Om Hrim Ritam Lecture 03 on 08 September 2019: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "== Full Transcript (Not Corrected) == We are discussing the second hymn composed by Swami Vivekananda. As I mentioned, this hymn was composed because Swami Vivekananda had the vision of Sri Ramakrishna in the form of Mantra. Before we proceed further, very important point is say we have got eyes. In some people the eyes become very important indriyas.  For some people ( there is no microphone. So come and sit in the front) in some people the ear becomes very important....")
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Tasmat tvam-eva sharanam, mama dina-bandho
Tasmat tvam-eva sharanam, mama dina-bandho
[[Category:Om Hrim Ritam]]

Latest revision as of 05:53, 18 March 2024

Full Transcript (Not Corrected)

We are discussing the second hymn composed by Swami Vivekananda. As I mentioned, this hymn was composed because Swami Vivekananda had the vision of Sri Ramakrishna in the form of Mantra. Before we proceed further, very important point is say we have got eyes. In some people the eyes become very important indriyas.  For some people ( there is no microphone. So come and sit in the front) in some people the ear becomes very important.

Now people have recognized it. The  people who have got the ears very prominent, They can remember, they can hear better. They can become better musicians. Hence, they can distinguish The sounds better Etc. The people who have got eyes, they can become very good painters. They can distinguish the different colors Etc. So even though these are physical things, when a person, Sadaqah has an experience of God that experience also depends upon these.  This experience itself is beyond the five sense organs. But when they remembrance comes, I heard God's voice; I had a vision of God. For most of us, It is the eyes which are prominent. That's why we say I saw light, I saw particular form of God Etc. But if the ears are prominent then they hear. So important Point here is what does a form what does a sound really represent? It is nothing to do with form. It gives knowledge. See I can close my eyes and I can feel you. But  what do I get? Whether I'm seeing you or I am feeling you. What do I get?  Suppose  a tiger roars. What do I get? There is a tiger. Knowledge. the purpose of all the five sense organs is to obtain knowledge. That is important.

So when Swami Vivekananda he had a vision of Takur death beckoning him like that or he had the vision of Sri Ramakrishna in the form of 12 letters sounds, the point is he knew this is Sri Ramakrishna. So anyway different sadakas have different types of experiences based upon their physiological this one importance faculty importance. That is the difference between artists and artists painters as well as musicians.

So the people they some people can remember faces very nicely ask them. Do you remember? The name they can't remember some people remember the hearing, the sounds the movement. The live phone is lifted from outside. O we one can distinguish given between one’s dog barking and other’s dogs barking also. So  much of this subtle difference will be there. So what that is not important whether it is sound whether it is sight not important. What is important the knowledge is that we get important?

Look how Sri Ramakrishna is being described here -Om Hrim ritam tvam-achalha -  So the first om Hrim Rhythm we have discussed extensively. Om is the representation of parabrahma the highest reality? It has nothing to do with the shape or the size whether you write it like that, you know like that. Are you write in Telugu language? Kannada language Hindi language? That's not important what it conveys is important. Language is of two types spoken and written spoken language or written language. It has only one purpose when I'm reading something, Is it spoken or is it written? Both; the writing makes I'm hearing the author speaking to me. In either case what we should not forget It represents knowledge; some knowledge is coming here. So omkara in whatever language you write. However, you pronounce it. So that is that represent the Divine Lord.

And God has got two aspects - the impersonal and personal. So Nirguna Brahma and Saguna Brahma. Nirguna Brahma cannot be described. It  cannot be even thought about. Why? thought is what thought  means - In particular knowledge about any particular object is called thought. Thought  of a chair;  thought of a table. There is a distinction between thought of the chair thought of the then you understand. This is a different object. That is a different object. And this is good. It's not so good. that ability to look at Infinity in a finite manner finite manner means distinguishing one from the other is called Saguna of Brahma.

Nirguna  means there is no distinction. suppose. You see a lake. Do you distinguish left side of the water right side of the water back water? Current water year ago water below water. You cannot distinguish water. But if there is some dirt Etc then you say dirty water sweet, water salt water; but that is not about water. do you see the when we say Sweet water we are not talking about water. We are talking about sweet. Separate two separate objects. That is why we are using two separate words. You can make even three separate words Sweet – very tasty - water.

But you are again distinguishing it what is sweet is what is tasty and everybody doesn't feel it. What what is my point my point is impersonal cannot be described. Description means division. Description means there must be at least two objects to describe if there is only one object. You cannot describe it. Why when we say one object? I don't mean I am there and one object is there. It  means Oneness. There  is no “I” There is no “you” there is no “it”. So that is what is symbolically represented by om. Does it really represent The impersonal God? No. But we have to go through the door called Saguna Brahma. When we go out of Saguna Brahma, What remains is Nirguna Brahma. That  is why the last idea in a great spiritual aspirants mind is called Brahma akara vrithi.  

