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true everything is true but we do not need to focus on
true everything is true but we do not need to focus on
om shanti shanti shanti
om shanti shanti shanti
[[Category:Patanjali Yoga Sutras]]

Latest revision as of 05:26, 23 September 2024

Full Transcript(Not Corrected)

Om Sahana Vavatu Sahana Ubhunakthu Sahaveeryam Karavavahai Tejasvinavaditamastumavidvishavahai Om Shanti Shanti Shanti He Om Yogena Chittasyapadena Vacham Malam Sharirasya Javedyakena Yopakarottam Pravaram Muninam Patanjalim Pranjali Rana Tosmi We are discussing a very interesting aphorism of the Patanjali Yoga Sutras. The background to this explanation of this particular aphorism is the whole universe is made up of three Gunas Sattva, Rajas and Tamas. Everything, not only living beings, waters, air, places, trees, not to speak of human beings, including animals. Do you believe that there are animals which are full of Sattva Guna? That means much more spiritual. For example, in India cows are venerated. It is called one of the most Sattvika animal and it is the nearest as a substitute for a human mother. So we are discussing 26th aphorism Pravrutti Alokanyasad Sookshma Yavahita Iprakrishta Jnanam If a person can make Sanyama, total focus upon a particular light called Vishokava Jyotishmati, it is a divine light which is there just below the Sahasrara Chakra A Yogi can experience the effects, the qualities of a person, of an object, of a tree, of a place. As an example, I have given certain incidents in my last class. One of the things that I have told about M's visit to Kamarpukur. Now what is the speciality of Kamarpukur? Kamarpukur is the birthplace of whom we consider an incarnation of God. M had visited Kamarpukur, came back and he saw the subtle nature of Kamarpukur. Kamarpukur was just an ordinary Indian village. There was nothing special, nothing to distinguish it from any other village but a great spiritual personality was born there, the birthplace of Jesus Christ. It has its own special spiritual vibration just because it is associated with the birth of one of the greatest incarnations of God. Same thing happens in holy places. There is a beautiful aphorism in Narada Bhakti Sutras, holy people make places holy or holier. That is why it is a belief in Vedantic system, whenever a person realizes God, he feels a spontaneous urge to go to places of pilgrimage. Why is that so? Because a place becomes holy by the association of a holy person. Maybe some great spiritual practitioner, a saint, a rishi, a sage lived there and thought intensely about higher realities of God and that is the reason why that place becomes vibrating and whoever can go there, it helps them. Sriram Krishna gave a beautiful example. One can find water anywhere but some great person takes the trouble to dig a well and not only that served his purpose, later on anyone who wants water easily can get through that well. What does this teaching illustrate? It illustrates the fact if one great man has thought very intensely deeply about God and God becomes easily available for that person. After the disappearance of that person also, that place still reverberates with these, vibrates with these holy thoughts. So it becomes comparatively easier for people to obtain God, to feel the presence of God. That's why we all make pilgrimages. So what Sriram Krishna is telling, our scriptures also tell that whenever a person has a realization of God, then he feels a spontaneous urge to visit at least some of these holy places. Why? Because holy places are like banks. If everybody goes on only withdrawing the cash and no one is there to deposit, what happens? Bank becomes what? Rupt. Bankrupt. These great people spontaneously visit these places to make them. That's why there is a rule here. Whenever you visit a spiritual place, you contribute something to it. You pray intensely. You do japa. You do some holy reading. You do it silently in your mind because not only you are taking out when you need it, when you don't need, you will have to give it back so that others can take it. We have a wonderful system here. You must have noticed in the other room. Help yourself. So you say it's a beautiful system. We keep some books there. So okay, you take. Some people take and then they get the idea. They bring their own books and then keep their health. So they go on circulating. Whether you go to a church, to a temple, to a mosque, any holy place, you have to give your contribution, spiritual contribution. Nothing to do with anything else. At least one can do that. So we are discussing it. If any yogi goes, meets any person, meets any object, instantaneously he can detect whether that object, be it living or non-living, whether it is endowed with tamo guna, the lowest of the gunas, or rajo guna or sattva guna, how spiritual he is. When M visited Kamarpukur, Kamarpukur as I mentioned is a very ordinary place. There is nothing extraordinary there. But what did he experience after going to Kamarpukur? Everything was lighted up as though jyoti, a divine light is emanating from every object, from every particle of the dust, every animal, every being. What is so interesting in this experience, suppose M had met a villager and he makes salutations because he is looking at that person in a special light. You ask that person how much have you progressed in spiritual life? He looks blank because he is blank. Then why did or how did M look upon that person in a special light? There is an explanation for it. Just by the fact of living in a holy place, that place also something becomes rubbed off even though he may not be conscious about it. It's a wonderful thing. Many things we do not believe because we do not see. The birthplace