because of Moha. Moha means what? Wrong understanding. Life is all about just being inert like a cloud of earth as Swami Vivekananda was fond of saying when we find all these things are completely manifest in a person then Tamoguna is there. I also mentioned very important the lowest type of Tamoguna. Bhattaruhari describes these people we don't know even how to name them they destroy others for no purpose at all they don't get any benefit but their only goal in life seems to be to bring as much misery as possible to people but sometimes we get some funny things about these people. What is that funny thing? That they take the aid of Vedanta. Ah! The whole world is a delusion. This is what every scripture is with a loud speaker proclaiming to the whole world that and then Shankaracharya's famous teaching that Karma as well as Gnanam do not go together just be a witness whatever happens is due to Prarabdha and that is how India had sunk to the very lowest depths. So, darkness, indolence, inadvertence, delusion these are the things that have been very beautifully explained. Shri Ramakrishna tells about in the context of Prajapana he gives a beautiful example referring to Narayana when farmers who want to buy some bullocks for cultivating their fields they go to the bullock market and then there is a infallible test they would like to touch the tails of some bullocks when some bullocks are touched they don't even lift their face and see. Some just have opened their eyes look at the fellow and go back to sleep. The farmers understand these are tamasic bullocks and they completely useless but there are some bullocks as soon as the tail is touched they just jump up and glare at you if possible they will chase you also and farmers purchase only this kind of bullocks and comparing Swami Vivekananda with Narendra, future Swami Vivekananda Shri Ramakrishna tells Narendra belongs to that he has been given special Vajoguna of course dominated controlled guided by Satvaguna and Tamoguna is very least in Narayana because Shri Ramakrishna had too much Sattva is useless as Shri Ramakrishna says that pure gold is completely useless for forging any ornament. Some other metals have to be especially maybe copper or tin etc have to be mixed up and that's why so much of light used to come from the voice from the face from every limb of Swami Vivekananda even the American journalists have named him who is the sky pilot not only that this magnetic personality of Swami Vivekananda everyone was inevitably attracted that is to say everyone who has some substance in them not every fool Tom, Dick and Harry people mistook sometimes ladies mistook it for physical beauty of course Swami Vivekananda was one of the greatest beauties compared by again American reports like a Greek god sculpture of a Michelangelo but very few people understood it is the inner spiritual power that was manifesting in the body of Swami Vivekananda in the mind of Swami Vivekananda etc of course Shri Ramakrishna had to pray to the divine mother oh mother people are staring at this beauty that is pouring out inexhaustible light was pouring out and people will be attracted to only to this physical body which doesn't serve the purpose at all so he prayed oh mother go inside here the interesting thing is Shri Ramakrishna was equating the light that was coming from inside to the divine mother what was that light the light of knowledge the light of understanding many times I mentioned to you Saraswati is not a goddess Saraswati is the embodiment of knowledge if I or you have got knowledge Saraswati is manifesting in the form of that knowledge mother Annapurna is not a goddess you go and visit in Varanasi and other places she comes to us in the form of food whenever you get food that is mother Annapurna present where you drink water that is Jala Devata Ganga Nadi herself is coming to you in the form of the water when Vayu Devata comes to you with every breath you have to salute him it is because of him we are surviving when you are able to move it is the Akasha Devata the whole universe is nothing but manifestation of Brahman it is maintained by Brahman and finally everything resolves back into Brahman that understanding comes only when the Sattva Guna improves why all these descriptions so that we can slowly transcend from the lower Tamoguna to the higher Tamoguna the lower Rajoguna to higher Rajoguna from the lower Sattva Guna to the higher Sattva Guna and the higher Sattva Guna has a very special characteristic like the other Gunas what is the special characteristics of the other Gunas the higher Tamoguna will not allow anyone to remain in that state but it will so to say kick them up the higher Rajoguna similarly kicks the people up into the lower Sattva Guna similarly the higher Sattva Guna kicks us out of the Gunas every Guna why every Guna is limitation limitation in Vedantic language is called bondage so having described so graphically even a simple term also can understand which Guna is more prevalent unless a person is very very Tamasic okay now the lord is telling supposing somebody dies and that person is endowed either with Sattva or with Rajas or with Tamas death is uncertain it can come at any time it is one of the characteristics of Tamoguna to think that death will come only when we are very old and then the last day will come after 100 years Rajoguna doesn't allow us to think in that line at all but Sattva Guna makes us think but the person will not be depressed person will be rather accepted as part of life that is the nature of Sattva Guna so now what is the Gati Gati means what would be the fate of these persons after death those who are endowed with Sattva Guna those who are endowed with Rajoguna and those who are endowed with Tamoguna so beautifully being described but when we have been discussing the characteristics