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Jai Ramakrishna
Jai Ramakrishna
[[Category:Bhagavad Gita]]

Latest revision as of 04:28, 26 August 2024

Full Transcript(Not Corrected)

Om Vasudev Jananim Shardam Devim Ramakrishnam Jagadgurum Adapatmetayo Shritva Pranamami Muhur Muhur Om Vasudev Vasudham Devam Kamsa Chanuram Ardhanam Devaki Paramanandam Krishnam Vande Jagadgurum Sarvopanishadho Gavo Dogdha Gopalanandanah Partho Vatsah Sudhir Bhokta Dugdham Geetam Ritam Mahat Mookam Karoti Vachalam Pankum Langayate Kirim Yath Kripathamaham Vande Paramananda Madhavam We are studying the characteristics of both demonic people, worldly people, utterly worldly people, worldly people belonging to the second class. First class is live and let live, the second class very cruel, absolutely selfish and they can trample upon anybody, God, mother, father, scripture, good, tradition, everything provided it serves their selfishness. That's what we have been seeing in our last class. What are the thoughts? These persons have already progressed in their selfishness and they have acquired power, wealth, position and that self-confidence that nobody can equal me, tremendous egotism, insufferable egotism and all those qualities that go along with that. Always their minds are filled up with these kind of thoughts which we have been seeing in our 14th verse in our last class. Asau maya hatah shetruhu hanishye cha aparan api Ishwaroham aham bhogi siddhoham balavan sukhi What are the thoughts? That enemy who was standing in my way, I have finished and there are others and I will slay them too. I am the Lord of all. That means whatever I think is right, whatever I say is right and nobody has the guts, has the strength to contradict me and I will rule over them directly, indirectly etc. I am the greatest enjoyer. I am prosperous. I am mighty and I am a happy person. Once there is this inordinate greed, naturally I will be seeing all other people as my competitors. These are the thoughts that constantly arise, live, become strengthened and then to be replaced by even stronger ones. Who are the enemies? I have certain agenda in life. I want to gain this position, this power and this strength and this much of wealth. Nobody should stand on my way and that is how the Asuras, demonic people kill anybody that comes there. We have seen in the Chandi also, the Asura wanted, Shumba wanted to marry the Divine Mother because she came in the form of a temptress for making the ruin of that fellow. Very strange how even Divine Mother behaves towards her own children. That is an aside point. So these people, they go on cherishing these kind of ideas and there is no limit, bottomless pit. Whatever they have, we keep. We don't pay taxes. We safely, safe deposit. Some Asura, another demonic companies will be there and there are people who assist us. Mafia is there. So all these people, so many enemies have been removed from my path and there are a few, sooner or later I am going to finish them off. Not only that, Ishwaroham, how dare anybody can stand in my way. Aham bhogi, I am greatest enjoyer. Siddhoham, and I have attained whatever I want to attain and I am going to attain whatever I have set my mind upon. All that remains is, I want to set my mind and that is done. If anybody stands, I am going to destroy them completely and forever. I am the strongest person. Balaban, Sukhi, I am a very happy person. These are the thoughts. Last class I was discussing these things. Just I will remind only one, two points actually. Asau maya hataha. Asau, Kshetru, maya hataha. This enemy has been eliminated from this earth. How? Liquidated, finished, exterminated. Even if he is alive, he is not going to lift up his face at all. I have dragged him to such a lowest condition. Hanushyacha aparan anyanapi. Anybody who dares to stand in my path, I am going to do exactly the same thing that I have done to these people. Then I was looking into Shankaracharya's commentaries. I was stunned at such deep insights he could bring into his comments. Very brief but very meaningful. So before I read that, the second point is in this world, there is nobody who is going to completely say, I am going to live for a hundred years. Any second death can come and completely demolish anybody. We see every day such and such a person either had died, met an accident and died or simply had a heart attack and died. This tremendous fact of life, we do not need the help of scriptures to understand. Just open the eyes, open the newspaper, you will see every day obituary column. Is this obituary column, is it only specialized in people who are 90 plus or a child can die, young youth can die, middle-aged person can die, man can die, woman can die, animals can die, mountains can crumble, huge icebergs when they separate from their mothers, that is the death for them because that is a very slowly melting. Everything is in this world. The moment a thing is born, it is going through the transformation called death and yet these people's eyes are not opened at all. So this is the point we have to understand. Even if everybody has got everything, there is absolutely no guarantee and we discussed this point quoting the answer of Yudhishtira to Aksha when he was asked, what is the most wonderful thing in this world? Every day millions of people die, yet those who are still alive, they are under the delusion, they are going to live forever. Death only comes