of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, birthplace of Rama, Krishna, Jesus, Buddha, all these places are very very holy places. But they would not remain holy if everybody only is taking something from there and not contributing something positive. We are giving some illustrations. First illustration I already mentioned M's visit to Kamarpakur. Today, whether you go to Dakshineshwar or Kamarpakur or Jairambati or Belur Mutt or Dakshineshwar, these are all very holy places because they are all associated with Sri Ramakrishna. Oh sir, you are a follower of Sri Ramakrishna. That's why you are exaggerating these things. Now, these are the concrete instances that have happened and a yogi can see it. Ultimately, what is the bottom line? It doesn't matter whether you believe in it or not. What is the harm? Go to those places and do your spiritual practice and it is sure that it will help you, it will give you uplift to a very great extent. That is the idea. Simple illustration would be, you try to meditate in your own homes and you come and sit in our shrine and meditate. You will see instantaneously the difference between these two places. Why? Because all of us sit there, pray wholeheartedly, we open our hearts to the Lord. That is why some amount of vibration is built there. We should be discriminated enough to separate what is purely subjective stupid imagination from reality. There is a vibration. It's not so easy to get these experiences. Okay, now we proceed to the many illustrations that I have in mind. Swami Brahmanandaji, the direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna, he used to make a statement, in India there are very holy places. Holy places and very holy places and very very very holy places. There is a gradation is there. Varanasi, Vrindavan or Haridwar etc. are supposed to be endowed with a very high degree of spirituality. That's because a large number of monks, sages, even today they are silently doing that. Not these internet CV people, self-realized soul. No, very silently. Truly spiritual people will not come forward and then say I'm a spiritual person. The more spiritual the less he is hidden. Swami Brahmanandaji used to say there are particular times when the spirituality can be felt very vividly directly. He used to say at Vrindavan it is at midnight and at Varanasi it is in the early morning after three o'clock and it is absolutely true. You can go and experiment. Sit for meditation in Vrindavan at 12 o'clock. Do the same thing at Varanasi at about three o'clock and you will see the difference. There was an interesting experience of Swami Brahmanandaji. What is the aphorism is about? A highly developed yogi can see things which are totally hidden from normal vision. Swami Brahmanandaji went to Tirupati. We all know Tirupati in India is one of the most famous sacred places and who is the presiding deity there? Sri Venkateshwara, male deity. To whichever pilgrim center Swami Brahmanandaji was going he used to have a vision of that particular deity. At Tirupati he did not have the vision of Sri Venkateshwara. He had the vision of a divine mother. He was surprised and said why is it that I'm having a vision of the female deity instead of a male deity. So he asked his attendants to make some enquiries and then to his great consternation he found out that some of the great acharyas we call it have quietly changed the deity. Transgender operation they have done and the female is very quietly transformed into a male deity. Even today it is a mystery if one looks there are many signs of a female deity than a male deity. So this is one example. Now we'll come back to Sri Ramakrishna. Sri Ramakrishna went on pilgrimage. Why did he go on pilgrimage? This was after he completed his spiritual practice. Why did he go? Just now I mentioned to make those places holier. Not only holier there is also another thing. Sri Ramakrishna we consider a great incarnation of God and he went because he wanted to make the Hindus believe even firmer that these are holy places because he went on a pilgrimage to reinforce the faith in them because we are losing faith in God, faith in holy places and holy people, holy books and that's why he wanted to make that faith stronger. But the real purpose is also to deposit a huge amount of spirituality so that for a long time other people can take advantage of it. Now most of our devotees know as soon as he went to Varanasi what did he see? What do we see? The dust, the cows, the cow dung etc. What did he see? See the whole city was bathed in a golden light so much so that he felt it would be desecrating it if he answers calls of nature in the normal way. So for a few days he had to ferry it on to the other side of the Ganges so that he can finish his nature calls and then come back. After some days his mood became normal then he could live in a normal way. There are so many incidents that happened there I will not mention but one very important which is very very useful for all of us. Every Hindu practically believes that if somehow one can manage to die in Varanasi, he will get liberation. This is clearly written in some of the books. For example Kashi Khanda, it is written there. It is a Purana we call it. But so many years passed, hundreds of years have passed, centuries have passed and people do believe but there is no living proof. Sri Ram Krishna one day he went to the Manikarnika Ghat, there is a place and in a boat and as he was about to get down suddenly he had a vision. We all know that he saw a tall white figure. It's a very interesting place. 