the definition and the manifestation and how we can recognize them and what result will come out of that these are all experienceable now and here while still we are alive but this Gati after death what happens nobody will be able to really tell because these are beyond our sense organs this is called Ati Indriya Jnana only a scripture can tell us and Bhagavad Gita is the nothing but the essence of the Upanishads which is nothing but the essence of Vedas Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna nothing but the essence of Bhagavad Gita or Upanishads Swami Vivekananda's complete works in fact the teachings of any great saint and sage that is nothing but Upanishads scriptures you can call them Bible you can call them also what we call Koran or any Buddhist Tripitaka's etc here something very important I want to tell what is real Veda because Vedas are such huge scriptures it is impossible for many people also to understand them even part by part even if we divide Veda into a thousand pieces and each piece is given it is almost impossible to grasp rightly understand much less put into practice we must have kind of deep faith you can even call it blind faith if something has come out of Sri Ramakrishna's mouth then that should be done that is absolute Satyam in fact I remember a person reminiscing about Swami Vivekananda she was none other than Miss McLeod Perot we heard that a Swami from India had come to give talks and we went to attend the first word that came from his mouth is truth the second word that came is truth the third that word that came is the truth and every word that came afterwards is the highest truth for me and that faith has never left her and her companions so whole life Miss McLeod had done that that is called Shraddha Sri Ramakrishna was endowed with that unbreakable Shraddha it will never be vanishing whatever be the circumstance if somebody were to cut his throat and just before cutting do you still believe in God in the scriptures he would say yes that is the Shraddha we are supposed to acquire slowly through our spiritual practices I would go so far as to say the progress in spiritual life of anybody is nothing but to acquire this Shraddha in the scriptures why do I issue such a statement because Shraddha in the scriptures means that is the absolute truth and once we know something is the absolute truth our whole life will be transformed instantaneously we don't need to wait unlike worldly knowledge and something very peculiar about worldly knowledge all worldly knowledge is upgradable it goes on varying from time to time of course so many improvements have been taken place but this Parmasatya that's why it is called Satya it never changes it is of unchanging character if we have faith in the scriptures then our whole life will be transformed in fact a person who believes in the scriptures absolutely Shraddha upon Labhate Gnanam the 17th chapter of the Bhagavad Gita Lord Krishna himself declares you get Shraddha so if a person has got Shraddha that person's character that person's personality is nothing but that particular knowledge Shraddha means knowledge knowledge means the person becomes that so this is a wonderful subject idea please keep it in mind when the time comes we will discuss about it here we are talking about we must have complete faith in what saints and sages tell especially Hindu sages and saints because we believe in the past life we also believe in the future lives until we attain perfection every life is an open opportunity for us to progress in spiritual life and if we do not listen like a school teacher punishing the student ever the mother nature punishes us it's very interesting idea whether it be physical intellectual moral aesthetic or spiritual mother nature will not allow us to keep quiet if we go on committing repeating the same mistakes she will go on repeatedly punishing us until we come to our senses and like a loving mother this is what is going to happen so now we're talking about the Gati with complete Shraddha what happens to a person when he is in the state of Sattva and death happens similarly what happens to a person when he is in the state of Prajas and then he dies what happens to a person who is in the state of Tamoguna and then suddenly death happens before I proceed into the 14 I want to add something repeatedly we hear it whatever be the last thought that would determine our future faith this particular verse completely agrees with that statement and then it is only in the Bhagavad Gita also we get several times this one that whatever be the last thought that determines our future birth so when a person is in the Sattvic state what happens he will remember God spirituality higher ideals in life especially God so he will get into either higher worlds or he may attain to God if Sattva is too much if a person is endowed with tremendous amount of Prajoguna then his mind will be whirling round and round this action I want to complete and then to complete that action if death happens at that time he will have to be reborn and when a person is endowed with Tamoguna he wants just to eat and sleep and he will be born in those species these are called subhuman species which are highly suitable for that kind of mentality this is the highest spiritual truth our mental state determines our future life not only after death even in this while we are alive also with this let us go to our 14th verse life after death is influenced by these gunas if the embodied soul meets with death when Sattvaguna prevails the soul of that such a person goes to the spotless realms of those who know the highest when Sattve Pravruddhe Sati there are certain words which are absent in the original shloka we have to borrow them to make the meaning complete for example Sati we have to borrow that Sati when Sattvaguna is dominating Prajoguna