for other people. So now coming back to Shankarabhashya. So there is nobody who can stand against me. What does Shankara say? kim tapasvinaha ete karishyanti ete tapasvinaha mam kim karishyanti There are tapasvis means good people, right people, honorable people, those who have faith in God, faith in justice, faith in righteous life. They always are sympathetic and they want to care and share for other people. But what can these people do? Like the demonic people used to thrash the devas, which is an ever-recurring theme and it is going to happen. Not only it happened in the past, happening now, it is going to happen in the future also. So what can these devotees, people who believe in God, in justice, those who are full of austerities, never trouble other people. What can they do? They are nothing but a straw. I can just burn them at my very will. So ete tapasvinaha mam kim karishyanti and then sarvatha api mat tulyaha nasthi There is none equal to me at all. And then Shankara later on comments this one in another context. But I am forestalling that one and bringing it here. So as you know, I am born Adiyogi Janama Nasmi. I am born of a very highly respected, regarded, revered family. In my 14 generations, there is everybody was completely honoured and I belong to that. I am of all these 14 generations, I am the greatest. Even my ancestors cannot be compared to me. What to speak of other people? I will come to that point in future. Sarvatha mat tulyaha nasthi There is nobody, not only nobody, at no time, there is nobody who is so successful and who can accomplish whatever we want and death is never going to come. There is nobody, none at all equal to me. Katham, Shankara continues. How? Aham Ishwaroham I am the Supreme Lord. My command, nobody can contradict. Whatever I say, that alone goes. Even if I am wrong also, first, I am not going to accept it. Second, I will not allow anybody to contradict me. Third, even if it is wrong, since I have uttered, that has to come to pass. This is what we see when we open our eyes. Peaceful reunion. What type of beautiful words these people use. Aggressors. And then it doesn't stop there. Aham bhogi I am Ishwara. I am an enjoyer. This is a wonderful point we have to really understand. Sarva Prakarinicha Aham Siddhaha Sampannaha In every way, Aham Siddhaha I am an accomplished person. Well established in every respect. And Aham Sampannaha I am one of the, not one of the, I am the wealthiest persons in this whole world. How? Putraihi Naptrubhihi I am blessed with wealth, with power, with position, with honor. I am blessed with sons, who are even greater than me, in brackets, in wickedness, in demonic nature. And grandsons, born of sons and daughters. My whole family, it is going even to surpass me. I am so proud of them. Let us remember in this context, the story of Prahlada. Prahlada was one of the greatest jewels, of Vishnu's devotees, devotees of God. He was not Vishnu devotee. He is a devotee of God. Vishnu is one name. Shiva is another name. Devi is another name. Ganapathi is another name. Kartikeya is another name. God. Allah. These are all different names. People call God by different names. Ekamsat, Vipraha, Bahudhavadanti. What was his father? I am Ishwara. Who is this Narayana you are talking about? Why are you worshipping? If you have to worship the greatest, I am the greatest. This coward, Vishnu, he is not coming in front of me at all. Because I have been seeking him. I want to fight him. I want to show, that I can put him down in a trice. Nobody can stand. I am the God of the Gods, by the grace of God. So, Aam sambanaha, Putraihi, Nakthrubihi. What did Hiranyakashipu do? When his son completely disagreed with him, and contradicted everything that father said, because Prahlada knew better than anybody. And then the father commanded, kill this fellow. He is not fit to be in my family. He is bringing bad name to me. He is taking the name of my direst enemy. I will not allow it. And, I said in brackets, probably, Prahlada, very humble, but laughing, through his sleeve, he is telling, Daddy, you think you can kill me? Only one being, Jisko Ram Mare, O Mare. Jisko Ram Rakshakare, Usko Kaun Mare. Jisko Ram Mare, Usko Kaun Rakshakare. When God kills, who can save? When God decides to save somebody, who can kill that body? You think you can kill me? No. If God wills it, He can kill me. And we know the rest of the story. Whenever his father, how many ways he attempted to exterminate his own son, considering him as his greatest enemy. What did this Prahlada do? He simply folded his hands and uttered the word, Narayana, let thy will be done. Father, let thy will be done. And he could not be killed at all. In the end, who got killed? Only Hiranyakashipu had got killed. But there is a twist here. Hiranyakashipu cannot be killed. Hiranyakashipu is a potentially divine soul. What was killed? The obstruction, his body, his wrong mind, his mind filled with ignorance, wrong thoughts, that was killed. That's all. So, this Prahlada story, every story in the mythology has to be understood in a spiritual way. So then this person, so this kind of demonic persons, worldly person, materialistic person, Charuvaka, what does he think? I am merely, I am a man, but not to be compared with other men. Then, who am I? I am a mighty person. Nobody can equal me. I can crush anybody that I want. Therefore, I am a very happy person. Why am I happy? That