24 hours, 24 by 7 uninterruptedly corpses are being cremated there. One after the other there is a queue and there is a belief that if there is any gap of this burning corpses at Varanasi for more than 45 minutes or so then that city will come to this. Constantly corpses are being burned. So Sri Ram Krishna's vision was he went, he saw Shiva, it is a white figure. What does white figure suggest? Vichiguna, Sattuguna, pure spirituality. So he was moving from one funeral pyre to the other pyre and whispering what Hindus call Taraka mantra, the saving mantra into the ears of the dead that means body dead, not the soul dead and immediately mother, divine mother was following in the form of mother Kali and with a sword cutting off all the bones and sending the Jeeva into his real nature that is giving knowledge of who the Jeeva is that is called liberation. Sri Ram Krishna had confirmed it. Why did Sri Ram Krishna confirm it? Because we believe it. But is there any proof? Yes, here is the proof. Not only here is a proof even to such an extent the local pundits who knew about it they said we know about this fact but in such graphic details nobody had ever described it. It was Sri Ram Krishna's revelation which gave a graphic detail that's why even today quite a number of Hindus would desire to go and die in Varanasi. Liberation guaranteed. Lest people may think that this is a cock and bull story there is something historically that has happened. In India there was one avatar not so popular it's called Sri Chaitanya now you get Hare Krishna movements etc and the birthplace of that Sri Krishna Chaitanya was Nadia and Sri Ram Krishna believed that Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was an incarnation of God naturally he knew if he goes to the birthplace of Chaitanya then he will experience visions spiritual experiences so he went there and he was going from modern name for that is called Nadia a modern Nadia he was going from temple to temple everywhere there are many it's called lifeless figures of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu Krishna Radha etc and he said Ram Krishna was saying I didn't feel the least bit of inspiration then he was telling I think some people have made it up he was not really an incarnation if he was an incarnation there would have been vibration and I would have had experience he was disappointed and as he was returning as he was about to enter into the boat there is a Ganges river is there suddenly he saw two boys representing Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and his companion they came dancing and entered into his body then Ram Krishna went into Samadhi Baba is a special aesthetic state and he said there there they come here and then afterwards he became unconscious everybody was surprised here is a place considered to be the birthplace nothing happened and he came to the edge of the Ganges river and something happened then what happened later on Swami Sharda and others have read history they found out they found out the place where Sri Ram Krishna had the vision of these two boys was the actual birthplace of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu what happened the river had changed its course the Nadia which is known to be Sri Chaitanya's birthplace now is not the actual birthplace it has moved away maybe not very long distance but some distance maybe one mile one and a half miles I don't know exactly so Swami Sharda Nandji was telling is in connection with this event after mentioning this event he was telling that we hear that Chaitanya Mahaprabhu had discovered the birthplace of Bhagavan Krishna you know now we know Vrindavan, Mathura and other places were the discovery of Sri Chaitanya and his disciples and Swami Sharda Nandji he knew about these things that is they were all what Sri Ram Krishna used to call English educated people means those who lost faith that's what it means so he thought these devotees they just made up a mind how can a man discover but after hearing the experiences of Sri Ram Krishna about Nadia then he said we have no option but to believe to be brief what did Sri Chaitanya do when he visited that place it was a huge jungle nobody knew where Vrindavan was nobody knew who was where Mathura was nobody knew all those places associated with Sri Krishna's divine sport but what he was doing Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was doing he would go wander about and he always used to be in that highly elevated state at some particular places suddenly he will have a vision then he knew that that particular event mentioned in books like Bhagavatam had taken place at that particular spot that is how he discovered some of them and then he commissioned his disciples that you also go on wandering and finding out what is the point of this story the point is if some places are associated with some holy people they will be vibrating with a special spiritual thought not only spiritual thought if a wicked man thinks deeply about some evil thoughts that also will be full of this vibrating with these evil thoughts wicked thoughts i heard stories i won't go into it but it is possible that some spots people like feeling feel like committing suicide if they go to some places and if they go to some places all undesirable thoughts would arise in their minds as holy places are very helpful to us the other places can also pull us down i know so many instances i won't go into them this is how places rivers you know in india some rivers are considered more holy than other rivers of all the rivers according to hindus which is the most holy of the rivers Ganges. Ganges is universally acknowledged as if that's why all of our puja is done a little few drops of Ganges we put every day in the water and we consider that that is the water also has become holy so from indian's viewpoint every river is holy why is it holy because because of the rivers our life is maintained our crops are made water is very holy earth is very holy fire is