and Tamoguna then Deha Vritt the person who is holding to the body the Jivatma who is holding to the body who is using the body and remember all gunas belong both to the body and mind such a Deha Vritt Jivatma Pralaya Pralayam Yati when he according to his Prarabdha Karma he has to give up his body Pralaya means do not think of dissolution world dissolution here Pralaya means individual death Pralaya Yati at that time Uttama Vidham Amalan Lokan Pratipadyate Pratipadyate straight he will go to those higher world just like you know when a person earns a lot of money and he wants to go to a cinema hall or wants to buy travel and aeroplane ticket so there is likelihood he will opt for the very best seat that he can get even in the best seats the bestest seat which is the very first seat because he can afford also this Sattvaguna Sampana is acquired lot of Punya because since the time of his increase of Sattva his mind had become endowed with the thoughts of welfare of other people sharing and caring whatever he has got such a person naturally he goes on sacrificing for the welfare of the other people and then that brings in lot of Dharma and the accumulation of Dharma means accumulation of Punya accumulation of Punya means accumulation of happiness accumulation of happiness means the person must go to a highest world it is not possible to squeeze highest happiness using the lowest inappropriate instruments simple example is so however wonderfully sweet is if you sit at a place which is full of flies mosquitoes and evil smelling places slum areas you cannot really enjoy the thing even though you are capable of acquiring best things best places are necessary best time of the day or night is necessary for every experience of enjoyment an appropriate fit time space surroundings everything both bodily and mind are very necessary so these people they go to where to go uttama vidham amalan lokan pratipati he will go to the higher and higher and higher worlds are now let us refer to some of the statements that we come across the scriptures our scriptures especially hindu scriptures mention you know what they mention various lokas are mentioned in our scriptures even islam talks about paradise christianity talks about kingdom of heaven japanese religion talks about satori and hindu religion of course graphic descriptions are so there are 14 lokas are there 14 lokas are there and in the scriptures also various upasanas are mentioned therein so what are the upas for example somebody meditates on indra he will go to indra loka just i want to dwell upon this subject because even if you want if you are a most worldly person and what is that you want to get the highest worldly happiness believing in the scriptures and molding our life in accordance with the teachings of the scriptures is highly selfish beneficial because you get what you want provided you follow the rules regulations of the teachings of the scriptures so if somebody meditates upon indra this is called upasana then upasana means what he will become indra in course of time like sairam krishna became hanuman sairam krishna became radha so one becomes like that and then whatever happiness indra enjoys he will get somebody meditates on prajapati he will get the bliss of prajapati somebody meditates on a gandharva he meditates he becomes a gandharva and he gets all the happiness possible for a gandharva somebody meditates on brahma the creator he will go to brahma loka and that is the highest imaginable happiness possible for human beings the next highest is infinite bliss which is called brahma's happiness not brahma loka ananda but brahmananda loka a man becomes bliss itself what is the difference between all the other worlds and this brahmananda accepting brahmananda in every world it is a world it is an object no doubt there is highest degree of happiness but i have to depend upon that object upon that instrument upon both the instrument as well as myself let me illustrate what i mean supposing a person wants to enjoy a sweetmeat a mango for example then first of all he has to procure the best mango he can afford so that is total dependence upon a mango but will that give you the happiness that mango can give no your body must be fit it must be healthy it must be hungry even if it is healthy even after eating to your stomach full you cannot go on enjoying you must be quite hungry so that you can savor the sweetness of that mango or sweet then your mind should be completely free from worries if somebody is holding a gun to your head and say i want you to eat that mango you can imagine you won't be able to enjoy until brahmaloka brahmaloka is a world and that is an object and we have we must have that particular body and mind and we must have be in that particular loka and we must be completely aware this is the highest objective enjoyment anybody can derive then of course brahmananda means i don't depend upon anything because i myself have become bliss sat chit ananda i am sat i am chit and ananda that is the difference between brahmananda and brahmaloka ananda in the taittiriya upanishad there is one anandam imamsa a elaborate discussion if a human being young man healthy without worries he has everything under his control the whole earth belongs to him he can enjoy anything he wants there is no obstruction for him and the happiness that this person can get is one unit a hundred times in a of this human happiness will be to that person who will be having a higher loka for example manushya gandharva there are so many lokas of the manushya gandharva this person had done a lot of punya and he became a gandharva and in the scale of happiness this manushya gandharva is hundred times more happiness than human happiness but in the scale of the cosmos this is only next to the lowest high a little higher than the lowest etc i will come