is because I, nobody can contradict me, my words, my power, nobody can cross me. That's why I am a happy person. Then, are there not other people who are happy in this world? Anyetu, but others, Bhoomi Bhaaraya Avateer Naha. They are just born to increase the weight of the earth. That means they are not happy. Not only they are not happy people, that their birth itself is a complete waste. Somehow they are born and if God doesn't kill them, I am going to kill them. Of course, these people do not believe in God. If time doesn't kill them, I am going to finish. And when I finish them, even if they are alive, I am very happy because they suffer more while being alive than get peace of mind by dying. So, it seems this insatiable greed. I see enemies everywhere including my sons. Remember the beautiful, meaningful, spiritually laden Chandi. There were two souls. One was a rich merchant. Another was a powerful king. Both of them have been betrayed not only by external enemies but by their own family members. As soon as they aspired, a little smelt, a little bit of weakness in this person, immediately they robbed these two people of all their powers, their possessions and simply kicked them out which in the Mohamudgara Vajagovindam Shankaracharya said, यावत विद्धो पार्जन सक्तः तावत अनुरक्तः परिवारः So long as a man is capable of working like a donkey and bring in more and more wealth, everybody, Oh, you come. You are very tired. Simply you sit. I will remove your shoes. I will bring coffee. I have made first class savories. Just now eat something. Take rest. Somebody will fan and then I am preparing your favorite dishes. But the moment उरुद्ध, he becomes वृद्ध, old, incapable of earning anything. तावत के कोई न पुरुच्चति गेहे Nobody is asking about him. Hey, you old rag, you just don't come in the way. You just lie down there. We will throw some dog food to you. We will look after this. How wonderfully these great truths have been so poetically expressed by great Shankaracharya. So I am the I am the Lord. I am enjoying person. I am the greatest enjoyer. I am the Lord of all wealth. I am a successful person. I am an accomplished person, etc. I'll give you now a few examples from Sri Ramakrishna. Sri Ramakrishna was an extremely observant person. So he is telling Sri Ramakrishna was telling there was a maid servant and she got one rupee and it increased her ego so much. One day she was walking and then a respectable brahmana was walking coming opposite and then this lady shouts, Hey, you get out of my path all because we had one rupee, a few ornaments and there was a story in the Panchatantra. There was a frog. It got a rupee. One day an elephant was passing over its hole and this fellow popped out and said You big rogue get out of my way. You walk from the other side. Don't walk over me. But there was one incident also. There was one person known to Sri Ramakrishna. He was a poor brahmana and he used to come and respect Sri Ramakrishna and after that Sri Ramakrishna did not see him for a long time and one day Sri Ramakrishna met this person along with Sri Ramakrishna's nephew Hriday and this brahmana looked at him. Of course, he could recognize and in a disrespectful voice he is telling Hey, chota vatacharya How are you? You junior priest How are you? Sri Ramakrishna looked at Hriday and said Hriday this man must have got some money. That's why he is talking like this and Hriday immediately understood and started laughing and laughing and laughing and then Sri Ramakrishna he quotes a beautiful story. There was a rich man extremely proud belonging to this category species of this demonic people one day a poor thief had entered into his house and then he stole perhaps a few rupees and then he was caught. First of all he was abused then he was beaten How dare you come into a house like mine and how dare you rob me and after beating him he was handed over to the police so that he can mug in the jail for a long time all because this poor person out of necessity he dared to get something for his livelihood. My God Sri Ramakrishna is a tremendous observer of people so there are so you look around as what they call turf wars are going on companies are fighting against companies countries are fighting against countries these demonic people because they possess tremendous amount of modern war weaponry these people they want to annex anything that slightest whimsy comes oh this Tibet belongs to me this Malaysia belongs to me Arunachal Pradesh belongs to me this Taiwan belongs to me etc. etc. etc. you can just imagine we move on to the 15th verse I am rich I am of high birth who else is equal to me I will offer sacrifice I will give I will rejoice thus these people think deluded by Maha Maya by ignorance so again the great Shankaracharya comes to our aid I am rich I am wealth Adiyogi Abhijanavanasmi means born in a highly respected family that's why Sri Ramakrishna very often used to say there are eight fetters that is eight asta pasha all are bring only bondage of which he used to quote very often three things Lajja Bhaya Ghrana Lajja means modesty Bhaya fear and Ghrana looking down with hatred upon everything like a person looks down upon an earthworm etc. so if anybody possesses these things while taking God's name is not telling that you should not be modest is telling I am taking mother's name what is there for me to fear so don't look down upon anybody not even upon a insect