holy air is holy and space is holy everything is holy another instance sri ram krishna had a disciple called swami turiyananda once he was in puri you know like for hindus puri is one of the great pilgrim centers there the deity is called jagannatha the lord of the universe swami turiyananda entered into the temple then suddenly he felt a divine fragrance rafting everywhere in the temple and he looked here and there there was no evidence of any flowers so he was wondering how come where from this divine fragrance is coming then sri ram krishna appeared to him and gave an explanation and said every day many of these what you call gods devatas visit this place just like we visit the place and they have the darshan or vision of the divine lord jagannatha it is from their bodies this fragrance will be emanating that is what sri ram krishna had explained to him now some of these things we have to only have faith and believe in it if you ask demonstrate to me if i take to puri probably not only you won't get divine fragrance we have to have faith many of these things we are discussing fact but for a yogi's vision many hidden things many subtle things are made very very plain now coming back again to sri ram krishna whenever people used to meet sri ram krishna instantaneously he could look and unerringly know the nature of that particular person and he knew there are some persons who are so worldly that there is no hope of their progressing in spiritual life so he would politely suggest that they go and enjoy looking at the gardens buildings etc but the moment he detects here is a person who is ready to receive he will take all the trouble to help that person further in his spiritual progress now i will come it's a very amazing fact because one of my favorite saints is ramana maharshi i hope you have heard of ramana maharshi he was one of the greatest spiritual luminaries in the whole world after sri ram krishna came he passed away in 1950 ramana maharshi even though he was a what we call a pure unadulterated man of knowledge his method to everybody was know yourself there were also he was also quite humorous at times once a very innocent andhra youth came to him entered into the hall because there was only one door and he asked a cryptic question he said how to attain attain god is what how to attain what is the way he said the way you entered that is the way to attain and then he became flustered because he entered through the door what was maharishi saying go back through the same door if you have entered through the main gate when you want to go out how do you go out through the same door then someone explained to him how did you enter into the world of maya so you have entered and you also there is also an exit a door serves both the purposes of both entering as well as exit so if you have entered through maya what is the way out through maya you entered and you called that door avidya ignorance now you exit what do you call now that maya vidya maya a door of knowledge and interestingly enough why did god create maya why did god create a door why did god create why do you create a door so that you can also come in as well as go out but if you own if you only enter and do not make any attempt to go out then you will suffer this is beautifully said in sri ramakrishna's teachings there are certain method of catching fish so they put in the running streams a kind of trap door there must be a door for the fish to enter and once they are entered they are trapped there trapped in the sense they think they are trapped they think there is no way out the poor fish doesn't know the same way that they entered that is the way also to exit but being fish they do not think like that they only one-way traffic so that is what ramana marsi had meant so here is a beautiful incident you know every one of these holy places it has its own spiritual history apart from geographical history a spiritual history this is what we call sthana mahatmya varanasi has its own books about its glory its greatness so also other places every place now there is mention is made that beneath that hill thiruvannamalai it's the place he was living beneath that there is a city of siddhas siddha means spiritual aspirants so he believed in it he was a great soul he believed in it he had no doubt about it but he never experienced it and there was a time when he was living at the what he called bottom of that temple thiruvannamalai temple we call it patalagriha the basement and it is very dark full of mosquitoes etc and scorpions even snakes for several months he spent his time there absolutely devoid of any body conscious he later on he explained oh so many snakes used to pass over my body and they were not conscious about me i was also not conscious about them this happened sri ram krishna also if you remember that when he was doing tapas he said so many snakes used to pass over me they are not conscious you become conscious and frightened they also become conscious and frightened like dogs so ramana marshal he said one day i was just looking in my room in that basement it was pitch dark and then he found out there's a ray of light was coming from my corner he is curious he was very curious person also not merely a great spiritual soul very curious person so he said how come the light is coming from this corner he went there investigated there was a small chink there so with some implements and he made it a little bit wide and slowly he found out a man can travel there is an underground passage was there he heard about it he read about it but he did not know it was there and then he slowly he said i became curious and i wanted to investigate so he entered into that and like an underground passage and as he went a little bit further huge wasps came and started