to that point sooner so brahmaloka ananda is very higher okay now we also have to understand something very even if somebody goes to the highest to the higher worlds like swarga loka indra for example there is no guarantee the person will have uninterrupted our puranas are full of these stories i will just mention indra rules over indra loka swarga loka and then he has got the best of women best of music best of the arts best everything a person can enjoy their bodies are devatas bodies they are not physical bodies they're not gross bodies they're highly refined subtle bodies so that by very look by very thought they can enjoy all the bliss there that is why they said devata devatas when we offer something so just drishti roopena santrupta they just look at it and they enjoy it and bless it make it prasada and go away say from the eyes of siram prashna light used to come touch every object and then it bless it and go away this is called drishti bhoga devatas drishti bhogas now they are supposed to enjoy uninterrupted happiness from the time they enter and incidentally so people are not born in swarga lokas or naraka lokas there is no birth there there is no death there but there is entry and there is an exit as soon as the punya starts fructifying they will enter into the loka as soon as the credit cards credit is finished that fellow will be kicked out but sweet 16 they will be entering as soon as they cross the gate everybody will be transformed into a 16 year shodasha kalatmaka so that means a full bloom of youth and they will never become 17 or anything just they will remain like that for a long long time to come this is an important point now look at our puranas so these fellows also jealousy will be there anger will be there misbehavior will be there how many stories you want me to quote indra he had got indrani shichidevi and she was supposed to be one of the most beautiful women i don't know whether i'm squeezing some fun out of it and everybody is longingly looking at shichidevi imagining how wonderful it will be if they only can get shichidevi as their wives and here is a person who got it and all the way he comes down to earth and then several stories are there he went after unfortunately idiotically after the wife of gautama and that is why she was cursed there see look at it he was a deva his happiness must be in incomparable greatness another mention is every time these people become egotistic we are god and we can behave as we like if they do not behave properly is ruffians what many historians have built unit mentions there british historian toynbee he mentions there whenever civilization makes a person physically and mentally lazy and weak because they depend upon the slaves etc these ruffians which in our language rakshasas asuras they become very notorious they kick them out make them slaves and what the devatas are doing all the time now these asuras make them do so now the fun starts these asuras they make these fellow slaves make them do it this is how it is described that when ramanasura became the king of sri lanka he commanded all the astra devatas the pancha bhutas the sun must shine it will be always eternal spring and the air must blow only spring season extremely pleasant what is called absolutely futuristic home controlled atmosphere temperature everything and the coffee will be made to the to perfection how much sugar this fellow wants how much milk he wants at what temperature he likes everything is made to perfection so this is how now the asuras became devas and they enslave these devatas and then they become in their turn lazy weak indolent and then these devatas they will meanwhile become hardy do tapasya obtain the grace of god become strong fight with these fellows and regain back this circus is going on since anadi time so the devatas become rakshasas rakshasas become devatas devatas become rakshasas this fun is going on and on and on in any case this entry into the higher levels will last like booking yourself into a first-class hotel as soon as that fees the money comes to an end they will be kicked out that is also for good because we have to progress really and go back to our own parents that is why nature will not allow us to linger anywhere accepting or to acquire certain experience learn our lessons and move forward these spotless realms exalted heavens where tamas and rajas can never interfere the scriptures of every religion assert that there are other worlds both higher as well as low is what they call hell what they call but only thing is hinduism is very specific about and the scriptures also tell us what type of people go to the higher and what type of people go to the lower now hindu scriptures they posit 14 lokas and what are the 14 lokas and these have been condensed in gayatri mantra and swaha holoka means earth including all the six then swar loka the world of light and then that is called for the loka devata and in between there are many other lokas are there that is indicated by bhuvaha bhuvah swaha and bhuvah swaha now what are the 14 lokas are there bhuvah holoka, bhuvah loka, swar loka, mahar loka, janah loka, tapo loka and satya loka these are the higher and still higher and still higher world what are the lower worlds atala, pitala, sutala, prasatala, talatala, mahatala, patala, atala is the lowest remember the maha vishnu bestowed his grace upon bali chakravarti he made him go to the father now tell me very interesting why devotees have to understand these stories in a higher light deeper light what did this trivikrama do it or vamana do it he put his foot on the head of bali chakravarti and if anybody obtains foot of bhagavan bhagavan's foot is always on the head of this devotee what does it matter even if he goes to the lowest world is he in vaikuntha or is he in atala is he suffering or is he enjoying the highest