It is everything. It is a thought. Because  you are thinking about God. But your mind has become so pure as if the mirror is so clean. There is no difference between the person and the reflection as it were. Okay, only Saguna Brahma can be described. But  nobody can experience Nirguna Brahma unless he gets out of the door called Saguna Brahma. That is why omkara is described as both representing Nirguna  Brahma as well as Saguna Brahma.

Now, we have to distinguish it. I discussed it already in my past class. So ah uh ma is a divided into 2. Ah is one uh is one but that Makara is a divided into two parts. Ommmm that hmm. Represents Nirguna Brahma. om represents.

Saguna Brahman. Why does it will do so, because   I hope you remember what we discussed the whole world consists of innumerable objects. Every object has got a name and every name has to come through sounds. That sound box it begins with ah and ends with mm. so  you cannot pronounce Rama without touching the lips. so good like this and say rah. Rah, rah. He can't do that. They have to touch. Ma you cannot utter Ma. In fact, this is called oshtus  pha pa bha  ba ba ba ma ba ba ba ba ma tha So they have to touch it. Is it oshtus  or oshtus  means lip? So the lips are very necessary.  

That's why some people they have some problem, you know.

Then they cannot pronounce these words now. Anyway, what is most important for us is a whole universe consists of many objects. Every  object has a particular name and every name is to be expressed through a sound. All sounds have to pass through from akara to  from here to here.

And what is that particular sound which covers everything from here to here. If  I say, ah, it covers only this if I say, uh it covers only this. if I say ma it covers here if I say om -, ah, uh, ma So just as a dictionary contains the names of everything in this universe and in English dictionary consists of how many alphabets only 26. within 26 letters from Saguna Brahman. You're gonna grow my every Brahma is Brahma as well as Brahma. Both are both are contained in this 26 letter the whole that encyclopedia Britannica. The whole thing is contained within it is a combination of 26 letters is OM is the only symbol in this world which represents every object in this world because it covers from A to Z A to Z are acara to kshakara.

Our Sanskrit ends where. Ksha . ahh and ksha.I home yet allow us a shock shock shock. Trey is not a particular. It is Car Plus the Shah is called Ksha. That's why I say k s h a ksha. the sound  ends when  it strikes this part. the sound we hear is a when it travels further and Strikes here. That becomes uh. Ah  + uh  becomes oh and when it comes here it becomes om. Sanskrit consonant and vowels when they combine, you know, AA plus a plus a. plus a plus a plus a is only a e+ e same and a becomes a ah + uh  becomes Oh. so like that it continues and ends with anuswara and visarga.

aMm-hmm. Aha. Um, so now you understand om in this whole world. There is not another word so far as We Know, Which is pronounced  from here to here completely. Huh? They have specialized in it. It is not one particular syllable. ah is one yo don't This consonants  You don't Say Ka, ku plus a is Ka. Ku Plus e is key. We write and we are learning the alphabet. If the point is there is a special word especially used in many languages, especially It just Sanskrit language. It is called a Ksha.  So  that ksha is ku, ah, shu, ah. That's  why they have created one special letter. It is not one syllable. It is a combination of syllables. So  fifty two syllables are there. Ksha is one among them?

Ksha is one of them. But the important point of why om represents everything. That's what Swami Vivekananda understood Sri Ramakrishna as para Brahma – he  is also Saguna Brahma. There was an incident one day Sri Ramakrishna  was talking with Swami Vivekananda. And then Sri Ramakrishna  described how the Jagat has come. After  that. He asked Swami Vivekananda What did you - did you hear what I said? Yes. What did you hear? Everything has come from you?

From the body-mind everything cannot come only from Pure Consciousness Everything comes. Anyway, that is OM when om becomes a grossified  And how does it become om. becomes combined with Maya Brahma plus Maya. Maya means Shakhty. Shakhty means interactive agent. Interactive agent, you know something like pure milk is milk, but you put a little bit of yogurt immediately. It changes its nature it big or does it become yogurt?

So if you compare parabrahma to milk Then Maya Shakhty, is that which Kurds? From it -it is their inherent in it. It cannot come from outside because besides Brahman it was nothing else therefore Maya Is there. unmanifested Brahman is Nirguna Brahman. manifested? Brahman is Saguna Brahman.

Okay. Anyway, these are difficult Concepts to understand. Otherwise, you will blow away all Advaitha philosophy. Swami Vivekananda is used to tell the joke, you know, the Christian Bible starts with the Act of Creation. So first God created Adam and Eve like that made story was there first God created man and woman like a Potter creates out of clay. He first makes And then he put them on the fence for drying now to get ready.  So drying. Then one fellow  was listening. Pathri, I don't understand you for you said first God created man and woman, but now you're saying he put man and woman on the fence. which was created first fence or man or woman. The fellow had no reply. We said Jones one more question like that You smashes all theology.