so modesty is necessary but this modesty what will other people think of me if I take God's name if I dance in God's name they think I have lost my beans I have lost my brain I have become a fanatic a religious person etc. no no no you should never suffer from all those things so one of those eight fetters is I am born of a such a highly respected family my 14 generations they are all highly respected in their times that is the pride but what is important what Sri Ramakrishna used to say my ideal in life was my father I wanted to follow the footsteps of my father he never deviated from satya and dharma naturally all other qualities serving parents serving poor people caring and sharing he was one of the greatest souls Shri Ram's heart was vibrating with tremendous amount of the highest peace and joy that's why Shardhana ji remarks people used to come running even without any cause and Shri Ram will never ask them why did you come you just came a short time ago what brings you again what brings like the rats whose brains were connected with electrodes and they have been trained to touch particular switches whenever the switch is touched then a high dosage of have a pleasure it goes through the brain the scientists have found out certain spots in the brain which are called pleasure spots they are stimulated and they give tremendous amount of pleasure and very soon these rats they died because again and again neglecting food neglecting rest neglecting everything they went on dozing themselves with these shocks of pleasure and ultimately all of them have died so for everything there is a kind of Mithi means some kind of limit is there cross that limit that pleasure becomes the most painful thing in this world eat more than what you can and after that you pay for a long time so these people Aadyaha I am endowed tremendous amount of wealth power position etc. Abhijanavanasmi Ko anyo asti sadrusho maya who else is there who can be compared with me in this greatness of being born in such a highly respected family Aadyaha Dhanena Abhijanavan then see this pride will come that I have been born in such a family therefore I must be a great person earlier I was quoting Ramakrishna said my ideal in life is to imitate my father that's why imitation of Christ had become such a marvelous book it is not by taking the name of God or Jesus or Shudhiram but it is following in day to day life a footsteps of these great people that we become such great people forgetting that simply nourishing pride that I am born so I must be a great person Kamsa was like that Ramanasura was like that all the demonic people we come across in Hindu mythology they were all like that so this kind of people don't know one winking of the eyelid time can destroy anybody it is happening every day how many people are dying more than two hundred thousand people are reported dead every single day take or add or distract ten percent this is the what is called W.H.O. allocration and then these people don't think anything you know what they are thinking there was a great soul called Bharathrohari he has written three most marvelous works called Shatakas about approximately hundred verses a few more than hundred verses one of the most celebrated of these Shatakas is called Vairagya Shataka and in that Vairagya Shataka he is I have come across this one this is the fourth verse in that Vairagya Shataka hundred verses on his passion he is addressing this Bharathrohari the author is addressing Krishna insatiable desire telling O desire become a little bit peaceful do not trouble me so much because of your urge do you know what I have done I have dug the earth in in quest of precious minerals gold etc. and in search of metals from rocks have I smelted them I have gone to the bottom of the ocean in search of pearls and other precious metals and I have carried a favor of kings diligently so that they may bestow upon me night days and nights have I spent on burning grounds Meshana cremation grounds with my mind occupied with mantras and worship that is to say repeating certain mantras worshipping gods, demigods, etc. so that they will bestow upon me wealth powers Siddhis what Hindus call Siddhis to be by invoking supernatural agencies and then what is the result of all this not even a broken penny a broken cent a broken Naya Paisa have obtained be satisfied therefore oh desire oh my god what a marvelous thing is this not what every country is waging wars I want we want to go to moon so that I can dig all the minerals we are going to the Mars and we are going to harvest all the rocks that are floating everywhere so this they contain precious very precious metals because we have practically completed all these things so up till now this is the what Bhartruhari says in support of what Shankara says how these demonic people's minds are filled and then one of them is that I am very strong and I am very happy I am an enjoyer and nothing can come and cross me so one point I have already answered these people do not know death is running behind them any second they can come but the more important sukhi aham sukhi I am strong balavanasme sukhiyasme bhogiyasme I am an enjoyer I am a happy person I am a strong person now the point I wanted to raise is can these wicked people really enjoy life what does Vedanta say it says no a categorical no enjoyment is possible only for a person who either earlier in this life or in the previous