biting him whether they were siddhas in the form of wasps we don't know or real wasps and why they are living underground also we don't know but his explanation was the siddhas didn't want anybody to enter into that place he said clearly i saw a beautiful light and it's full of people and there are some special plants there he explained what those plants are there he said these siddhas where do they get food so a kind of juice or milk exudes from those branches of those plants and if one drinks that one for two three weeks they do not suffer from hunger or thirst but full of energy but he could not go further and he said i came out and then i knew what was written about this siddhanagara city of the perfected souls is absolutely true and i i do not want anybody else because they can be killed immediately he brought some people and then got it completely blocked later on i had after hearing that i had a curiosity i went into that underground also trying to find out whether anything was there but i didn't find anything because they have sealed it up now what is the point i said there are things which we human beings do not believe there are so many things of which we are totally unaware what is the shakespeare's over ratio there are so many things under heaven and earth of which we are totally ignorant now what is all this talk about what did we talk yogis can focus upon a particular light called vishoka vishoka means where there is the not slightest touch of misery jyotish math is a divine light it is within each one of us it is at the end of the sushumna canal which is about to join the sahasrara or thousand petalled lotus these are psychic realities not psychological realities not physiological realities psychic spiritual realities this can be opened only through one's psychic powers there are so many things which we do not believe but yogis know they are there we are talking about the powers of nature one can a yogi can get lot of powers though it is not our goal patanjali rishi is least bit interested in the description of them but he is mentioning to make us believe that they are not imaginations but they are realities we move on to aphorism 27 bhuvana jnanam surye sanyama by making sanyama you remember the word sanyama means absolute concentration on a particular reality on the sun you know the sun that we see there according to scientists this sun is nothing but burning gas but according to every hindu it is a deity it is a directly experienced form of deity because if there were to be no sun and life will not be there this earth will not be there if anybody can make sanyama on the sun what happens comes the knowledge of the world what is this world made up of and what is the benefit of knowing the having the knowledge of the world if you have knowledge of something then that object will be in your control you can do what you like with that person if you have the knowledge of your mind then you can manipulate your mind if you have knowledge of somebody else's mind then you can manipulate and you also must be aware that constantly this world is manipulating us just to mention newspapers manipulate us newspapers if you go to any supermarket they manipulate us what is the point here if they have knowledge of how our psychology works they manipulate us psychologists manipulate us politicians manipulate us gurus also manipulate us if you don't listen to my word you will go to the very special place this is how they create fear priests you know they create fear and all those things only yesterday somebody was asking me if we do not offer something to our forefathers in a holy place then they will go to hell i was shocked to hear this do you believe this you are a devotee of god and you believe this person said yes i believe that's what the priest is has told me i said these priests have got vested interest that is why they told you there is no truth at all what is the truth the truth is if you have love to your forefathers if you offer prayer you can do it in a holy place you can do it at home you can do it wherever you are and that prayer will definitely reach them and there is a proof of that also just because the topic came i am mentioning it to you the very birth of sri ramakrishna took place where which place gaya is a holy place called gaya how did it happen the father of sri ramakrishna went there to offer special prayers to his ancestors and he was the most sincere person in this world so when he went there he did everything with so much of what we call in sanskrit shraddha devotion sincerity utmost concentration focus and his forefathers were so pleased they all came to bless him he had a vision and that is when he had the vision of lord gaya vishnu who told him i'm going to be born as your son the point point here is if you go to gaya and try to offer something to your forefather you you may not be able to see most likely you won't see why because we are not yogis we don't our minds are not that purified but the more we become pure our minds become pure the more the visions open that very thing which we saw previously in a different light now we see in a totally different light ultimately what is the highest vision one can have to see brahman everywhere to see god in everything because the whole universe what is it it's nothing but god with name and form so if we can and is is god is this is this world god with name and form or we are seeing god with name and form has god really become name and form or because we see god with our tinted vision then we see god with name and form supposing you don't have eyes do you think you see this world with forms the more purified our mind the correct right will be our vision not that god has become name and form he appears to be having name and form because that is