bliss we have to understand the spiritual symbolism of all this as i mentioned earlier that we have to have complete faith in the scriptures now i will quote you some of the incidents that have taken place in the life of sairam krishna etc sairam krishna's time you know muthal babu the manager of the dakshina sarkali temple how he used to consider sairam krishna as his own krishna devata madanakali but moving talking sporting in a human form and he used to address sairam krishna as baba how much he served sairam krishna for 14 long years and sairam krishna was extremely gracious to muthal babu not because he was a rich man but he was a really devoted person but muthal babu was a rajoguni not samoguni but rajoguni he also was responsible for the murder of somebody when a quarrel broke out between two jameendars that's a different issue but i want to tell that while sairam krishna was still alive muthal babu's end came he sent for sairam krishna and he refused sairam krishna refused to go but not because he lost his love for muthal babu because it is too much to see the death of his beloved son muthal babu and what happens sairam krishna was sitting at dakshineshwar and some devotees were there at some point of time suddenly entered into a deep samadhi and then came out and said muthal babu had passed away the divine mother because that was his ishta devata had sent a chariot and then they lovingly lifted him into the chariot and then came to the loka that was the statement issued by sairam krishna to the devotees and one of the devotees somehow he asked out of curiosity does it mean to say that muthal babu had attained moksha freedom mukti immediately sairam krishna said no he has a desire to enjoy life that desire hasn't come to an end so he has to be take one more birth and many people say probably he was born as the south india as a maharaja these are of course unverified reports but in any case he must have been born and enjoyed so many things all his earthly desires were fulfilled and he then that birth by this time i'm sure he has passed away and this is one instance there was a jameda his laboratory cleaner called rashik sairam krishna used to talk about him that rashik was a devata because of some misdeed he was cursed to be born in this particular family that rashik considered sairam krishna as his own father he was one who used to address sairam krishna as baba yes and sairam krishna permitted him he did not object every other person used to object like now this rashik one day fell at the feet of sairam krishna and the story most of us know that he asked baba i have no spiritual practice but i have complete faith in you when the time comes for this for me to depart from this body you come take my hand and take me wherever you are i want to be and that has happened so this is another instance so just now i remembered there was a dog sairam krishna had named as captain the dog used to accompany sairam krishna used to lie outside his room wherever he goes it will move along with him and then it will eat food only from sairam krishna's hand and she said this is a devata because of some misdeed is cursed born as a dog next birth we'll go back we remember the vrinda only love krishna pre krishna was tied to a husking stone by mother yashoda and he pulled that heavy stone in between two trees and then immediately the trees had fallen and out of those trees two gandharvas had come and then they were blessed by krishna and they went back to their loka innumerable stories are there like that gajendra mokshana also gajendra was a great devotee and the crocodile was also a devata and because of some curse they were born like that then what happened to balarambasu when the time came the direct some of the direct disciples of sairam krishna they saw there was a cloud it slowly came and when it came and stayed above the house of balarambasu it assumed the form of a chariot the wife of balarambasu she had this vision sairam krishna came down and then took the soul of balarambasu and slowly ascended made him sit by his side in the chariot and then he disappeared at that moment the passing away of balarambasu had taken place there are so many such stories are there in the life of sairam krishna holy mother of course if we recollect sairam krishna's transcendence into the saptarshi mandala indivisible realm where seven rishis who are doing the hard sitting and doing tapasya from where sairam krishna had brought down narendranath so this what we have to keep there are higher worlds many times i mentioned the mother of sairam krishna chandra mani devi had the visions of many gods and goddesses and kshudiram the father of sairam krishna had seen the pitru purushas when he went to to pitru worship of the offerings to his ancestors at daya we have to have faith in all those stories now i want to tell one story particular story what is this story about even if somebody attains to swarga loka one has to behave appropriately if that samskara was not there then the person's downfall will happen and so going to higher worlds only to exhaust one's dharma and the result of dharma in the form of punya but it is not permanent happiness and there are inherent dangers are there that's what i want to emphasize i am referring to the story of nahusha he was a ancestor of pandavas what happened once indra committed a sin by killing deceitfully an asura and then to get rid of that he went out to do tapasya all of a sudden and he was not to be found and this indra loka was without a ruler and then you know where there is no ruler there will be chaos where there there is ruler there will be also chaos where there is no ruler there will be also loka means bondage all the rishis all the senior devatas sorry i should not have said the senior because i said they are all 16 year old but maharishis they had free