births many births have done tremendous amount of good that means they have brought tremendous amount of happiness to other people and earned what is called virtue punya and only those people they will be able to enjoy in my past classes I have also gave a beautiful definition of what is vice what is virtue what is punya what is papa what is punya it is a peculiar mental ability to squeeze happiness whatever be the circumstances let a person be in the very hell and he will get the greatest joy what am I talking about as the statement any support yes it is said in the Mahabharata so first is Yudhishthira he went to to hell and then what happened so there people as soon as Yudhishthira crossed his foot into the realm of the hell and all the denizens of the hell immediately they have signed out a long long breath and said aha like a person who is suffering from intolerable heat in South India in the severe summer season at midday as soon as clouds come and the southern beautiful cooling relaxing refreshing breeze started to blow and then this be aha how much of relief I am getting this kind of relief everybody has got even though they are in hell a person who could bring this effect in everybody there how much happy how much peaceful how much refreshed that person must be how could he do that after all he is in hell aha because his mind is completely filled with what is called concretized punya and what is the punya the ability to squeeze happiness under all circumstances what about these demonic people their minds are filled with papa voice and then we already discussed some part of it Asha, Pasha, Shataya and Paddha their minds are restless Ihante, Kama, Bhoga, Artham Anya, Hena, Ardha, Samchaya they are so restless for a restless mind do you think happiness and restless mind are they equivalent always remember this is a very important point when the mind is at complete rest that is called happiness when a mind is in happiness it is completely rested and when it is not in happiness it is restless that is why when a man goes to sleep he crosses the duality of both the waking and the dream states and there he becomes one with his own self he merges himself in his own self and he enjoys that is why that state is given very apt name Anandamaya Kosha Kosha that sheath where the highest bliss is there this man like a sweet soaked in sugar syrup this person will be like that what is the problem then problem is it is Karana Sharira it is causal body cause means like a seed which is going to sprout sooner or later when the favorable conditions present themselves so this man he cannot remain there just as he cannot enter into it voluntarily when he wants he cannot also come out of it when he wants or remain there as long as he wants so when these people are claiming I am a happy person they are only claiming I possess everything my happiness lies in the possession like a most idiotic person I have the best sweets best food materials in my house but he goes on shopping goes on accumulating by hook or crook but he has no time to enjoy his satisfaction lies only in thinking I have so much and so much so in this connection there was a most wonderful wisdom story that was created by Indra Susha in the what is called there was a Mullah Nasruddin there was a this man was supposed to be one of the wise persons but sometimes he shows us what is wisdom by behaving in a foolish way so the story goes like that in a village there was this Mullah Nasruddin and then there was a neighbors were there one day a neighboring villager he was unable to sleep and it was also very humid and hot so he came out of his house and it was semi-darkness was there and he was just walking because he was not able to sleep suddenly he saw this Mullah Nasruddin opened his back door of the house and slowly stealing away Mullah did not see this person but this person saw so this person silently followed Mullah and then soon this Mullah crossed the village entered into his field and there was a tree under the tree he started digging and this person close behind a tree he was watching keenly by that time moonlight also must have risen so this Mullah he dug for some time took out one cloth bag he opened it and there were some very very valuable precious diamonds so he carefully took them out counted them and then again put them in the bag and then put them in that hole covered the hole and padded it and then came home and again weekly once he used to do that so this neighbor he understood it so next week again he followed Mullah and then was observing from behind this time the Mullah dug up the bag and then opened and then took out there were only stones were there instead of so he started weeping and weeping and weeping Oh Allah what have you done I have lost all my precious wealth then the neighbor came out and said Mullah why are you weeping now Mullah understood this person he must have stolen the stone then he said I was hiding there in these things every week I come and then I take it out I count whether they are there or not and then I put it back then the wise neighbor he told him Mullah if all these precious stones are there only for counting and for no other purpose the stones as well can fulfill that function you just wanted to count think they are your diamonds this was the story Idris Shah had created either he heard it or he created I don't know anyway this is a one of the most wisest stories what is