So don't ask where from Maya has come. Maya has come from Brahman Only. Brahman only then manifested is called ishwara. Iswara is married. Brahman is a Saguna  Brahma and that's why all problems come.  Birth Srishti Sthithi and Laya.  unmarried Brahman is called parabrahman. bishambhar Panna Tricia nigari to Leah Nguyen Targetmn Here we are not talking about a Nirguna brahma. we are talking about Saguna Brahman.

We are not about Saguna Brahman ha because our mind is like the mirror that is absolute truth. They discovered it so many years back our illusion is I am seeing you, you are there.

There is an illusion. I am not seeing you the eyes have and ears have brought some information and that information is presented to the mind. I am looking at you through the mind.

That's why if you don't have the mind you don't see me, even

if you're sitting in front of you don't see me. I don't see you. You don't see me. I don't exist. You don't exist. This is the simple truth. This is psychology. right now psychology discovered. No man's is nobody sees anything outside only we see everything only inside understand now, (okay now it is come but the light itself has not come. Fiddle with that switches there because first red light has to come. If it is not coming put it below. No. Trustees of the red light had to come anyway, if it comes hopefully we'll see.))

Are you able to hear me clearly? Okay, that's enough.  So this Saguna Brahma is represented by hreem. Hreem is the bija  a mantra for Shakhty. Maya is called Shakhty svarupini.  And  because it does activity. So Brahman without activity is Nirguna impersonal. Brahman with activity is Saguna  of Brahma. So what is the activity - Srishti Sthithi and Laya. so every activity that we Do consists of these three.

so I am my hand is here. Somehow  I felt the desire to lift it there is a beginning there is a progress and there is an end everything if you analyze you start breathing in keep it there breathe out. every single act Has a beginning as a progress and in ends that is why it is called Desha Kala nimita. Let me dwell upon it because it's such a wonderful concept. So any activity can be done only if there is a space. If somebody ties me chains  my hand up like that, I cannot move it. Why because there is no space. I need a space to move up and down. You understand now.

So to any beginning of any activity and their progress and then ending requires dhesha  and the kala. This was the greatest discovery of Einstein time and space are two aspects of the same reality. time and space now we added  one third element. What is it called nimita? What  is nimitha – means  cause so why do you feel that? You have to lift your hand.

Simply Nobody lifts, its hand or nose or anything. Why do you breathe? There is a reason because you have to survive. Why do you lift your hand may be a mosquito is biting you  to drive it away. So every activity whether it is a right purpose wrong purpose. There is a a purpose and every activity can do can be done only with the help of energy and every activity requires dheysha  and kala. The time and space.

So the whole mind is nothing but dheysha  and kala and nimitta. the whole body comes out of mind therefore the body also represents the mind and therefore the body also has to go through dheysha  and kala and nimitta. time space and causation. and all these things require energy that energy is called Hrim  Shakhty beija Mantra. so that Nirguna Brahma represented by omkara becomes Saguna Brahma represented by Hrim.

This Shakhty It must have a purpose so that is why the purpose can be two fold Dharma and adharma. So the Dharma gives the result which we are seeking adharma  gives the opposite. Oh, you want to go down now? So you start from here? Where do you go you go to the door suppose you go through this door. Suppose it is open and you go through this door. There is also a way to go and is a much faster way. This is called adharma. This is called Dharma.

So this om Hrim. Hrim degenerated, properly regulated is called rhythm. Rhythm means Cosmic order moral order Dharma. And then everything has got its nature that is called. Also Rhythm a mango tree will become a mango seed will become a mango tree. a mango tree yields only mangoes. This is called a rhythm. It is in what is called inevitable? You cannot do otherwise because that is what it is made for. So ultimately according to vedanta the Rhythm within us. What is that Rhythm? Each soul is potentially Divine.  there is no way you might try to go here and there that is also progress. If you go back also that is also part of the progress. how it can be progress.

Swami Abedanandaji
Swami Abedanandaji

I will dwell on this in two points. The first point is he was telling a man is walking and suddenly he came across a small stream. It is about 5, 6 feet wide. Now while  walking You Can't Jump by 6 feet. So what did he do – he went back about 10 feet started running and when he came to this stream is jumped and cleared a place and that is what you see Olympic Games pole vaulting and then long jump. What do they do? There  is a point where from they start running and they go on increasing the running when they point there is a point Beyond which you can't put your foot otherwise it foul from there. They jump into the sand. Pole  vault Also, they do like that.