access to all those places free passes a visa sticker and then they are like humans they all got together and they found out this nahusha was a great man he was virtuous everything was there so he was elected to cut the a long story short he was informed he was taken with honor he was installed as the king in the in the loka and then he was enjoying slowly the power and the form and then all the flattery has gone to his head he became he got his day one day of course he was living in the special building what is called the president's quarters which is indra's quarters one day he happened to see shichidevi and she was so beautiful he wanted her and then he started forgetting everything good behavior dharmic behavior started forcing her very interesting story then what happened she came to brihaspati and then said gurudeva please help me this man wants to force he is now the king of the devatas and i am in danger so svargaloka also there is a danger is there brihaspati tells you use diplomacy and ask him you'll be quite willing to please him provided he should come to you on a palanquin born by rishis spiritual people and in his blindness egotism he forgot proper behavior and he forced all the rishis because he was a great king good king at some point of time they all agreed and unfortunately there was a i think i forget his name shivana rishi i think he was quite short person in stature so he was made to wear the palanquin but because he was short because they were never accustomed he was not able to move forward and nausha was in such a great hurry i want to go and embrace shichidevi and enjoy and then he gave a big kick and said sarpa sarpa sanskrit sarpa means move forward move forward move fast go faster and then they immediately the rishi said you are an idiot it has this power has gone to your head you attracted the word sarpa sarpa may you become a sarpa then of course you know after great we all become wise people and immediately he fell at the feet and then said i said please forgive me show me a way out that yes you'll have to live a long time like a python but one of your persons from lineage he will come you will catch hold of him and then you will put some questions like yaksha prashna and he will answer and then after getting the right answers you will become in mahabharata we get this story that one day bhima went for a forest and then he found out and he was caught in a cave by this python and then started speaking in human language if you want to get out there is only one way you answer my question of course bhima sena knew only how to eat and digest but not this kind of otherwise he would have brought water to yudhishthira and others but then uh he was not going out then the yudhishthira and other brothers came in search of bhima and then finally traced him to that cave and when yudhishthira was asked by this python speaking in human language you must answer my questions and then what is good behavior that was the essence of the questions and yudhishthira answered entirely to the satisfaction of this python and then the curse was lifted up automatically then nausha became normal person why did i go to tell all these instances because all of us must firmly believe in the words of the scriptures in the words of sages and saints and all these things there is no other way for us other than this so that is what has happened actually speaking after death what happens when a person in whom sattva guna is prevalent when because of sattva guna he does a lot of punya karmas as a result of that he accumulates a lot of punya and i defined punya earlier punya is the ability to squeeze happiness under any circumstances or objects need not particularly be very happy giving objects but this person's mind derives the greatest happiness from there like nagamahasaya how much happiness he must have derived from eating those dry leaves apart which leaves touch of the prasada so like that the punya has the ability and if we acquire punya we'll be happy people because we'll be squeezing only happiness even under the most difficult circumstances. Mahatma Gandhi used to say whenever he was arrested by the British government is his her majesty's government is giving me tremendous rest because if i'm outside i would not get the time even to brush my teeth but here i can sleep to my heart's content no interviews no political speeches no hesitations no trouble eat and sleep eat and sleep eat sleep get up pray and do some charkha spinning and then read some books and then again eat and then go to sleep so i feel very happy i feel in fact they should arrest me more time that is called punya but as i said there are dangers are also there punya is there according to the amount of punya and the frame of mind according yatha karma yatha shrutam as the upasana as the knowledge comes so it could be gandharva loka it would be karma devanam loka it would be indra loka prajapati loka brahaspati loka or brahma loka but every guna is a binding guna ultimately one has to come back to this earth to complete one's spiritual practice and then the person will become complete i have taken so much of time because i wanted to emphasize faith faith faith shraddha shraddha shraddha in the scriptures in saints and sages and also those people who have faith in the sages and saints and in the scriptures and without the distortion when they speak of the teachings of these great either scriptures or saints we must develop that shraddha guru bhakti is the one so what happens in a rajoguni rajoguna is in ascendance and it dominates sattva and tamas and kama guna is the dominance what happens after a death we will discuss about it in our next class Om Vasudeva Sutam Devam Kamsa Janura Madanam Devaki Paramanandam Krishnam Vande Jagat Puram May Shri Ramakrishna, Holy Mother and Swami Vivekananda bless us all with Bhakti