it if you are accumulating so much of money property etc. but you are not in a position to enjoy it it is completely useless so important points we have to remember these people's minds are filled with this kind of completely uncontrollable uncontrolled mind plenty of restless this much I have accumulated this much I have to accumulate I have finished these rivals I have become the CEO of the one of the biggest companies which has swallowed all the small companies and I am so powerful I can annex anybody's any smaller countries and make my country rich etc. not only that I will venture into the outer space and I will be the first person to put my flag my country's flag there and I will be the first person to get whatever precious things I can get etc. etc. so three points I mentioned first point is that these people they do not know that death is stalking them anytime they can die and they can't take even one what we call a paisa with a hole even the smallest bit of coin they cannot take second point is even if a person has got everything all his time is spent only in accumulating and counting they have no time for enjoyment so the real enjoyment is requires time and a very precious mind etc. that is the very important second point we have to note down third point is of course that even if somebody has got unless a person has accumulated lot of punya and punya can be accumulated only by a person who believes in God who believes in afterlife who believes in other world because if a person suddenly dies if this is the end of life then all these statements do not work at all these are the three points you earn money you enjoy things you also share with them because it is only by sharing that punya will come really you will be able to enjoy and this will purify your heart and in a purified heart faith say well settles down and through that faith in God in scriptures you will attain ultimately God who is infinite and who is Ananda Swaroopa the very embodiment of bliss so this person Shankara is telling Saptapurusham Shotriyatvaadhi Sampannaha I am born in a family where my seven generations are endowed with Vedic learning whether this person has got Vedic learning etc. and he might have Vedic learning but he is a mere pundit learned man he is like a the vulture which soars very high but whose sight is fixed only on what is called ephemeral things of the world so because of all this he never imitates his people who have set such a glorious example before him he only takes pride I am born to them so then he says Tenapi Mama Tuliya Astikashchit even from the viewpoint of either wealth or great family tradition nobody can equal me not only that Kaha Anyaha Asti Sadrusha Tuliyaha Maya who else there is nobody some people have money some people are born in good families but nobody to be comparable to me Kincha moreover what do these people think how do Ekshe I am going to perform so many sacrifices for what to be known in the world as one of the greatest religious persons Ekshe Yage Napi Anyaan Abhi Bhavishyami I shall perform sacrifices and in respect of performing sacrifices also I shall defeat others as people will go on praising you are the greatest sacrificer in this world then we remember the story of the a mongoose whose half body became golden and the other half had never become golden if this mongoose story you please remember the Igna the sacrifice which Yudhishtira, Pancha Pandavas have done was such a glorious thing such a huge one that everybody praised in our lifetimes we have never seen such a great sacrifice and yet this mongoose who could speak human language came there and said this is nothing that poor brahmana who gave up his life for the sake of guests who have come that in comparison with that I just rolled over some of the livings that had accidentally fallen there and my half of the body has become golden such was the power of that sacrifice I have been rolling my body in all the livings these people had given plenty of it because there was plenty they could not even fill up their stomachs longing still there but stomach could not stomach it so but I rolled nothing happened this sacrifice O Yudhishtira do not become proud is completely nothing this marvelous story should also instill that wisdom in us it is punya it is humility it is remembering the grace of God whatever I have whatever I am capable of doing is only because of His grace then this person will not stop there what does he do? Dasyami Natadibhya I will give to artists etc you know in the past especially in the west in India also all the great writers artists everybody they have to be looked after by wealthy people especially the kings etc so they used to commission them you write these books you paint like this you sculpt like this you make these temples like this and not only these people were given an opportunity but that was also how they have been looked after by the king because that was his special profession the same thing happened the Medici family used to commission Michelangelo and other people contemporary painters, sculptors etc so that they can live comparatively happy life etc so I am going to be known as the greatest giver in this world Modishye Harsham cha atishayam prapsyami I shall rejoice and I shall derive intense joy Iti evam ajnana vimohitaha ajnanena vimohitaha vividham aviveka bhavam apannaha Shankara concludes thus these are the people deluded completely by the