Now this guy this man he saw this stream, he went back came running and cleared the stream  in one jump. Now   is it progress or is it regress? Regress.  No, it is part of the progress. It is part of the progress. This is the important point you have found out. So this is the second point wanted to tell. A man is eating wrongly and you see the he got some disease. So is it a progress or? Is it a regress?? It's a part of the progress because he learned his lesson if he learned his lesson, he will never again eat wrong food. He will safeguard himself forever. So this is how every failure is a stepping stone to success. That's why Swami Vivekananda says there is nothing called failure.  is just  Learning our lessons. This is how evolution is going. There is no mistake. That's why Swami Vivekananda went to The Extent There is no sinner every sin is something to be learned.

Now you may think this is pulling vedanta too much. But it's not too much. There is no sinner in the sense, Somebody murders somebody. According to our theory of karma pala the fellow is who has been murdered was he destined to be murdered or not? Then what is why is that fellow called murdered murderer? Why is that person called murderer you deserved. That's why you got it. Then. I must be given reward isn't it? I will be given reward if I consider myself as an instrument. I will be punished say let's supposing I send you some nice sweet through a servant or one of our devotees and the devotees without mentioning my name he gives it to you. Then you think that oh, I'm so grateful to you. That fellow has not  mentioned my particular name.

So is it right thing or the wrong thing? Ah, so it is God who has made as instruments and each one of us are instruments for exhausting each other's Karma. But if we become egotistic, that's why Sri Ramakrishna says ego is the only enemy. There is no other enemy. ego egotism is the only enemy so that's what for  fun  He used to say - a man went and question. Sri Ramakrishna. When do I see God? Sri Rama Krishna said when you die you see God. this fellow said if I die who is going to see God. Sri Ramakrishna  meant When your “I”   dies ego dies. Then you alone. You will know that you are not the body / mind. You are God Himself. This is called death of the ego.

Otherwise, even if you commit suicide then death will not come. That's why I'm extending my imagination support two fellows. Committed suicide and they met the other world one fellow is reading stupid fellow. You are really stupid for the other fellow said why he said you wanna had you followed My Method you would have died instantaneously without pain. And you fellow you did not know you never took my advice. That is after a long struggle somehow you died. Follow, what is the easiest way to die? I'm not encouraging you. ( Big Laughter)  What is the easiest way to die, you know personal experience? The Tuesday before - not last Tuesday - But before that I had my surgery. Very  nice people, you know Swamiji now you will get some nice smell and that ammonia is beautiful smelling ammonia. Then I remembered holy mother two breaths or so. I don't remember even that. I'm out only after 4 hours or so I came out.  Is  this not the best -if they put it a little longer time even a bit more of ammonia. Then I would have found myself on the Other side. Is  it not? yes. There's one way if somebody presses like that, you will die as simple as that. This is the best easiest pleasantest very beautiful fragrance was coming.

Don't try me just I have no selfishness is only pure unselfish advice. So there is another way take a knife. They Japanese hari-kari go on doing it. You  know they push, you know that Hari-Kiri. they take a sword  and then with the wrap it in cloth and then do it and then go on during the day that this is called Hari-Kiri Japanese culture. Okay. So Rhythm is a moral order Cosmic order. What is the cosmic order? Everything has got its own nature and everything follows its own nature from birth to death.

So this is the most wonderful thing. We have to understand if each one of us have to grow with our own nature slowly purify ourselves and grow and we have to find out what is the best way what is my nature? What is my liability? What is my assets find it out and grow along with your own in your own line of growth.

It could be Karma Yoga, bakthi Yoga, Raja yoga or Gnana  yoga.  Yoga is common. But which faculty is there? That is what is indicated here by the word rhythm. Then the next epithet Sri Ramakrishna is OM. Sri Ramakrishna is a Nirguna Brahma. sri ramakrishna is Hrim. Sri Ramakrishna is the Saguna Brahma. Sri Ramakrishna  is the cosmic moral order. even if people don't believe in God They have to believe any moral order. even if they don't believe in the killing other even if they believe in killing the other people they have their own concept of moral order. If I eat this food this much at this time, my health will be better health. Everybody knows even an animal knows even a mosquito knows.

Who does how do you know mosquito knows because if you let it to drink your blood it won't go on drinking 24 hours. It knows if it will cause indigestion. It might lead also to its death. It's like it is as soon as the stomach is over first even a joke knows joke means –leach  leach  in some places leeches. They can only drink as much as they swell after that they fall off by themselves. Yeah, and very clever also, you will not know anything painlessly there. So it is called leaching. Yes, so Sri Ram Krishna is rhythm.

