Sri Suktam Lecture 13 on 04 April 2024: Revision history

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7 April 2024

  • curprev 11:2411:24, 7 April 2024Vamsimarri talk contribs 35,580 bytes +35,580 Created page with "== Full Transcript (Not Corrected) == OM SRI LAKSHMI PRASADA SIDDHYARTHE JAPE HOMEVA VINAYOGAHA We have been studying the Sri Suktam. In our last class, we have discussed about Rig No. 18. As I said, the real Rigs are there only 15 and 16 onwards. Nearly sometimes 13, sometimes counted as 14 numbers, sometimes even 15 numbers. These are called just Eulogy or what is called Phalashruti. What benefits do we get? Because every human being is a selfish person. Without desiri..." Tag: Visual edit