how we are able to experience this is the point the highest vision is to see god in everything god as everything god in everything god everywhere no wonder a yogi can see many things that are hidden to ordinary normal so here 27th aphorism is telling us by making sayama on the sun comes the knowledge of the world the word sun here implies the point in the body known as the solar entrance in fact moon also refers to the point known as lunar entrance so dhruva has been fully explained by the commentator but what does this sun mean what does concentration on the sun mean what do you do do you sit here and look up at the sun what do you do at night can you focus on the sun yes you can how because there are two entrances according to the yogis through one entrance we experience the sun through another entrance we experience the moon and if a yogi sitting in pitch darkness can focus on that particular nadi nadi is a special type of nerve then he will have knowledge of this entire world this is one of the powers yogic powers we don't need to focus upon it chandraya tara yoga gnana aphorism 28 says on the moon comes the knowledge of the cluster of stars so if you want the knowledge of the stars what do you do you go to mount palomo and look through the telescope you get very little knowledge but if you want complete knowledge of all the stars what do you need to do you need not go anywhere just sit and focus upon what the moon that nadi the entrance of the moon within our human body here is a very interesting fact where is the whole universe where is it it's in each one of our body is the entire universe not only the gross universe not only the subtle universe even the causal universe the entire what is known as defined as a universe it is all in within located within our body and mind how do we know because when you go to deep sleep state what happens to the whole world disappear this is the most wonderful thing we will not go into that this power is there now here also interesting thing is supposing you get all the knowledge about this what are you going to do incidentally gaseous material for whom for the scientists not for believers for us everything is presided over by a deity chandra is presided over by chandra devata surya is presided over by surya devata lord is manifesting through all these that is why brahmana early morning facing the sun he is reciting the most wonderful prayer you know what is that prayer gayatri mantra what are the gayatri mantra say i meditate upon the most wonderful splendor of the sun savita because he is creating he is maintaining he is destroying the worlds but you look this it doesn't even have consciousness according to scientists how can it perform all these actions now that which is within of which the planet the sun doesn't know without which the star sun cannot survive and which is the mover of the whole universe this is called antaryami inner controller the lord known as the inner control dhruve tadgati jnanam similarly if one focuses on the pole star comes the knowledge of the motions of the stars navi chakre kaya vyuha jnanam it's a particular power what is it if any yogi can concentrate his mind on the navi navi means navel each one of us have got a navel if a yogi focuses on it what happens the entire structure of the physical body that means physiological knowledge including all the nerves everything knowledge will be cluster clear the next aphorism says kanthakupe kshut pipasa nivrutte he if somebody is suffering from hunger or thirst kshut and pipasa hunger and thirst one should meditate kanthakupe means here is on there is a point here at this point if a yogi concentrates what happens he becomes free from hunger and thirst but how does he survive he gets a kind of nectar it is said is constantly flowing from the sahasrara thousand petaled lotus it is flowing down again it is going up this is a yogic secret and a yogi who can concentrate upon this he can drink a few drops of that nectar psychically and that will give him more than enough energy without physically eating or drinking there are stories of yogis known who never touch food or drink they just sometimes look at the sun and they say they get all their energy from the sun a few people are known like it is hard for us to believe that a person can survive without actual physical food etc if a yogi focuses on the hollow of the throat comes cessation of hunger and thirst when a man is very hungry if he can make sanyama on the pit of the throat hunger ceases thirst ceases he becomes not only ceases means what it ceases when we are in deep sleep that's not the meaning you'll be fully conscious you will have plenty of energy you will feel very refreshed and at the same time you do not need to eat or drink korma nadiya sthairyam below the throat at about the upper part of the chest there is a special nadi it is called korma nadi korma means power toys it is a special name given if any yogi can make sanyama on that then what what is the result man becomes like an immovable rock nothing can move him physically nothing can move him what does it mean the man can sit in one posture as long as he wants without feeling the least bit of discomfort he feels as though he is sitting on a royal bed absolutely relaxed absolutely steady and this is a special power you can see sometimes you know we hear of stories years together a man is found in the same position i will give you an incident there was a south indian very famous south indian saint called sadashiva brahmendra once what happened he entered into samadhi and the local people thought he was dead but he was sitting in a yogic posture when they found him he was in a particular field outside so they dug a deep hole and lowered the whole body and they covered it up with that like