Then he says thvam achalaha. Krishna's nature is achala. Now the beauty of this Stotra hymn  is whatever are the epithets for Sri Ramakrishna applies to each one of us in our true Nature. because we are nothing none else, but  Brahman in the form of name and form. then gunajith – sri  Ram, Krishna is  The conqueror of Gunas. why is it said the whole universe is made up of Guna's prakruti  consists of sathva rajas and tamas. What is it that binds this universe these three Gunas? Tamo Guna is the lowest organism. Rajo Guna is the in between sathva guna people who know about God. in between infinite variations are there.

So every creature’s body is a representation of these three qualities, and these three qualities are representations of three levels of knowledge. The fellow who thinks I am The body is represented by Thamas. They creature who knows I am both the body and mind is represented by rajas and the creature who knows I am pure sathva. Is represented by sathva guna.   Knowledge.  pure mind. So that pure mind is called brahmanna. Sathva, Guna representative is called brahmanna. Sathva rajo guna MisRita human being is called kSathria. In  that sathva. Guna is less rajo Guna is more.

Then he who is dominated by rajo-guna dominated by more Thamas than sathva is called vaishya.  And the person who is  dominated by thamo Guna then more of rajo-guna, then more or less of rajo-guna Still less of sathva. Guna is called shudra. It has nothing to do with birth and other things.

So the every human being every creature is represented by three Gunas. now it is the three Gunas which binds. one meaning of the guna say the word Guna has two meanings. One meaning which we know quality other meaning is that which binds is a rope guna means rope means that which binds now Sri Ramakrishna  has been given the epithet gunajith  It means is a conqueror of Gunas. That means he's the master of guna's so he can assume any Guna he likes any combination of Gunas He likes. When he is in pure samadhi, what is he gonna? Pure sativa, when he is teaching.

Sathva Guna but expressed  through  rajo-guna. why you know? funny, you know is there was one Swami very Learned Swami I won't name him but his voice is just like Whispers it comes in. “lion of vedanta Roars” - the “lion of vedanta Roars

saying wait – hardly anybody can hear.

When Sri Ramakrishna teaches every single syllable is heard

by everybody Crystal clearly and penetrates their thick skins. That is what is called sathva-guna expressed through Rajo Guna.  So he's a conqueror. He can also assume thmoguna. What is the thmoguna, he gets angry. durvasa, which Guna is expressing. Thamoguna because he's supposed to be very angry person. Anger, Kama and croda are called thamoguna.

So how can a how can a great rishi be a creature of anger though? It is God who is working through him for the welfare of the beings. the same curse when a surgeon is that was just giving an example you see through the window. five six people were holding one fellow and one fellow with a cloth around his takes as saw and then bara-bara like that. He's cutting that fellow's legs. What would be your opinion about that fellow who is cutting? He's a demon cutting other fellow, but we don't know he is a surgeon under the best  thing best the best he could do under those circumstances because there was no anesthesia. They had hold him if they don't cut he will die. He's trying to save his life by removing the gangrenous affected part of the body under those circumstances. Now is is what work  he is doing?

Thamoguna. But Thamoguna this tamo-guna. Is it good or evil now? You see the thamoguna  could be also very good. Sri Ramakrishna  expresses it in his own inimitable language. There are three types of Physicians. Who is the first place position? No response. See the third class  physician prescribes. The medication is my good man. You take this medicine you'll be okay and goes away. second-class physician spends more time. Are you taking every day every day? He will ask restaurants tape. It will be very good. But if the patient doesn't listen then what does the first class, dr. Do. he will sit on his chest catch hold of his throat and And pushes the medicine down his throat. when you look at him. It appears as though he is a thamasic fellow. but actually is a sathva for the welfare of the patient he is doing like that.

Thamas of the shudra is really the lowest expression. but Thomas of the gnani is the highest expression. Yeah, that is why it is said a very baby is a kumbhakarna.  kumbhakarna knows only two things. So especially Bengali is that's why I call him a Bengali. You know, why is he saying in Bengali cause here but they do e KY or sweet. There are only two activities in the whole life eat and sleep. So that's why I am every baby represents thaMoguna eat – and sleep.  But that is the best thing that can happen for the baby. when the same baby grows up into youth. He becomes Ravana Asura. He  is running a man is running after woman woman is running away from man. Now and then  They're looking whether that fellow is following or not. Is it called running away? He wants she wants him to come. This is called Rajoguna.  and when our teeth are lost he becomes a vedonthi.   Which guna Sathva guna.  for sometimes forced Sathva guna. Yeah, every patient is observing a ecaudashy vrata.  Any  way Sri Ramakrishna  is the conqueror of Gunas. That means he the master that means he can assume any of the sathva rajas thamas cetera according to the need. he can get angry you can scold he can beat also. Yes.