absence of discrimination overcome by non-discrimination subjected to various indiscriminatory actions because what a person thinks can become an action tomorrow what you dream today will become a fact tomorrow these people do not know that those who are deluded they are miserable now they will be miserable in future until they attain that viveka buddhi they will be completely deluded only proceeding to 16th aneka chitta vibhrantaha moha jala samavrutaha prasakthaha kama bhogesh patanti narake asuchau bewildered filled up by these fanciful thoughts imaginary thoughts entangled in the meshes of delusion addicted to the gratification of lust and lucre very soon they fall into a loathsome hell aneka chitta vibhrantaha completely deluded deluded aneka chitta means various thoughts rushing at lightning speed here and there and then these what is the origin of these kind of wrong thoughts moha jala samavrutaha they are the result of moha delusion they are caught in the net of this ignorance as Sri Ramakrishna says like fish is caught in the net of the fishermen then what is the result prasakthaha kama bhogesh they are completely merged until their head in what kama bhogesh lust lucre so called worldly enjoyments eating drinking and lust etc then very soon what happens that their whatever viveka discriminatory power is there that comes to an end sooner or later their karma phala the result of what all evil deeds they have done will catch up with them narake asu chao narake padanti they will fall into terrible hell hells also there are different types of hells in our Hindu literature there are six lokas are there beginning with this bumi seven worlds including our bumi there are these hells are there and the lowest of that hell the most horrible of that hell is called pathala and these people very soon tumble into it like a person who slips from upstairs and falling like a rubber ball bouncing from step to step very soon they come to the lowest and then they remain there for a long long time and then we have got this beautiful explanation to it moha jala samavruddha they are caught in the net of delusion what is this delusion? it is called indiscrimination that means wrong knowledge that means wrong actions and that is called ajnana the result of ignorance ajnana means ignorance result of ignorance is indiscrimination result of indiscrimination is thinking in the wrong way the result of thinking in the wrong way is doing evil deeds which do not fall at all but all the while justifying thinking we are doing the right thing tadeva jala meva that is completely covers them avarana atma katvad tena samad as if a thick veil has been thrown over their entire body and they are squirming like worms inside that dark net of ignorance then what happens? prasakta kama bhogeshu tatraiva nishannaha santah completely engrossed merged kama bhogeshu in the enjoyment of desirable objects desirable according to them being immersed in that itself tena nishannaha they don't want to come out tena nishannaha tena upachita kalmasah patanti narake asuchau vaitaranya dhau then what happens as a result? the result of their evil actions is going to overcome them sooner or later sooner and later they fall owing to the sins accumulated thereby where do they fall? asuchau into a foul dire hell narake hell such as vaitaranya and it will take them a long long time even when these people do worship even when they perform sacrifices it is only for self-glory not for anything else then proceeding to the 17th we will come to the explanation a little bit later next class atma sambhavitah sthabdhah dhana maana madhanvitah yajante nama egnayite dambhena avidhi porvakam they consider themselves we are the greatest self-honored haughty filled with the pride and the intoxication of wealth they ostentatiously perform sacrifices which are so only in name in utter disregard of precepts this is also very beautifully described both in the Mundaka Upanishad Katha Upanishad and Shri Ramakrishna also describes but in the Bhagavad Gita we get three types of worships tamasic worship rajasic worship sattvic worship these tamasic worship what is it that these people they do not believe in scriptures there are no recitation of the mantras there is no feeding of the poor people there is no giving of gifts etc. to the priests who are performing poor priests etc. absolutely nothing in whatever dark way dirty place etc. this is beautifully brought up by Shri Ramakrishna in the form of a beautiful story in a village there was a fellow he was called lotus eyed he wore the screen tied and there was a temple it was dilapidated and one day this fellow padalochan entered into it and there was a conch and he started blowing the conch the villagers thought that some rich person pious person has restored the temple and established gods and then he is performing his puja let us all joyfully go there and they saw and there was nothing but this fellow blowing the bats were there and their droppings were there nothing was cleaned there were no images there were no rituals there were no rituals no mantras nothing was there and these people they they simply blowing this we will discuss these things in our next class Om Vasudevasatam Devam Kamsa Chanura Marthanam Devaki Paramanandam Krishnam Vande Jagadguru May Ramakrishna Holy Mother and Swami Vivekananda bless us all with Bhakti these beautiful topics will continue in our next class Jai Ramakrishna