we do it and one or two years had passed and one day the farmer wanted to something he did not know about this process he started digging slowly blood started coming out so he felt blood is coming means there must be some animal or something injured he dug enough and to his horror he found that the top was of some man human being was found injured with the help of some other people they dug him he dug this body up and as soon as he was brought up he just got up and dusted himself off and walked off sadashiva brahmendra so many miracles are there now if you don't believe what about sinam krishna's life you know there is an incident garish chandra gosh and swami vekananda narendra i decided to meditate under panchavati dakshineswar when sir ram krishna was severely ill at kasipur without telling anybody they both of them went they sat for meditation that garish chandra gosh later on was recollecting that within two three minutes he had to get up because the whole place was full of ferocious mosquitoes what did he find narendra nath's he was sitting it was because calcutta is very hot so he was not having any upper cloth or anything the whole back of narendra nath was like a thick blanket full of made up of what strong mosquitoes and he was wondering how could this man become so steady he used to get up after a long time okay coming back to sir ram krishna he he meditated there for years and years together you know that whole night time he used to go there sit under a tree and then he used to be totally absorbed how many how much time how much time do you know days and when totapuri initiated him into nirvikalpa samadhi and put him in that for three days he was left exactly in the same position so we can experience all these incidents but how does how do they do it because of their power of concentration they do not have consciousness of the body but yogis can achieve that steadiness by meditating on a particular nerve that's what patanjali is indicating to us then the next aphorism is telling us 33 if a yogi can focus on the light emanating from the top of the head at the end of sushumna nadi one can have the vision of sight of the siddhas there are a certain type of beings called siddhas now the word siddha can be understood in two ways one perfect in spiritual life is also called siddha but there are a special type of beings like siddha aksha gandharva rakshasa they are not perfected souls but they are exalted human beings you can say exalted beings they live in very subtle bodies if one meditates on a special murtha jyotishi according to yoga there are three canals are there ida pingala and sushumna sushumna is a spiritual canal like a royal road m4 m25 and we cannot see it only yogis can know it it is through that that the so-called power of kundalini is lifted up it travels in that special through that special nadi called sushumna at the end it where does it end it ends on the top of the head hindus have a special belief when a child is born how is he born you know my funny comparison so our body hood is like a toothpaste tube so what do they do through machine they force down all the toothpaste and at the end they seal it up so like that when the body is formed formatted properly the soul enters through that that is why it is called brahma randhra randhra means the point of entry and then as soon as the soul has entered and god or some power seals it up like you see toothpaste and that's why as soon as a baby is born you touch the top of the head have you noticed there is a very soft spot don't put your finger and then see what is there the soul will go out the point is that is the end of this sushumna canal and if one can meditate on the top there is a kind of special light comes out more than jyotish if one can focus there one can have vision of lot of siddhas and where are those siddhas they are right here they are moving in and outside this whole room inside because our bodies cannot obstruct them but we are not living at their level they are not living at our level fortunately and that's why they don't see us we also don't see not only siddhas it's also a belief lot of ghosts what is called departed souls they are all here fortunately we don't meet in an accident because if we see them we also will become like anyway the idea is the 33rd aphorism patanjali is telling us that if one can focus on the light emanating from the top of the head at the end of the sushumna canal one can have the vision of lot of siddhas who are the siddhas the siddhas are beings who are a little above ghost when the yogi concentrates his mind on the top of his head he will see these siddhas the word siddha does not refer to those men who have become free in a spiritual sense in which it is often used by vedanti what is the whole point the point is if somebody is pursuing spiritual effort seriously and has developed a particular type of that power of concentration that if he focuses on particular spots then he can develop very special powers i can also tell you very interesting so many holy people come from india and some of them have got a very special power of attracting people of hypnotizing people of keeping people under control tantra is full of these practices they are not meant for us why is patanjali mentioning it because it's a fact but at the same time he's going to tell us do not pay any attention to these powers because ours can be good as well as bad they can enhance your egotism already we are suffering from so much of egoism we don't need more powers if you have more powers your blood pressure will be more but these are all facts how do we know because i have illustrated cited so many events in the life of siram krishna etc these are all true everything is true but we do not need to focus on om shanti shanti shanti