So gunedyaha here first meaning of gunajith . It means is a conqueror master of sathva. rajas and  Thamas. The  second word guna means beautiful qualities, wonderful spiritual qualities, bakthi Gnana Viveka vairagya   Dhyana Ekagrata kshama theJas all these, you know, all the wonderful qualities described in the Bhagavad-Gita and other Upanishads. almost marvelous qualities we can find In any human being in this world are all gathered in one personality. So that is the meaning of gunedyaha means adorned with best qualities. So oh lord  you are this Nirguna  Brahma you are the Saguna   Brahma. You are the moral order and thvam achalaha.

I gave a meaning following parasharabhatta. achalaha means the Divinity will never become non Divine. However much is covered. achalaha means immutable immutable means changeless. Many times we are also immutable Baba go on thinking a little. Huhum.  Second week Baba go on thinking a little unchangeable not in that sense. unchangeable means he can infinite cannot be changed. But the other meaning I gave was once a devotee surrenders himself to the Lord. He lord catches hold of his hand and said, you may try to leave me. I am not going to leave you. SRI Rama gave that Abhayam to Vibhishana. when Vibhishana has surrendered then he said that once any devotee says to me. Oh Rama, I belong to you. He  will never leave that person. He may try to run away, but I will not leave him. That is how parashara is. This achala this word then not this is what you are. What is my condition?

Naktam-divam - Naktam- means night. Divam  means daytime.  Sakarunam with great humility, pity,  upon myself tawa  Pada padmam - your Lotus feet.

What  type of person I am Moham kasham my whole mind is completely formed of only impurities means thamasic & rajasic  qualities. That means samsaric qualities. that means agnana.  Sri Ramakrishna  gives a beautiful illustration of it in the very first chapter of the Gospel, Sri Ramakrishna  and EM very first meeting Sri Ramakrishna  asked. How is your wife?

What type of wife? Good person, but I am afraid ignorant. Oh tumi gani Bujji. You are you're a knowledgeable person. Then M was remarking until that time. He did not understand he who got academic knowledge is a knowledgeable person.

You did not pass through school College Etc is a Ignorant person, but what's a ram Krishna meant is if you know who you are, you are a gnani if you don't know who you are, you know, everything, you know all about zeros. You don't know about one. You are the most ignorant person and he Illustrated it is a beautiful story.

A pundit was once traveling in a boat. And nobody appreciated his scholarship. So  he thought let me exhibit it to this Boatman. Have you studied vedanta?  No, sir. Have you studied viaKarana. No, sir.   Granda? No, sir. Have  you studied poetry? No, sir. Literature? No, sir. Every  time he says no 1/4 of your life is gone, half of your life is gone, 3/4 of your life is wasted.  meanwhile a storm arose.  The Boatman ask  one question, you know how to swim. He said no. your whole life is wasted. So this is what Sri Ramakrishna meant. A person who knows he is saved. A person who doesn't know he sinks more and more.  what samsara  means  words confused. That's why we have to use words that we can understand samsara means suffering. He who is in samsara is called  some sorry. some sorry. You want to be in samsara and not to be sorry. How is it possible? Samsara means suffering. Moksha means Happiness. Happiness use it that way so who does not want Moksha? Everybody wants happiness only. Otherwise you do this you are talking nonsense. I'm not talking nonsense. You are talking nonsense. We want to be happy forever, or do you want to be happy for a second and suffer for whole life? That's why whenever anybody gets married the first go and then come to meet me. First question.

I asked how many mistakes have you committed. if they have

children so many mistakes if they are married only one mistake. from one mistake come all of the mistakes But we will also get over it. That's so you're coming here, you know Bhagavad-Gita.

So he says  Mohan-kasham - My mind is completely covered with moha.  Moha means what? Delusion what is the delusion to understand something right as wrong and wrong as right is called delusion. So my mind is full of this moha.  and that is why we only Act According to our knowledge. So if we see something it is written Amrita, but actually what is inside is poison – Visha. what is written outside Amrita? And another bottle what is written outside Visha  what is inside Amrita? So we go by the externalities. oH this will give me Happiness and afterwards only we realize after a long time. He realized first. They don't realize you know what happens so I have taken the wrong bottle. But the other bottles  may contain. After drinking all the bottles where written Amrita, and he comes to know that if they're a bottle is filled only with visha then he comes to his senses. That means to say any object  Which we think gives happiness in this world, Is it like a bottle which is written Amrita? But inside  visha then what is the antidote you come to any ashrama read Bhagavad-Gita bible Koran anything you read outside it is written. Visha. you have to give up this to give up that you do this you do that. Give up give up give up give up give up. That is called what I call  visha, but if you really drink that one BieberE a rama rasam Rusane - a this is the truth.

So Naktam-divam  - day AND night. sakarunam with great repentance and humility tava pada-padmam your Lotus feet, bahu-kritam. I have done various evil actions. na bhaje yato'ham I know by worshiping your Lotus feet I can get out of this, but I know it here, but my heart doesn't agree for that. Therefore O Lord

“Tasmat tvam-eva sharanam, mama dina-bandho.” therefore

O Lord, you are dina-bandhu - Means hope for what does poor men here poor means not home today. I have sent something a lottu  mj  tells what is poverty? the fellow who is not happy by worshipping God the fellow he is a poor fellow. the fellow and who may not have anything but if he worships God feels very happy. He is the  Rich person according to lattu mj. –

What  a beautiful expression. You know, what is poverty? What is richness? So Dina Bandu means here dheNA means I'm an ignorant person. And you are the savior of the ignorant people. Oh Lord, Tasmat tvam-eva sharanam, I take refuge in you why because you alone can save me and you are a dinabandu, that means you love to save people. There may be people who can save you but they are not inclined to save like, you know so many rich people they can give but they don't give. You don't feel like giving. So they are the poorest people on Earth. Poor, also in the sense of karma Theory. because if a rich man donates suppose a man has got million and he donates 3/4 of his money To some good cause is he losing or is he getting. Getting . first  point second point is in this world go to any Bank how much interest they will give you. Very little. But this Karma pala  Bank puniya bank It will give guarantees, you no, no thousand percent. Thousand percent you don't ask me. How do I know? How do I know once you know beam Sena was in an elevated mind. He says he saw SRI Krishna and he was telling “Krishna I offer my both Puniya and papa” about to say that immediately. yuthisTara got hold of his hand. He said tell exactly utter the words. Lord Krishna, I have here OFFERING  only all my puniya  to you. Then Bhīma asked why did you tell me like that.  Dharma says whatever you give to Krishna. It will come back a hundredfold, thousand fold thousand fold. So if you give puniya it will thousand percent interest Will come. But if you give papa also it will also come back to you thousand fold. That's why   Never offer Papa to god.  only one one you have to suffer only that much. Otherwise, you have to suffer thousand fold. That is how I took advantage of that story thousand fold it for your so in this world There is nothing anybody loses by sacrificing it for others. This is a fact. That is the scripture says. That  is what every saint to tells us. But  we know it. but does it bring any response in our hearts? Yeah, some people don't even smile or do you lose by smiling, you know smile Bubba at least smile if you if you laugh The Whole World Laughs  with you.

If you weep, weep alone. Nobody will WEEP  with you. So now we know what we are talking about. Oh Lord, you are Nirguna Brahma, you are Saguna Brahman. You are the moral order your Dharma your karma siddhanta. You are the Conqueror of the three Gunas and you are adorned with the most adorable guna's. What is one of the qualities that I it's a good ideas in do without any reason without Any expectation he bestows his best upon anybody who approaches him and if they should do but even though you are like that even though I know it day or night with the greatest humility greatest longing. I did not surrender myself to you and I have committed lots and lots of evil deeds. I am not worship your Lotus feet. Therefore, The only way for me is Surrender myself to you means now I can't do you do on my behalf. This is the meaning.

Bhaktir bhagas-cha bhajanam, bhava-bheda-kari

Gach-chantyalam, suvipulam, gamanaya tattvam;

Vak-trod-dhritopi hridi me, nacha bhati kinchit

Tasmat tvam-eva sharanam, mama dina-bandho

The fourth line is comma only four slokas. So what is bakthi means devotion? bhagaha means knowledge. That  means knowledge that means bakthi Yoga. bakthi means bakthi-yoga. bhaga means Gnana yoga. And bajana means bhajana yoga bhajana Yoga. What is bajeena here? There is a Sanskrit meaning for it Baja savayam. Not bhajana. Bhaja savayam. Karma Yoga. Through Karma, through bakthi, through knowledge, through Karma completely dedicated to you, through any one of these things. What is he telling “bhava-bheda-kari - any one of them can destroy this Bava. Bava means of agNana. Ignorance.  bheda-kari means capable of destroy. approach God through bhakti through gNana or through karma yoga of all yoga's.

They are sufficient and then he says:

Gach-chantyalam, suvipulam, gamanaya tattvam;--

tattwa means god, that means truth. gamanaya  means to reach the truth. Any one of them is Alam- more than sufficient. Suvipulam - clear paths all these are very clear paths. You don't need to entertain any doubt. Or any one of them independently singly can take one to God. I know that. Very clear understanding Is there. conviction is there? I am talking about it.  That is why – vaktra means through my mouth ; udrutha means I am going on talking about it. I know it. hridi me, nacha bhati kinchit - but my heart is running after the old ways. It is not responding.

What does it mean response the moment? I hear Let Me Be A devotee. Let me be practice gNana. Yoga means we which viveka buddhi.  let me serve God. Really Can you serve God? Does  God require anything your service?

That means serving God through people who do not have. That beautiful story of Namdev, I will tell you before you start. Vak-trod-dhritopi – again And again, I'm talking that His Highest philosophical truths. hridi me, nacha bhati kinchit - even little response is not coming.

That means I am not practicing what I am talking about.

Tasmat tvam-eva sharanam, mama dina-bandho the

Now I  told you Shiva gnane jive seva. a beautiful story of Namdeva  in short.  Namdeva once went on a pilgrimage to Kashi. There is a law, whoever visits kashi  he must visit rameshwaram. That's why a grandmother's and others used to show when we used to lie down outside at night a light comes like that some name is there (Milky Way) I forget that. one from south to North our this galaxy throws a lot of light as though it is a royal path. Have you ever noticed of course, you have not noticed; why because you don't sleep or side and even if you sleep outside, Is full of pollution you can't see it.

When all the lights will go off. Then light pollution will stop there are different pollution there is  atmospheric pollution with smoke and all those things if they're aero plane that goes do you know how much pollution into creates every motorcycle every Jeep very car every train anything that has done through this missions produces pollution. This is called pollution. Another pollution is called noise pollution. From everywhere noise, noise, noise is being generated that is called noise pollution.

Then at you cannot see much into the space that is called light pollution. these lights at night. You know, they throw that light that is why you can't see anything There. you go to any village where there is no light. You can see all the stars Crystal as though they are chandeliers hanging. Ed do you can touch them and you can see the meteors falling down like that? So it travels like that. nothing travels like that it is travelling like this, but your illusion makes storage is traveling from one side to another side. So there is a path. so Namdeva  he  went to Kashi he followed he carried Ganges water and that with that water rameshwar Shiva had to be Bathed, abisheka  had to be done. So he walked all the way along with hundred thousands of people and he reached the door of this Rameshwar Temple.

He saw a thirsty donkey almost on the point of death. every

Pilgrim saw it.  And  then they were hurry inside. Namdev said  now this is Shiva for me. Why do I should I pour water on a what is called lifeless Stone here is a living Shiva and immediately. He took the water opened its mouth went on pouring it. Everybody was discouraging. hay namdeba, They were all your puniya will disappear. So let it disappear. I don't care. This is my Shiva if I can help one creature. Then I consider my life blessed. This is called Shiva gnane jiva seva.

Yes, you can do it in two ways. You can do it in two ways. What is the two ways one way is when you are sleeping and a mosquito finds you conveniently this is called unconscious, Dhana. Upon waking up. You consider it Dhana. It will not just take it many times. There are good mosquitoes. They also return it. Dengu fever all those they also return in gratefulness. They also give you back. but consciously supposing your something is coming you're awake and it is coming and biting you. There are also two methods are there. One method you can prevent it. another method are see how many mosquitoes we are going to see if it's full of mosquitoes. So you have to consider yourself. Shiva gnane jiva seva.  

you know, what it means? Of  all the donations blood donation in the most meritorious donation, which you donation blood donation. and here of all the donations. Donating blood to a pregnant female is the greatest Merit.

And here is a pregnant female mosquito and there can be no

greater dhana other than this. if you can consider it might

give you some consolation. So shiva gnane jiva seva.

That is what akhandanandaji's  life. Only one incident. I will narrate to you that they were all sleeping under one mosquito net because they could not afford. huge mosquito. Net all the seven eight brothers monks were sleeping. It was summer. It was Calcutta, you know terrible humidity. They can't breathe. They were restless. They want to get rest. Because they will get up at three before 3:00 and sit for meditation. Sometimes don't get up until three o'clock in the afternoon so much joy, they were getting intoxication. So they need a little bit of sleep then one day. Akandanandaji saw that  they were restless. You took a big fan dip it in water went on and then after a few seconds, he found all the brothers for sleeping very peacefully. And then he said my heart was filled with the greatest joy that I can get. I am able to serve our Guru Maharaj in the form of my brother disciples. They are this is called Shiva gnane jiva seva.

Anyway, what is the essence of this second verse? Oh Lord that you any anybody can reach through any path either to the path of bakthi Gnana Or Karma. and each path is capable of taking anyone of  us out of the net of Maya. Enough to destroy ignorance make me attain mukthi Moksha, even though I know it even though I know it correctly. I'm convinced of it all so. I'm not able to change my character why because of the strength of past evil samskaras. each one of our case. we can understand it.

So oh Lord, there is no other way for me, excepting taking Refuge at your Lotus feet. So I take refugees out of your grace. You accept me and take me out of this maya jala.

Tasmat tvam-eva sharanam, mama dina-bandho